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. . . <br /> G� x;h .. -� "' <br /> . ._ I�F-3 7',qin��7w.�++• � '� . . ' _ ` ___-- - ..--.. <br /> ' 'i� . .a�:..{' Gi ;leai7.� �Ji, " .' _ <br /> .�r...,yr�.��.' .. . , ,,.. <br /> _ — . . _ -�..-+.,.1� - _' .... --- -- �.� -�,_.�. .�:.._� <br /> � �a'' L• �"' J2"�"' �ll 2�O V -- <br /> ;��'"��'.. `�' <br /> .•_�+;�... �.,,,,.. � �'��'�" ot sole.nnd the r�nk.includ(ng the payment of the'I�uslee's feea Actuwlly incurred,not ta exceed 2.0 R6 of <br /> `�r',:;;�,;_, -,v=,,""` the princip�l amount of the nWe ot Ihe Nme of the declnralba of defaull.�nd reasonabk atroraeya'fee!i us permilted <br /> -_...,,,,� ,�3: �.;� by lawi Ibl to pll amr Qecured by tAt�Security laWrumeali�ud Icl pny excers to the person or persu�w trQally cntilled <br /> `�''��`�':�,�� ..�, a t�. __ <br /> ��`�:�. �,`' �• 22. lteconveyana. Upon payment oP ull,ums securcd by thix S��curity InK�niment, tAndcr shull rcquc�t 'ttustcc to <br /> ;�- , , reconvey the Propcny and ahell surrendcr Ihih Securiry Inxaument and uU iiotcr cvidcncing dcM ticrureJ by Ihi+Sccurity <br /> . � „:.,,;�;A,�..;;,,., Insttument to 7ivstee. 7ivstee shnll reconvey Ihe Pmperty withuut warrunty und without churge w Ihe person ur penun+ tl <br /> . . . . . <br /> ••';, leaully entitled to it. Such person or pensons shall pay any recordation cas�s. "`_= <br /> , ••� - °- -- <br /> :: :z ,;=.:•�=` '... �i_ Z3, Substitute 7Uustee. Lender,nt i�x option.may from timc�o�imc remrnc 7tu�tec+u�d appoint u,ucresxx irustcr w .Q,� �__ _ _ <br /> ,..,4`�" a �"� uny 7ivstce uppointed hereunder by an instroment recorded in the county in which �his Secunty Inxuument is rccunird• � - ._�- <br /> ,,, ,:;.�� ;:� .,. Wilhoul conveyance of the Propeny, the succeswr�nistee �hall rucceed�o uU the titic, puwer and duties canierteJ upon — <br /> • , . °• Trustee hereia und by applicuble luw. -- - <br /> - �••r.�-:�,..u. ;��r � Z4. Request for Notia�. Borruwer reyuesls Ihu1 copics of'�he naicer of ckfuult und snle be tient w Burrower!�addre++ — <br /> - ,: ' � . � which ia thc Property Addre�s. <br /> . , ,. . <br /> • ' S.� ' —__— <br /> ., �. •,,',� ..;•� ,, � 2S. Rlders to this Securfty Iostrumeat. If onc or mom rider�ure execuicd by BoROwcr and recorded�ogcthcr w�t _.,,__ <br /> • ';,•,: � Ihis Security Insuument,the c�venunts und a ements of euch such rider ,hall be incorporuted into and tihull amend unJ �L .�„ __� <br /> grc �*r-'',.--. <br />`��,.�jy' , :•�..;��:,�`'. . � supplement the cavenants and agrcements of this Security Instrument as if the ridenw)were a purt of this Secunty Instrument. __ <br /> .'