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_ ��� -::�- I��'„•.���'; :�r '�'`'�);',�;ti7;�'�'�•-.�;4,�:,,ii.. '��4`1�'�i •�. _ ' .�r� �,�,SYt->� ���_.:�_ <br /> �;�+xt•r� �,�,' '} � ::k+• I �wrs� w_ .�i' rr <br /> .` _ • _ — -- ° -- v <br /> I, :� <br /> �' <br /> .,- <br /> . _ <br /> . <br /> ���� <br /> �R ,._ <br /> . - <br /> r�t .w�r��,(��ti•�s.. . � . .. ., — - .�� �- <br /> l�i' r �_ <br /> , ee�4'1'_ _�_ <br /> ' ,f��. �.� '. <br /> ' "'. 6� ' .7�-� 1023�Q r - <br /> iie.r,y� r !�i`.°..---.. <br /> iw��►:'°;�.. • <br /> "� `,�;..;� 4zip��t . periadw that l.endcr rcyuirc.. Thc inwumncc curricr pr�+viding ihc insuruncr.rhull i+e chnun hy NnR��wcr+�lfi,j�t�o LcnJerk ���_ <br /> •�°' '����- ' uppmvol wliich�hull nw Ix unmu+onahly withhcld. IF Borrowcr fuil.�o muimuin covcrugc dc+crilx;d uMwc, LcnJcr muy,at <br /> v. : ��� .�!�' Lender�option,abtuin cuvcrugc la pm�cci l.rnikr'v righ�,in tl� Pnry�cny in accurJuncc with paruR�uph 7. _,,,.-_-- <br /> . . - - �(J... � =._�" <br /> � All in;uronrc�liric�und rene�vul�xhull lx urccp�ublc�u Lcndrr und�hull incluJe u�tunJard monguuc cluu+c. LenJcr <br /> " " .. :` - shull huvc�hr right Iu hulJ�h�pulicic+unJ renewul,. If l.rndcr rcyuires.Burn►wrr,hall pr��mpNy�:ivr ta ix�xk r uU rcccipts �...�r,.- <br /> ...� a of paid prcmium.and renrwal nmires. In thr cvent��I'lu+�. B��rcaw�r tihnll givc pn►mpi n�NKC to thc in�uruncu rarricr unJ ��-t;��,�,.�=-_--- <br /> Lender. LenJcr muy mukr pnx►f of los,if nnt made pramptly by Borruwer. �'`-�� � <br /> ���_-.: - <br /> -_.. � • - U�le�+ LenJcr und Horcower rnhenvik ugr��r in wri�in�,urunce pnkceJ.,hall hc Applird t��m,l�x�it ion ar repair i+f �����----�- <br /> d ••.' the Pro{xrty dnmagcJ. if �hc retitoru�ion or rcpair i+ ecnnumically tcasihle anJ l.cnikrti s�curiry iti nut Ir„�ned. If�hc �a�-..���;;,_;fim-�.-._- <br /> ��::�i�'s�..• .-w{s' ' re+tarution or rcpuir i+ not crunumicully tcu+iMc or LenJcrti��cun�y w��uld ix� Ir��encd. ihc in+urunrc procccJ+ sholl Ix —,��,.;�;^^�__ _ <br /> � � • � ' upplieJ to the xums tiecureJ by ibi� Sccurity Intitrumenl. wi�ther��r n�n then Jur. with any rxcc++puid tu Bnrrowrr. If °�,� ,.,_�_���� � <br /> AL---�-- <br /> • • Borrawer ubund�m U�c Properly.or daes not un�wer within 3(1 duy+u nntirc from Lend�r thut Ihe inyurunrc rurrier hus �,.��.�y,,�_ <br /> � offeRd to�ettle a rluim.then LcnJcr m�y a►Ilcct�he in�ururn:� pnxccd.. Lender may u�c Ihc pnxecJs t�+np�ir ar re+torc , ,.;:;;};;.�:ri,��.:,., <br /> - . • thc Propeny or to pay tiumti�ecured by�hi,Securi�y In,trumem. whe►hcr or nai thcn Jue. Thr 3(1•dny�xricxl wi��M'Bn�Wh�n _._ ;;•,,.;�.� _ <br /> . ° �hc noticcis given. .•.".•,,"'�""".:�.- • <br /> ' ' ' Unless LenJer und Barmwcr c►�herwisr ugrc�c in writing, uny applicution ol'pr�kecds u� princip•rl �hull not cxicnd or <br /> ;,^ � �. poslpone the due dute of tlx monthly paymcnt�rcl'eReJ�o in pairugraph, I und I or chan�e 1he amnum uf the puyment�. If _�,�_:.:�.... . . <br /> ',`t��2d����Y39"�+,'•'. <br /> ° � under purag�uph 21 the Property is ucquired by Lcnder, Borrower; nght to any imurunrc�xilicic�anJ prcxecJ+ rr�ulting . <br /> � . , from dumagr�u thr Pro�x:hy prior�o ihr acyui+won+h•rll puss U�Lerxler to ihe exirm of the sum,sccureJ by this Security ,. ••4.;.