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► s�. , .. .. . . <br /> R$ �k�. .:.�._ .,u�..r�,•. -------�.�..�._ - — ----.�-_— <br /> �.�'��,�+r�-= - .______—_. .. _- <br /> �y , ' . A�Nf:�r .. ",r�:• — <br /> . _ .'" .1.a__ _"" .. .. . _5..... -� <br /> ��v • • , __ _" <br /> +�q41...n•.. " . ._.�.w.��_.__ .'.. _,_w_.. <br /> .n <br /> �.� <br /> �__�—_—A�-__—_ __ . <br /> f <br /> ' f .ti. .�.�.A��.C� '�V -_. <br /> . ,..� . ��- ����.��$ - <br /> ' ���^ w � pericxl.r�h+�t l.eixler requimx. 7'he in�uronce caRicr prrnfding thc inauruncc�hull he chn. y Ham e h � ender R �--- <br /> ' �;��;i%r,�`.a�.+,��;�,. uppmvul which chpll no�t+c unmusonubly wUhheld. If Nun�+wcr faik�o main�ain cove�ugc deu�ibed above. Lender �.,Tm�.- <br /> � F. �+ .n_ �. <br /> ' �,, . . s.__.t,,:a.� Lenderk optian,abtain euverage��prateet Lender�rights in the ProNerty in accurdunce wUh purug�uph 7. <br /> � . ° All inxurame policiew and renewuls shull be acceptuble to Lender ond shull includc u+��undard mongage cluu�;e. Lender - - <br /> „ shall havc Ihe right ta hold the paliciex und renewuls. If Lender rcyuirex.Borrnwer yhull promptly givc to Lrnder AU receipts <br /> • _ af puid premiums wid renewul notice.r•. In�he event of lot:s,Barrower�hull give prampt notice to the insursuicc currier und �y-�..� <br /> ' ` Lender. Lender muy make pmof�f loxs if nw mude promptly by Borrower. <br /> , • •`•� Untess Lender and HoROwer othenvise ugree in writinF, inzurance prcxcedti tihnll be applied to reatoration or re air of __ <br /> .. �. , P __-.-�_ _ <br /> �-- _ <br /> � :����.?„''" .•* j. , th� propeny dumaged, if the reatorution ar repair is economicnlly featiible and l.ender+ securi�y i�nui le+scned• � e _--, <br /> �• mstoration ar repair is not economically feasible ar Lender's security would be lessened, the insurunce praceeds shall be <br /> , �•f�;. upplied to the sums secured by thi� 3ecurity Instrument, whether or not �hen due, wi�h uny ezcesx puid ta Borrower. If �V�_. <br /> , ?�"� ' � R�qnwer ahandolls the ProQerty, ar does �nt answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender that the insurunce camer has �r�_- <br />��'; � ' • offered ta seule u claim,then l.ender mny cullecl the msurunce pnxeeJ�. LnnJc� �itay usc the praceed::!a sepais or restore .r____ ___ <br /> t • , the Property or to puy sums xecured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day peri«1 will begin when �:_-,_„_ <br /> � �� the noticc is given. "���:---_ -- <br /> � � Unless Lender und Borrawer otherwise ugree in writing,any upplicudon af praceeds to principal shull not extend or ��:�;,,�,y <br /> �-�:•�.' <br /> �:���'� • � posipane Ihe due date of the monthly payments referred t�in purn�raphs I und 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If _=__ <br /> ���>Y(� under patagraph 21 the Property iy acquired by Lender, Borrower's nght�o any inxurunce palicies and praceed�resuhing �.-.__�._ __ - <br /> > - ::��'�;E,r�.