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<br /> :, . . � 92-- 1�2332 -
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<br /> . n
<br /> � '" ,n 1.PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL ANO INTERHST. Trusla sheil promptly pay when due Ihe pnncipal ol and iMereal on Ihe inAebtednoas evfd�nced by
<br /> � '.. .. , ^ • • . 111�NOta.Ynd all Wher ct.uqe�and f��aa p�ovided�n Ihe Noto,and Ilw pnnapal ut a�d inlereel on any Future AtivancYS�ecurYd by ihie Ttuil DMd• �,�°_'�
<br /> '. •� '� ' 2.WARRANTY OF TITLB.Trustot ia lawlully seued and possNSSed of good and mdafeas�ble Utla and eslale lo Ihe Properly hereby conveyed and __
<br /> _ � - _. ___.
<br /> hu the Nghl to grAnl and eonvpy�ha Properly.t�e Prope�iq Iroe and clear of all hena antl eneumlxa�ces e�tept Irens now ol record,and Tru4tOt wlll _- ------ -
<br /> • � ' warrant aed dslend the tiMe to the Properly againat all cW�.i. enC demands _Y ---
<br /> � ' 3.MAINTBNANCE AND COMPI.MNCE WITM LAWS.Truata shaM keep the Proporly m goal repa�r and co�Mion and shall not commd wasie or permit �'=-���j�,
<br /> �� impalrmenl w detenoraUO�a�ihe Property and shall comply v�nlh Ihe provis�ons ol any lease d Ih�s Trusl Deed Is on a lea8ehold.No�mpiovYment now �,;:::°•-
<br /> or herBAfter etetted upon ihe Property shall be allered,removod or demoliahed without the pnor wntten consent of Benelk�ary.Truetor shell cqmply wllh �rw.
<br /> � � •• all lawa,ordinencis.regu�atans,covenants.condd�ons and reslnc[ions aliecling Ihe Property and not commd.eulter or permd ony act to be dona�n or .�::'�=x�"""'==
<br /> 'tS"d:"'-.-
<br /> . upon the Properiy m violauon of any law,ardmance,reyulat�on.covananl,condqion a restr�clion.Trustar sha II complete or resiore pramptly ond in gaod �� ` �
<br /> ` ,.,_ ' workmanllke menner any improvement on ihe Property which may ba damegetl or deciroyed and pay,when due.a��claims fa labor peAarmad and matarlpls Y_
<br /> . lumiahed Iheretor and for any allerations Ihereol. � -- - -
<br /> � l7�� .. X.�
<br /> � 4.INSURANCE.Trusta,at itsexpense,wdl ma�nta�n vnth insurors approvetl 6y Benet�c�ary,msurencewith�espect to Ihe improvemenis end personel �.-� y ` +�;��
<br /> � property,constlludng the Property.agai�l loss by hre,hghtnmg.lanado,and other penls and hazards covered by slanderd eKtended coverage mdarsement. `�"
<br /> ',')k.�_.._
<br /> � in an emount equal to al Ieasl one hunOred percent(1004b)of Ihe fuM replacement value Ihereol and�nsurance aya�nst such other hazards and m such ., '�:•�-�_
<br /> � • pm0unis as la cuslomanly carnetl by owners and operators ol simdar properties or as 8eneticlary may requfre lor Ita prdect+on.Trusta wdl compty wilh �_,�„_,--
<br /> ' � such other reqWreme�ts as Bene6tiary may hom I�me to time request lor ihe protection by�nsurance d Ihe nteresis ol lhe respecGVe parlles-All msurance �;;u�`aY�zY.
<br /> �• po�iciea malmametl PureuaM to th�s Trus1 Dnw1 shall name Trusla ana Benet�ciary as msurod,na Ihert respecUve mteresls may appnnr,and prav�de ihal __�- .�
<br /> there be no canCellatlon or modd�Cauon wdhout al least 16 days pna wnqen noU6cnuon to Trustee and Beneliciary may procme such�nsurante m accarda�ce '
<br /> , '' Mnth the proviowna ol paragraph 8 hereol Trustor shall delwer ro Benelkiary the onginal poliaes ot msurance and renewals thereol or memo copies of i. .,.��
<br /> .1 •.'.��_.
