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<br /> Pmpeaqy. or su�ns recelved pursuant ea S�tioa�,I txreof. or proceais fr�+�i �,�surance whic�i
<br /> Ha:der ekcts to a�ly to tbe Obl��tions pursuant ta �� ion S.2 hereof. shall be sppliod by
<br /> '�'ae�st�, ar bY Hol��, �c the c.�se n�av l�, su follows: first, to ehc e3yment of all zxge�ees of
<br /> ac�,�e�ci�tu,g. �iu�;����yt�� r�rcy �parc ct,�rwf, �tua;��sonabu acwr�ys�
<br /> fccs aud a reasoaabie com�nissbn to '�'rustce not to excee�d five p�rcent of ihe procccds of ttse _
<br /> sr1eT �o�l, to acrxutd intcrest on the Obligations; third, to princinal on tho mawred portiou
<br /> of che ObTigatio�rL:; fourth, W prep�yment of tt�e uanaawred portion, if any, of the Obligatioas
<br /> appliod w instaliments of princlpal in inverso order of maturity; and fifth, the balanc�, if any, _.
<br /> remaining afier the full and final payment and performance of the Obli�ations to the persan or
<br /> persoas legally eatitted thereto.
<br /> Secdon 3.?. A,l�onme�of Sale. In the event a foreclosure h�reuud�er is ccammeuc�d
<br /> by Tnutee in accordu�ce wiW Subsection 3.2(c)hereof,Holder may.at aay time before the ss�le,
<br /> dirxi Trustee ta abandon the sale, and may thea iastitute suit for the collxtion of the
<br /> Qbligations and for the forocic�sure of the lieas and secwitSr interests hereof. If Holder sbould
<br /> institute a suit for the collecdon of tlyo Oblig�tions and for a foreclosure of the liens aa�d securiry
<br /> interests hereof� Holdcr may, at any time before the eatry of a fu�l judga�eat iu said suit,
<br /> disnuss 4he same aad require Trustee to sell f.he Property or any part thereof in accordance with
<br /> thc pmvisions of this Doed�,f Tnut.
<br /> Section 3.8. Pavment of Fees. If the Obligations shall be coll�ted or enforcod by legal
<br /> Proceatings, wlxther through a probat�or bankruptcy court or otherwise,or s�ll be placai in
<br /> che hands of an attorney for collectioa aRer maturiry,wheiher mawred i,y the expiration of time
<br /> or by an c�ptian given w tho benef ciary w mature s�me, or if Holder becoines a party to aay
<br /> suit where this Deed of Tn�st or the Property or aay put tl�ereof is involved, Grantor agreec to
<br /> pay Holder's atwmeys' and collection fees, u�d such fees sl�tl be aad becume a gart of the
<br /> Obligations.
<br /> Sect%vn 3.9. IRd jnnification of Trustee. E�ccept for grcus negiigeace or willful �
<br /> misconduct,Tnutee s1�11 not be liable for any act or omissioa or error of judgment. Tiustee
<br /> . mav rrlv on anv d�ocument believed bv Tr�stee e�aood faitb to be ltenuine. All moneY roceival
<br /> by Tzustee s�ill, �tii used or appiied as t�eiu provi�ed, be �el�l in tr�st, but� szai be -�-----
<br /> sG� (except w the extent raluirod by law), aad Trusue sball not be liable for interest
<br /> tlxreon. Grantor shaU iakmnify Tnutoe agaiast aU liability and�acpeases wltich Trustee may
<br /> - iacur in the perfarmwce of Tnutee's duues I�under otber tvan as a result of Trustee's witlful
<br /> �anscoaduct or gr+oss neg�igmce.
<br /> Sect�n 3.10. Substitute Tcustae. Holder may appoint a svbs�tiwte Tru.st�(a)if Tn�stoa
<br /> _ 6crein aamed or aay substitute Tnuue sball die. resign, or ful, refi�se or be ut�able,for any
<br /> �rason, to malce any such sale or to perform wy of ttie tnuts herein 3xlar�; or (b) ai tlye
<br /> aptiun of Holder fram time w time as often and wbcnever Hokier prefers and with or without
<br /> auy leasoa or cause. F.xh apYn;*+�*+� s11311 be iri writillg, but wiilloui tl� necessity of
<br /> � recordatiQa, aotict to Grantor, or aay othe,r action or foimality. Fxh a��Tnistee so
<br /> a.p�ointed shall thereupon by such appointaxat become Trustee and succeed to all the.estate�,
<br /> t�t3es, rigl�, Powers.ttusts and duties of predocessor Tnistee. Any such appoiam�ent ms�:�e
<br /> wamcm�za000� 12
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