> .. ��-� <br /> =�'�i�<,'��` from damuge ro the Property prior to the acquisiuon shAll puss to Lender to the extent of Ihe sum. secumd by this Security _ +�— <br /> � �'•,�'i��� • � Instrument immediatcly prior�o the ucyuisition. ""�—==_ <br /> ,��r��;;'�-�„'•: - 6. Occupancy� Preservwtian. Maintenance and Protectian oP the Property: Borrower's LoAn Appllcatloni �::�,..b�„�� <br /> ```•'''�• � Leaseholda. Borrawer shnll occupy,estublish,nnd use�he Praperty as BoROwer ti principul residence wilhin sixty days after ___ <br /> .,,;:. ,.:.__ <br /> � . the execution of thix Securiry in+trwnent und shall continuc t�occupy the Property ac Horcower's•principul residence far�t ;,r:.t.,�: __.___� _ <br /> �s�;�. <br /> ��.�� leust one yeur after the dute of occupsmcy. unless Lerxier aherwixe ugrees in writin�, which consent shall not be : `,,. ,,._ <br /> unrensona6ly wilhheld,or unless extenunting circumstunces exist which Are beyond Borrower�control. BoROwer shall not �ia� <br /> � , <br /> �.: % destroy.dumuge or impuir�he Propeny,allow thc Property to deteriorate,or commi�wa+�e on the Propeny. Barrower shall ,� ��:�:'' <br /> , �•:, .J a�� <br /> be in default if nny forFeiture uction or proceeding,whether civil or criminul,ix begun thut in Lender'.s good faith judgment v��,,��'�� ,_ <br /> �� ' could rexult in forfeiture af�he Propeny or othenvise mAterinlly impuir the lien crcated hy �his Security Instrument or ,a.+�4�i:_— <br /> ..: ' �'r• -- <br /> ;.,�,,�;,'..:,�;:�,.:.,• Lender's security interest. BoROwer muy cure�uch u defauU and reinstate,as pmvided in parugruph 18,by cuusing�he action .:., �r y_„�_ <br /> �� ' � or proceeding la be diwmixsed with a ruling thut,in Lender ti gc�od fAith determination,precludes farfeiture of the Borrower's `:;:i,',,y�,� <br /> �;:,.;`,.�.�;. , <br /> interest in the Prapeny or o�her mnterinl impuirment of the licn creuted hy this Securiry Inxtn�ment or Lender's necurity ��;l;;,�'�lA,-- <br /> � ' � in�erest. BaROwer shall also be in defuult if Borrawer, durinF the loun uppliculian pracexti, gave muteriully fultie or +!•;!�.��•6� <br /> ��• ��." � inaccuru�e informntian or 4tntements eo Lender I�r failed to provide Lender wi�h any muterial informu�ionl in connectiun with �,y�i;;i�Y�� � <br /> the laan evidenced by the Note, including, but nat limited ta, represemations canceming Borrower's accupancy of the •�,�,�::•�<<�,:��;R, <br /> �— ___. ___ Property auc u princip�l residence. If this Security Instrument is on u leasehold.Borrowe�shull comply with ull Ihe provisions ti�!;�';ry�r 1• <br /> . of the leutie. If Barrower acquire�fee title to the Pmpeny,�he ieuxhulJ uuJ the fec tislc sha!!not merge unless Lender agmP� , �'_ <br /> =� � �r . <br /> to the mergcr in writing. - <br /> . 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in Ihe Property. If Borrawcr fuilx to perform the cavenants und ugreements <br /> conluined in this Security Instrument,ur Ihere is u legal pr�xeeding thu� may +ignificunUy uffect Lender+ rightx in the :c . <br /> . Propeny(+uch us u pra:eeding in bankn�ptcy.prohatr.G�r conikmnation or liirtciture or to enforce luws ar regulationrl,tlxn _ <br /> ° L.ender muy do and pay tor whutev�r i. nece.sury w pratcrl thc vuluc ol'tlx Propeny unJ l.endcr's righ�. in the Pruperty. � ` <br /> � Lcnder's uctian.muy includc puyinE uny tiunt�+�cured by:�lien which hs�.priority over thi.Security In+trument,•rp�xuring � x 1 <br /> • in court,puying rcuu►nublc uuomcy.'ir�.und�ntrrin�on Ihr Prc��xrty to mukr rcpuir..Althc�u�h l.cnder ma�• tukt uction ��^���y _..,,...