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.._.. _. ..:.;� . .. .. ......:.f, a�. � % .�!;�='= � <br /> 'j,�{ ti . �: -�.• w : i <br /> 1'N�.� ,.�.�' � ' �i • ' ' _ " _ �__ . - _ _ _ _ _�.—__— —_--�, <br /> , `� <br /> ��....'��,`�. � a� .;�...« .y— . . �n_+-�._- <br /> �`I� t ��.� t'ff.'�y'.71iir,F...�n. .w.w.. . '`'�-_. .. <br /> '�y, + �- ,.,-�- <br /> .. ._,. . ��.i.G.�Jdi.+�Lr.�... .� . " �.n.YrY. _. <br /> � . � � � ` �-"�:'_ <br /> . ,� . i_.��.,. -- <br /> � -- - - -' " -- - .. _..._.._._..,....--�� � .e....- -.iraren=_— <br /> �':�e_t=.�_" <br /> .:�� � .;,:. �. - 92- . 10233'7 � <br /> �_... .: <br /> ;_� . � �° TO(3ETHEIt WITH all the improvemcnts now un c�rcaflcr crc�lcd �m �hc pmpcny,:md uU rurement..uppunu�unc��, �_ .�, .Y, ry <br /> : .:����::`�:":?` " ` und fixtures nuw or hereufter u pan oF Ihe propeny. AU replacements und uddilion+,hull al��tx�cavcred by ibis Securily <br /> �� " � ' •' Inslrumcnt, All af�he ioregaing i�refcned to in thix Securi�y In�trumcnt u�ihc"Propchy:' --— � <br /> � � BORItOWER COVBNANTS �hat B�xrowc�ix luwfully r;� uf ihe c��utc hcrcby runvcycJ und hus�h��right tu�run� —_..____.. <br /> .'��, �� and comey the Propeny und thot�he Rvpeny is unencumtkred,cxrcpt I'e►r encumhrancc�uf rccurd. Harrowrr wurrant� aixl �„_t.�.,__ <br /> '' • r''"^� �. will defend generalty the title lo Ihe PmpeAy uguins�ull cluimK und demundx, tiuhjcc�lo uny enrumbrunce�uf�ccord. ��-=�r•-- <br /> F� • �:_';��?,,►... <br /> _� ., � �x THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cam6incs uniiurm cuvenunt� fnr nutiimul u�c and ncm-unifortn r�wrnunt� wUh � - _f <br /> —_ , limiled variatianx by ju�+diclion ta canstiw�e u uniform�ecurity in+trumen�cuvenng reul pmpcny. � - �— <br /> ' ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwcr unJ Lcndcr cavenunt und ugn:c as foUuws: — — <br /> � l. Payment oP PrincfpAl and Interest;Prepayment and Late Chu�ges. Sorrowcr.hull prumpUy pay whcn duc Ihe p;.�u-__�__ <br /> T-�. principAl af And interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepayment unJ IA�e churgc.due undcr thc N�Ne. <br /> � . 2. Funds Por 71�ses and InsurAnce. Subject tu applicublc law or tu u w�iucn wuiver by l.endcr,Bunower shall puy to __ _ <br /> .' • Lender on the dny monthly ps+ymenis urc due u�der the Notc,until the NMc iti puid in full,u+um 1"Fund�'1 ti+r.(ol ycarly c�=�� <br /> ° � • tuxes s�nd astiesxments which may uttain priority nver this Security Insuumcnt ux a li�n an thc Pruperty:(b�ycu�ly leu+etx►Id _____ _ ____�. <br /> • � � � puyments or ground rentc on the Propeny, if Any: (c► ye�uly h.�ard or property inxurance prrmiums; Id) yeurly fl�w�d ���-��-�:,__'---�- <br /> insuronce remiums, if an ; (e) yenrl mort u•e in�urance remiums, if un : und ifl un tiums a ublc h Bortower to �'`�--.