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,4.� : ��enn�•. . ,'.,i�d�l�.H t-IH'tr�� � ... i: -�- _ yt"yy - - ---- _- �_ <br /> : � ,t,,t n +,., . � �r �.n - - <br /> '�" ,,� p / �: ..,. i�+ .���Az` <br /> •w ti ww. . . «.www'�biL.' <br /> . . . . ! . _._,-r. __ <br /> .. . .__ '_ __._.,_. <br /> . ,1• .�el.- _ <br /> �. .__ <br /> •1'1 . . . ,_— <br /> �'�i•'l«i _ !/ " •. . . <br /> . ... . • _ . ^c .- f;�.Y. � — <br /> 'r � � �'+�,..' . ' -- _ <br /> i��7, - <br /> .•>!?'l.hf`r�:: '�_-- <br /> � —.. <br /> �:,�,_ , ;; 92- 1�2350 <br /> .'4.r-�.rti_�; ,.. <br /> . .�:_-r�t'Eti ,' <br /> ' ` ' �� th�propsrty Is�o taken or dam4psd,lender�hall havs tho optlon,ln ib wlo and abtolute di�oration,to apply all tuah ProcMd�, <br /> �� ' ' � ; atbr d�duadnp therelrom all costs and eMpe�ees incurred by It in connection with such Proceedf,upon any indebtedness wcund <br /> � h�r�by and In such ader es Lendar may deUrmine,or to apply all tuch Proceeds,elter euch deducQons,to the restoraGon of tha <br /> �� ' • Property upon auah condlUons as Lender maydetermine.Any epplicatlon of Proceede to fndebtedneaa aiaN�n'u�e�"�d�orb p�d to <br /> �� th�dua daq of my p�ymonb undar the Noto,or cure any delaull lhoraundw or herounder.Any unepp <br /> '; :,.,.,.._.. Trwtor. <br /> '" �•� � B. P�rlormll�c�br Lmd�r.Upon the occu�renca o(an Event of Delautthereunder,or If eny ect is teken or legal procsedfnp --_g�_��� - <br /> r; <br /> � •••-�::.�°::c� commenced whlch materlally eNects Lender'f intereat In the Properly,Lender may in Ila own dlsaretlon,but without obllpatfon to do <br /> eo,and without notice to a demand upon T�uetor and without rtlleasinQ Truator Irom any obllyatfon,do any ect whioh Truetor has <br /> ' epre9d but Iol la lo do and mey al�o do eny other ect It deems necessary to prptect the securlty hereal.Trualor ahall,Immediately <br /> upqn demend therelor by Le�der,pay to Lender all coeta and expenses incurred end sums expended by lender In connection wlth <br />�.� dded to'thi f debtedrnees secu ed hereb�Lendeeshalh not incu� �ny lieblllty dbecautYe�olanythingnithmay�do oh'om t to'do <br /> ,�... <br /> ,� . <br />•,�� � htrevnde�. <br />;���; 8. H�z�rdous IM�ledds.Trustor ahell keap the Property fn complience wllh all applicable lawa,ordinances and reguletfons <br /> relpting to Induatrial hygiene or environmenlal protection(collectively refe�red ta herain as"Environmental Laws").Truator ahell <br /> ,1. ; keep the Property free from s11 substances deemed to be hazardoua or taxic undar any Environmental Laws(calle;tively�eferred to <br /> ' hereln es"Hazerdous Materlals").Truator hereby warrants and repreaents to Gender thal there a►e no Hazardaus Materials on or <br /> ' . ' � under the Proparty.Truata hereby agreea to Indemnify and hold harml�ss Lendar,its directors,oHfCers,employees and agante,and <br /> � ' �� any�ucceaeora to lender'a interest,lram and agalnat any and all cleims,damages,losses and Ilabllitfe�arising in connecdon wlth <br /> . � the Oresence, uae,diaposal or tranaport of any Hazardous Matenals on, under, Irom ar about the Properly.THB FORE401NCi .�__�, <br /> ' WAFIRANTIESANOREPRESENTATION3.AND TRUSTOR'S OBLI(3ATIONS PURSl1ANT TO THE FGR�401NQ IND�MNITY,BHAI.L L:•'�- _ _ <br /> SURVIVE REi..ONVEYANCE OF THIS QEEpOF TRUST. p �; <br /> 10. Aulpnm�ol ot 8�nis.