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<br /> ..="—.g"°.—'.-`� 24.JOINT AND QEVERAL L.IA�WTY.All cav�n��t and aWNm�nfa ol TruNa�hall b(Wnt ond wvM�l. -- -----
<br /> �,�.�;�,,,�,��.y,;� 26.�gyEpASILITr.ln IM�vmt iu►y on�a ma�of 1h�pralslom eontalnsd In Ihls Trutt ONd.a th�Nots a�ny otMr s�curlty InWUm�nt plv�n ��:���
<br /> ---��:~- In conn�ctbn wlth thls tran�etlon sMll/a�ny r��on b�h�W ro 4�fnwlW,INpal a un�nlacwbl�In any raprct.rueh Invalldlry.illp�llry,a un�n• �:s---
<br /> �—. lora�blllry thdl.�t tIN opUOn al B�Ikiluy.nd aB�ct any otMr provfslon of thl�TruN DNd,but thls Trust OMd sh�ll b�con�tru�d Y il wth Invdld, -
<br /> Ill�p�l.or un�nforaaW�podslon h�d nw�r bem eonu�^�d►arN^a t1»rNn.1111w Iwn of ttw Truu Doad Is Invalld or unenforceeble er to�ny�wl of �4_�_ -, - -
<br /> r,h"� th�d�M.a If Ih�IMn li Inwlld a unmfacNW�as to my D�ol th�Prop�ry,th�unwcurW or parpally acwsd pottlon of IM d�Dt sh�ll b�compNtWy
<br /> �•-;,.;;,%y ', ,. p�Id prbr�p�hs p�ym�nt d th�nmalninp and�scurW or Wu�lolly tscurW p o rtlon ot Ih�d�bt,md all p�yrrNnts mad�on 11N d�bt,whMMr voluntuy @�-�-��-���
<br /> — �l� ",:� ar Involunt�ry.stull bs eaKl�l��d to luiw b�an fl�p Wk1 on and oPPU�d W tM lull p�yment of Ihat patlon ol lh�d�bt wMeh Is not s�eur�a ewt fulty �;�,.-�.-
<br /> ' .cY'�,:b.;:'��- " �_--
<br /> �• ... • �,"' pound by tM li�n of thlt TruN ONd. _
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<br /> 2;n"''�' �" 2g.TRU�TEE LIAgILITr.Sp bnp u the Truet�e shdl acl In pood lallh ond fn ralfanee upan nWlcss and other Inlamtllon whkh II.in 11s tob dl�cntlon h-',>.;s?^''r r.
<br />� ...a..J.?�Y��,�'yT'." '� ..a.,.Y.yt.v:.::�i:
<br /> ':�,�*�,� ,�«� :. msy dNm to b�rNlabb,uid so bn0 as T�uatee shall exerclsa raasonable prud�nc�end cus in Ns�dminlstr�llan h�nund�r�Tn+stM�hall not b�li�bl� „ -. , .
<br />�.._•'"!?�. la�ny ba a damep�su�Min�d or IncurtW by ths Truatas a ooy Benst�clery a by any aher pawns whomsoww�Il bNnp axpres�ly�tlpulat�d Mat ��v,�n,�-�`;.
<br />.�..:..• .,`�j�,. ,' Ih�Truat�a�all be IIabU only fa iq own prou npliponc�and vvlllful dslault In th�pnmlwt. �''�•"�",`.
<br /> --..,n•_;:•_...
<br /> � � ,., , . 2�.�p ANp aENOER.wnenw«uaed rwan.m.slnpulw numbw eh�l��ndudo�no plura�.and Ihe uw of eny qend.r sl�al�b.app�caw.to UI psnd.rs.
<br /> �''�_•--=_�
<br /> ,,� ,���;�,�;, ' 29.ACCEPTANCB B�TINl�T�E.Truu�aeupte twa Truat whon this Truat pad.duly e��euNd�nd aelmowl�dpsd.It mad�a puW�r�cortl a provld- r�„= -- ^
<br /> ' ...aJ�,o. .wSa'� �d by kW.
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