`— =--�--- <br /> p Y Y @ b p Y Y • P"Y Y G����;: <br /> ' Lender,in s�cwrdance with the provision+of parugr�ph ii,in lieu of ttie paymen�of mortguge inwruncr premiums. These � _ <br /> items are called"Escrow Itemx. Lender muy,ut any time,coUcct und hold Funds in un umount not lo exceed the rnuximum � � r ��"" <br /> umount a lender for u federall reluted man a e loun mu re uire far Bormwer+e,crow uccount under the federul Reul �r-����'���''¢"'°`�""`, <br /> Y R S Y 4 ""�`n",.,,- <br /> Es�ule Senlement Rncedures Act of 1974 u.ti s�mended from time ta time. 12 U.S.C.#3h01 cr sry.t"R�SPA"),unlcs�uno�her . .. <br /> • law that applies to the Funds se�s a Iecser amount. If so,l.enJer may,ut uny timc,collect und hold Fun� un umuunt nor io �� � <br /> . . -n . �.�� •- <br /> exceed the lesser amount. Lendcr may estimu[e ihe nmount of FunJti due un the baciti of cuRCnt d•rta and reason�ble r{.,:Y�;r ��— <br /> � estimates of expendi�ures of future Excrow Itemx or othenvise in nccordance with upplicuble luw. ,,, ;, �,�.--:-�-.�-. <br /> The Fundc shull be held in on institution whose deposits are insu�ed by u federul ugency, inxirum�ntulhy, o�cntily • • �'' "�`-i� <br /> PP Y P Y i :;'�"-� <br /> " lincluding Lender,if Lender is such�n institution)or in any Fedcrul Humc l.oan Bunk. Lendcr.hull:� 1 �hc u • . <br /> th�Escrow Items. Lender mu na char w Borrowcr for holdin und a I in �he Funds, unnuull unul�Ihe escrow . -'"-" <br /> � Y F' 6 pPY 8 Y Y 6 - - <br /> uccount,or verifying the Esrrow Ilemti,unle�x Lender puys Borcower interest on the FunJ� und upplicablc luw permilti � —_;� <br /> L.ender�o mnke such u chiuge. However, l.ende�muy require Borcower to puy u nne-tirm rhurge for un independcnt rcal f __ <br /> � --• estatc tax reporting sen�icc uscd by Lender in c��nnection wi�h thiv lonn.unl�..,ipplicnble luw providex rnhcrwi�c. Unle+�un G . . _______ _- <br /> agreement is mude or applicublc luw rcquires interest to tk paid.Lendcr tihall not be rcyuircd to puy Bon�owcr uny interest or �F : -� , �"` <br /> � '' eurnings on the Funds. Bormwer unJ Lendcr muy ugree in wnting,howevcr,th•rt interest shull bc paid un the Fund�. Lendcr <br /> �`'`";''`�� shall give to Borcower,wiihout churge, un unnunl uccounting o f t he F un ds. �howing cre di tx n n d d e b i ts to�he Funcis:�nd Ihe ' <br /> �. • t....,: <br /> .� purpose for which each debit to the Funds wAS mude. The Funds a�e pl�dged ns udditionul securiry for ull sumx s��curcd by � � . f <br /> —- t�;�Sc•curity Instrument. — � • <br /> ' �• Ii the ('�unds held by Lender exceed the amounts Fxrmiued ta be held by applienbfe luw. Lende� �huii ucccwn�w ��.L_;..�`:.��i,- _ <br /> Borrower for the exccss Funds in uccarduncc with thc rcyuirements of c�pplicuble luw. If�hc umaunt uf the Fundx txld by �'' `�?�'.";. ; <br /> Lender at any lime is nat sufflcient�o pay the Escrow Itemti when due. Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, und,in '• � ;;�, �1�;�' � <br /> � ' such case Borrowc� shall puy �o L�nder the urmwnt necesxury �o rrwke up the def"iciency. Bonower shall muke up ihe � .