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the rents.issuea and profits ot the Pro e provfded that TruBtor ` <br /> ' shall,untll the occurrence at an Evant olDefault hereundar,have the right to collect and retain such rents.Issues and prutlta as they <br /> be4ome due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oetault,Lendar may,either in person or by agent,with or without �;'` <br /> brfngfng any action or proceedinfl,or by a recelver appalnted by a cnurt And w�thout regard to tne adoquacy of f1s sacurity,eMer ��ti `r"== <br /> �' upqn qnd teke posaeasion of the Praperty,or any part thereof,fn its own name or in the name of the Tnistee,and do any acta whfch it _ <br /> • - -�:�:L•: deBms.oeCOSServ or desirable to preserve thavalue.marketabdNy or renlab�liry of the Property.or any part Ihereol or intereal therem, _ <br /> • " � Increesa the incorne therefrom or protect Ihe securily t�u�dul and, with or�vithout tak�ng poegpaefon ol the Property,sue for or _� � <br /> oth�twlse collect the rents,�ssues anq Frolits thereof,includmg�hose past due and��npaid,and apply the same,less coats and � <br /> expenses ol c�peraUOn and collect�on including attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender _ <br /> �� mqy determine.The entering upon and:akmg possession ol the Property,the collection of such rents,issues and prolUS and the - <br /> ap�I�GNtion thereol as aloresald,sha11 not cure or walve any default or not�ce of default nereunder or mvalidate any act done In <br /> response to such de18u11 or pursuanl to 9ach noUCe ot detault and,notw�lhstanding the canifnuance m possess�on of the P►operty or - <br /> 1hQ coUection,receipt and applicaUOn ot rems.�sauea or proi�is,and Truatnn and�ardar arial:bc er.t:��Q���?PYpfCIRR BVBfy f19Flt _________ <br /> y •' prov�ded lor in any ol the Loan Insirurrents or by law upon occurrance of any Ev�nt ol nulault,including K Nhoul limrtetion the rlght Fr-�z�:.��.,}��:. <br /> to Rrarclsetl ie power ot sele.Further,Lender's rlghts and remed�es under thfs paragraph shall be cumulative with,and�n no way a + � <br /> IimltAtiOn on. Lender's rights and remedies under any assignment of leases and rents recorded againat the Property.Lender,Truatee ��_ <br /> and lhe reCe�ver shall be IiAble to account only lor Ihose rents actually received. —_ <br /> 11. Ev�nb ot D�faWl. The lollowing shal: c�nstilute an Event o1 Detauit under this Deed of Trust: �,�.— <br /> (a) Feilure to pay any mstallment ol pnncipal or�nterest oi any other sum secure�hereby when dua; ` 'r`�"`.,,i r+�_ <br /> (b) A breaCh ol or delHUlt under any ptovision contained in the Note.lhis Deed af frust,any ot the Loan Instruments,or eny ,�--ns,� <br /> • other I�en a► encurnbranco upon Ihe Prc,perty: <br /> . :�•'�r`.-_:.._ <br /> (c) A wnt o1 executlon or attachment or ar,y simdar process shatl be entered aga�nst Truator wh�ch shall become a Uen on �_ <br /> the ProperN or eny poRion Ihereol or mtErest therem: �' <br /> (�) There shall be Ifled by or agamst tiustor or Borrower an action under nny present or future tederAl,state or other � , <br /> statute, �aw or regulat�on relapng to bankruptcy.��solvency or other rel�el lor debtors:or Ihere shall be appointed any trustee, �. :�s=_._ � <br /> recoi�er or liqwdator ol Trustor or Borrower or of all or nny part of the Pi operty,o-the rents.�saues or prohts thereof,or Truslor •�:*r'� _V <br /> qr Borrower shall make any generel assignment for Ihe benetrt ot creditors: � �.�:: <br /> (e) The sale, transfer, lease,ass�gnment, conveyance or turther enc�mbrance of all or any part ot or any mterest in the . , �,: <br /> perm d t te ec�,te a le se ol the Property thai doe,not ontam an pton fo pu cthase andlheterm oe whlch does not exCeed � � • . ._ �`' <br /> t•�- <br /> one year, ' <br /> • (� Abandonment of the Properry:or , .,. <br /> (p) If Tru9tor is not an�ndividua�,the i,trAns�er,ass�gnment,conveyance or encumbr ance of more than a total ,,.