,-,f.... l: l.. ._� 'Yf-.
<br /> ..):iv�U_,.�''
<br /> �71 :. . .. _ :�a . .__ � ..{i�v = t —
<br /> {�ti• .ru�l:'.:"' JM;�:,i.. 'F[telU'...
<br /> Br W��,.�� + ----- — - - - -
<br /> y�a• a V'.�_.t,., -°- -
<br /> �.:�r ;
<br /> � _ ����a-�-n�►...�1Ts ._ . --- _-_. __..._-�-.
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<br /> �: � _,�,.,.;��.�;:� 92- 1U233'� �.-�- . -
<br /> , �:_
<br /> ' ���`��` "'� condemnu�ion��r o�hcr u�kinE uf u�ry pun��t'�he Pro�ny.ur li�r canvcyuncr in Ik u of c���uleumu�ian,un hcrchy u�.iuncd nnJ �"��._--
<br /> .=� ; ' *'�� shull lx uid to Lemlcr. �y�,.��,�--.-
<br /> � Y .y �P"�r.:..,�u_.
<br /> . �+R�".,��;;` r
<br /> `b �o ': In �he even� ol' u latul Inkiug c�i'Ihr Pn��ny. �he pnk.ed+ sh�dl Ik upplieJ u� �hr ,um. +►cured b ihi+ ticcurit
<br /> , � �,�c;.., In�irument. whcthcr ar n�n ihcn�luc, wi�h uny exce„puid tu Hurruw�r. In ihe even� uf u partiul lnking�+f Ihe Pra�rty m ,�,�..._
<br /> �_J.y_�,.-_..
<br /> which thr fair murkr� vuluc�.f ihr�r���ny immediutcly t+cf��rr thc iukin�i.cqu:d i�►ur�re,ucr ihun�h�unuxuii af ihc�um, --
<br /> s•--
<br /> • `� _ , ,ecured hy thi�Securiry Imtrumum irnme�iw�rly Ikti�re Ihe tulinE,unle„Rurru��rr und Lendcr uih►r�ei,r ugrcc i��µritin�t. ��_-:�—
<br /> '.•i='''.. .� , thr .um.r sccurcd hy thi.kcurity In,wment ,hull Ix r�ducrJ hy �hc simuuni��f Uu pr�krrd�inul�iplicd hy Ih� fulluwing ,<��{Q-r
<br /> k. . . . .; . ���_�_�:�.. _
<br /> � � �3 .° . fruc�iun: Iul Ihr lulal anwunt i�f the tium+tiecurrd immedimrly Ix ti,re thc lukin�.Jividrd by Ihl Ux 1'uir murl�ci vulur��I'ihr .ti►5 --
<br /> .� .ri .r ��'. Propeny immeJiu�ely txl'orc �hr tuking. Anp balunre shall Ix puid �o Runuwrr. In �he cvcnt ul a puniul �akin�:ul Uic ���:',�;�'���
<br /> " Property in which the t'uir murlcrt vuluc��I'thc Pn�x:ny immrdiu��ly lxli�rc�De �ukin�s i+I",�hun the +m�aunt ul� thc ,un►. �,��uC��_�_
<br /> • secured immcJiu�ely Ixfixc tlx tul;ing. unlc,+ Borr��wrr unJ LrnJcr �nhrrwi�c ugrec in �vriiing ur unlc„ s��li�•ahlr h�w -
<br /> s�""— • , � ^:� '�; o�hcrwi,e pn�viJes.thc pnKrcds tihull Ix�upplicd lo the�um++rcurrJ by Ihi.Securit� In,lnmient wlx:thrr ar nul�he,um,nrc ,�`���,•—
<br /> thcn due. , ..�";�.s�•`_'ti�:s:,
<br /> .. If'the Propeny i�uhundaned by Borruwer.or it'.uli�r nwire hy L.cn�kr�o Hurr�,wrr ihut ihc condcmn��r c�ffer.w mul�
<br /> . � un uword or tietUc u cluim b�r dumagc�.Borrowcr fuil,�o reti�md�a l.cndcr within 30 day,:�1'icr thc�latc�hr nuiirc i��ivcn. -
<br /> " Lender iti authorixed u►callecl unJ apply the prcec�ds.ut i�+optiun.ci�hcr tu r�+�oraticm i�� rcpair of the Pro�xrly ur tu ihr :,,�.y+r ..;`��:i„,
<br /> ' tium.+ecu�cd by this Sccuriry Instnmicnt,wh�ihu or nut�hcn duc.
<br /> � Unlex.Lender unJ Barrowcr��tlxn.•i,e agrcc in wri�in�.uny upplicutii►n of pr�x:ccd+ to priikip�►I+hall �xU exlcnd ur •+s: �.�� w�+.:: �
<br /> • ', . , ..,,,.. . pn,tp�►nc�hc duc dutc ul'�hc rnonthly paymems rel'crred tu in paragraph, I unJ 2 c�r�han�c thc amuunt ol'.uch ray�nrnt.. 'k����:..
<br /> ��::.,��.��.