�� <br /> .. under Ihi�puragruph 7.Lr�xlcr d�x+not huvr�o du w. � <br /> Any anwum.Ji+hu�+�J by l.cnder undrr thi, parugraph 7�hull Ixc�mir udJiliemul JeM ui�F���rn�wrr,ecured by�his __ <br /> Security Imtrumrnt. l li�lc�+Borr�►wcr anJ Lcndrr ugrec k�u�her�crni.uf paymcnt.�hcx umourn..hull txur intcres�from tix . __ <br /> dute al'Ji.burKment at �hr No�e ratc and.hull tk payublr.wilh int¢n`t.u(►��n nuticc 1'rom Lcndrr�o Norrow��r reyucrting . .. . _ � _ <br /> ..�.. _ <br /> .. puymcm. ---- - <br /> li. Mort�a�e Insurance. If Lender rcyuired m�mguEc iu.ur:mcr a.a cunJi�ion oi'muking �he loan,ecured by�his __ <br /> � Security Inx�rument. Borrower �hull pay Ihr prrmium+ requir�d tu muintain the mortgagc in.ur•rnce in eCfect. If, f��r uny . <br /> ., reuson. the martgaFe inxurancr «�vcrrge reyuiRJ hy l.ender lup.e, ur ccatic. lo lx in effccl. Borrower shall pay the . . <br /> , pmmiumx rcyuired i��obtain covrruge �uh.tuntially equivalrm t�► tlx mohgugc in,urunce prrviau+ly in cl'fe�:t. ut u cos� 6. , ..�., = <br /> sub+tantiully cyuivulent to Ihe co�t to Beirmwer uf thc mun�uge insurancr prcviuu�ly in rffcrl. 1'rom un altcmate mon�tage P <br /> insurer upproved by LeoJer. U'.ub.tumially cyuivalcnt mortg•rg� in,uruncr covcru�te ix not avuilabk.Borrower.hall pay to ..:,'::..,}, <br /> ' Lcndrr eaeh month u�um cyual t�.i oix-twcU'th uf th�}•carly mort�ugc in.uruncr prcmium Ixing paid by Borrowcr whcn the � . �;,,�r, <br /> insurunce covcragc IapxeJ�►r rru.rJ tn Ix in rtTrct. LcnJrr�v ill arrrpi.u,c and rrtain�hc.c puyment+a,�lu,�reservc in lieu s���:: <br /> ' af m�mgugr inwrancc. l.o.. rc,rrvr�• na longcr t►�rcyuircd.a� �hr op�inn uf Lrndcr,it'mungagc imurunce . . . <br /> � covcrUgc(in Ihe amount and tiir�hr Exriixl lhal Lrndrr rryuire.l nriwidcJ hy:►n in.urer approvcd by L�ndrr ugain lx;came� <br /> uvailuble und i.��MtuineJ.B��rcuwrr+hall pay thr prrmiwn.rryuir�d tu m:►int:un murtg:►ge imurancr m effect.or to provide a <br />,until the rcquira�xnt ti�r m��rtga�gc in.urunrr rn� s�rcurJanrc w�nh um�wriucn agreem�m txtwern Bortowcr l <br /> and Lrnder ur appliruble luw. � <br /> . 9. Inspectfon. l.rnder��r it.agrrn m:�y m:►I�r rca,unnhlc�ntric, upon:md in,�nrtium uf the Pro�xny. l.cnder�hall <br /> � . ' givc Borrowrr nutirc u�Ihe limr uf ur priur ti�an in.�xrliun,Excil�ing rra,on:�hk cauu ior�hr in,�x�rti�m. <br /> 10. CondemnatMn. Thr pnxec�l.ul'am :i��ard ur rl;��m f��r�IamaEr,.dircrt i,r ron,� ranncctiun with an� <br /> i timplr 1•.mul� �Funnle�tuc�Fraddle�1iK 1'�IF/1R�t 1\�'I'Nl'�1F:\'1'�•l'nd�mn Cu��nanl. q�911 yider+��l��/r�C�•�� <br /> �xrat Ide�•{�m�� � . <br /> • � To unar cnx wpMkta►p.t�ci��F�6�lu1n��i�.n <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> . � <br /> . � <br />