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il . .. .. -r . <br /> . , .._. _ <br /> !��-_ .�y ,r,..^�.. _.-.—---� <br /> � . . — '. . . - . -- � � ��. <br /> • .�,�ii►.�..,�:�-�::.. . <br /> ..�...'�`'x'�E�k�1�Siw� ,,..,""'+'"`i''�,, - -- <br /> —_,_ � .. , - .,._� �.._. <br /> �,�:��,;���.����.�r�� 92— �u228s <br /> ��,�'•,ar�'' v�,� ,. rondcmnatiun or uthcr�aking nt'uny p.�n ot'�h�Pr���xrly,or 1i�r r�mveyuncc in licu nf c�mdrmna�ion.urc hcrchy a•�i�ncd und <br /> �"J u �hull lk puiJ tu l.cndcr. ---°° <br /> � .� . In Ihc cvem uf u iotu!wking ��f Iho 1'►uFxAy. Ih� pnxeedti ,hull tx applicd tu Ihc �wttr u�ur�d by Ihi+ Securily <br /> � � "'�' ° �." In,trumcm.whclhcr ar nut Iluii Juc.with uny rx�c.�pu�d a� B�►rrowcr. In thc�vcn� af u paniul tukin�s�,f thc Pro�ny in <br /> , '`4:;'e r.�..,,• �c�<°�� which Ihc i"uir m��rket vuluc of�I�c f"r���xny immrdiu�cly tkfaR thc tuking i,cNu�l tu��r grcu�cr�hun�hc uin��unt�+f�ho.umz <br /> ,,�cured hy Ihi�Securiry In,trtnncnl immcduu�ly Ixli�rc thc u�king,unle,+ Ilorru��•er and L�ndrr uthcrwi�c agr�e in writing. <br /> :.�-`:�'�•;:� a. :'. �hc tium�Kcund by �hi,Srcurily In+trumcat.hull ix mducrd hy ihr am,�wn ni thc pr�wrrd, mul�iplird hy the 1'ulluwing <br /> fructiun: lul lhc 1u1u1 umaunl��f�he+um.+c�uRd immcdiu�cly Fnf��n the�ukin�s.divided hy Ibl lhe 1'uir murkrt vulue of 1h� <br /> � t � .. .. � - �-- <br /> - - ••; Tz- � <br /> ° pru�xny imnxdiutrly txtorr ihr iul�io�. Any halanrc ,hall tx paid �n Horr��wrr. In ih��vrnt i�t'u paniul taking��f� c - --. L _ <br /> • � .. f . . pr,��ny m which iln fuir market vuluc ui'Ihc Pr�qx:ny inuncdia�cly Ixrti►re�hr tul,ing i. Ic,.U�un�hc um��unt ul'�hc ,un�. <br /> �.,�,.'.',• .. . ° ,�cund immcdiulcly Ixli�r�r Ihu wkin�. unlc„ Borrnw�r und l.�ndcr�Nhcnviu ugrec in wriiing or unlc.. appliruM� luw -- <br /> ��.' . ° . ��thcrw•iu pmvide�.lho pr�xced��.hull Ix upplicd to 11�tium+krurcJ hy�hi,Srcurily In,irunwnl whrther or nut thc xum,un: � � <br /> . ° ihcn Juc. �'�_— <br /> . If thr Pa��nrty i,uhundnn�J by HnROwcr.ur it'.�lirr n���ir�by Lcnd�r w R��n�►wcr�hut thc r��ndemnor uffen io muk� <br /> ' • , . � ,m uward or.�:nlu u cluim fi�r dumagc�.B��rcuwcr ra,Ex��d a►L�nder wi�hin 311 Juy.uilcr thc Jatc thc nuln c�`i�;� �i�' <br /> ' . . . Lcndcr i,uu�horiied�o collcct unJ upply d�r p��kecd�.at i�r.upiinn.�i�hcr to m,u�rrtiun�x repuir af thc PmNe y ___ _— -y-- <br /> ^ +umr.ccuRd by thi.5ccurity Ins�rumrm.whcihrr nr n�q thun dua. <br /> Unlc.+ Lender and Hurruwer u�henvi,c agree in wriling. uny uppli4uliun��I'pnxced.!o principul .hull nat exlend or --- <br /> . " . . , p�ist�x�nc th�duc dalo oi thc munlhly paymumh n'fcm:J�o in purugraph,I und 2 ur rhungr thc umowit of�uch paymentx. �' <br /> ��� !