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<br /> — �'�•_�' � �'wsaa.xw_.��_" r__�'_
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<br /> (c) :�oi3�r. as a r,,:tt:.r o::i�s�wey�ut rrg� to the suff'�cieiky of th� s�utty, _
<br /> ancD without any :►twwing of insolvency, fraud or misnu�nagenu�t on thc patt of Gi�antar. and
<br /> wi�Ix�uc tLe uc�iry �f filic�g any judt�ia! or�.lxr procec�it�g �tt�er ttmre the procoalit� for -
<br /> .,�,ninmxnt af a receiver. slia116e catltkd to tt�e �pvoinw�t of a r�x:eiver or re�:elv�of the
<br /> Pro,�eriy or any p:rt tl�rcof. �nd of tbe in�cnme, nais� iss�us u�ci�roCts thereof. _
<br /> (� Holdcr n�y r.nter u�oa the Y.aad��C P�SSCSSIOq Of WC�f0�3Ctty►�J1�I MtiOVC lI1C
<br /> Aceessorirs or any part therocf� �ith or without jwlieial peocess. sud, in e��ction t�xrewith.
<br /> without Aqy crs{wasibility or liabiliry on thc part of Holdcr, ts�ce possessior� of �ny property
<br /> located on or iri the Pcoperty which is nc+t a part of the Property and hotd ar store such Property
<br /> at Grantor's expense.
<br /> (g) FIolder may require Grantor to asserable tbe Accessorits or any part thereof, and
<br /> makc th�m available to Halder at a pllacce to be des�gnated by Hoider which is reasoaably
<br /> �:.:,�:.:.�,:::�^r�.:.�: Wr.�1'��.3°.:.
<br /> (h) Aftcr nodfication,if any,hereafter provided in this Subsection,Holder cnay sell�
<br /> �ease or otherwise dispose of,at the office of Holder ar oa Qye Land or elsewhere, as ehosen by
<br /> Hold�r, all or any part yt the Accessories, ia their then condition, or �'ollo-� aa.y
<br /> commcrcially reasanable'pceparation or processing, and ea�h Sal�(as usod in tfiis Subsoction,
<br /> the t�am " a�" meaas wy sak, l�ase, or utber dispositiaa made pursuaat w Wis Suhsecdoa)
<br /> may tx as a unit or in parcels, by publ�c or private procoecliqgs, ancl by way of oac or mon
<br /> contr�cts, and, at any Sale it shall not be nocessary W exlubit tbe Accessories or paat thereof
<br /> beiag sold. The Sa�e of any part of the Accessorks shaU n�t exbaust Ho2der's powu of sal�,
<br /> but Sal�s may be nsade from time W time until the Obligationt ar�paid a=yd perfom�ec�ia fiill.
<br /> R,easonablc notification of tb.e time and place of any public Sale pursuaat to this Subsection, or
<br /> reasonable notif'�a of tt�wne after which any private Sale is to be rnade pursuant to this
<br /> Subsa:�on.shall�sent to Grantor and to any other persun entitled w�der the Nebraska Uniform
<br /> Commercial Cade(the "�")ta notice;provided that if the Acassories or part thcreof beit;g
<br /> sold are perisbable,or thrtairea to decliac rapidly u►value, or u+e of a type customarily sold on
<br /> a recogniud market, Holder may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of tbe AQCessorees, or part
<br /> . . . thcrt�f, wrishaus aotif�cstiou,adv�t or o�er�otue of aay kiad. It�s agreed tbat notiu:e --_-
<br /> seut or given not less ttian�ven('n calendar days prior to the takin,g of ttlre action W which the
<br /> notice relates, is reasonable notification and notice for ttye putposes of th:s Subsoction.
<br /> (i) FYa�3er may sureandeer tia� insivancc polici�s n�intairal pursuant w,�y�1g�
<br /> 2.2(1)hereof or aay part tUeneof. and receive and spply tbe un�arned preTM�+*+� as a craiit on
<br /> the Qbligations and, in co�ectioa th�rewith, Gnnwr hereby appoints Holder as agent and
<br /> attArney-in-fact for Grantor t,�collxt such premiwns.
<br /> (j) Hotder may retain the Accessories iu satisfution of the Obligatioas whenever the
<br /> circumstances are svch that H�lder is entitled to do so und�r the Code.
<br /> (1c) Holdcr may buy the Property or any put therwf at any public saie or judicial
<br /> sak.
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