<br /> .,: ' l l. Rurrower Nut Released; Forbeuraoce By Lender Not a Wulver. Exlcn.ion �►t' �Ix timc fur puymrnt ar �I -:�__zt,��
<br /> ' , "` - modificution oP umortiiatinn uf tlx sum.�ecured by this Sccurity In:trument gr.mted by L��xkr t��uny+ucce�+nr in i�it�rcyt ��;,,_.- "` __
<br /> � �'�� of Borrower shull not o�rate w M1lru�c 11� liability of the original HoRO�vcr air Bc�rruwcr:yurcc.�on in inlcrc,�.l.emkr �+P';,:�?9�.��
<br /> ��`�,
<br /> . �. ` " shull not br, rcyuircd u�commence pnx:reding,aFuinxt uny succeti,�►r in im�rc��or rrf'use lo ex�end limr lix ruyment i►r . _
<br /> �.•�:�} ,. •� J•,�;_�,,.. othenvise modify umonir.r�icm ut��Ix: +um++rcurcd hy thi.Securiry In,trument by reu,on ul'any d�mund mudc hy�he original ��_:?.';�k` �`
<br /> � Borruwer or Borrowrr..ucce�xurs in intere,t. Any Portx•rruncr hy Lende�in exrrci.in�any ri�hi ur remedy�h►�II not Ik u ;.•:,4;.,r �4'c
<br /> � � •�� wuiver of��r prcrluJc tlx cxcrci.�nf any rigM ur rcm�•dy. • i.":�:Y_��n
<br /> 1Z. Succeasnrs and Asslgns Bound;Joint and tieve�al I.iability:Co•sl�ners. Thc r�ivcnum�und ugrrcmcm.uf ihi. �. :,,•
<br /> . Security Instrument shull hirnl unJ Ixne�il thc ,ucressor.und us,i@m of Lrnder and Horrower. ,ubj�c�to�h�prewi�ionti uf ,,,,;�,^._„ .
<br /> pu�ugraph 17. Sarrowcr's cuvenu�xs nnd ugreement, ,hull Ix,µ►im und tirveral. Any Bnrc��u•cr whu cn-�ign+ihi.Srcuriry �,��r-••,,;�
<br /> -- --- °" - - In�trumcn�but d�K.nni cxc.�utc tlk Notc: lu1 i.co-,igning�his Securiry Inxtrwnc�u nnly tu nK�ngagr.grunl und convcy thut .x-.—
<br /> , � �r���na}1�uhli•ateJ to :s ��hr wm. �~•�=�::--"=°�
<br /> � . Borrower:intcreti�in�I�Prnper[y under Ihe�enn,at th�+S�curiry In,irununl: (bl i,n.1 p�. ) b P 1 r,.,��„,.Y .---
<br /> � �ecurcd by thi,Sccurily In+trum�n�: and(rl ugrces thut l.enJcr unJ i�ny other Bc�m�wcr muy :i�rec to ex�cnJ,nuKlify.tittl+cur • � _
<br /> ', or mukc uny accomm�dalium wilh regurJ lo Ih�: term�of Ihix Scruri�y Intitrumcnt or Ihe Nole K�ilhout thal R�xroweri ,,�+�a,
<br /> �;,,..��
<br /> consem. •���
<br /> - — !3. l,onn ('har�es If�hr lo•rn ,ecur�d by thi. Srrurity In.trumcnt i+ ,uhjert tu u I�w which tiei. nwximum loun �.��'•v��'.
<br /> . --�Y--�;,n ;'� �hargcs.und thui I:�w i�tinully intemm�cd+o tha�thc intcrc.t�ir uthcr loun churgc+ci�iic�ic�ar tu Ix�.�11«tccf in con�:cc�ian �j�,,��;�---�
<br /> �. . wilh the la►�n rxcecJ ihe�xrniii��J limit�.Ihcn: la1 any,uch luun rhurge sh:dl Ix reduceJ by Ihe umuuni nccc.�ary tu rcdurr , ,.,;.yy;.u- "'
<br /> =��.',�.., . „
<br /> Ihc churge to Ihc�rniiueJ limit:and(bl any rumy ulrcudy rullrctrJ 1'r��m Borrciwer which�xcerded�xnninral Ii�ni1�will tx � . ,
<br /> ' ,:�� � refunded�o Burcowrr. Lencfer muy ch�x►ac io mukr thi�rrfund hy reduring thc�riix:ip�l��wrd unckr�hc Note�x I�y mukinE a , �
<br /> .�.. � �.{•' ' .
<br /> . direct puyment to Borruwer. li' a mfund reducr+principuL�hc rcdurtion will Ix:Irra�rJ ati a punial prcp•ryment withoui any . �;,.
<br /> . - prepuymrn�churgc undcr thc Niue. :
<br /> ' 1�{. Notices. Any nuticc to RuROwer pruvidad tiir in �hiti Sccurity Imtrument ,hall bc givrn hy delivcring it or by �: �:f;..; •. �,..
