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�l a .� �,`;?, 'qt.-v .o�i.�i.p ?.��.t�i<} n �r .• H n�1�" + � .:.:it_.,. . {z�.;:�` .�_. <br /> �.tl.'' '��:P �:.1�� ��9�� :•ry',•. '�. 4 ��—�� �. n1�%Y4�:_�e:.•21.___.�?.Yn�W �.I _�' •�._ " a'r <br /> �� ':i( 1 al�� 0� <br /> - �C'i�,� � � . . '� <br /> �;��_ .. � . � - ..JY��:J�Ij�if7.l�xfdL7.�Y7,'. .- .- ,. <br /> :y�:� <br /> - �-.[:9Ik}. T�YI.[(ar•'..�. . ' .. <br /> - '__"�.� . . .. . '__... _ . �� - . •-'b�:�- -.-. <br /> �,,��,, - ,::.�;�,,$':�,.:�� 92-- i (1221�. <br /> • i � �n �i i't!'• " ----- <br /> .':�?. .... '+�t,'�"�t�.�::• � condemnution urother�uking ot'uny pa�n nf Ihe Nra( tiir runvcyunrc in liru of c�mdemnuU�Ni.nrr IxRhy u���gneJ und �._-----.. <br /> �'�,�.���� .. ; � .:� xhull be puid i.�l.cndcr. - <br /> " .r .�"` �:. .; In ihc cvenl ��f u totul wking of ihe Pro�ny. Ihc priK:ce�lti �hull be lipplicd to thc +umv ��tiur�d hy thi� tircurily <br /> �-..:..:�t:_,;,. <br /> r' .:. ..•.•. �. _ <br /> '.:7 : .. • In�trumem,whclhcr nr nut Ihcn Juc, with uny cxcc,.puid iu lium►wrr. In ihr rvrnt ul'u p��Niul �nl,inu uf ihr I r�qx�ny in =---- _ <br /> ',• : � ��' which Ihe fuir murkcl vulur ol'�hr Pn��ny immrdfutcly Ixfarc ihr�u{,in�t ir,cquid�o ur�:rr�nrr�h�o��hc uma�ml�+1�lir,um, �.u`_J <br /> seeured by�hiti Security In.trumrn�iinnrrdiul�ly tkforr�hr�uking.unlr,. Horn►wrr und I.rod.•r nAxrwi+e a�srrr iu w ri�in�t. <br /> � Ihe ,um. +ecur¢J hy Ihiti ticcu�ily In+trumem .hull fm rrduceJ hy Iha nnuuml ut thr pr�r•��r�l,mul�ipli�dhy Ih�fnU�wrinN �,�_o; ._..,�•-�--�- <br /> ;��.�-. fruc�iun: lul lhe���wl aninunt ul',,crur��l inm�rdi�i�ely f+el��r�•Ihr�nlin}�.dividcd hy Ih�ih�Imr m;rrle�wduc ul thr �� <br /> •- - ..'• �;:if.;•. .,. {'ro�ny imm�diutrly txlircr the �ul�i��g. Any hnluncr �hull Ix puid iu liu��ru��rr. In Ihr rvrnt�,� a �auu:d inl�m� ��I Ih.� _--- _-- - - - ___,._ <br /> � � _ T_ <br /> ."�t:'"`'.'+'�. ,' I'n►�xny m which 1{u 1'uir murk�� vidik ul�ihe Pru�xrly innncdiulrl� Ixli+rr tlk luling i, I.�• Ib;u� tlm +mH•um�H ihr �um, �;-. <br /> �. �..� •_F <br /> ^ ^ xcure�l intntediulcly F+cliirc Ihc IulinE. unlc�, Norru��•cr an�l I.endcr�Nhcrwi�r +�µr�e m uruinE .�r unl���� .ipplicaiblr luw ������� <br /> , . �nhe�wiu�xoviJc�.11K pr�KCrd�.hu l l I x upp l ic d lu I,�rcurcd h y Ilu,ticcuril) In,lrinnc�il u•hclher�K n�N Ili�.�um urr �.