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<br /> ��[i`m.Whu�i.a/�lMo..
<br /> � � 92- 102332 �----
<br /> a ',
<br /> +�,.,��-�, „-•�
<br /> � '� � " ol th�m,shall M entillyd to onlorce�h�a Truet ONd and any olhw aeeunly now or Iwroalter haid by Ben�hciery a TruBtee�n tuch ordsr and mannK
<br /> � ,; /o e�Ih�y or ruha ol Ihem may�n Ihe�r aGcolute diarelion dela�min�.No remxdy hetein conlorreA upon a referved to Truolee or 8anellcfary�4 ml�nd�d ---
<br /> ' to 4�axclutira of any other remxdy herem or Gy law ptovitled or prrmiiled,hut each ehall 0e cumulalWe and ehall be in add�t�on to every other ramWy
<br /> :i"�°"`�� '' plvqn hpnunWr or iww o►hersaller eM�sUng at law a m YQuity or by Ilatut�.Every powar a remedy prowded und�l Ih�e Truot OYed to Tru�IN W Benaficlary
<br /> R
<br /> " or t0 whleh elthet ot ihem mfly he othe�wise enUlled.moy be e�erereed.eoneurrenlly or mdapendently,irom tlme lo ume and ae oflen ae may b�ds�m�d �_ A
<br /> __ '- -
<br /> .. . . _
<br /> ' axpWlent by Tru9lee a Benehciary and eilhar ol ihem may puraue mconsislenl iemedies.Noth�ng herom rnall bo conauuW aa prohibiUnq no IWary G -
<br /> . � IrOm�Nklnq a dehaency�uAgmem agalmt Ihe Truata to Iho exlenl such acpo�is perrrnllad by law.
<br /> 11.tRANBFER OF TH8 PROPERTY;ASSUMPTION. U all or any part ol the Prope►ly a mteresl Iherein�s eold,lranslerred or olherwlee convsyed �,;L__
<br />.,.:� by Tru�tor wUhout Beneiiaary's prror wrnlen canseni,excluQing(a)Ihe creallon of a hen or encumbrance aubordinate to thla Trutt Oeed,(b)a Uantl�r �^
<br /> , by o{wratfan ot law upon the dealh of a Truslor who u a�olnt lenant a(c)Ihe grant of any IeaaehWd interest ol three(3)years a Ieae whlch doea not
<br /> ' contaln qn opUOn to purchase,sucn actan is a breach of Ifxs agreemen�,and Benelkiary may,al8enelic�ary's option,declare ell ihe sums setured by �.w.�,
<br /> ttus T�vet Deed to be�mmodolely tlue and payoblB,prowded.ludher.Ihis Trusl Deed may.al BenehCiary's opllon,be declered�mmedlatMy due end ���T-_
<br /> , payabla,lt(1�TruBlcN��a padnerehlp and any mleresl�n Ihe peAnership�c sold or assigned by any meana whatsoever,or(2)d the Trusror Is a corporAtan -
<br /> , arb a iranafer o►�he ma�anty slock ownership mleresl in the caporatmn occurs,or ihe Truslor caporatfon merges m any lam wdh anolher corporalbn �__��.,j��_,��_
<br /> � a entlty.Beneha�ary shall have waved euch opUOn ta occelerate d, pnor to ihe sate.lransler a convaya�ce,Beneliciary and the persan to whom Ihe �;�_._�__ __
<br /> , . , PropMy�s to be sold or Iranalerred reach agreemenl n wrding that the credlt ot auch peraon ie seUSlactory to Benalkiary and ihat tho mtareat payablo �_�_-
<br /> � - on IM aums eecured by this Trust Dead shall be al wch iate ai Benehc�ary eball requesl. �•��--�
<br /> �•_M
<br /> �� � 12.ACCEL�RATION UPON OEFAULT;R�MEDIEB;8ALE.The ladure by tho Trusitx,to rnake any payment a to pe►lam any of Ihe terms and eanditlons --`
<br /> pf Ihis Trust Deed,or the terma and cond�l�ons ot Ihe Note,or any ienewals,modificelians or e�tensbns Ihereol,or ihe fa�lure to make paymenl of any � ..
