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1 1 :'-r . .. . - • . , ;t.9.''; �.IM ..._v-:� .u�_.1-�i 1 :V- i�Cs��rit,'� rd'iC�}�YSti . <br /> r� ---��7T���,'Gf�QSS!��t •... .: '�i����l �'�i:; : .:rr.. t. . t � ! r �c�S�l al�i}h -i� n .�_ _— _ -- <br /> �l 5 � `P�1,u . . .. r..w..';. ..ra.+i+w�i��w�!�vx'..T^r--5, " __ <br /> �ri��_ _ �. .. -- — <br /> .p }� , ' ��' :i , '—-- <br /> { �.' <br /> . i��i��'%'fYi'��p��,�• . - __-_ -. <br /> . ..J� WY✓�. , ....�... _ ....... <br /> �.J`:.;�'; r ;i+^�;d,.. ,` gZr. 1423 5 0 <br /> � � .;, ��, . , <br /> ��T. <br /> "�'j�+q...°6��••.: <br /> •�. <br /> : '�,�;�:. .. 18. MNcWan�ow Provitlon�. <br /> ' s � '> (p BoROwa Not HNuwd.Extension ot th�dme for payment or modilia�non ol�mortizatlon of the wums t�aund by this <br /> "' ' " � Oeed of Tru�t�ranted by Lender to eny succossor in interest o1 BorrowRr shdl nol operata lo nba�e,in�ny manner,tha IlabUity <br /> a+�7��� ' ' ' '� 01 tha orlpinal Borrowsr end 8orrower's succe��ors In interest.lender ehall not be required to commence proceedinp4 ap�inat <br /> '�' �uch�uccQtwr or refu�e to axtend tlme for paymonl or olherwle�modlly amortit�tion of tho sums ucwrd by thl�W�d of Trust <br /> .�Caf��'►�.. ... . <br /> -- ���''--� -- - by reason ot any demanda mede by the orlgfnel Barrower and Borrowar's s�cceafors In interesl. � �� <br /> ,,. � .' (b) L�nda'�Pow�n.W��hout eHectiny the liabllity ol any other perwn ��abla lor Ihe payment ol�a�n`�Oe��oe�uf'oeretolors <br /> mentloned.and withuut eBecting the Ilen or oherye ot thi�Deed ot Tru�t upon any poAion of the Properry <br /> :�i;,;.. ; releaeiad as eecurity for Ihe tull amount of ell unpeld oblipatlone,Lender mey,trom time to tlme and without notice(f)relea�e�ny �� <br /> -- " � • person so liable,pq exlend the maturlry or alter any of the terms o1 any suah oblfyetfons,(Ilq�rant other Indulpencea,(Iv)releass <br /> � ' or►econvey,or cause to be�elaased or reconveyed at any tlma at l.ender a option any parcel,portion or ell of the Property, <br />��"�,�•��.1�:�%� ��' �• (v)tuke or release any othar or addltlonel secur�ry for any obliyatlon herein rtwnGOned,or(vi1 mako aompodqons or other -- <br />�,+it � <br /> .�_ .. errangementa wllh debtars in reletlon thereto. <br />�`�; (c) Forb�arme�br L�nd�r Not�Walr�r.Any forbearanoe by 4ender in exerclafnp any ri�ht a remedy hereunder,or ��_:�_ _ <br />�;;�: •� otherwlae attorded by applicable law, shell not be a walver of or preclude the exercloe of any auch riqht or remedy.The <br /> � . , procurement o1 Insurance or the payment of taxes or other Iiene or chargea hy Lender shell not be a wolver of Londer's ripht to _ _ <br /> •.•"��°-��•�.,� accelerete the meturity o11he Indedtetlness secured by thia Deed ot Trust <br />'� , '� �, • (d) Succnwra�nd A�slpo�Bound;Joint�od Sw�nl LI�bUity;Csption�.The covenants and epreements hereln con- --- <br /> •�:':; ' " telned ahell bind,and the righta hereunder shall inure to,the reapective successore and assigns of Lender end Trustor.All 4;y;,;,;^�,��.. <br /> :.�,�.___ <br /> • � • covenants end agreemeMa ol Trustor shall be Joint and several.The ceplions and headings ot the perapraphs of thfs Dead ol ,...,,�.�w,., <br /> Truat are for convanience anly and a►e nat to be used to Interpret ot define the provislons hereof. <br /> � � (e) R�quyNor Notla�s.The PaAles hereby request that a copy o1 any notfca o1 default hereunder end a copy o1 er►y notice �+�_,:..,,._ _ ____ <br /> ot aele hareunder be malled lo each party to this Deed ot Trust at the addresa set forth above In the menner prescrlbed by _ <br /> ���:. � licable law to be given in another manner,any notice provided � <br /> '. ��,:•� ••� ' epplicable law.Except ior any other notice required under app <br /> .�;?c�' � . `'',��•�� for In this Deed ol T�uet ahal{be glven by malling such notice by cehilied mail addressed to the other parties,at the address set �_ __ <br /> . . :...:. . .::..;.�_ ■�g y����..._ <br /> ':r�;. �, lorth above.Any notice provided for fn this Oeed ot Trust ahall be eBecUve upon mafling fn the manner designated hereln.If —_- <br /> ,•`.''; � ` '.,s;!'