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<br /> �"►xC�t!?!?��'!��' , upplicablc law may Apeciiy far rcinstalement)befcxc �ule af thc Pruprny pun�uunl�1u uny powcr r in Ihin
<br /> �� � �� „ . ., �°•� � Sccurhy Instrument;ar lbl entry nf a judgment cnibrcing�hia 5ecuri�y Innl�umem. '11u�ac cunJilic►nx orc Ihat Bom►wcr (A1
<br /> ' „ �'�.�• paye l.ender all r.umri which Ihen w�uld be duc undcr Ihi� Sccuri�y Inxi�u�mm u�iJ the Nole ux if no ucccicrulion had
<br /> ' ' ' �xcurred;IN)cure.r uny defuull of any Mher a�venunls i�r agreementti:lc1 puy�+uU cx�xmc.incurted in enfi�rcing ihix Security
<br /> - -°°' �• '� ` Intittumcnt, including, but not limitcd tu,rcus��nahic uuorncy�'fccti;und Idl Iukc�tiuch ucNon u� l.cndcr muy rcur:onahly
<br /> . , ,," `'''�' rcquirc��ux�urc thut�hc lien af�hls Sccurhy in��rumcn6 Lcndcr'�righ�n i��the Pn►pchy+u�J S�►ROwcr�ubligndon to p�y thc �-
<br /> „`;: .
<br /> . . �.. . �
<br /> -- - - .,.. �uma sccurcd by thiti Srcuriry Inxtrumcnt �hull ca��fnuc unchungcd. Llpnn rcinx�u�emcnt By Born�wcr. Ihis Sccunly
<br /> { -��,.,,.�.y�4"^`'- Instrumcnt and Ihe obligution�r�cured hcrcby.rhull rcrnuin fully cllcctivc ax ii nu uccelcraiiun hxJ�kruRCd. Hawevcr,�hi� =__ _,._ - ____
<br /> _��;•, . • ., rfaht i�►rcinxlutc rholl not upply in the cu�e uf urcrlcroti��n under parugruph 17.
<br /> ° ° � l9. S�le af Note;Chonge ot[aan Servker, Thc Nnte or n purtiul intcretil in �hc Notc laigrlhr.r with Ihis 5ewrity
<br /> — ' ' a � . Inr.trumenq may bc sc�ld onc or mac umec wnhow prior n��ticc lo Borrawcr. A .rulc muy result in u chungc in�he enti�y
<br /> T '�� ' • (known aw the"l.oan Sr.rvicer")thut collec[s monthly payments due uncie�ihe Note und this Securf�y Imirumen�. There ulsa
<br /> , ° '�' ,.'' � ': mny be one or morc chunges of the Loare Serv+cer unreluted lo u�►le of tlx�Nole. If theR ix u change af�he l.outi Servicer.
<br /> • �` �' ' � Borrower will be given wriaen notice of'the ch•rnge in acecxdunce wilh paragraph 14 ubcwe and upplicable luw. Tt�e notice `
<br /> ;;:t ' ' wi11 stute the name und uddress of the new[.oan Servi�cr und Ihe uddress la which puymenic shoulJ be madc. The notice will
<br /> ' nlxo contain•rny othcr informution rec�uircd by applKUble luw.
