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'�I'� •s���� �'�.... •r;���� ,�H�Y"��o:�rl 11iliNy��fR_th�'"'t�'�i �+.�.-'��. . �'�,�il , w �r...iyA------ _ �r..... _-.'-,.. <br /> I _ __ L ft <br /> YS [� r- �y� <br /> f__r,� —_—___ ...._ <br /> � - �_ —.. '� —_ _ _����_ . .-.— __ __ __ _'_ <br /> �4�fM:., <br /> .� . _ --__ _�....,...,. - <br /> _4. . .... _��.,�.. .". <br /> ___.-.- <br /> _' ' � � .. �"+ y.. .._._.��_a�� _ . _ <br /> . - '- — _ __'�' a _ _. ____ _ _—___ <br /> _ 4 � .•y . `1.. V�-- ��228 6 <br /> •...�k�I AJJY��• •• <br /> " •-^-':�•�t, �ppUcAblr luw may xpccify fur rcin�+u�cmrnll t�efnrc tialc ot'thc Pn►pcny pur,uunt w uny �x�wcr uf�alc c��n��incd in thiti ���: <br /> a��-!I�;��,;�r,:� .'�•� Securiry Inalrument:ur lbl entry af u judgnxnl cnfarcing thi�Scru�ity Instrumcni. ThnK ronditi�►nx un IhRt N�►rtowrr lul = . <br /> ., � �. . pays I.emlecr ull sums which Ihrn wauld Im duc undcr �his Securfly Inrt►umcnt and�hc NiNC u� if �accelr.rntiun hud — <br /> ' . accurred:lbl cureti any ckfnult nf uny�Nhcr covrnunis�►r ugrccmr.nt,;lc 1 payy ull eK�xnK�inrurrcd in cnf��ing�hir Srcu�iry ___. <br /> Inwirumcm, iru:luding, but nut limitcd to. rcau►nuMc uuomcy�fcr�: und IdI �ukr+ +uch acliun u+ Lcndcr may rea+�nabiy <br /> ' > ' " reyuire to u.r•sure thp�!t►c lien uf�hi�Scruri�y Inrlrument.Gcndcr ti rights in�hc Prup�:rty und B�►rra►wc��ohligu�ion tu pay thc ti t.�- <br /> � �}'".--_. <br /> . . � �" • " �umc sccured by Ihic Secu�iiy Imtrumenl rhvll canlinuc unchanged. Upnn reinslutemcol hy B�►rcuwc�. 1hi.r Serurity <br /> ' ; � In+trument und�be nhliFution�wcured hereby .hu l l remuin fu l ly e f fec tiv e u.i f n o u c c e l e r u t ion hud�xcurn�d. Huwever.this �_. __ � <br /> � . . ;..._. _., _ <br /> �• .�. � right ta rcinxtate shull nc�t appiy in Ihc cu�c uf arcclrru�ion undcr parugraph 17. �=- <br /> ' • 19, SAk ot Note;Change of I.oan tienker. The Note or u p:utiul inlcresl in�he N�xe Uo�ciher with�hix Security <br /> ' Im�rumentl may Ix uilJ nnc ar morc�ime�wiihout prior n�+ticr io SoROwer. A�alr mny resuh io u ch�nge in�h�:enUty _ <br />""' � � • Iknawn nx the"Loan Servicer"1 th�t collect+momhly paymem.r due under ihe Nate und�hic Security In�trument. ThCfC Also — <br /> � may be anc or mom changes ut'�he L.uan Servicer un�clated to u,ale of�he N�NC. It'�here i�u rhange of thc Lc�,v�Service�. � <br /> Borcciwer will be given writien noticc af�he rhange in ucrurdance wiih purugruph 14 Lhnvr und uppUcabk Iaw. 'Ihe nWirc <br /> �. r..;:•: • will titute Ihc nume and uddre.ti of the new l.uan Scrviccr und the addm���o which puyments xhould be made. 'Ih�ratice will <br /> ' . �;"�� • . .;� � ulw contain uny other iniormutian rcyuircd by applicuble law. ! � <br /> 2Q. NAZardaus Subslonces. BaROwcr shall not cuuK ur pemiit ihc pmsencc.uK,di,p��sul,star�+ge,ur rclea.e of uny � <br /> • � Huxardous Substunce+ on or in the Prupeny. Barrower�hull not do,�or ullow stnyone clse to do,unything uffec�ing the <br /> � Propeny Iha� is in violation of any Environmentul Luw. The prcceding two.eMences shull nat upply w�he prexence,ux,or .___ <br /> ' � storage an the Ropeny af small yuantitics uf H:�zurduus Sub.tunces�hat ure generollY recugnized to be uppmpriute io normul _— <br /> • residentiul uses and�o maimenancc of thc Property. —_ <br /> � Barrowcr shAll prompQy giv�L.ender written nrnice of any inve,tigation,rlaim.demand,luwxuit or aher ac�fon by uny _„� <br /> � - � "" govemmenlul ur regulatory agcncy or privnle p:uty involving thc Property anJ t►ny Hazardaus Sub��nnce or Emimnmenlal _ � � <br /> ' • La�v of which Borrower has Actuul knowle�ge. If Bor�ower IeAm+, ��r i, notified by uny govemmcntal ar rcgulatory <br /> • • uuthority.thut uny removal or rnhcr remediatiun of any Hsuurdous Substancc•rffecting the Property iti necessory,Bortawcr �_ <br /> �hull pmmptly take all necessury mmedial actions in accordunce with Environmentul Law. �.:���._ <br /> � As u+ed in lhiti pa�ugr++ph?0,"H;uurdous Substunce�'um Ihos.subs�ance.deGned As toxic ar h;u.unbu�subsl;wnce�by �.