� Trustor Is more than one peraon,notice aent to the address aet forth ebove ahall be noHce to all such persons. �. •-�-�^ -- _ <br /> , , (Q In�p�cUoo.Lender mey make or cause to be mede reasonable entriea upon and inspections of the Properry,provlded �f•u� ' <br /> .. •. Ihwt Lender shall give Truetor notice prlor to any suoh inspectfon specNying rea4onable ceuse therefor releted to Lender'a <br /> � . Intereat I�the Property. � � � <br /> � (g) p�conv�y�na.Upon payment ot all sums secured by this Oeed ol Trust Lender shall request Truatee to reconvey the „n=_ <br /> ..,x. <br /> � � Property and shell aurrender thls Deed ot Trust and all notes evldencing indebtedneas secured by thfs Deed of Truat to Trustee. �l«� , _ <br /> Truatee shell �econvey the Properly wlthout warranty and wlthout charge to Ihe peraon or pereonr leyally entltled thereto. � Y <br /> Truetor ahall pay all costs of►ecordation,I(any. �;;�.�w;,;�..— <br /> --J"%? (h) Person�l Prop�rty; 9�curity Ayt�r+ant.As additsana!securlty fof t� p�yment o f t he No te. Tr u s t o r h e r e b y y r anta _ <br /> l�� Lender undar 1he Nebraska UMform Commerclal Code e senurlty interest In all llxtures,equipment,and other personal properry s���{,_,_,�,_ <br /> • „ '. used in connectfon wNh the real estate or►mprovemeMa located thereon,and not olherwlse declared or deemed to be a part of __,,.�._�,., <br /> the real eatate aecured hereby.Thls Ins►rument shaU be construed as a Securlty Agreement under sald Code,and the Lender ��,,. �_ <br /> � shall have all tha riqhts and remedles ot a aecured parry under said Code In additian to Ihe rlghts and remedies created under -'1 i.h <br /> � and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Truak provlded that Lender's nghts and remedlas under this paragraph shall -• _ ' ,..�:_ <br /> • • be cumulative with,and in no way a limltation on.Lender's nghta and remadfes under any other aecurfty ayreement aiqned by �,-__� <br /> , Borrower or Trustor. � <br /> (f) U�ns and Encumbrenw�.Trustor hereby warranta and represonls thal there is no defaull under lhe provfsfona of any � �'_�"_� _•,=_,. <br /> � • mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of the Property,or other co�trect,lnstrument or ��---°�:. �. <br /> . • agreement constftubng a!len or encumbrance against all or any part of the Property(collectively."Llena'►,existing as of the � _ "� . <br /> date of thls Deed ot Trust,and that any and all existfng Liens remafn unmodilled except as dfsclosed to Lender in Trustor's � <br /> wrlllen dlaClosure ot Ilens and encumbrances provided for herein Trustor shall timely oerform all of Truator's obllgatlons, <br /> � in andluturel.iens,ahallpromptlylorwardtolendercopfes �� ,��• '�'=';•—,- <br /> co�enaMa,representatfons and warranties under any and all ex slt g ,;�,,. <br /> • of all noticea of detault sent�n connection with any and all ex�sting or tuture L�ens,and shall not without Lender's ptiar wrlKen � • . , <br /> conseM in any manner modily the provfsions ot or allow any tuWre advances under any exlsting or(uture Lfens. �•,;-- <br /> Q) Appltc�llon o1 PaymtMs•Unless otherwise required by law.sums paid to Lender hereunder,+ncluding without Ilmitation E;; • ?,,,.`,;,,:_ <br /> paymenls ot principal and �nterast,insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeda and rents and profits,ahall be applied by <br /> � Lender to 1he amouMS due and owing 1rom Trustor ar�d 6orrower In such order as Lender�n Its sole dbcreUon deems dealrable. �' .^:.::. <br /> (k) Sev�r�blllty.If any provfslon of th�s Oeed ot Trust coMlicts with apphcable laN or is decWred Invalld or otherwise . �:;_= - <br /> ..:_�: _ <br /> • unentoraeable.such contliCl or invalidlly shall not alleCt the other provisons of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can he �',� . ,i,_ <br /> � given eflect without the contllcting prows�on,and to this end the prowsions ol ihls Deed ot Trust and the Note are deClared to be Cy;'• r ••'=.�;__ <br /> -. �r- severeble. • <br />�I �:�••;:' (q TNm�.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall inolude both singular and plurel,and when the Trustor and Borrower <br /> � are the same person�s�,those terms as ueed In this Deed ot Trust ahall be mterchangeable. <br />; , ' ;� (m) (iowmfnp Law.Thfs Deed ol Trust shall be governad by the laws ol the State ol Nebraske. ; :ti,,,,� <br /> � Truator has executed thls Deed of Truat as ot the date wntten above - ; � , <br /> • � �_y�2 --- . . <br /> � � <br /> • "`x an�C ' ynp�J� T ustor <br /> ; . � ����.� . �� , _ <br /> ` �o ayne Tr �or ' � <br /> 1 <br /> _:. .— � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> . + ._._.,. - - <br />