<br /> �� '� � other mdebtedness.pnor or subsequent to Ih�a Truat Deed,anq secured by Ih�s properly,a the death ot one or mae Truators shall be a breach and ��=`�=��_ _. _ ._
<br /> � default ol lhie Trust Deed and ir�Benehanry may declare a delault and may declare all sums secured hereby immedlately due and payable end Me �'.�.r;�:_,
<br /> eame shell thereupun become dueand payablo withaut presentment,demand.proleat or nol�ce af any kmd,provided,Trustor shall have any Watulay �•,�, �, ____
<br /> " rlyht to cure Ihe del8ult before any noUCe ol delaWt and demand lor sale may 6e delrverod lo the Trustee.Thereafter.Benehc�ary may delivar lo Ttuelee �� � -a��.;°'�"�
<br /> , � ° a wrltlen declaratlon of de(ault and demand 1a sale.Trustor agrees and hareby granls Ihal lhe Trustee ahall have the power of sale of Ihe Property and �;;::^-__
<br /> il Benehciary decides Ihe Property�s to be sold d shall deposd w�1h Truslee this Trusl Oeed antl Ihe Note or noles and any other documeMS evidencng �,'=��
<br /> ` expendllures secured hereby.and ehall dehver�o Trustee a wntten nouce ol delault and eiecuon to cause the property to be sald,and Truetee.�n turn, ����^z_.
<br /> � ,_� , shYll prepa�e a s�mdar nouce m ihe form required by law,wh�ch 9he11 he duly hled lor record by 7rustee. ��i,,;�,
<br /> �-.�;.�, _�
<br /> �'`..,� (e) After the lapse ul such time as may be rc,qwred ty�ew Iollowing ihe recordaUOn ol Notice of Defea�l.antl Notiee o�Oelault antl Not�ce ol t ',;;�-
<br /> .r� r
<br /> - Sale henng baen gwen as reqiured by law.Trustee,wqhout demand on Truala,shell 6eU the Property.d eot redeemed,in one or more `��
<br /> : „ , parcels and m auch order as Trustee may determine on Ihe date and Ihe time an0 plaCe deeignated in se�d NOt1ce of Sale,at public auctfon ,�_ '
<br /> ' � eccordmfl to law. �i�. •` -
<br /> p .nrnnds ot►he seie to peyment o t�he co s t s a n d e x p en s es o1 "��i'` ���'
<br /> - - (b) when irus�ee seiis pursuani iu iha�;.,waro hara,n,Trustse Shsl!spD!y t�'-R -� ��°-"°=—'�_°
<br /> '` i, • exercising ihe power of eala and ot ihe sale.mclud�ng,wdhoul limdalan,allorney's fees and the peymenl of Truslee'n Fees Inturred,whlch
<br /> Truslee's Feea ahall not�n the aggregale eKCeed the�ollowmg amounls based upon t4e amount secured hereby and remaming unpaid at 1�_r,;,.�!'Y';,
<br /> :1 .;y: .. w
<br /> the time scheduled tor sala.5 percenlum on the bAlante Ihereol: and then lo the items m subparayraph Ic) m Ihe order ihere stated. ,
<br /> �• . (e) Afler pay�ng the dema specdied ia subparag�aph�b►.d ihe saie is by iruslea.or il lhe sale�s pursuant to�ud�c�al foreclosure.the praeeds i���+.q,.4r:�f �lf
<br /> � r.,.' ot aale shell be appl�etl m the tullowing order' %�"����"'�. 1�
<br /> , � �,,..��3:;y*,t..
