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� ,�}krr,`'� � � �viJ:' . rG y •:t� - s:-i.l¢27�� a- <br /> . �G _..�..�,�Tr„_.'• I •-b '��`' _ wt1:"��1YTls.- . <br /> . �� !/If�I�G'�'SA4�i ' „_ ._ ' - - - ' - -- � '----.._..-.,.-.. ^_ . . _. _ __ _. <br /> � ;:�. ifW,,�$;..i.,atlr. . �. <br /> ,, . - ��_'�� <br /> �! . . r�._ ,. . -.� ,�+u',•-'- , ��.rn <br /> w�.�. ..++r.w�. <br /> � , <br /> .. _ ._ 92- 1 U233'7 =- <br /> h ' - <br /> ' �• nppHcuhlc law muy�pccify fur rcin�lulemcnll Fkfora rala nf' th� I'ru�nY purtiuunt i�uny puwcr uf+ulc romuincd in this �,l.;._�-- <br /> ' �� ' " " ' Sccurlry In�irument:oc Ib)emry of u judgnx�m enfn�cinp thin gaurily in�.t�ument. Tho�e cunduicmh un�hut Horruwcr: lul �..;4__�- <br /> " `� ' � - . „ puyx Lendcr ull xumr+ wbich thcn wuulJ hc duu nndr.r thiF �u��y Inr�roment und thc Nu�c n� ff nn ucccicrutiun hud _ <br /> occuRed;lbl cures uny dafyult of any abcr c�wenuntr.or u�yr�anxntr:(�)puys all ez�xn�eti incurted in en�nrcing�hir Sccuri�y — <br /> ; Inxtrumcm,including, bul nut limitrd to. rru�onuhlv allc►rncyr+'fecr: und IJI takc+ surh uciiun un Lcndcr may rcu+�mubly �TT r' � - <br /> .- rcyul►e to ax�urc�hut�hv licn ot'ihi.r•Sccurity In�tnimunl,l.ondcrh rf�thl+in IUc Propcny und Bam�wcr;�,bligutinn�o puy thr =m��� <br /> �;� :- <br /> '" ° �ums sc:cured by Ihix Securlty Inrlrument .haU canllnuu �m��h�roged. U�n rein��u�enun� by NoR��wrr, thi� Securily ���. � <br /> .. - -- -- - Inalrumeni und iBe ubli�utions,ecund hrrehy,hnll ramxin fully cf(cciive n�if'm�s�ccelcruU�m hud�wrurnd. Nowever.�hi.r =- _�;_�---- _ <br /> ' �ighl to reln�tut��+hull niH upply in tlu ca++c�N'acccicraNinn utnlu�pur+�Bruph 17. . :''T�f;,+��a� � <br /> ° 19. Sple of Notet Chunge oi l.uun Servlce� Tha Nnta or a pnni,d imcrc�t in �he Natc uogclhcr wilh Ihi+Security .r".�,;�� <br /> ��. �' , Insln�menq may Nc�u►Id anc ur morc timcti without pdnr nnticc ��� R��ROwcr. A �ule m►�y rrtiult in u chungr in thc emi�y , <br />� `. (known us thc"l.oun Serviccr'1 thut ruUcct+�mnmhly paymunlh dua undor Ihc Nolc und this Srcuri�y Ins�niment. Thcrc ulsu �;�;�,,,�__^r=_ <br /> muy bc� one or mnrr rhunge�+of�he l.aun Scrvicer unrouitad to a tiulc of�hc No�c. If thcre is�ch�mgr ol'�hc l.oun Scrvirer, • - • <br /> Bortower will be Riven written noticc nf thr chunge in nccurdun�e wilh puai�ruph 14 ulxwc und upplicublc luw. Thr notice ,�.: .�_;_��_,.-' <br /> will stntc�he num�und uddress��f the new Luun Snrviccr:md�hc uddres�In which puymcm��h��uW hc m�nlc. Thc notice will ' <br /> nlr;ocontafn tuiy othcr infotmatinn reyuircd by up�►Ilaiihlo Inw. <br /> ' �.' 20. Harardous Subalaaces. Bonower shull n��i cnuhc or�m�it Ihc pretirnce.utie,di�powl,sloruge.ur relcu.+e of uny <br /> Ht►xardaus SuM�tunces on or in the Praperty BntTOwer �Uul) nt�l do� ni�r ullow unyonc rl�e io dn, unylhing affecting the �,�w;���„ <br /> PP Y P ,���'�'-�,�_'- <br /> � " 1'roperty ihat is in�iolution ol'am Environmuntul I.:�w. The pnrcdiog�wa sen�ences shull no�a I lo�hc rexence.u.e.��r �� � <br /> ' ' stornge on the Roperty of.rmAll quimti�ics of Hura►rclouF Sub�,umccs thm ure gencrnlly rccngnlzcd to bc uppropriute to narmal „`�.f�_..,L, <br /> G <br /> r:.w�•_.,..-- <br /> � ' r@sidentiul uxes and to muinlcnancr��f the Propeny. "-'` <br /> ' � Bortower xhull prompUy give Lender wriuen notice uf uny inves��iim,ikmund,luwtiui�ur oiher uction by uny ��;r�;=.�,•;�e�= <br /> govcrnmenlul or regulutory ugency or privutc purly im���lving thc Pm(►erty and uny Harardnus Suhhwncc or Envimnmentul ;_�4'�;-;;�_ _ <br /> ' Luw of'which Burrowcr hus uctuul knowledgc. If Dc�ROwer Ieurn�, ur iti notiticd by ,�ny governmentul or regulutory ' � -;.,n���-----•- <br /> �� c�u�hority,thu[any rcmovul ar�►�her remediu�ion of imy liuiurdnus Sub+�uncc uffec�ing ihc Pr�cny is necessury.Borrower _ iLh�� <br /> , ., xhull prnmptly iake ull neces,ury remediul uctiun�in accurdunce wi�h Environmemul Luw. �„ -- <br /> Ar used m thih puragraph?0."Huzurdnu.Suh��uncus"urc iho*e subx�unces Jefined ux ioxic or hururdouti.ub,lance.hy `'— <br /> ' Envlronmanwl Luw und thc following.ub�tuncc+; gn�o�ln�'• kcmacnc,o�hcr IL►mmublc or taxic pctrolcum pruJucts.toxir ':'• c:.,;:�=-_ <br /> pesiicide+und herbicidc+. volutile +olvrntti. muterialti cumuinin�t u�lxsios or formuldehydc. and radiuuctive muteri•rl.. As '. "'...y,.