�y.:,_ ^_ <br /> , ...:.,. _.,, <br /> �t __percent ot 111 n corporabon► ds issued and outstanding stock ur��t a partnersh�p►a tota!of percent ot i „ �, ,L-__- <br /> pertnership Inlerests during the penod th�s Deed of Trust remams a hen on thQ Property. • -- <br /> 12. R�rn�di�r,AeeN�ratlon Upon Dolault.In the event ol any Event of Defeult le�der may,wiu�out notice except as required by '• �`', <br /> law,deClare ell �ndebtedness secured hereby to be due a�d payable and the same shall thereupon becomo due and payable �, i;,: , <br /> � wfthout any presentment,demand,protost ur notice of any kmd Thereafter Lender msy <br /> (a) Df,mand thet Trustee exercise tne POWER OF SALE granted here�n, and Trustee shall therea(ter cause Trustor's . <br /> • intereat In the Property tc be sold and Ihe proceeds to be d�stnbuted,all�n the manner prov�ded m tho fJebraskA Trust Deeds <br /> • Act; � <br /> . (b) Exercise eny and a'I nghts provided 1or m any ot the Loan InstrumeMS or by iaw uqon occurrence ol ary Event ol <br /> + , Detau�t;and <br /> � (c) Cammence an acUOn to toreclose►h�s Deed ot irust as a mo�tgage.apPU�nt.,recewer.or spncd�cally enforce any otthe <br /> � � covenants hereof. <br /> . No remedy here�n conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lende� �s�nlended to be eaciusrve ol any other remedy herem,in the <br /> Loan Instruments or by law provfded or permftted.b�t each shall be curnuiat�ve.sha11 be�n addit�on tG every other remedy grve� <br /> . hereunder, m the Loan Instruments or now or herealter e,��st�ng at�aw or m eqwty or by statute.and may be exercised concurrently, <br /> Intlependently or successwely <br /> 13. 7rudN.The Trustee �nay res�g�at any t�me without cause.and LP��ver mai at any Ur,ie and w�tnout cau,;e appomt a <br /> sucCessor or gubetdute Trus�ee-Trustee sha11 not be hable to any party.mchia�ng�dhout hmrtaUon Lender.Dorrowar.�rustor or any <br /> purchaser ol Ihe property.for any lossor damage uniess due to rtck�ess ur w�utui misconduct,and sf,all not be�equ�red to take any <br /> .�...---•--.... . .. . _......,,...... .,� r..,.,. ..,,���a��npmnd�Pd �n wrdina. tor all cosls, compensauon or <br /> °-- "" . " . ' aCnon in connecuon wnn inn vn�v��a��:���; .•�,..�.,•••,•... ... <br /> expenses which may be assoaated Iherew�th In.�dd�t�on.7rustee may bPcome a purchaser at any sale of the Property(�ud�c�al or <br /> . � und@r the power of Sale granled ha�e�i�b G�stpone the s.�lc ol all pr anv po�hon of the W� p�ov�ded by law.or sell lhe <br /> Property as a wl�o�e. o��n separAte parceis ui io15 at Tr�stee s discrebon <br /> 14. F��and Exp�n���.In the event Truslee sells Ihe Prc>pe�ty by exerc�se o�powe�of sale.T�ustee shai�be entitled to appiy <br /> any sele prOCet�ds lirst to payment of a�l costs a��d expenses o�ererc�s�ng pow.�r ot sale.i��cludmg a�i Tr ustea s lees.and Le�der's <br /> and Trustee s attomey's lees.aCtuallymCWred to extent perm�tted by app��cabie:aw In the�vcnt BJ�roW��Ur TruS10�@zerC�SBS H�y <br /> right provlded by law to cwe an Event ot Default.t.ender shan be enuti�d to��cuoe�rrom �rustor;�u costs a�d expenses actualiy <br /> InCUrred as a result ol Trustor s detault,mcludmg wrthout I�mdation au Trustee s and atto�ney s�ees. to the extent permitted by <br /> aPPlicable law. �., i •�.� ��� .��tv:�nces and re• <br /> t5. Futua Advane��. UpOn repuest of Borrower. �ende� �� �ts opt�0a make �dd:,.�ra. �.- ''=''s <br /> advencea to Borrowar.Such advances and readvarces.w�th mterest;di be secu�ed by Ihis Deed o�T�ust At no t�me shaii <br /> tha pnnc�pal amount al the�ndebtednesssecured by th�s Deed of������+�n5 adv�nced W proteCt the secunty o��h�s <br /> Deed o1 Trust,eaceed the orlpmal pnnc�pal amou��l stated he�e�n.ur�, _. __ ...._ , wh�cheve� �s y��'ate� <br /> � <br /> ( ' <br /> . I _ <br /> i - _ <br />