�N�.,_Y-- <br />-;•�, � ��:..•.•;. ,. Ihen Jur. —:.�..-- — <br /> II�hr Pru�xny f�uhandonrd hy Borruaer.ur il'.at'trr nuticc hy Lrn�lcr to Rorn►w�r�hu� tlK rax�drmm�r�Hliro u�nu�kr �,. -Y - -- <br /> ., • ••• � . • un uwun)or+�lde a cluim liir dumupc,,Burr��a�r I'uil��o m,�xmd�n l.cndcr wi�bin�11 d��y,+dtrr thv du�c�hc nntire f��:ivrn, �i.�r��e�� <br /> ...,, l.ender i.aulhurir.uJ to cullrc�und rpply�hc pr�Krrd.,ut ii,up�iun. �i�hcr tu rc.tor:ui��n ur rep:iir nl'thc Nn►�xny or 1���I�c �.,d:o;M.:;r-�---�•.-,' <br /> .; ` ., .. . . . <br /> ,:wt....:. .:....r • <br /> sum�*ecured Myt1�f+Sccuriiy Inxtrumem,whc�heror na��hcn duc. � . :,. . .�. .... <br /> � Unle.�Le�xicr and SoROwer athenvi�e a�rc� in wri�ing.uny upplicaii��n of pr�xecd+w princip�d +lu�ll nul cxlend ��r ,,� <br /> �. ,�....�, :_ �x►rt�►nc the�tue dule of ihc munlhly p•rymcnl+referred to in p►�rugniph+I cmd 2�►r rhun�c Ihe umuu nt cN'�ueh puymeni,. c��R_-____,__-`F�_.._ <br /> ° 11, Borrower Nul Released; Fnrbearance By Lender Not u Wuiver. Exten.ian uf thc �imc for puym�nt ��r -`�3.� °° <br /> �:,•_-- <br /> � modificution of umurtiiulion of�he sum.secured by�hiy Securily Inzaumenl�!ronted hy LenJcr lo uny +urcr+.ur in in�crc�i .�-=�=_ <br /> �"�� ` ��� '` of Borrowcr�hull not i�perutc lo rckusc ihe IiuMlity of thc originul Born►wcr ur 6urruwcr: +ucru++or�m inlrrc,i. Lcndcr �_.� <br /> • • .. • <br /> ,� .- . " '��� ,.. .' . tihoU aot bc rcyuired to c��mnkncc�+uxecding. uguinti� amy +urcc�+�r in im�retit or rcl'uu to eztcnJ lime litt aymem ��r — =='zw�= - <br /> r �.� - <br /> atherwisc mexlify umoniiution of�hc ,ums secureJ hy Ihis Srrurity bi�In�mem hy reu+on ol uny dcmund madr by dn uriginul ------ <br /> ' Borrower or BoROwer:,uccessor+in intere�t. Any fortkurunce by Lendcr in exrni,in�uny �i�ht ar rcmed� +hall not Ix a _ ,` � ,,1;.°r._�� <br /> �.�ulE.+; <br /> ^ " wuiver af or preclude�he cxerci.r��f uny right or remedy. •:,� -.,,-" <br /> � .• 12. Successors and Arsigos Bound;Joint and tieveral 4iability;l'�M�i#ners. Thc covcnant.and a�rc�mcnt�ul'�hi. ; : ,_.- ._ <br /> Serurity Instrumenl xhall binJ und I+enetii ihr succexxor.und a.+ign.ol'Lender und Burri�wcr.,ubject ta tlx pravi.ion, uf ;,;.,..�:.;�..,._.—s-- <br /> ° purugruph 17. Borrowcr's covenam� and ugrrenxnt,+hall he.joint unJ.e�•crul. Any BoROwcr w•Iw ca•tiign,Ihi.Srrurity r,�r�,,,�����_-- <br /> ,� . .. Instrument hut dcxxs no�rxcrulc tlx Note: lal i�co-signing thi,Securiry In.lrumcm only tu murtgugc.