� <br /> - -- - in this puragraph 20."Environmrntal l.i�w'�nes�mf�tdcrnl Inws und luwti ol'Ihe lurisdiclion where Ihe Propc:rl3'is lacated r,. , , <br /> tha�rclulo to hculth,sufcty ur environnxmul pro�crdun, . <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrowcr and Londcr tunhcr cuvcnunt anJ ugrcc u+follows: � <br /> 21. Acceleralion; Remedies. Lender shall givo nullce to Bnrrower prinr to accelerution fidlowin� Borrower's . ,'• , <br /> breech of aoy cuvenant or aRreemenl in this Securll�� InAtrument Ibut not prior to'bl the actlnn reyuired to cure the ,,:�H+�;:. <br /> �- �nless applieahle law provldes utherwisel. Tho noticB yhall speciPY: lal the default; <br /> � detault:lcl a date.not less than i0 dAys from the dato the nofica iKµive+i io i�orroK•cr. b}tis�hlch the default mnRt he ____ _�. <br /> cured;and Id)that f�ilure to cure the dePault on or befi�re the date spec{Fied in the nullce may result in ucceleration aP • •�; �. <br /> the sumx secured by this Securily loslrument and sule af fhe Propertv. The notice shall I'urther inform Borrower of: • t � <br /> fhe riRht to refnstate ufter acceleration and Ihe ri�hl to brin�e court uction ta assert the noa•existence of u defaull or '.,.r <br /> any other defense of Bo�rower to accelerutiun and sale. Itlhe dePuull is not cured on or beiure the dete speciiied in ,•�. , <br /> the nolice,l.ender at ils option may require imme d latv pavmen t i n f u l l o f a l l s u m s s e c u r e d b y lhis tiecurity Instrument �; : :�� . <br /> wllhout furt her demund and mav invoke Ihe pu«�ar oP sule und un�• other remedie� permUted bv upplicable la«•. � ' '' <br /> Lender sbull be entitled tu collecl all exprn�ex inrurred In pursuing the remedie� provided in this puruRrap h 2 1. � � <br /> � , � includinq,but not limited tu.reasonable ullurney�'ferr und costH of fifle evidence. �k�'��.� '' � <br /> � •ord a notice nf dePaull in euch rnuntv in which anv part of the . �` <br /> � If the puwer of sole is imoked,'Irutilee shall na. � ,.::, ��_: <br /> pruperty is lacated uad shall maN cupies of xuch nullce in tBe�nunner prescril►ed by uppUcuble law tn Borrower und to �k,v� _ <br /> the otber persnna pre�cribed bv upplicuble law. ARer the tlme requlred b�� upplicable la�v.Trutitee shall Rive public �;;,�', _ <br /> notice oPsale lo thr persum und in Ihe munner prescribed by uppflcuble lue•. 71'uslee, a�ithout demand on Isorrower. , ,Z•u., <br /> shall sell the Property ut public aucliun ta Ihe hi�hest bidder ut Ibe timr und plxce und under Ihe terms desiRnated in �• �j::.� <br /> the noNce of'sule in one or more parccl�and in un�•urdcr'1'ro�l�ti�determineti. Trwtee mu}• poxtpone tiale of ull nr anv � �}';`£:y;__ <br /> . � pxrcel uilhe Pruperty by public unnouncement sd Ibr time�nd pluce nl'un�• pre�•inu+ly xcheduled sale. l.ender or its �,: . -,»F,:•_r <br /> •: , : . d�ciy�nee map purchuse thr Properl�•al uny wule. , . • - <br /> ' ,ca•�: ;:;,� lJpon receipt of puyment oP the pricr bid. 7Yu�ti�e yhull deli�•er lu Ihe purchu�er 'll�usl��'s deed wm•eyin�t Ihe <br /> � �`"' Properly. 7'he rccitals in thc 7Yustec'�deed tihall I�c prlma Pucie c�•idencc uf thc truth of the+tutemrnts made thereln. <br /> � " 'IYnste�e shull rpply the pruceedz nf'thc+vle fn�hc follo��in�nrder: lu I lo ull cu,t+uncl r�pea�iw�d'exercixin�Ihr pn.��rr <br /> . � ,�•�ml„���. <br /> + • - <br /> �n R <br /> ' S , <br /> ,. 1.., . <br /> { t <br /> Form�1128 4�411 �/�dtr 5 n►n pdtr.l <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> � - <br /> i <br /> • _ _ .._ — - I - - - --- - � .-.. <br />