<br /> such polic�es and renewals thereol Fadure to lurmsh such msurence by Trustor,a renewals as reqwred hereuntler shall,at Ihe optron ol Benallaary. + �-,. ;;.,_�-
<br /> � cOrlstllute a detaull. -
<br /> 5.TAXEB,A8SE83MENT8 AND CHAR(iEB.Trustor shall pay all tazes.assessmenis and olher charges.ncludmg,�nlhoul UmdaUon.hnes a�d impositlons , '"•��_
<br /> � atlr�bu�Able to Ihe Property and�e�sehdd paymenls or ground renis,d any.nolore Iha eame become delnquent.Trusia ahall promptly lurnish to he�ehc�ery x:T'
<br /> all nolfces of amounls due under IMS paragrapl�,and in lhe evenl Trustor shall make payment direclly,Tr usla shall prpmplry furmsh to Benefiaary recelpla � *�
<br /> � • evideoefng such peymeMS I rusta shau pay au taxes a�d assessmems which may be levied upon Bene��Ciary's�Merest here�n or upon Ihis frust Ueetl , - -
<br /> � vnlhout regard to any law Ihat may be enacted impos�ng paymont ol the whole or any parl Ihereoi upon Ihe Beneliaary- �
<br /> 8.ADDITIONAL LIENB ANO PROTECTION OF BHNEFICIARY'S SECURITY.Truslor shall make all payments of mterest antl pnncipal and paymenle -
<br /> oi any other charges.feea and ezpenses conlracled lo be paid to a ny exisl�ng or subsequenllienhotder or beneliciary.under any e�isimg or subsequent •�;r'�'<1� i
<br /> _-- - _ .. mOrtg�go or tru�!deed tre!are!„e�ata!nep Arw hal�nqnwn�n�n nntault end rxomolly pay and discharqe anV end all other I�ene,claims or chargea whiCh ' ���-�.,'��
<br /> �..�:..�� ---
<br /> „ � may�coperdize the securny qranled herein If Trustor lads to make any such payment or la�ls to perfam any cl ihe covenants and egreements Conlamed r, .,�..,;!,j��s:��"—--
<br /> In th16 Trust Deed,or the Note relerred lo here�n,or�n any pria or subsequenl trust tleetl.or it any aclion or prOCeeding�s commented whiCh matenally � :ii;�;�.•. .
<br /> aflects Benef�c�ary's inlerost In the Propeny,mcluding,but not hmrted to,emment domam proceedmgs.proceedings Involvmg a decedenl,nolice of sale �' " '' -
<br /> by Truetee,notice o1 detault by Truatee,matgdge lureclosure acuon,or d Trusta�ails to pay Truslor's debts generally es they become due,the�Beneticiary. • ��, �
<br /> et Beneticlary'a oplan and wdhout�otice to or demand upon T�uslor and wilhout releasmg Trustor�rom any obligatwn hereuntler,may meke such eopearances. �-.�V�.-`.� _
<br /> dlsburse such suma and lake such act�on as is necessary to prptecl Benehuary'S imeresl.mcluding,bW not lim�ted to.CisbWSement ot reaeonable ettwney's � �i.,fi3:
<br /> faes,paymenl.purchase,contesl or comprom�se ot any encurnbrance.charge or lien,antry upon the Properry to meke repaira,or declarallon of delaulf ' t
<br /> under Ihfs Trust Deed.In Ihe evenllhat Trustor shall fad to pracure i nsurnnce or lo pay loxes,assessrnenls,or any othar charges or to make any payments ���", �
<br /> to any exieting or subsequent I�anholders or ex�sting or subsequent benehc�ar�es.Benelic�ary may procure such�nsuranee and make such payment.bul . ��
<br /> ehell not be obhgal6d to tl0 so.A�y umounts tlisDursed by Benehnar y pu�suant ta th�s Paraqraph 6 shaA betome adddionHl mtlebtedness ol Trustor s9cured �� �
<br /> by thls TruBt Deetl Sueh amounts shan be payable upon nol�ce Irom Bnneliciary to T�ustor request��g peyment thereof.end shall bee�mtereet trom the i ,
<br /> dete of dl3bur4ement al the rAle payable Irom hme to bme on outsiand�ny pnnapa��nder Ihe Noto unless payment of mterest at euch rate would b8 Contrery
<br /> to 8pp11C8b1e 18W,m whichevent such anlounl5 Shall bear mt6rHS1 at th�h�ghest r0tt�perm�ss�ble unde�appl�cable law No1Mnq COntalnBd ul th15 Per9greph {
<br />. r �:v'���r:-
<br /> 8 shall reqwre Benehaary to�ncur any nxp�ns@ or lake nny acuon nereunder � -•`-;i'_
<br /> +'✓,.