�, Horrm�•er Not Released: M�Mbearunce By l.ender Nut a WAivar. Bxtentiion uf thc time t��r puymcnt ur � <br /> a <br /> ' ' � m�xiifica�iun uf umurtizuiion ut'�hc+um+.��cun:d hy�hin Sccurity In�:lrument grrnt�sd by Lcndcr w any tiuccessor m intcrrsi � <br /> ^ ' ., ol'Barn�wer,hull ml���I't`mmunccl�r xceding+�aguin.l,uny�tiu ee.++ar�n��interes�or R�ia���xtcnd 1 mc�lix p�ym nt urr ��— <br /> . . tihull nat he myu�n� p y � Y y Y �"r�..- <br /> . ` otherwi+r mcxlil'y um��rtir.utinn uf thc tium�:+ecurcd b thi.Securi��In��rumc�U b rcusnn nl':ui demund madc b the ori�inul - -- _--- - <br /> , Snrrower ur B�rro��'Qr++�ucces+c�n:in inteR.�. Any fi�rlxarunrr by Lrnd�r in rxercitiing uny right or remedy.rhull not be a �a;.--,�„�--..-- <br /> � wuivcr ul'ur prccludc�hr exurcir:c af uny�ighi or rcmeJy. =- _ <br /> � 12, tiuccessurs and Asvignr Bnund;.loint und tieverul I.iability:('u-tii�ners. 'fhc c�w�nun�s und ugrecmente of thiti �-� <br />' , Security In+trument�hall hin�l`nunt�nd a�rcc,in�'m+�tihull tk a►in unJ xvrr I. Ai yBR�m�wer wl�o m�ignx ihir• Se uriry �-,`-- <br /> purugruph 17. Borcowcr� � b <br /> . � „ In.trumen�hut dacx n"te Pm'n h un Wr the temi.��f tl n+Securi y�lnrt�rumcnt�bl�i�noi�nnnily oni��i�d i p:�y they umu+ `—__�-�_ <br /> �pwr.. ,.r�:. Borrower's inirrc�t in th � Y ,.K.�,�. . <br />' .. -.. � = , - .ccur�d by thi�:Securi��•ln��mmrm:anJ�c���:rre.�hu�l.cndcr unJ any other BoROwcr muy ugrec to extenJ.imxlify.furt►cur �;`T==- <br /> r�=-.�_: <br /> '• or muke uny uccomimxlution. with reEurJ to �hc tcmi+ of th�, 5ecuriry Insirumcn� ui Ihc Note �vithoui that Bor►nw�cr: .`::NUV <br />: . canxent. � �:•;- <br /> ..,� <br /> �. <br /> ' li. l.oan Cho�es. It' 1hc luun+ecured by thi. S�curity In.�rumem i, ,ubjea w a luw which ,et� muximum loan <br /> __ � <br /> �an <br />- �{�--- churge..w�d iilai{aw i��t�ally interpr�tc!1���thu►tlx imrre�l��r o�hcr loun churgex coUerteJ ur to Ik callectrd in connecuan <br /> �„�;,,:..,,..;:. <br /> ' with thc loun cxceed thc�xmiittcd limits.�hcn: lul v��y•uch lirrn rhurgr.hull lx rcduccd hy thc uunrooi n�cc�`arp to re uc� . ,• : ��__- <br /> �� � � „ Ihc churge Ic►Ihr permiued limit:anJ Ihl any�um,alrcuJy collectrd fnmi 8urruwer which rxcecded{►ermiurJ limils wil) be �,.� <br /> r.•,':. ,,�y-.. <br /> n;funded to Borrowcr. Lendcr muy rh�x►.c to mukr thi,rcl'wid b� rrducins thr prinripal i�weJ under Ihe Note or l�y muking u �< ., " ��_: <br /> direct paymcnt to Bom�wcr. II'a ml'und rrdurr.prinripal,thc rcducti�xi will ixe irc:ncJ uti a puniul prepuymrnt wi�houl uny _''��...�is• <br /> � ' ' << prepuyment rhurgc undcr thc NcNr. ' _--- <br /> , l4. Notiees. Any n�nice�o Burruwrr pruvided ti;;��u�of an�ther i»r h�xl��Tln�no�ic�h II fx dnreyc�rd�o dx Pro�xny ��d�.�' <br /> muiling it hy tini rlu..n�uil unle.+applirublc lu��•rcywr� u �p-..