�''� � <br /> .e _ <br /> deficiency in no more Ihan Iwelve monthly payments,•rt Lender s snle discretion. ;� ����.;. ; <br /> Upon payment in full af all tiums secureJ by this Srcurity Intitrument,Lender shull pwmptly refund to Borrower any E • • . <br /> � Funds held by L.ender. If,under parugraph 21. Lendcr shull ucyui�e ar scll ihe Pmperty. Lrnder,priur to the acquisition nr �� � , . <br /> sale of the Property, ,hall upply uny Fund. IKId by Lendcr ut thc �ime ot'�yuisition or sulc as a credit �gainst the sums !;. •:•'�� <br /> secured by Ihis Securiry Instrumcnt. . • <br /> 3. Apppcation oP Paymen4g. Unlex+upplicabk luw prnvidcs olhcrwi+c. all paymen�y rcceivcd by l.cnder undcr , <br /> • parugruphs 1 and 2 shall be upplieJ:fir.t,tu uny prcpuymcnt chargr.due un�kr the Nutc: �ccond,lu umounts puyabl�undcr j ;�.�,; .- <br /> paragraph 3:third.[o interest due:f'ounh,to principul due:and I�, uny lute charKe.Jue under the Note. � 2'"' _ <br /> 4. Charges: Lfens. Borrowcr �Iwll pay all taxes, as.c.smeni.. churge�. finc� and impasitians u�tribuiable to �he r:J,Y" <br /> +, Property which may ultuin prinrity over ihix Sccuriry In�trumrnt,and Icasehuld p•rymentx or ground rents,if any. Borrower . :y:= _ <br /> hese obli�utions in thc munncr m v i d e J i n p a r ug r up h?.or if not �id in thu�munner.Burruwcr+hall p•ry them on � . �:";;��r- <br /> sholl puy 1 �. P <br /> time dimctly to the Fx:rson owrd puyment. BoROwer,h•rU prompdy fumi,h to Lrnd�r ull no�ice.uf amount,to he paid unJer i :: . <br /> this puragruph. If Borrower mukex�hese puym�nts direcUy.Borrower.hall prnmpdy furnish lo Lender receipts evide�cing : <br /> � the payments. f ,�~�� <br /> l ��'�':i,T61:. <br /> .'►'i:- <br /> •• Borrowcr shall prompUy dirchargr any licn which ha,pri��riry��vcr thi,S�rurity Intilrumrm unlc..Barrowcr: la)agrecs ` y �"`�"�-- <br /> s7,YY <br /> in writing to�hr payment of thc uhfiFatian sc�ureJ hy Ihe lien in a munnrr acceptablr N�Lcnikr:IM)comc.ts in good faith Ihe � ..--�'_ <br /> lien by,or defcndx aguinst enforrcment uf thr lirn in.Ic�ul proccedings whirh in thc Lendcr�opinion u�xrutc ta prcvent ihe �•�. �;���� <br /> enforcemem�f dk li�n:or Icl secure�fnHn thr holdrr of Ihe licn un ngreement auti�t:�ctory to LcnJcr,utwrJinuling the lien � i,•��-,.T. <br /> :�^.,�•:: <br /> to this Security Instroment, If Lrnder�ieicrniinr�ths�t any p•rrt of the Prapcny i�subjcct lu a lirn which muy auuin prionty ,. r,., • <br /> � over this Security Im�rument.Lender muy give Borcowcr a�x�tice identifying Ihe licn. Borruwrr shull sati�fy 1hc licn or take !��. <br /> one or more of thc uctions�et fonh alx�ve wilhin III day+c►1'Ihc gi��in�:ol notice. <br /> 5. Hpzard or Propertv Insurnnce. B��rrowcr�hall krep ihr rxi.ling un c�rc•rfter rrer�ed on the <br /> i Pmpeny insured aguinst lo,.by fir�.huiard�includrd within the Iertrt"exlcnclyd rirvrra�:c"anJ any�Hhrr hutarJ.,inrludinE , <br /> flaods or fl�xiding, far which Len�kr nyuin. in+uruncr. 'I'hi� in�urance +hall Ix maintuinrd in �he am�►unt�und for ihe � <br /> Furm N12N 9P111 ��wcr�uJD p�i�rsl <br /> i <br /> ' . <br /> � <br /> � I <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> . �_ <br />