<br /> 7.ASSIQNMHNT OF RHNTS.eene��c�.+ry snan h,ive the ngnl.pow�fr and authonly tlunnq t�e conUnua�C9 0l lh�s Trus�Deed to CaIIeC�th0 r6nIS.�sSUOS � -.�.�.:f��.x
<br /> end profds ol Ihe Property and ot any personai proporty iocated thereon wdh or wdhoul Idkmq passussron of Ihe propeqy allected hereby,and Trustor • ,.,,;,,c.:,
<br /> hereby abaolulely and uncondiuonauy assigns au sucn iants,�ssues.+�d���o��1s�.�Benehc�ary Benef�oary, however. hereby consents to the Trusto�'s t ,', ��`^�`"
<br /> �. �.,�g.aia�i
<br /> co11et1i0n and retenUon ol such rents.�ssues anA prohts as Ih�y accruA antl Uetame payable so long as 7rustor�s noL at such Ume.m delaufl w�lh�BSp¢Ct , • = •
<br /> lo peyment of any mdebtedness secured hereby.or in the perform:inca nl any aqraament hereunder Upo�anysuch deteulf,Benelic�ary may at any t�m9. l.
<br /> , e'��:at�
<br /> eilher m person,by agent,or by a recervnr lo be appomtod by p caurt,wdhout noUCe,i�d w�Ihout regard to me adequacy of any secunty lor the�ndebtetlnass
<br /> h9�eby aecured.(al enter upon and take pussess�on ol Ih�Property or.my parl Iherool..md m�IS own name sue lor or otnerwise eollect suCh renls,�ssues
<br /> • and prot�IS,InCludmg those past due and unpa�d.and apply th�same.less cosls��nd uRpenses of operat�on andtolletl�on,mcluding reaSOnable altorn9y'S
<br /> lees,upon any mtlebtedness secured hereby.and�n such order,�5 Benel�c�ary rnay dotermme.�b)perlarm such acls el repav or protecUOn as may be �
<br /> neCeasary ar proper W eonserve the value ot�he Properly.Ic 1 ieasu Itie s:�me or�ny part Ihereof for�uch rental.1erm,and upon sueh condillpns as ds •
<br /> y' JUdgment may dictale.or lermin&le or ad�ust the tenns nnd condd�ons o�eaistmg leases Umess irus�a end Benef�c�ary thereo�agree olnerwise m wntmg,
<br /> -, , , 811y 8ppl1t8t10n of rentS.5SU9S or pro�ds to dny inAeblednass ser.wed hereby tih;iu not extend a post pone the due dAte ol the�nsle�lment peyments as
<br /> '•E , provided In said promissory note ur change Ihe amount ol such�nstaumAnls Tne ontenng upon w�d laking possessw�of the Property,the Collectlon
<br /> ot auch renls.�ssues and prohts.and the apphr.atiun Ih��eot as a�o�rsa�d_�.hail n��t waroe or curn a ny de�ault a nouce ol delault hereunder or mvalWate
<br /> eny eCt dOne pursueM lo sucn nnUCe Tn�slor also�issiq���lu Bune���anv. .is turthw r:rcunty�ar the n����arrnancr o�the obhgat�ons secured hereby.all
<br /> , prepald rents and all momes wn�cl�nwv n.,vt�been��i m.iy n���r•di�•i��r�h•����,���'�1 v��m,.���t 1�,,,i,�r ��� ,my i�,sae o�Ihe Pr��perly.to secure Ihe payment
<br /> ot any rent or damages.a up�m Aor.iun���tn�•i,����u��,�.,n��.�d.�n�r nt u,�i,�„v�•.�„n.�,r��ad f�„�.�or aq�rra,in dahver sucn rents anq dePOSits to Benofiaary
<br /> � Oebvery ol wniten not�ceol AenNtuaa��s��+�ar�.�tir u�Ih.•�npih qr,u�l�vl���������� b�.�n� t.��,.�nl�n�uFry�r�y>did p����»�SPS 9h�ll bB Su11iGB11�10�9qURB 50�d
<br /> . tenent lo Pay rent lu the Be��t�hu.0�u��ui h��R,r� ,,.�����• .
