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<br /> - ,�•,�+��~,.• .� ACKNOWLEDOEMENT OF DEED OF TRUBT
<br /> �;�. � 92._10235
<br /> — s�,�•�; sT
<br /> � :
<br /> ':,�{",�;.�,;"�"�;, Tru�tor undent�nd�th�t th�dxum�nt that Trustor I�about W ox�cuu Is�Doad ol Trwt��d nol a mortp�p�and th�t tlw pow�r
<br /> �. �� '^- of tals provid�d for in th�O�d of Trust provide��ub�UnUNy diflennt ripht�md obliq�tlonl fo Trustor Ih�n�marlp�ys i�d�Mrmt
<br /> _� �,?*F;; �., .. 01 a deleult or breach ol obllQallon under tha Oead of Trust,Includinp,but nol Ilmitsd to,th�I.v�dar'�rlpht to h�ve the Proplrty ald
<br /> " -: f..r."'. by th�Truste�without any judicid prxeedinp.Tru�tor npr��enu and w�rr�nq th�t tht� �Cknowl�dpemsnt was oaout�d by
<br /> � '��'� � • Trustor betora ths execution of the Deed of Tru�l
<br /> �.. o . ,o.r/� �y�►t � _ - _ --_- _
<br /> ' d �+�
<br /> ., aa C,PayM J Tr ta�
<br /> 3 .. �/
<br /> � �;. ' = C tbia Payn� 7ruWA�
<br /> . ���-,w:.;�e
<br /> ;`'" �� • M�r ,19�2.by end amonp
<br /> '• ': � �� THIS DEED OF TRUST,ia made as of the_.1HLi�day ot
<br /> 6 � � ° �� � the Trw�r, All�n C PaXna Jr i Cynthia Payn� . hu�band an4 r�.tQ ,
<br /> '�•J, � '� 1709 N Huston arand I�l�n���n�'Truow�"wFiet6a�one4or rnora), ��
<br /> ., .-i ., . whose mqilinp address I�
<br /> ^ � the Truotea. Fivv Point� Bank. a Nobr�aks Corooration , ° -v -
<br /> �;,_,��_"._
<br /> '' : . a `'•` whose meflinp address is P.O. Box iS07 Cisand Island. NB 68902 (hereln"Tn�atee"),end ��
<br /> ° ` � the eeneliciary, Fiv� Points Bank � v�
<br /> �� whoae meiliny addreaa�s— P 0 Box 1507 Grand I�land NE. 69802-15f�7 (hereln "Lender'7. �""�`°�`
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,includinq Lender's extenaion ol credit Identllied haren,toAllae C P�yn! Jl' -��--
<br /> �. 0 Cynt�ia P�Yn� (hereln"Bor�ower",whether one or more)and the truat herein creeted, �"�-�,.,
<br /> the recelpt oi which Is hereby acknowledged,Truator hereby Irrevocably grants,transfers.conveys and asslgna to Trustee,IN �� �,�,;,�.;;
<br /> ; r� ••, . TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benetit and seouriry ol Lender,under and subject to th�terms and canditiona herelneRer set •
<br /> �5°:-....-:�•.
<br /> ;,_�. ,;, ,•: foAh,the real property,describetl as IoNowa: --- � -
<br /> ' ��'� Lot On� Nundrad Fivv 110S) and th� Sout?wrly Thr�a t3f is�t ot Lot Ouq Hundr�d �s�,�L -
<br /> ° Six !186) M�at La�n. in tih� City oi tir�nd I�lond. N�brawkq. ��""'`�`
<br /> .. �:�.-�-
<br /> . �� • �iii^��r�--:�
<br /> Topether wlth ell bulldfnqs,fmprovementa,Nxtures,atreets,alleys,passageways.easernents.rlghts,privileges and appurte- {., ,,�,a;_
<br /> � nences located thereon or In anywise pertaimng thereto,and the reMs.issuea and protits,rpversions and remalnders thereot,and F `N �•�. •�'�:
<br /> ��� auch personal property thet is attached to the Improvementa so as to cons ti tu t e a f l x t u r e,i n c l u d i n g,b u t n o t I f m i t e d t o,h e a t i n g a n d �. .
<br /> cooling equlpment;and together with the homestead or marital interests.N any,which Interegtsare hereby released and walved;all
<br /> • of whfch,Including replacementa and additlonathereto,Is hereby declared to be a pert ol th�real estate secured by the Ilen otthis �,,____ _,. �
<br /> Deed d Truat and all ot the Iorefloin9 befnp relerred to herein as tha"Property" ,` -�-
<br /> ��
<br /> �� ` � Thls Deed of Truat shell secure(e)the payme�l af the principal sum and interest evid�nced by a promisso►y note or credit -
<br /> ! ayreement dated _—!!Y�^h f Af A ,]„492 ,havmg a matunty date of Mar h Sth 1997 , _ _ __�� �
<br /> T -�--
<br /> � U the orlginal princlpel amount of$ �•���� ,and any and a��modifications.extenaions and renewals ., - -
<br /> thereof or ihereto end any and aU future edvences and readvances to Borrower (or Any ol them i1 more than one) hereunder • _ _
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreemenls(here�n called"Note"l;lb�the paymeM ot other sums advanced by �•,,;,, „::.`
<br /> ' ' Lender to p►otect the securfty of the Note:(c)the perlormance of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)all �.... . ..,.��i:,
<br /> � pre9ent and luture fndebtedness and obligationa of Borrower(or any ot them if more than one)to Le�der whether direCt,indirect, , u�.>,_,
<br /> � � absolute or contingent and whether ads�ng by nme,guaranty,overdraft or otnerwf9e.The Nore,th�s Deed ol Truat and any and all �' ,,,,,;;,;;,;,� _
<br /> - other doCUents thet secure the Note or otherwiseexecuted In connectfon therewrth,�ntludmg w�thout hmltation guerameea,securiry •�.��..