��i25�� <br /> ' Environmentul und Ihe falk�wing +ubslunces: gu+i�line,kero�ene,other Oummuble or�oair peuoleum product.,�oxic . <br /> . pesticidex and herbicide,, valatile.olvrnts,moteriulx con�uinin� asbes�os o�fom�aldehydc,und rudiouctive muterials. As <br /> �..._._.." <br /> used in thix parrgraph�0."Environmcntul Law"meuns i'ederul laws s�nd luw,of�he ju�i�dic�ion whe�e the Property is lacated _ _ <br /> ^ thnt rclate to heultfi,safety ur enviranmernul protec�ion. <br /> � NON-UNIFORM CUVENAN7'S. Borrowrr und Lcndcr fwili�r covcn:uit and agrce ar.falla�vs: �.---�,--- � <br /> - 21. AcceleraUon; Remedies. Lender shull Rive notice lo Borrower prior to acceleralion followinR Borrower's �?s�•� <br /> • breach oi any covenant or Ag�eement in Ihic Security Instrument Ibut not p�ior lo accelerAlio� under ps�rag�s+ph l7 t•,., . , <br /> �. ,�;;��,�_ unles.g applicable IAw provides otherwisel. The natke Khall speciPy: lal the dePauft;lbl the action required to cure the T�.'11:'�'•�'� <br /> --`-�-'�-<<" - deiault:lcl a date,not ies.g thun 30 d�y!c irum iiie daie ihe aot3ce ts giscss!a Sorrowec by which tlu�dei'auU muct be <br /> �.�.�r.� , <br /> cu�ed:and Idl t6At iailure to cure the default on ur bei'ore the date specified in the aolice may resull in accele�tion of <br /> Ihe sums secured by this Security lnstrumenl and sule oi the Property. The notice shall i'urther inform Borrower of <br /> '�� .0 <br /> . .�r'�� the right to�einstale a@er acceleration und the riRht to brin�u court uction to assert Ihe aun•existence uf a dei'ault or .�; <br /> ����' any uther detense of Borrower to accelerati�m and wlr. IP the defuult is not cu�ed on ur bePore the date speciiied In �•• <br /> , � the notice.l.ender at itw opNon may reyuire immediute par•menl in i'ull of all rums secured by t6is Secu�ily Instrumenl t: .�;+ <br /> without Purther dem•and and mny invoke the power uP wle und uny ulher remedier permitted by applicable law�. ,, .� . �. <br /> Lender shall be enlitled tu collect ull exprn�es incurred in pursuin� the remedies provided fn tpis para�raph 21, �;.,,.�.:��,,� <br /> • � including.but not limited to.rea�onuble alk�rnevs'fi�s und cosls of litle e�•idence. ""�" '` <br /> IP the power of�wle iti invoked,71�uxtee shull record u nntice of dePaull in each county in whkh uny part of the .: �' '`___ <br /> Property is tucated und shull mail cupirs of such nutice in the manner preticribed b,r upplkable law to Borrower and to "^�:___ <br /> � Ihe other persons pretic�ibed bv upplicuble law•. Afler Ihe time required b�•applicable law,Trustee shall�i�•e public �'��,:,_: <br /> notice of'saletn the personti and in Ihe muone�prescribed by upplicable lu��•. Trustee,��•ilhout denwnd an Borrnwe� ;'ik- <br /> shull sell the Property ut public aucliun to the hiRhrst bidder at 1he timr und place and under the lerms desianated in <br /> the notice oi'sale in one ur more parcelK und in any order Trustee deMrminer. Trustee may poslpone tiale oPall or un� i � <br /> parcel of the Property by public unnouncement at the time und plurr of urn•p�e�•iousl}•ticheduled sale. I.ender or its � r:; �`L;: �T <br /> • desi�nee may purchuse the Propertv at unv sale. , . ; __ � I�° <br /> Upon receipt o1'pavment nP the p�ice bid. '1'ruslee shull deli�•er 10 Ihe purchaser'Irust�e'!� deed com�ecin�Ihe �• ,;:-_,;�:;, <br /> � Property. The reeitals in the Truxtce's deed shu116c prima Puci�rvidrnre oP the truth uf'the stutements mude therein. „ �-'*r'"� <br /> � ', <br /> � 'll�ustee shwll�pplv the pr�xceds oY the+alr in Ihe fbllu���inu order: lu I to u0 rosls und exprn,e�nF exerchin�G the puw�er � �^�'�r`' <br /> " .f . � •��:�,f�=: <br /> , }+ [ , 'j <br /> , f <br /> ,.;:. <br /> ,� ,.. <br /> � . . . <br /> .� FiNlll JO28 940 �/�d�r S��/h�p�l•a'�i � <br /> .,. . <br /> � <br /> 1 1 <br /> ' � -- <br />