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<br /> execuced by�:oFJee or�y authoriz:.�repnsentative c•f Holder. acsd such appoinunent shal� bc �
<br /> presuascd coucl�sslvely u�t�ave bean exocut�ed with duc and proper authority. Without limitit�g
<br /> the generality oi the for��a�, if Hvldcr is a coc�oration. 6an�or associatian, df�ny r�pe or _
<br /> ,.s.q�,,,t�r G�h,s�,x�int��e�u m�v be executed in its behalf by an5�officer of Holder and stull be
<br /> _..... ... .._.... -
<br /> presunied coneiu�ively to t�ave ban executed with due Qi;d E�cuper auttwriry witi�aut r,e�:c�siiY =
<br /> of praaP�i ar�y �ctioa�y t�.b�:sd of directon or uiy super�or afficcr. Wherccver tieerein the _ _
<br /> word "Tn stee" is usad. tt�ee same shaU mean ttz.-duly a�Point�d t�ustee or su�stiatc tiustoe -
<br /> hereunder at the time in quesdon. Tnutee may resign by written notico to�iolder.
<br /> Section 3.11. PaYment After Ace�leration. If, following the occwrenee of a defautt,as
<br /> defined in,�•,ction 3.1 ttereof,and an acceleratioa of the Obligatioas or any part thereof bue grior
<br /> to a sak af the�roperty, Grantor shall tender to Holdar the payment of an amou�t sufFuieat to
<br /> satisfy th� eatire Obligadoas or tl�e part thereof which has been acc.elerated, such tend�'r shall
<br /> ba dtemed a voluwary Prcpayment Pursuant to the Obligations and, accordiugly,Granior,to tbe
<br /> exceni permiteed by �pi:;;�,:c::.�:, �s::�1��!; tc�H�lder the premium,if any, then recluired -
<br /> uixter the Obligations or any of the Loan Da:uments in arder to exercise the prepayment
<br /> .- privilege coniainea-thereia.
<br /> i �a3�Y.�Y�
<br /> e�r�mi'i'Y AGREEMENT AND AS�I[�NMENT.^,F P.z:�
<br /> Secaon 4.1. S�urip►�►C�tlt. This Deed of Trust is als� a security a8rxaunt
<br /> between Grswtor,ss debtor, azxi Holckr,as securod party- Grantor hereby gtants to H�1der and
<br /> Hotder's � and assigas, a securiry iat�rest ia those portions of the Property wluch
<br /> �oasdwie Accessories and each and every part tbereof�and in all pru�s fra�t:�.s�.:, 2.;.�.- -
<br /> or otber disposition thereof, and in all srams, procads,fiinds and reser�'es described or r�fzrred
<br /> to i�Ssctian.�and 5�Lereof- Howevar, the grant af a security inierest in Proceeds sha11
<br /> not be deemod to autuot�ze aa�c ac�ion otherwise pmh�ited herein. T6e se,cua�'sty int�rast created
<br /> hereby is specifically inunded ta covos�include all l�ases of t�e Property, if aay,�SCntiY
<br /> existing or hereafter entereci into(herein,oa8etl�r witb all annendmeats and supplemcnts ti�erew
<br /> � aa..�.�..,r„��at�.ri ri,� •t ras�c"?: t,e�ea Grzntor(ot Duties acting oII behalf of
<br /> -- aAO►ai.w Yiv�ww.��.... a....�.� �- ��--
<br /> Grantc.v), �s lessor or as suaoc.c:ssor to or assiguee&Bran the lessor, ancl tenants whir.�o�upl't1�e
<br /> prop�rty under tbe Leases, including all exteadod terans aud all extenSions and renewaIs of the
<br /> temu thereof, as wtU as any ameadments to or replacements of said Lreases, to�ett�er wi:h all
<br /> the rRght, tiile and intra�est of Grantor, as lessor t�ereunder, including, without limiting the
<br /> generality of the foregoing,�e Preseat aad contiauic�right to maYe ctaiai�or,cotlect, receive
<br /> and receipt for any a�all of the rents,income,reve�ua,iss�es and profi�s�i mQnzys payabk
<br /> as damages or in liev of rent aad mo�ys payable as tha piuchase price of the Piope�or gay
<br /> �art thenof or of awards or claims for mon�ey and atlbor sunos of money payable or r�ceivable
<br /> ther�saaci�r howsoever payable, and to bring ac�iap.s and pmceedin8s �ad�' or for the
<br /> enforr,ement tLereof,and to do any and all things vr6ich Grantor or any laSSOr is or may become
<br /> entitled to do undu the Leases; Provided, that this prodision shall not impair or diminis�any
<br /> obligation of Grantor under the Leases, nor shall any obligation be imposed upon Holder. In
<br /> addi�on to Holder's rigi�ts hereunder or otherwise, Holder shall have al! of the rights of a
<br /> se�red parry uader tl�re Code. Grantor, from time to time, upon eaclt request of Holder,
<br /> ��x�, 13
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