<br /> . � . ' I1IUIIIII�'(l Ily�IfSI l'IAS�I11i11I UIII�'.ti�IIr(llll'III1It'Ii1W 1'l'l+U1Cl'�U�l•U�JIIqlI1C�Illl'IIri)tI.TIIC r���irr.hull hc Jir�rtcd ta thc Pro�xrty , � ..�,:•;;,�.�-.�s
<br /> ' � Addre��or any oth�r udJrr+,B�Krowrr dc.ignulc, hy nulirr�o LcnJcr. Any notwc la L�nJ�r tih;�tl Ix giv�nNy lirtit cla+� ;r
<br /> m•ril to Lendrr;aJdre,.,w�cd heRin��r any udkr adJrc++Lcndcr Jr,ignatc.hy mKirc k�fiixtou•rr. An��nulicc providcJ ti�r ;�. i::� �"�'
<br /> . in Ihi� S�curity In�trument ,hall bu drrmed to huve Ixcn �ivrn lo Bi,rcuwer i�r (.�nder whrn Ei�•en a, pmvidcd in Ihi� .•':�•�'•,.. ��;---
<br /> pari►gruph. �' �--
<br /> IS. Governin� I.uµ•: tieverubUit��. l'hiy Srcurit�• In,trumcnt tihall Ix g���crncJ b� fcdc�ul I:iw unJ �hr luw ul'thc ' � _.,_
<br /> ' juri�dic�ion in which thc Pra�rty i� I�x:utcd. In�hr rveni�ha�:m}�pruvi.iun�K clau,r ul'ihi,S�curity In,trunicnt ur thr Nutr •', ...:, Q
<br /> , • amtlicl+with uppliruhle law.�uch cantlict.ha l l not ai i7�r�n t hcr pro v i.iu m u f�h i.5 c�u r i i� I m t r u m r n�u r�h c Notc which rtm ,t,.j^``::__-._
<br /> • he�iven�I'fecl with�iut the cnntlirting provi�i�xi. 'lii Ihi.rnd I hc pruvi.ium ul Ihi� Securiry In,trument anJ the Nute urc , , , �p
<br /> declureJ lo ix��evcraMr. � �_.__.} -
<br /> � 16. Rurro��cr's C��py. HurroN•rr tihall tx�ivrn�mr r�,nfomud cupy��I'llu Nuic anJ��I Ihi,Srcurily In.uununi. ,' �'�
<br /> .. ���`•__
<br /> � � 17. 'IYunsfer of the Prupert}�o�u BencfkiullMerr�t in Horro�scr. II'ull�+r any p:irt of the Pro�xny��rnny intcre+� in t ____�
<br /> it i. �oW or Irun.l'crrrd lor if a Ikncliri:d inlcrc�t in Borcu��•�r i..uld ur tran�lrrrcil anJ H�xr��µ•cr i�not a na�urad �xnonl • . -- �
<br /> . . �,� � without Lendrr's priur u•riuen c��n�cnl.LenJrr muy.at it,uptiun,rcyuirr imm�di:ue p;rvment in full uf all.um� .ecured hy '""'_
<br /> .`i . .` thi+Srrurity In.trumrnl, f 1ow���cr,d►i.�,ptiun,hall nut Ik rxrrri,cd hy Lend�r il rxrrri.c �,rr�,n�h►��a ny�.�.rui i„w�.�,r ��.�_�.,.�—�
<br /> thc du�c ot'thi�Srcurity In�trunuroi. ,
<br /> ' � If LenJcr cxrrci.r�Ihi+��{�tK�n.LrnJrr�hall �i�•e B��rru��rr nutirr�►t'.irr�I�ra�i�m. 1'hr muirc .hall pmviJr u�xri�xl uf
<br /> , � '� nu�Ics��hun 30Jay.t'r�an du�taic thr n�,tirr i+drli�•crrJ ur m:�iled��ithin��hi�h liurr����rr rou,t pay all,um�kcurcd hy ihi. � .. ,
<br /> �t Srcurin• Imlrumrnt. If Ram���rr I'ail. �u �,:q�ihr�r ,um. pri��r lo ihc r�pir:ui�m �d'ihi. �ri�xl. LrnJrr tnay inv�.kc uny
<br /> rrmcdic.�xmiiucd hy 11:ti ticruril) In,lrumrnt�cithuut lurthrr n�Hirr ur demanal an 13.�rru��rr. � ,
<br /> IS. Borroaer'y Rlkht tu Neinstute. If Burn,uer menc �rrtain �uixliliun,. liurr�►��,r .hall harr the right tu h:rvc
<br /> enlimement��t'thi�Scruri��In,in�ment ditir�,nlinucd :u:im limr rriur t��Ilie �:irlirr ��I: I:u S .I.n.lur.urh��Ilier�xri�xl a+
<br /> ' � tiuiFl�•Lmul� Flntnlr�IaeiFreddk�Ine 1\IFl1N�1 I\tifkl �1t:\1' ..I wl�nm('�nrn.m�. 9�'MI iprL��,�!��pi¢�••� �
<br /> � • i
<br /> �, ' .
<br /> r
<br /> 1
<br /> • � , -
<br />