<br /> (1)Cosl ol any evidence ot tdle procured m connettion wnh such sale and ol eny revenue irensler fee required to be peid; �; 1e ,,:.,,,:
<br /> (2)All obllgahona secwed by th�s Trust Deed. `�;�'uj��ti _r _ '-
<br /> (3)Jun�or Irust deeds. mortgeges.ur utnnr henholde�s. _,_•..,:.rf�-
<br /> (4)The remamder, d nny.Io Ihe person legally enldletl thereto ...-�yw„•%:a�.�
<br /> � 13.APPOMJTINENT OF SUCCLS50R TRUSTHE.Benehc�ary moy.��om ume to Ume.by a wntten inslrument executed a�d acknowledged by Benellciery. � - '4:.=__.
<br /> melled to Trustor and recordetl in ihe county or counlies m whwh Ihe Property is Iocaletl and by otherwise comply�ng w�th Ihe provfsions of the applleabte �
<br /> lewa of ihe Slate of Nebraska subsidule a successor or successors Io Ihe Troatee named herein or actmg hereunder- ,; • �,_.�
<br /> y part of the '� ,, .. ` --
<br /> 1' � � 14.INSPECTION8.Benel�ciary.or�ts agems.representat�ves or employees.aro authonzed to enler at any reasonable time upOn w m an � _
<br /> _ Property for Ihe purpose of mspeclmg the same a�d la the pu►poseof pertoim�nq any ol the aCis il�s authonzed ta perlorm unde�the terms ot the Trust Deed.
<br /> 15.QPTION TO FORECLOSURE.Upon the or.cunenCe ot any breach and upon Ihe decla�atron o1 delaull hereunder.BeneOCiory shall have the opUOn � �:, -
<br /> ��, to loreCbse Ihls Trust Deed �n the manner prov�ded by law Ior ihe foreclosure of mortgages on real property �-n.pg;,.,:,
<br /> �" :...
<br /> 18.FOREBEAHANCE BY 6ENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Benehc�ary or Trustee m e�erc�sing any right a►emedy ! .�°'.q�=�
<br /> hereundar,Or Olherw�se ellorded by apphcable iaw.shall not be a wa�ver of a preclude Ihe exercis6 0l nny such rght or remedy.Ukew189,Ihe wa�ver .
<br /> �• by Benehciery ar Trustee ol any clela Wt of Trustor under tMS irust Deetf shall not be deemed to be a warver ol any other a similer delaulta eubsequently � ,:., �-L V—
<br /> � xcurnng. ,
<br /> . .�:;,,
<br /> 17.BENERICIARY'8 POWERS.Wdha��allecbng or ieleasing Ihe i�ab�hty ol the irustor or eny olher person IiaWe�or Ihe payment of eny obligaUOn .
<br /> herem mentaned.and wdhout allecung Ihe hen nr charge o�Uus Tn�st Deed upon any porUOn ol tne Properly.6enehaary may,hom t�me to time and �
<br /> � •' wfthpUt notke al the�equest ot one or more f�ustors p)reiease any person i�able.1��1 ex�end ar renew 1he matunty or pller any ol the terma of any 6ueh ,
<br /> oWlgal�ona.U��)g�anl other indid��ences-I�vl relec�sP or reconvey,or cause lo bo reieased or reconvoyed al any Ume at Beneliciary's optron any parCe�
<br /> or all of Ihe Propeny.�v1 take or�eieasx.+ny ulhc�r ar a�id��Wnal secunty lor any obligatio�norom mentioned.(v0 m ake settlemenls or other arrengements
<br /> with Trustor m relatlon Ihereta Au T�uslois sh�u hp��ntly And severally obhgaled and bounA by the actio�s ol the 9enef�ciary or ahy one or more Trustor j
<br /> ea 818ted fn Ih�s paragraph • .. .
