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.. "�i ir.:� � _ .. . . :.�-ri+'-''�,r,a;�. <br /> '� � � �. -•-- . - , _�;�.._�=- <br /> � � _ -. �.Y..���,...T�.�_----- � ,� -_ <br /> � . .,.� ��-�- � �_- - <br /> - .,��ca� ,. . . .-,_ <br /> ....,�.t.. • ,��� � -,- <br /> . .;: �__ <br /> ::NY.�.a.•.,�.,.. .. �- <br /> - <br /> � - rLV� � r', Yi� 1U2418 <br /> � ,,..:.�.�;.:Hrti--"i�� ,� �� � <br /> �:�_:�_., � nppNcable luw may specify far relnstatemenq before sale af the Propeny pursuum to uny puwer eFsule comain�l in�hie <br /> '"""�'°tT�' '' Seeurity Instrumem;arlb)entry of u judgment enforefng�hi+�3ecuri�y Inr�tn�meN. 't'hoRC condiUon�ur�:ihat Borrawer: l�l �- -- <br /> � pays Lenc�r ull sum�which then would be due under �his Securily Inx�rumcnt unJ thc Nc►tc ux ii no ucccicralion had <br /> y,' ' . ,., accuRed;(b)curea Any default of any other covenumr or agrecmenl+�:lcl puya u��expenux incurrcd in cnfarcing�hiy Security __ <br /> Insirument, including.but not limited to, rcationable attom�yc'feex; und Id) tuke, such uction ax Lender may rcusonably �._ <br /> `� � '��' � •. . �eyuire to ussurc that tSic lien af Ihi�Sccurity Instrument,Lender ti righl�in ihc Prapcny und Butr�►werk ubligulfon to puy thc �s 4_ <br /> . .. • .� <br /> •� � �, sums secured by Ihis Security Inhtrument shall continuc unchunged. Up�m reins�atemem by Borcawer. �hix Secudty <br /> ��.. ---� - Instrument unJ the obligutians nccured hcrcby,hufl remain fully effective ug if no uccderu�ion had accurnd. Hnwever,�his d!--__ <br /> �� �,� ri�ht to rcinstute shail not apply in�he ca.ce of acceleru�ian under puragrnph 17. ��=- <br /> �,`�'�� 19. Sak o�Note; Cbwnge of Loan Servker. Thc N�te or a paniul intcrcsi in thc Notc Il��gether with Ihiti Security �F:.:_ <br /> � ,� .. • . Instmmenq may bc wld one or more dmcs without prior naicc �a HoROwcr. A sidc muy rc�ull in a chungc in thc entity � � <br /> °�- --- -"- (known ns the"I.oan Servicer")thut collects monlhly paymenls due unde�Ihe Nole and titix Securiry im/rumenl, Tln:�c elno �a� - <br /> ` . mAy be one or more cAunges of the Lonn Servicer unreluted lo u salr of the Nnte. If there is u chunge of Ihe Lo;u�Serviccr, <br /> '�� Barrower will be given wriuen nolice af the change in accordunce with purugruph 14 ubove und uppiicuble Inw. The naice �._.r:Y,-:,.__._ <br /> ' • ' will state the nnme nndaddress uf ihe new Loan Serviccr and the uddrexx tu which puyments should tx�muJe. The ndice will � -_ __ _ <br /> also con�ain any oihcr Informatian reyuired by applicuble luw. �i.;s_.'::.__.�. �� <br /> � Z0. Hazardous Substances. Horrower zhull not cuuse ar pertnit�hc presence, u�e,disposal,storrgc,or relcusc of any ����r?•s-:�M-=t°v�� <br /> Hazardous Subswnces on or in �he Propeny. Borrower�hall nat da,nor allow anyunc el,e ta do, unything uFfec�ing�he �_�__. <br /> Propeny thnt is in violation of any Environmenwl Lnw. The pmceding two sentencea shall uot apply to the presencc,use,or �._:�:�.-_-� <br /> storage on the Praperty of smull quentities af Hazurdou,Substunces that+ue generully recugnized ta be upprapriAte ro normal �.�.=='=T.� <br /> ��._t w.:V..--- <br /> residentiul uses and to maintenance oF the Piropeny. ���_=_ _ <br /> _ Borrower shall promptly give Lender wrinen nMice of Any investigntion,cluim,demund,luwsuit or other xtion by any = <br /> governmental or re�ulatory nRency ar privutc party involving the 1'iroperty nnd nny Hazurduu.r Sub,�unce or Environmcntal - _ <br /> ��, ,�;, , � Law af which Borrower has acmul knowledge. If BaROwer Ieurns, or is naificd by any govemmental or regulatory . �;�� ; <br /> .,�.,. �.,,,;;,,�,�,,. .� uuthority,tha�any removul ar other remcdiu�ion of uny Huxurdaus Substunce uffecting the Pruperty ix nccessnry.Barrower '.�,M,y�,cr,� ,� �i . ..._. <br /> ;�.'.�". .; �i,,.1�.:��., ��. „ �. .�,-- <br /> ;,,..•.•;;:j:,:,-,i.�.:;�,�.,.•�,. shall promptly tuke all necex,ary remediul uctians in uccardunce wilh EnvironmentAl Law. �,::'�� S,_.,,,�Q��=:__ <br /> ' ':�tir s�,��,}r.;�', :':..,`���: As used�n thi�+ parugruph 20,"Hazardous Subslunces"ure thoxe subtilances defined as toxic or hw�rdou«ubstancex by =;., . :.: .