� <br /> AJdre++or uny othrr uJdn�ti Burrowrr Jr.i�;natc,hy n��iicc���Len�kr. �1ny notirc li� Lcndcr�h:�l)tx givcn hy tirti��lati. ,�� . r,,,•,�"_ <br /> muil 10 Lender;uJJrc",tu�rd hercin ur an)ulhcr uddr��.L�ndcr dr,ipn:nc,hy notirr lo I�arrowcr. Any notirc proviJrJ tix , '�._ <br /> ..,e,:.�:' <br /> ' in thiz S�curily Instrum�m .hull Ix d�rmeJ to h:rvr txen �.ivcn w Rurtowrr or Lcndcr w•hcn givrn u� pruvidcJ in thi. ,�:,�,. J _ <br /> � �`�.. . parrgruph. " -;r�:�. <br /> ` . , 15. (iuverninR tic�•erubUfth�. Thi, ti�curil)� h»trwn�nl shidl ix guverncd hy fcd�ral la�►• and thr luw ul' Ihc ; :,, ,'.• . <br /> .� . , ...t j u r i,d i ction ia which thc Pm�xny ix I�xcucd. In 1hr cvrm Uru amy pravi.ion ur duu,c nl'�hi,Srrurity Intiirumcnt or ihc Nutc • i�__J <br /> . ' ' • conllict.with upplicublc I:iw,tiurh runl lirl,hu l l no l a f l'rr l��I h r r p r u v i�i�m�u f t h i,S r c u r i t y I n�t�u nunt ur thr Nutr whirh run . <br /> be given rffec� without the c�H�tlic�inE pnn�isi��n. 'Po Ihi. end�h� pn�vi.ium ��i ihi,Srcw•ity Instrumcnt and Ihr Notc +ire .rt._.. <br /> _ deClured lo hr xrverable. �;�'-'.<,,. <br /> � 16. Burrower's Cop�•. H�,rr���vcr shall I.r gi�rn anr cunt'urmcd cupy uf the Notr and ut'ihi�Sccurity ln.�rument. �, <br /> 17. 'Iransi'er oi'the Praprrtv or a Beneficiul Interesl in Bor�o���cr. II'ull ur:m)•��ar�of�hr Pru�xn>•��r any intcrc��in . <br /> it i..o1J or trim.Frrrcd ���r it'n Fxnclicial intrn.t in Rorru���r i.tiuld ��r tran,l'crrrJ and Nurrower i� not i�ncnurid �nnonl i <br /> . withuut Lcndrr',prior a�riu�n con,cnt. Lrndrr may.:u il+up�ian.rcyuirc nnnirdi:�tr pa�•mcnt in fuU ut'all .um.xrurcJ hy • R <br /> thix Securiry In��rumcnt. Huwev�r.thi���ptiim�h:dl ni�l tu exrrci,rd hy LcnJ�r il���erci��i,prohihilrJ by fedcrul law a�ot -^_,— <br /> � thc dutc uf�hi�Sccurity Imtrum�nt. � ''y'`` ' <br /> � If Lend��'�x�n:ise�Ihi���tiiN1.I.�ndcr�h.dl give lii�rro��cr I�ulice uf:�rcclrra�ian. 'I'Ik nutirr.h:dl pruvide;��xritxl i�l �.. .' <br /> ��.:� <br /> . '�> not Iry,thun;Il duy.l'rum ihc da�c thc noticr i.drli�rr�d„r mailyd a iihin��hirh liun•u�c�r mu.t paY:►•crurcd h��thi. �.,, <br /> , Scrurity hislrumem. It' Borro���rr 1'ail. ta pa���h�+. .wm ��riur tu thr r�piratiun ul thi. p�riixl. LrnJcr muy invokr am� 1 <br /> rcmcJic.r�xrn�iurd b�•thi,tirruri��• In,trunum aithuin furthrr nutire��r drmand un Burr�����r. <br /> IS. Borrmr•er+ Riuhl Iu Rcinstutc. If liarru��cr mccl. rrnain r�mdinon•. R�►rn���rr ,h:dl hu�•� thc ri�ht iu hiivr <br /> ' enlimcmrnt ut�Ihi.Scrurin•�m�m di,r��n�inued a�:ui� �imr�,ri��r tu th�rerhr� ul: i:u 5 da�•iur,u�h othrr prriud�i� <br /> ti�nElc 1•.umh• Funnic�Iuc�Freddle�tuc 1�IFUK�I t��1 NI�It:\1 l ud�nm l'���.n.m1. 9�NI �p��c.•a„!��1'.+t��� <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> • �1 <br />