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<br /> 0 huide� ctgay �uy �w Acc.sssorits or Any �rt ttjcrtaf a� private salle. if the -
<br /> ()
<br /> Accossocits oK part cbereof betng sold ue s type custa�narily sold 'w a rcco�razaf iuuicet or�
<br /> type su3�xt ta�►Ideiy dis�ributa� s�ar�ard �ricC quotations. _
<br /> (m) �iotder stul! have aixf uuy txercise any a�xl alt otn�r rignts an�l �uncciic�w�i;c.0 -
<br /> HoI3cr u�y have at law or in equity. or by virwe of auy Loan 13ocwneat. ar w�r the Codt.
<br /> ot ottserwi�se.
<br /> Section 3.3. Holder_���• If Hulder is the purchaser of the Propert5►or any put
<br /> theroof, at any sale tl�ereof. whether such sale be under the pow�r of sak hereiaabove vestai
<br /> in'fivstee or upon any other foreclosure of thee lieas and security interests l�ereof,or othe�of
<br /> Hold�s shall, uPon anY such purctwse. ac9'u.ire �aa1 title to the Properry so Pu�has,,"�d•
<br /> tbe liens and security interests hereof,unless the sale was made subjxt to an unmatured Portion
<br /> of the Obli�ations a.*�Holc�er eleets that no cneY'Ser oeeur•
<br /> Secdon 3.4. Q,�h�; Ri?hu of Holder. Should any part uf the ProP�Y��� �O�
<br /> possession of HoIder, wlxther before ar after defa�::, Ho:3�r may usz or operate the Property
<br /> fQir tt� purpase of pr�.servici,g it or its value, pursuant to the ordec of a coutt of appropriate
<br /> jurisdicdon or in accordanc;."with any other rights �eid by i3oli,ee u. rw�st �f:1�.- �'e�►•
<br /> Gs�ntar covenants promptly w nimburse and pay ta Holder on d�mand,at the place where the
<br /> Obli�atioas are repayable as sei forth in tlyee I,oaa Agreement, the amount af all reasonable
<br /> �p�ncrc (includi�g the cost of aay insurance, taxes or ether char$es) incurr�d by l�older in
<br /> conaection witb Holder's custody,preservation,use or uperation of the Property, to$ether with
<br /> interest therton fmm the date incurned by Ha2der at the rate provided in the Loan Agroemcnt
<br /> for past�tue principal.and all such��ences,costs,tBXCS.1Y►ilZ+�t:52 a�8t�'wK C11�°.?s�S St+3I1 bC AT1d
<br /> bxome a part of the Obligations. It is agreod,lwwever, thai th�sisk of loss or damage to tIx
<br /> property is on Granwr, and Holder shall have no liability whatsoe�ru'fo:decline in value of tbe
<br /> Properry, for failure to otx�in or ma;ntain insurancz. or for fa�tu+� to determire W T�.'ther
<br /> inse►rance in force is adequase as to amount or as to tttie risks ins�ued.
<br /> Section 3.5. P^��•����n �er F los�re. If the lieas or security int�rests hereof shaZl
<br /> be foreclosed by powe�of Trustu's s�le, bY jydicial action or otmervvise� tbe pu�i�� ��.i' -- .
<br /> such sale shall receive, as w incident to Tnutee's ownership, immediate Pussessioa of the
<br /> property pnrchased,and if Grantor or Grantor's successors sha11 hold Possessiun of said prop�rty
<br /> or any put therevf, subseq�at w foroclosure, Grantor and Gtanwr's successors shall be
<br /> coasidered is tenaists at sufferance of the purchaser at foreclosuxe sale (wit�wut limita�of
<br /> otber rigUts or nmedies, at a reasonabie rental per day.due�nd PaYabk daily,ba�od u�the
<br /> vaIue ef ttse portion of tlye Pc+opertY so occupied), and anyone o�cupyin8 swch Portion of the
<br /> p�opert�r aRer dunand is macT�c�for poss�.ssion thereof shall be guilty of fo�'ble detainer and
<br /> shall be subject w eviction and removal, forcible or otherwise,witb ar with�ut Pmcess of law.
<br /> and a11 damages by reason thereof are hereby expressly waive@.
<br /> Sectioa 3.6. �onlication of Pto��• The proceeds from aaY sale, lease or other
<br /> disposieion made pursuant to this Article, or the groceeds from tE�e surrende�c of any insurance
<br /> po]i�ies pnrsuant oo �bszcrion 3.2ti) hereof, or any rental collect� by Holder fram the
<br /> caio�scm�z,0000, 11
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