�:rrnt lirxi r��nvey Ihat ....�:=�;1- _- <br /> °.�:,;;.�.;.� , Borrawer:inurcxt in the Pmprny undcr the tcrm�ot'Ihi.Serurily Iminimrnr, lb1��xrumully uhligaicd a�pay �•., -- <br /> .., • � � secured by ihi,Su�wity�mcnt:::nJ (c)�°ree�thut Lendrr und nny rnher Biirr��wrr ntay ugRC ti�rxtend.modify.litthrar <br /> . ' ° °' or muke uny uccomm�xlution. wilh reFard to Ihr tcmi. ai 1hi. Security In.lrumrnt or Ilie Natc ��i�fiaut Ih�►t Bnrcuwcr: ,; <br /> ,. <br /> . con,cm. "" <br /> - , 13. I.uan ChurRes. If the lot�n�ecured {�y Ihi� Securi�y In+trumrnt i. ,uBjeci �a :► law whi�h ui� nu�ximum loun r.,a:.::. 'L; <br /> .._ �.,.� :1��.. <br /> �� , . .- chu�gez.and �hut iuw i,linu{ly iut<<i�r�t�4�c-,shat the i�uer:,t nr rllr•r In:�n rharge�ruUected or tn tx collzeted in rnnn.rtinn <br /> with d�e loun exceed�h��xmii�ted lirniiti,ihen: (ul any�uch faun char�e.hull ix reJuced h}•Ihe urnount n�cc+sun•to reducr ,,, _ <br /> Ihc churgr u+ thc pennitted limit:and Ib 1 um +um.ulmaJy ruUcrt�d From Norn�wrr whirh excecd�J�xrniittrJ limi�+ will i� ...` "� = <br /> ret�unded to Burci�wer. LenJer muy r h�x�,c lo mukc Ihi.rel'und b�•reJucing the prinripal owed unJrr Ihr Nole or hy mu{,in�r �4�'�.y,. :, <br /> � , n Jirect puyment to Borruwcr. II'u rel'und rcducr�prinripuL�hr rcduc�iim will tx�reutrJ u+u puniu f prrpayment without nm• �.,• . • <br /> prepuymem chur�c undcr Utc Nulr, �' ' i <br /> . 14. Notkes. Any noticc �u BuRU�ver prcn�iJ�d f��r in thi, Seruril�• In.trumcnl +hull ix givcn hy delivering it ��r hy . . :t�r;;� ,. <br /> . � muilinF it hy tint rlu.s muil unlc„ap�lirahlr lu�. rcyuirr�u�r�d:mollirr�n�tli�xl.Tlic rnNire.hal)he dirccled la 11x Pro�xrt}� • ,•- •!�.;.�_�. <br /> ' ..,NM»�� .a�ra=:—. . <br /> ' ^. , Addreti�or any otlkr adJresti Burru��•er de, na�i.� �o l.endcr. Any n�riirc tu Lendcr+h all be Eir.n hy fir�t rlu., , .�" ': <br /> + muil U�l.endcr:uJJr�„+tiueJ hrrci�i ur uny i,ihrr addre,.Lender Jc,ign��lr.I+y n���irr tu Borcowcr. An}nolirc providcd litt ,_ . , • <br /> �; . in this Srcurily In.�rumrnl .I►ull Ix d�rmed io have h�en �i�•cn to Rnrruwer or LrnJrr when �iven�. provi�kJ in Qii. �....u,'..._�---.° �` <br /> �� �:. � Purugraph. `�-n,. .— <br /> ��,,„�':, , IS. Coverning I.uw; SevcrabiNl�. Thi. Srcurii� In.