�: , <br /> " Instrumenl immediutely prior to ih�ucqu�si�ion. _ _ ���`� <br /> � � . . . 6. Occupancy. Prese�vptian. Muintenunce and Prnteclbn of the PropeMy: Barrowe�'s Lu�n AppUcation; ,�,;;.�'�=_= <br /> '"�:.� <br /> � 4easeholds. Borrower tihall orrupy.e,tuhlish.und uxc thc Nmpeny ux Burmwrr�principul rcsidencc within+ixry dayr ai'tcr �.�t,��e.. '�.. <br /> � �he execwi�n af thih Securily In.trument und+hull continue io acrupy thr Pro{xny a+Bormwer:prinriral mxidcnrr fur ut . ,����.,-- --��,. <br /> Ieus� one yeur ufler the Jute nf occupurn:y, unlcs. Lender n�henvi.r u�!re�+ in writing, ��•hirh rnn�ent tihall nc�t ix . •t_:�.;���r_A,__ - <br /> .?;,; �,�;,.-y <br /> unreuwnuhly withheld.���unleti+extcnuuting circumxturnes ex i�l whirh urc bcyond Bnm�wcr:rnntrol. Bnm�wer,h�dl not ��-� -� <br /> 6 , destroy,dumuge or impair�he ProFxny.allow thc Property to delcriuratc.ur commit wu+�e im thc Pro�krty. Sunower tih.dl .;',+,r. e-- <br /> be in dciault if uny forfei�ure uction�x pr�xeeding,whethcr civil or criminul,is he�un�hat in Lcnder:F�xxi fs�iih judgmrn� . r�,��:, �� � <br /> could re,ult in fodeiturc of thc Pr���nny or��thcrwis� mutcriully impair ihr licn creu�ed by thi� Securi[y Inti�runxm or . -;,�..T__ <br /> .. ;,�__.;:.;. , Lender's srruriry im�rcst. BoRi�wer muy rure+uch u drtuult and rcimtu�r,us provi dr d in purugrup h 18.b y�th�ucti�►n . __ <br /> . . or proreeding to hc d�.m�.,cd wiih u ruling ihu�.in l.�nJ��i gu��l l.+itli Jcicnninatiun.pretludr�b,rt�•imrc nl�hc Rurrowcr's ': ' .,' � -_ - __ <br /> ' in�erc.t in the Propcny or o�hcr mutcriid impuinnem of the licn rrca�cd hy thi. Srcurity Ins�rumrm o�Lenaler� sccuri�y ;',�,�,�,' � <br /> " � interest. Bortower +hull ultiu hr in defuult if Bnrrowcr, durinF t he loun u p plirution p nkc+s, eavr mutcriully ful+c ur '�: :.,'!�_ <br /> inucwrule infortnuli�m or�tut�nxnts to Lrncicr lor fuilrJ to proviJe Lendrr wi�h uny muieriul inti�nn+uionl in rnnncctiun with . . .,�'�- <br /> 1hc loan eviiknced hy Ux Nute, inrludin�!, but not limi�ed to, rrpm.ent�uiam c��nceming B��rra�ver� occupuncy of thc ' ��__ <br /> -- —, -= 1'ropeny ns a prirkipui rc,idcuce. ii'ihi,Sc�urity ln:,trumeat i�. nn� lr�i�rhrld.4�„rn�wer�hall r�Hnplyµ�ith:dl the provi�icmx = -_ ,,,_��- <br /> ' . . �. of thc Icusr. If Borrowcr acyuirc+1'ee�idr�u thr I'r��rny.the IraschulJ and Ihe fc�tiilc xhall n��t mrrgc unlesti Lcndcr u�rcr. " ,:; - - <br /> , ,.. �i�•.w <br /> .. to the mergcr in wriling. `����' - <br /> � �� • ' 7. Prolection oP I.ender's RiRht.r• in the Properly. If Burrow•�r t'uil+ ta Exrfonn the covcn:►rnti .�nd a�;recment. <br /> .•+. ?t•=� <br /> �. � " ��'1'�� . conluineJ in thi� Sccurity Ins�rumrnt. ur �here is a IcEul pnxrcdinE that muy ,i�niliranlly aifcrt LetKlar: rigM� in Ihr <br /> '•'��',. Propcny Iwch u,u pnxccJing in bunkruptcy.prahulr.tirr ciMUtemnulion i�r ti�rl'ciuirr ur u�cntixcc I�w.i�r rcFul�uioml.thcn . .. . <br /> •;(,: <br /> � Lcndcr muy Jo vnd puy li,r whutrvcr i. nccr�sury i�, protrci thc o:►luc ol'�hr Pm�ny unJ Lcnikr;ri�h�. iit Ilx Propc�ly. <br /> �. '';.,,' . LcnJcr+uction.muy inrluJc paying uny ,unu+crurrd b� u li�n which hu�priurity over thi.Security In,lrument.up�annE ; <br /> • in caun.puyin� reu.onuMe :aiumry.'Icr+and rnl�ring un ihe Pf�►�C11Y Itt I11ARC n�pair.. AUhou�:h Len�kr muy iake��ction �,,��., ..