<br /> 8 CONDEMNATIfIN-I'�dii•I��.in�.li.i�t�r h���l�rrp�••ry•n.i�i r. •.tw•�, �,.����.1.,�����,i���•i���n�•�•�7���i�•���y •:qn1 U�Nnlmnnl�IUmd�ll Ur ti�md.�r.��Uon or
<br /> Shall be soltl undCr threal o�rondemnat��in ;di,�.v.��ds d.�m.iyes .inq pux r�'�»,ur hriet�v,�v�qn�p anq yhau be p;��tl to Benehc�ary who shall apPly
<br /> � sueh awartls.damages a�d pr�,ceeds t.,Ihe��u�»s���un•d by ih,y l�usi I)rNd w�t��the��xr��ss,d :my na�tl to T ruslur U TrusWr recerves anY notice or
<br /> other mfprmahon regarcbnq yuch acuun�,n� p��n.�!rd�nya Lu�lor-.h.ql y�vr prnrnpl nnllPn n4����+IhPr POl lt� BPn�+hOd�y BUnPL��;�ry Shdll be entdled.at
<br /> AS aption.to Cammence apt�'ar m.�nA p�us�c�dr m�e.u«��n,u nr.u.v�u�n.�ru����������„r��r�y�nqe..in,�;i�.�u I�r.�ni�tirrcf to rnake any comprom�se a SettlPment
<br /> iD C011IIBCIiOO Wdh,iny tiu[h.i�UOn a�p�o�.P��A�nqS
<br /> . , . .d�Mn Pr�na.l�r,i f�u[tnr inav m:IkP
<br /> , . .Y rY1Vf1t MV1/MI�K.j. ijv�� ..'yu .��... � .�.�... � .� .. . ... .. ...... . . � ... " .. _. .. . . " . . .. . .
<br /> IutufB 8dvanCes�o Trustor Sue h t��tu�i•ddv.u��i�ti �t��h•nt�•ir•.1 Du•�e•c•�, .n.di h��.,..,�p,•�I t,y Ih�.1 r ii.t I1,�rA HhPn Nv�AUnc.�n by p�om�ssarv notCS�tatmq
<br /> lhal 581f�001@5 7fC'.;Q[Uffd hP�rhV P�U�iQ��d Ih.d .d n����m�••.��.�1�Ihr•.rrl�n•�t Ilyd�rip.l�.U�d 4dur��.�J�.1nrN< not�n('hidlnq 4u�ns.1dVdnCed to txO1PCt
<br /> the securdv.exceed two nund��•n��r��r�•t 1:(11) ..���t Il�r uny�n.d �v�n�q..0 .in�oun:� .���un�q hrn.t�,
<br /> 10 qEME01ES NOT EYCLUSIVE. t���•.�����.�����ts,•���•����.��r .���a�•.�,h���tlii�in tih.���I•n�,nl�lir�i I�•.vdi.�u•D.iY�np�tl��n�1 Pni ram�.�ni.•���.�n�mAe+Mi+tlness
<br /> or obugaUOns secwrd h,xeby and W��,�•�r�•,e,u�����nl�.i���l P,��ti��� ,un�i,��m�, I ri��.�I)���•d ur un�t�•r .1��� �qhrr dqrt't�mpn���i��culrJ m tJtlnPil�Wl hP�P�Ydh
<br /> 01 8ny IaWS noW or hrrea�t��r�n ion�� rn�ItiYdri�ldnd�ny.umr��n.W�-�p��• •.i���i.��d��b[r�Jr,oss��n�t rU��yd:l��x y���UrPt]Ih+fPU�'nl.ly nUK P� hp�PdRN�bl?
<br /> OIhBrWisB SCGUted whether UY������tq,u)�� b n•d d���•�: Up�dqp. i��m ,iv.�,�mn��nl.u,dm.i Wi.p Nr�dh.•r mi•.Il'i'�'t�l.lni��u�th�5 f ru51 Dt'Pd i���r d5 c'NOr�rmtnt
<br /> whe�hBr by eourt.ul�un�u pm���.int h�un•�n�a�����1•.d6•ui��thrn pi��t••�,n�•r rm�unl-un�•i1 •.e,.1u p��ql��t r e�P��n.I�q•rn.�nr�p�,{Hpft T�USIP.+�U�Brnpht'alry�
<br /> nght to reahte uPon�r��dun e�.Iny ulhrr•..�w,ly r�n.���h..��•.dl,�� �•�•I�1 I v 1�u.L••�.�lirn.•hi�.0� .:Ui•�nU.1.71rPJ II�.�I T•U•,IPP dnQ�t•nplu�.Ir� .In�1 e'JCh
<br /> 1
<br />