�rumcni +hall tx govcrnrd hy frdcrul law and thr L•��v uf thc <br /> juri�Jic�ion in whidi thc Pru�:ny i. I�x:ned. In ihe rv�ni ihat,my provi�iun��r cluu.r ol'�hi,Security bisinunent�rc thc Nu�c r _ . <br /> �� conilicls wilh applicanlc luw.,urh ronl7ici,hall n���al'fer�olher pr��vi,iom of�hi,tircuril�•In�trununl or ihr Notr which can k -��y,,,^- <br /> _ ' tk given el'1'�ct with��ut ihc ci�ntlicling pmvi,ion. li�thi.end Ihr rn��•i,iun.ol�hi.Serurit�•In�trumem anJ the Note are . ..`•- ------- <br /> , .�a�1�,.� <br /> dcrlureJ lolx xvcrablc, `�:'��--.: <br /> 16. Borrower's Copv. liurru.rer.rhall hr gi�•cn�,n�cuniurmrd rupy ol Ihr N�Hr and ut'thi.Sccuriry In.lrument. , •, ---- <br /> 17. 7F�ansPer of the Properl�•or u Hene�ciul lntc�est in Borro�+•er. II'all ur uny part ul'Ihr Pro�xn�•ix im�•intrrc.t in : .�,�_ <br /> it iti wIJ ix tran.fcrrrd�ur il'a txn�tirial int�nsl in Hurru���cr i, .uIJ ar tran•tcrrcd and H�►rra��•�r i, �x�l a natural �xr.unl _ <br /> , wilhoul Lender: priur wriitcn run,rnt. Lendrr mn�,a� i�,��p�ion.rryuirc immr�li:ue pa�m�nt in f'ull ot'all �um++��urcd hy .y��=4=' <br /> v •rrt��=: <br /> thi,Scruriiy Instrumcm. Iloµ•evrr. thi���ption�hall nai Ix rxcrri,ed hy Lrndrr il'crrrri.r i.pruh ihitrd hy fcdrrol luw u�ol' �?�t!�.�'_�.�: <br /> thr Jutc afthis Securily�mcnl. ' �'': .. <br /> � ' If LendeP�xefcitie+lhiti upliu�l.I.cndrr tih:dl gi�i Rurn���rr nutici�►I':�rrckral�un. �Thr nolit�rhall pruvld�;1 pCri�x1 0l' . , , <br /> � � � nul Ir,x Ihun �U�i�?.tn�m ihc J:uc tlx nulirr i.dcli�cr�d ur ntailyd��ilhin��hirh Burru��rr ntu,t p:n :JI,um�ucurcd h� Ilti. ., <br /> ; ' Scrurily In�trumrnl. II'Burcuw-rr t:iil�ta ray the.r �um, prii�r Iu Ihr e�pir;uiun ul�hi, �xn�Kl.(.rnd�r ma�� imukc un�• .. , <br /> . rcmedir,�xrniiUrJ hy tlii.tirrurit� l n.�rmm nt�cithuu�l urthrr nut ir�ur drman�l�m liuiru��cr. k, <br /> � ' IS. B�xro�ver's Ri�hl to Rcin�l:�te. If Nurru��er mcri, rrnam r�mdui�m., B��nu��cr•h:dl hu�r the righl tu hucc • . <br /> .� :,.:�;',.. entixeernent nf this S�CUI'IN Intilrunt��N Ji+i��nlinu�d.�t ,im unu priur tu di�•r.ulirr uf� icu S Ja���ur.uch��Iher�xriiKf a, , <br /> • • ' SiuEk I.un�h Fannie�tac�frrdd7c\lucl\II•IIR�I1\tilkl�II•.\1 1 uduiml����•naw. 4411 ��,�r:�J��l��l'•�i�•i <br /> k <br /> � <br /> . 1 <br /> � <br /> f- <br /> . <br /> � <br />