�,�.!�-- <br /> undcr�hi.purugruph 7.Lendir�kx+not hirvc to Jo,o. <br /> _ Any umounl+di+huneJ hy Lrixkr under thi, pa�a�r.�ph 7+hall t+rci�mr udditian;d deM of Hurr��wer�ecurcJ hy thi� ,.•_..,�,,.4.� <br /> Scrurity Imaumcnt. Unlc,.Burruwrr nnd Lcnd�r a�;rrc lu�dhrr i�nn.��I'paynunt.thcu anwuni.,hall Ixar intrrc,t 1'rom thr =;�•-,_. <br /> . � . da�c uf dishunrment a� thc Nutc ratc t�nd,hidl Ix p:ryahlr.wiih intrrc,l.u�u�n nutic�Ircnn Lcrnlrr ro Rurn�wcr rryuc�tinE •. � <br /> p:�ym�m, _--_ <br /> 8. MurtRaue Imurirocr. II'Lcn�kr myuircd tn��rlgagc in,ur:mrr a,a c„nJili��n�,f mal�inE Ihc ti�an��rurrd hy thi� �,. <br /> Security histrumrnt. Burcuwrr+hall puy Ih� prrmiunn rc��uirrJ��� maintain �Ix nu�nEut`.inwrunrr in r1Tcc1. If. I'ix uny �: �:;>;:• <br /> rcu�nn. Ih� nuirlgagc inwranrc cuv�ragc rcyu�rcd by� Lriklrr la�r,c, ur rru,r, tu Ix in �1'tcrl. Bnrcaw�t �hull pay Ihc ;.r.�_-., <br /> ' premiutn. rcyuircd t�,�►htain ruvcrugr .uh,U�ntiall� ryuiral�m to th� nwn�a�r in,uranrc prcviuu,ly in cllcrl. al a cu.t �•��*�- <br /> ,uh��untiully equivalent la thc cu,t iu Fl�►rr��wer ot'Ihr nwrtF:�pc in.ur.�ncc prr�•iuu�l�•in ellrrl.fri�m un altcnirlr murlgage ' . ... <br /> ' ' insurcr rpprovcJ by l.cndcr. 1(run,lanti:dly eyuiv:drnl nwn�a�c in,urainr r�,�cra�:r i,nai:��:�ilaMr.Bc,rru��•rr�hall puy lu . ' ----- <br /> � � Lendrr cach munth a suin ryuul�o unr-���•cltth uf�hr y�a�rl}�in�xig:�gc in.urancr prrmium Ixing paid h�• Hcirci�u•cr�vhrn �hr __� <br /> • in+uruncr cuv�ra�e lapticd ar cca+rd lu tx in ell'rrt. Lrndrr wi ll:krrpt.u,r and re�:uu�hrti�parmrnt.a+u I.�" rcur�•c in licu �.. <br /> � af mungu�c in.uranc�. Lu„ rc.rrar pu��mcn�,nwy nu lunprr he rryuircJ.a� 1hc uptiun�,I mun�a�.c inwranrc ,� ..��r_r..-i_ <br /> '.. " covrrugc(in thr amuwtt and tbr thc�kriad Ih;u Lendrr rrNuirc.�pruvided M :m in.ur.r:�p�n�,vrd h�•Lrnd�r ugain ixrunm. <br /> uvailanle:mJ i,uhtained.B�rrruwrr,haU p:q �hr pr��uirc�l iu m:�inlain mu�ig�igr m,urancc in rfl'e�t.ur tu��ru�ide u <br /> k�sti rc�crvc,until the rryuirrimnt liir murlg:��r in.ur:uxe►rrurduncr��i�h:m���rinrn:igrremrn�tkiw�en R�ttri���•rr 4 <br /> � anJ L�nJ��nr appliruhlr I:i��•. ` , <br /> 9. Impectfon. l_rndrr ur ih ag�u�ma) roal�r �ca,�,n:ihlr.ntric� u�Hm :mJ iny�.cuun.ol thr Pr„�x rty. Lrndrr�h:dl ' <br /> �ivc Bum�wcr nali�e al Ihr tin��uf ur prior lu an imprrtiun.�•cci(�in�rr:�,��uaMr cau•.�I'��r Ihr in•�x�cli��n. <br /> IU. CundemnaUon. The pru.�•cd.��I am .i��:rrd nr rlai tn I��r dauia�c,.�lirr�•t or r�.nu.� runnrr�iun ��ilh any , . <br /> .. tiiugk�l,mul� Fnmdc�lue•Freddlc�lu�•�\IH►N\II��IKI�IF.\f lud�nin�'o�rnam. 9•Wl ��u�er?.qnp��cr•� � <br /> , �.��.n Lr�.Nua�m•���n• ��u ■ . <br /> ... fn�h�Nt�-all INU�.'.MI�!rFl.t- f��(INb1'll�ll-11 . . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> .. _.�.L__ _ `__ - _i. _.. <br />