<br /> agreementa and assignmeMs ol leases and renls, shaU be ralerred to nerem as tha."Loan Instrurnents". ; _„
<br /> � Truator covenants and agreea wlth Lender as follows: � �l*'
<br /> 1. P�ymsnt of Ind�bbdn�s�.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pa�d wn�r due
<br /> ' 2.Tltla.Trustor fs the owner of the Properly, has the right and authonty to:onvey Ihe Property,and warrants that the lien ,
<br /> creeted hereby is a flrel and prfor lien on the Property,except for liens and encumbrancee set lorin by Truator In writing and
<br /> •- delivered to Lender before execution ol this Deed ot Trust.and the execution and delivery of th�s Deed of Trust does not violate any �
<br />; , contract or olher obligatfan to wh�ch Trustor �s sub�ect
<br />; ; • 3.Taxn,Anar�m�nts.To pay before delmquency all taxes.special asaesamar.ts and all other charges againat the Property
<br /> now or hereafler levled. ' • .
<br /> 4. (n�ura�co.To keep the Property i nsured aga�nst damage by��re,hazards m�;luded withm the term"extended coverage".and
<br /> ' suCh other hazards as Lender mey require.��amounts and w�lh compan�es accsptable to Lender,nammg Lender as an edddional
<br /> � named Insured,wlth loss payeble lo the Lender In case of loss under sucn po�icies,lhe Lender is aulhonzed to ad�ust, collectand
<br /> � • • compromfse,all cleims thereunder and shail hUVe the option oi apply�ng All or part ol the msurance p►oceeds(i)to any mdebtedness
<br /> � secured hereby and i�such order as Lender may determine.1��►to tho Trustor to be used for the repa�r or restoration ol the Property
<br /> or(ili)for any other purpose or ob�ect sat�sfactory to Lender wdhout af(ect�ng the I�en o�th�s Deed o1 Trust tor the lull amounl secured
<br /> hereby befora such payment ever took place Any appl�cation of proceeds lo�ndebtetlness sha11 not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date of any paymenfs under the Note.or cure any detault thereunder or heraunder.
<br /> . _'_ ' ... " Ti�"�';�.v�i...,..�_I onrlor �n ai�rh mannar ae I wndwr may�iesionate suHre�enf
<br /> ------� �. c�crvw.u{iGi�wiii�ei�v'8�uai��uy i.o:uc�. o.v. ..p..�.
<br /> sums to enabte Lender!o pay as they become due one or more of the loilowmg:���all taxes,assessments and other charges agemst
<br /> � the Property.(ii)the premiums on the property msurance requ�red h2reunder, and I��i)the premwms on any mortgage�nsuranCe
<br /> required by Lendar.
<br /> • 6. Mlalnt�nanc�,R�pdrs and Compllanc�wlth Lpw�. Trustor shall keep Ihe Property m good cond�t�on and repa�r,shall
<br /> promptly repalr,or replace any improvemvnt wh�ch may be damaged or destroyed, shall not comm�t or permit any waste or
<br /> deterforation of the Property:shall no►remove,demohsFt or substentially alter any of the�mprovemenls on tne Prope►ty.ehall not
<br /> Commll,sufler or permlt eny eCl to be done in or upon the Property in vrolat�on of eny lew,ord�nance.or regulBUOn,and shell pay end
<br /> promplly dfacharge at Trustor's cost and expense all I�ens. encumbrances and charges lev�ed.�mposed or assessed apa�nst the
<br /> Properry or any pnn thereol. •
<br /> 7.Emin�t Oomdn.Lender Is hereby asslpned 811 CompensaUOn,awards.damages and othe►payments or reliet �herematter
<br /> "ProCeeds"11n COnneClfon wfth aondemr.ation or other taking ol the Property ar part thereol,orlor conveyance in lieu ol Condemna-
<br /> tfon.Lender shall be entitled at its option to commence.appear�n and prosecute�n�ts own name any action or proceedings,and
<br /> Shell aleo be entltled to meke any compromise or setllement in Connection w�lh such tdking or ddmage In Ihe event any poN�on of
<br /> NOC 3�b71NOnp�tuMW��OMA1 RFr 10 Ba
<br /> O 1�NM.p'W WN o1 Co�Wn Twp�M SN��p/AsWC•mm bntoln N�Or W� -
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> _ "_. '. a��.— ____. .. _ _._._ ...' _ ._.__
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