- <br /> ���� ; ;,��,�:�r.,;;;::,:...,:�,, .., . ��•. ;�.::-+;; <br /> , ; Environmemal Law und the following substuncex: gasoline,keroxene,other ilummuble or toxic retroleum products, toxic �� '•;'�-;• . � �, y�^-- <br /> , .,,, pes�icides und herbicides,volutile.olventti,muteriuls canu+ining uwhes�oti or fcxmuldehyde, und rudiouctive mutcriuls. As '�'•'7�. ,��, �' , �� ' <br /> • � '''•� used in�his parugruph�O."Enviranmenlul Law"meun�federul luw�und luwn of�he jurirdiclion wherc Ihe Propcny i�locuted t�,;'�: "';`'` <br /> ��., :, -. <br /> • that rclatc to hcuUh,xufcty or environmentul prMection. �;`"'•'��•6•� <br /> ��'`' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lcndcr furlhcr covcnunl und•rgrcc us followx: `.`` '� :.� <br /> 21. Acceleralion; Remedies. l.ender shell give aotice to Borrowe� prior to nccele�ution following Borrower•s • w �,� , <br /> breACh uf uny coveoant or a�reemenl in this 5ecurity Inslrument Ibul not prfor to accelerution under paragraph !7 : �'•. ���' <br /> �, ,:. <br /> _ _ anless ag�licublr I�w provldr.c aherwisel. The natice shall�;pecffy: lul Ihe dePaull;lbl the action required to cure the •'�-••°�• <br /> ._,._��: <br /> deiaull;lcl u dule. not lesv than ill duys frnm thr dute Ihe notice iK Rlven tn whicq the defouil mu�t be �.. <br /> cured:And Id 1 lhwt Pailure to cure the defaull on�ir hefiire thN dute.rpeciiied In thr notice muy result in ucreterutinn of �.y��'"{ r <br /> the Kumc+a�cu�cd by tB{x S�u�Uy Inxlrumenl und�ulr oi'the Prnperty. The notice.rhull Purther inPi�rm Borrower of ; <br /> the rlRht to reinst�teuf�er ucrekruNun und Ihc riuhl lo Brinu u cnurl uction lo ussert Ihe non-exl9lence af a dePuup or • �- <br /> , un,v othe�dePi nxe of Norrnwer In uccelerulhin und tiule. If Ihe dePuuU ix nW rured��n ur I�ePi�re Ihe dute�pecif7ed in �•• <br /> the notice.Lende�at Ih aption muy rcyuire immediute pu}•mcnt M iu0 of ull sum+xerured by thix h�curhy Inxlrument ��:{;•-• • !� <br /> wilhoul further demund und mu� fnw�ke Ihi pu��•er of sule und unv otBer �emedirx permitted by upplicable law•. . ., ;� •��i <br /> Lende�shull br entllkd to c�dlecl ull e�pense+ Incurred in pur+uinK thr remedies provldrd in Ihix puruuruph 21. - -.. ,;�T'�' <br /> includinR.bul nol limited to,reuxonuble utlornrvs'fe�h und rotils of lille e��idence. : �� <br /> „ li the poNCr of yulr is imv*ed.7'ruxtee+h�ll rrcord u nolicr nP defuult in euch cnunt�• in µ•hlch uny part oP the �,•_•. <br /> - Propert��I.r•NKUted und xhull muil rupies oP�uch notice in Ihr munner prescribed br•upplicuble law lo Burn►wer und tu - _ <br /> the other persnns prexcrfhed b}�upplicuMe lu�v. APter Ihe lime reyufred b��upplicable law,Trustee hhall �;ive public .. ..., . <br /> nutfce oP xale to the perxnns und in thr munnrr prescr{bed b�•upplicuble Ivµ. 71ru�tre,wilhout demund un Bor�ower. ; <br /> �hull sell lhe Proprrly ul public uucllon lo the hi�!hesl bidder ut the time und place und under thr terms desiunated in __-'-^' <br /> � �...•-}: ,. <br /> lhe notire oi'sule in une or more purcel�und in un�• order Tru.tec determiner�. Trustee may portp�rne tiale of oll�w any :••:-- <br /> purcel of Ihe Prnpe�ty bc publk unnnuncrmrnt ut Ihe Iin�und pluce nt'anp pre��iou.r•1�•�chedukd sulr. I.endrr ur itz • , ;�--�'4-�` <br /> dcy►iunee may purchase the Prapertv a1 uny sule. , '=::��=�'' <br /> Upoo receipt ��'payment aP the pric��hid,'I1�uMee�hull delicer In Ihe purchurxr 7Yustee'� deed cume�•ing the . ' �;�}�;�Y�,;;_ <br /> Properly. 7'he recitals in the 7'rustee'ti deed shull I�c prinia Pucie rvidrnrr ui th�truth uP the�lutements mude therein. ,e,,N;;a�,-: <br /> 'IY�ustee chall s�pply the prucredy of'the�ule fn tbe follow�inu urder: �u�lo ull co.rl+and rxpenxrs af exrrcisin�thr puWer `�'T;°�'; <br /> �.�a_a�z��. <br /> •.i�f���._ <br /> . . . ;.-.y�.��;-,, <br /> ►. <br /> r <br /> � <br /> E <br /> F�w9t1 L121� 4�41/ ��tiit��t,����ry�er�� � <br /> � <br /> . 1 <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> ( <br /> . . . � ' _ <br />