<br /> 18.ATTORNEY FEE3.COSTS AND EXPENSES.T ha Or:nehc�ary ot�h��i�ust D��Pd�s ent�aed to the payment o�atlorney's lees.cosis and expenses : �
<br /> es provided in this irust 17eea. cMCet��•�s olho�wisr{irohibded by law ' •
<br /> Ig.RECONVEYANGE BY TRUST[E.llu�����'������'�'��'U�i�'��o�B�'�'r���''���'�'����'����"��^y���rni l�y rruslui ul Truslev'��dns. Truslue ehall reconvey t�
<br /> TfU910f.Or�he per5o��ur pB�tianti Icy,dly enUtleJ Iheiclo �vdNOU�wdr�anty..lny portinn p1 IhB Prnperty Iher1 hEld hBr6undc'� ReCrt81S�n Suth rCCO�v�VentB
<br /> ot any malters o�tacls snau bc cunclus�vr pro���u��hr trumtuiness uie�eol ihN qr��mee u�.iny roconveyance may be descnbad as the person o�pe�sons
<br /> ' legally entitled thereto'
<br /> 20.NOTICES.Excopl�u�nolu:ns.demands ��'q�.�'+ts or olh�r mmmun�ctilwns reqwretl untler,�pplicuble Inw W be give���n another manne�.when@vHr
<br /> Benetiaary,Trusior or iruster yne�s ui s�rivu�any rul��u unclaAiny �h�thuul imiddti��n. nut�ce of tlF�aull anA no��ce��s�del•demands,reque315 or OtFier
<br /> _ .,.n....,.�.� .�..,�,.�.,n ..,n�w��or nther r.ommun�cahon shall be�n wrdmg and sn�ll be eNecirve oniy
<br /> . ...._- -•-.
<br /> � - commumc�uun wni���opa�i i�iP��;7....:;D::A.:::":::......._.
<br /> .. �I Ihe same�s delwered by puisona�tie�v�re����.m.u4�d hy rvrb��xc1 mdd �,ntilaQe pu•U��tl.addressed to the aAdreSS ds SB�Ip�lh 3t ihB bB9��ninCJ O�1►1�3
<br /> Trusl Deetl Any party may+tl am�h�+,••ch;�nq��d�i1�I��rpSti��11 SUi��nnhces bv ck��rv��nriq nr nddinq W Ihc+OInPf p0�ly hB�B10.d5 dfO1B5N�d.d f10UCC OI
<br /> such ehange Any nrn�ca h���eund��r sh.u�t�r A����mrd ta havN���'n q�ven to irustar ur Benelic�ary.when grven m tho m2nner des�gnaled herem
<br /> 21 REOUEST fOR NOTICE.1�usb�r,�nd li�:n�hoary hrrepy rrquesl:�cnpy o�any nolice o1 tletauiL and a copy 01 any nohre o�sale thereunder. be
<br /> maded Io each persun who is A Party he«+In.d the add�e�5s�o�auth pzrson set Inrlh �n thr.hrst paraqraph o�this Trusl Oeed
<br /> 22.CiOVERNIN(i LAW.t n��, i�ntit I���rd sli.�il Inr y�we��nrd hY th��i,�,�s u�ine�Si:uu nl Nebraska
<br /> 23-SUCCESSORS AND ASSNiNS. I h�s iru�l pei•�L.�nd aii tonm; �on�td�ons ai+�1 oui�qabnn�,hore�n..�PPIy to,ind mure to the benefit o�and bmCs
<br /> all parUes heieln Ih@u hn,ir� Ir��.ltN��ti.dnwr,rrti pr�•.on.d iNpi��S��nl.�t�����. �.m c�5��,rs.u�d,iss�UnS ihp ta�m k3e+n�•f�C�drV 5hd11 ntPdh IhP OWnPr.ihd
<br /> h01d@►Of the NMe.whe��hU► o� mit nam��d.is Fl�•n�rh��.�ry hNn�m
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . i . _ _ . . — - - - ..—._:--
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