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��r ������'�'�������V� k �: :: . ..,. . . ...,�... �.��►`'�e���i . <br /> V � 1�. 4 <br /> :��� ` ., ,v,r,,.,.�r:� ,....–...,. — - _._.,...._. �.-_� <br /> .� �: t �-:�, :.x r�� �. <br /> � u . . � . .. _ . -- <br /> :-���- . .. ^ _ <br /> -- - -- �..-- <br /> :. --- <br /> ,, �,�,,..� . i n2 4i 8 <br /> `, tJS(Q•:�.i;h.r„i^..�+ , ��r• �_u_.-. <br /> .�-�----..--��'—��-�-.��w, TO(iETHER WITH uU thc impn►vemcnt,nuw on c�rcullcr crrc�rd�m tt�r prtqxt�y.imd aU rux•��reul�.uppur�cnunrcti, . _ r. _ <br /> � S='-:.��' an d f i x t u re a n o w a h e r c u fl e r u p a r t o f t h� p r u p e n y. A l l r e p l a c c m c n l+u n d uJdiliun+yhall ulru Ix�r��vcnd by Uiix�kcurity __ <br /> _ ' °�` ��.:����'``� Inslrument. Alt otthe foregoing i�;referred to in thix Sccurily Imlrument us the"Pn�p�ny." v <br /> � ° � ' BORROWER COVF.NANTS ihut Bortawcr iz luwfully+ciscd uf thc r.tutc herchy runvcyrd und Iw+thc right�u�:runt _ _ <br /> � "i .. "''' und convey the Property und thnt ihe Propeny ix unencumbered,except fix recurd. Horrnwcr wurrunts und __ <br /> -.. ._ <br /> .,„ �" . <br /> •.. „.�• : will defend generally the tide ta the F'�aperty ugainst All cluims unJ demuixlr+.xubJert io uny encumbrAnceti of record. <br /> - " �, . .�.,•, .t THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT c�nbines uniform covenantti far nationtd u�e imd non-unit�xm rovenams with �-"',,,_„��.-r__, <br /> � �c1�;;-;� '`•�'� limited vnrfationxby jurisdiction to constitute u uniform securiry in�trument coveri�g reul property. �- <br /> �'� ..��t..... <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer und Lender cavennnt und agrce us fnllows: __ <br /> � �� • � 1. Poymeat oP Princfpal and Interest;P�eps�yment and l.ate Charges. Borrowcr shull pr�xnpUy puy whcn duc the _ <br /> '• '_e_�_��--��=�. — _ -— <br />�►�""— ,• pnncipu�oi und imeresi un�he deb�evidence�i i�y th�Not�attd any p+"cpaymcnt and late chergea due narlorib�Nnte `;� <br /> • � 2. Ftinds(er 7bxes and Insurance. Subject to applicuble law or to u written wuiver by L.ender. Barrower shull puy to � <br /> ' � `' Lender on tBe duy rnanthly paymems urc due under ihe Note,until the Note is pnid in full,u sum l"Funds")for:(u)ycurly .�—^L_ _ <br /> �� ° taxes und assessments which may altuin priority ovcr this Securiry Instrument as i�licn an thc Property:lb) yearly Icuschold ..,. <br /> t .. "'���:-�-- <br /> payments or grand rerns on the Praperty. if uny; (c) yeurly huzard or property insurance premiums: ld) yenrly tload ;:_ ,.__ <br /> � .�� insurance premiums, if any: (el yearly mcxt�euge insurnnce pmmiums, if any; and(tl any sums payuMe by Burrower to __ <br /> Lender, in accordance with Ihe provisions aP purugruph R, in lieu of�Ix�puyment of mixlguge insurunce premium+. Thetie <br /> � • items ure cnlled "Escraw Itemti' L.ender muy.ut ony time,collect und hold Funds in an omount not lo exceed�he maximurn <br /> " � nmount a lender for a federAlly related mortgage loun mAy rcyuire for Borrowcrk csc�ow account under the fedcrul Real „�.