� ^- ' , �Check upplicuble boxlesll <br /> , � • a �_ <br />�'' _ = . <br /> P�..:; .. ' e� �Condominium Rider �I-4 Fumily Rider '���°` - <br /> ., i �Adjustable Rute Rider �' d��—'� <br /> t . � „ �.�.. .. ...�_.- <br />�.�.-,.i u a ' J" <br /> ''' •' ' ' ' � " •' . ' � �()radualed Payment Rider �Planned Unit nevelopment Ridar� �Biwcekly Puymcnt Rider ��; <br /> • �I �� � �� �Scrond Home Ridcr � �� <br /> �..t a, . �Uallcwn Rider �Rote Improvement Rider -- '`x.e�.._ <br /> 'f ..�`^ �- <br /> � ' �Otheqsl lsP���YI '`�'��- <br />' . .. .,� :' �..,�, <br /> . ' BY SIaNINCi BEI.OW,Burmwer arcepts and ugrees to the termx und Qovenanls contAined in�his Security Instrument �y� .. <br /> ' ;� � �• und in any rider(s)executed by Barmwer und recorded witN it. _ <br /> ...h__� ,�.z_ Witneases: /! '.��=_ -,�,, <br /> ,.. / �D ,�f ,i+µ�. <br /> �. p�c o�-• �Seal! _�' , <br /> . .:, o e m -e«�N��� -.:. <br /> �-�:��:�� <br /> _ _ . •= S 'al S u�ity Num 5 �`•- �'. <br /> , �-s . <br /> . -T <br /> ., lSeuU �,�.- <br /> : e en F. Kehm -�w<< —� <br /> ., Social Security Number 03 70 4682 �,,�,__ <br /> � �� <br /> r.z�c�� - <br /> �� . STAT�OF NEBRASKA. Ha 11 County ss: �'-'�.� <br /> �'��a::; <br /> On this 18th day of Merch, 1992 .before me,thc undcrsigncd,u Naary Public �.*:��'�` <br /> �"__�" <br /> • � , duly commissiuned und quulificd for,•rid caunly.perxonally cunx Todd L. Kehm end Keren F. Keh�1 �r�.:� <br /> .����`•:j� : each in his end her own ri�ht� and as spouse of each ot�t e�°meknowniobe�l�c - _-- <br /> '��. . • identical persons(s) whose numel�►ure.ubticn J w the fomFoing m.trument and ucknowk�dg the execation thereof ro � ;��=�v�- <br /> • °ir:.�-.. <br /> '�'��':� • be thBiT v�ilunt:uy acl und dceJ. '�r3�'�?w .,.._ <br /> . � � Witnessmyhandandnot+iriul sculut Grend Islel�d. Nebres e in wW county.�he r.:; .::•�-,�_ <br /> .. ,r � du�e aforcsuid. l -<!.3 � Z� �;' "7i�' _� <br />. . . .onexpirc.:/�� � '� . <br /> > • CEMEA�I NOIAAY ����ry pun��� 1-':� ��..Y s' <br /> SH�I�,q�j,�q p��� REQUESl'FOR RECOtiVFYAhCE } �� _� <br /> • � �"'•� m.E�, <br /> No.9, ' . . _. <br /> ° '�:" '" The un af�he note or nutes,�rured by thi+DcrJ ul'Tnitit. SuiJ nutr ur nutc�,togcthcr with all <br />.. ,`;,.�� ' .;;?�',i;�� � other indebtedness secured by this �ed ut"Ihi.1.have hern paid in full. Ynu arc hrrrb��JircrtrJ to cancel,aid note ur note+ <br /> �• ,�;,, und this Deed of 7i�ust,which are deliverrd her�by,und 10 reconvey,H•ithuu�warr:mty,all�hr r+tatr nuw hrld by you under <br />� �,��`,r��� this Deed of'Itust to the persun or persons Irgally emiUcd theRta. , <br /> ,�,.. <br /> .. '; ; Dute: � <br /> , F'urm iOLt 9�9D ��u�te n uJ h flrlNf31 <br /> � 1 , . , ; <br /> . � ";:,:. <br /> .. : ti; •�'�; ... — <br /> f <br /> _ ( . <br /> . <br /> . �. � <br />