� <br /> " " �state Seltlement Pracedures Act of 1974 uti umended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.�2b01 e�r sey.f'RE5PA"),unless another ` „ <br /> - luw that a lies mthc Fundx scts a lestier s+mount. If so,Lendcr may,ut uny timc,callect and hold Funds in un amount na to �• ����� <br /> . ..!,..,,, . P� . <br /> - exceed Ihe lesser amaunl. Lendcr mAy estimate thc amount of Funds due on thc busis of cuRent dotu and reasonuble f,.��,�;��, �.W_ <br /> ' ' �'' � � ��?.��,..,' estimates af expenditures of future Escrow Iterns or otherwise in accordance with u licuble luw. ' ""^ <br /> ,:�;.�';���.�;�,�,. . pP "�.•w:,:r : ��.._..... <br /> � • '.•Ai,,, ' :;�•�i The Fundti�hnll bc hcld in un inslitmion whose de osi�s arc insurcd b u fedcrul agcncy. instrumentulity, or cmity . <br /> .. p Y ��.',-�, <br /> '�-•--- <br /> ' ,�,,,. . ` (including Lender,if Lcnder is such an instiwtionl�r in any FederAl Homc Loun Bunk. Lcnder shall upply the Fundti to pny u;�t: <br /> :�'' „'.,4.,_ ' � ,``•:�•'.i�.. �;•.._ <br /> • the Brcrow Iterns. Lender mny not churge Borrowcr for halding und upplying the Funds,unnually unalyzing the escrow ;-u�.as��r�.__::��--_ <br /> _ uccount, or veri(ying the 6xcrow Items, unless Lender puys Borrower intcrc,� on the Funds und applicablc luw permits � _�� <br /> � • � Lender lo make such u char�e. However,Lender muy require Borrower to puy u one-time churge for an independent real V;�.. _ <br /> . t , estare tax reporting service uzed by lxnder in connectiun with this loun,unletis upplicuble I�w provides aherwise. Unlexti un ' �":� - � <br /> ' � agreement is mrade or applicuble luw requirex imerext to be puid,Lender shull no►Ix rec�uired to puy Borrower uny interesl or �•�6.'�;.��i� <br /> +' � :.";..��; eurninss on the Ponds. eorrower und Lender muy u�rec in writing.huwevcr,that interext xhnll bc paid on�hc FLnds. Lendcr 1 ,� �'�,�.� ,'���� <br /> ' � ... . '" ��• shull give to Borrower, without churge,un annual uccaunling of the Funds,showing credits und�febitti to the Funds und the j,, ° " ' <br /> •, �.�.a <br /> �_' � • purpose for wh ich euch debit ta the Funds was made. The Fund�are pledged us u d dit iann l+ecuriry i'or a l l su mw s e c u r e d h y :;,.r y;��,;;, <br /> .�'. <br /> __ -—T- • thix Secunty Inswment. �. .:� '.:,r <br /> � If the Funds held by Lender exceed Ihe umoun�s permiued to he held by upplicuble law. Lender +hull uccoum to : � <br /> Borcower for tFieexces�Funds in uccorduncc with Ihe reyuiremen�s uf applicuhle luw. li the umoun[of the Fundti held by ��" ' , , , � <br /> � l.ender at any time is not�ufficicnt to puy the Escrow Itemx when duc,Lender muy �o notify Borrowcr in writing,und, in <br /> � tiuch cuse Borrowcr shull puy to Lendcr the umount ncccssury to mukc up the de�ricncy. Borrowcr+hall muke up thc ' ,`4:�;. . <br /> deticicncy in nomorc�h�n iwclvc monthly puymcn��.at Lcn�kr'..olc discretiun. 'f`s=' ; <br /> Up�m payrncnt in full of ull sum� +rcurcd hy Ihi+Securiry Ins�rumcnt, l.rndcr�hull prompUy rci'und to Borrowcr any ._ �.t .r,n _, <br /> Fundx hcld by LcnJer. If,unikr para�eruph 31.Lendcr+haU.�cyuirc or ull thc Pro�xny. l.cnder,prior ti�thc ucyuixi�icm ur ' ��� <br /> xulc �►t'Ihc Pmpcdy.�hull upply aoy 1'vndx hcld by Lcndrr at thr timc��f ucyuisi�ion�►r�alc ax u crcdii aguirmt the .um� ' �•��• •• °%xsz <br /> . xcun:d by ihi. S�rurity Imlrument. � '��� <br /> .. ' 3. Applfcation ��P Puymenf.4. lhilc.r� upplirahlr luw pruviJc. athrrµi.r. all pavmrnt+ reccivcJ hy Lcnder under � " -.. <br /> paragraphti 1 unJ 3 .hull Ik uppli�d:fir, any prep:►ymcn�rhurEe.dur undcr�hr Notc: ,econd.�n:�muumx payablc undcr ;;�»: <br /> " p a r u g r u p h 2:t h i r d,t u i n t c r e s l J u c;i'o u n h.u�p rinci pal dur::md lurt.tu any lulc chargc,duc undrr thc Nu�c. �� ���` <br /> 4. Charges: I.iens. &�rrowcr �h�ll pay all rrxe>, as+r+timenl�, rhurgc.. tine. and im�xi+iliun+unrihutablc to thc � �•.�•..;_ <br /> Propeny which muy uttuin prinrity uvcr thi+5ecuriry In+irunxnt,and Iru.rhulJ puymrn�.ur gr�►unJ rrms, if'•rny. Borrower ! 4�� -�,� <br /> shull a �hc� obli u�i�m�in ihe munncr rovidrd in aru�ra h 2,ur if nut iid in ihu[munncr.B��RUwer,hull pay them on �° ���� <br /> p�y g p P' b P �'' - <br /> time direcUy t�s ihe per,on uw�d payment. Bunowcr+hall prompUy 1'urni.h t�►l.cnder all noiirc,ul'am�wnt�io t►c paiJ under . .r .- <br /> thix parngraph. I(Horcowcr mukc.�hcsc paymcnt.direcUy.Borcowcr+hall promptly 1'urni+h to Lcndcr reccipt+cvidencin� �•� �;•�. <br /> ° �he puymem,. <br /> , Rarmwcr+Iwll pronipUy di�chur� licn which ha.r priurity�rvrr Ihiti 5crurily In+�rumcm wilc„Burrowrr:Ia1 agRC+ �',�_+ <br /> in writing Io the puymcnt uf tlx��hliEalion,ccureJ hy Ihr lirn in•r m:�nnrr accrpt�Mc to l.rixlcr:Ibl cc�nic�ts in g�xxl failh thc , n�4;--�_ <br /> " lien by,or�kfonJs aEainsl ent'orcemem ut'ihc licn in.Icgul pnxrrdingti which in Ihc Lcn�kr'.opinxin u4xrate to prev�nt thc `, y.,r{.r <br /> enfnrccment of Ihe lien;or Icl+ecurr+t'rom the holdcr uf thr lirn an:��.rcemcnt.ati�fartury to I.rnJrr.ulx�rdinuting the lien , <br /> � to this Security In�trument. If Lendcr Jctcrminc+Ihal any pun of tlx Pro�xhy i, +ubjrrl to a lirn which may uttuin priorily � <br /> • ovcr this Sccuriiy Insirumcnt.Lcnder muy�ivc Borrowcr a n��iic�idcmifying Ihc licn. Horroa•rr+hall �utisty thc licn ar luke � <br /> one or more ot'�he uctiuns srt fonh ahove within IU days of the�ivin�ul'nuticc. ' <br /> • 5. Hazard or Propertv Insurance. Burrower+hull I.r�p the�w•rxi.�ing��r here•rltcr crrcteJ on tnr , <br /> Prupeny inwreJ•r�ain,�lo.,hy fire.h:vardti inrludedµ•ithm Ihr trnn°rzirnd�d ru�.�ra�r"and:m�•c�ther hai•rrds.inrluding <br /> �� tlaads or tlooding. I'ur whirh Lender requirc. insuruncr. Thi, mwrunce .liall Ik maintame�l in ihe am��unts and t'or the , . <br /> Fbrm J112M ��911 ipaec:,�(e puKe�� <br /> i •, <br /> I <br /> . . � I <br />