<br /> ° ;, ��>,'��` 20. Hwzardous SubsWncea. Bor�x�wer shall not cuutic or pertnit the pre.ence,uxe,dispa�ul.stc►ruge,or mlcu.e of any
<br /> ' �� Hazordou4 Subxtunce�on or in the PropertY• Borm�'cr shull no1 do,nar allow anyone elsc to do,nnything ufiecting thc `
<br /> � Propeny that ic in vialation of any E.�vironment�l Law, The prececiing two sentences shull not apply�o tfx:presence,u�e.or _
<br /> slornge on the Pivperty oP xmull quantities of Wcv.ardous SubFtances dwc are generully recognized tn be appropriute to nomial
<br /> residentiul us�ss nnd to maintenunce of the Propeny. —
<br /> ' � � Barrower shnll promplly givc l.�ndcr written noeice of any in��e�tigc+�i�n,cluim,demand,lawsui�or o�hcr action hy any � �
<br /> � " gavernmenwl or rcgulutory ugency or privute party involving the PropeNY and uny Huxnrdous Subti�unce or Environmentul =–
<br /> ��� •' � Ls�w of which Borrowcr has ac�ual knowledac If Borrower leams. or is notificd by any bovemmental ar regulaa�ry ��
<br /> � .��`�,.. .�.�• ,,.. •:'•,:. uuthurity.thu�uny removul or other rernedi�tion otany Ha�ardous Subtitancc aPfec�ing the Prapeny i�nece+�ury.B°m""er
<br /> • shall promp�ly tukc all nccexsary remcdiAl uctions in acwrdanre with Environmental L.uw. �=
<br /> ;:,�•'� , • ,,,,',,�;,'' A�u s e d i n t h i s p a r a gra ph Z0."Hazardaus Substciaces"ure thotie suhstnnces defined us toxic ar ha-r.ardous substances by
<br /> ';•:,-'�;�-;���. Environmenlul l.aw und thc following substances: gu,olinc,keroscne, ot hcr flum m u b l c o r ro x i c p e t r o l c u m p n�d u c t s,t c�x i c �w+.=_.,�
<br /> . ..,�..,.,
<br /> � ;;,,;:'�;• pesticidex and herbirides, volutile tic�lvcnts, muterialti con�uining usbestos or formaldehyde. a�d rudioucti�e materiul+. As �,u.•�,..;"
<br /> ._;�i:'?:�::,r,,;;,�,:' �' uticd in this parugruph?0,"Environmcntal Law"mcansfcdernl luws and laws of thc jurixdictian where the Property is la:uted �.�
<br /> l(l1Y.aw�.
<br /> `:�'.':�'�;;'.• that rclate�o heuUh.snicry or environmemal p�otcc�ian. °P�'�`.' - -
<br /> • .`�;;J,. �;�,� . � —_
<br /> � ���' '� NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrowcr und 4cnder funhcr covenunl unJ a rce uti followz: �;�„"�
<br /> ��°.:,�,; ...
<br /> ' " 21. Acce lerrl ion: Re m e d ieR. L e n d e r s h a l l�i v e n o t i c e t o B o r r ow er prior to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's �`;:;�;.
<br /> b�each of any coven�nt or ug�eement in tbis Securhy Instrument lbu/not prior to accekratiun under para�rap h 1 7 _":�;;.,,_,
<br /> �� unles.4 applfcable law provldes otherwlse�. Ti�e wzice+6a��i�ec3�'3`: faf ihc defaalt;(b!lt�e aeti��n required to cure the _ ,�,:
<br /> ' default:lcl u dale�not Ies.g than i0 days Prom tMe d�te tt�e notice is given lo Borrower.by whkh Ihe dePault mnst be w *�t�, ,_-
<br /> � " cured;s�nd Idl that f�ilure lo cure the default 000r bei'are the date speciticKi in the uulice mny re4ult in acceleratlan of ,.,rc�_�_
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument a�cl s�le of the Property. The notice shaU i'urlher inPurm Bnrrower uf .. ��.. .,�..,_ '
<br /> the right to reinWqte aRer acceleratiap and the ri�IN to brin�a cuurt action ta assert the non-exi9tence of a defeult or :,}�•.. -_
<br /> �„ any otNer dePense oP Borrower to accelerallon and!ude. If Ihe dePault is not cured on or before Ihe date speclfied in �;�;:��,;_.�
<br /> . .,�.,.
<br /> the notice.Lender at its optium m�y reyuire im�edlote puyment in full of all sums secured by this Securily lntitrnment � '�;�. "' ��
<br /> jl;:"._::
<br /> without further demand nnd may imoke the power uf sale and any other remedies permilted by appl(cable law. �- �. .
<br /> .p '
<br /> � ,' Lender shall be eatitled tu cullect ull expenses incurred in pursuin� the remedies p�ovided in this pa�p�rrph 11. .,�-`"'!;';'•�t.s..
<br /> '„•`"�`,s .•;,••.;�� includins.but n��t limited to.reac��nuble atlurneys'fees und coRts of tiNe evidence.
<br /> ,;:;:�;':;,� If Ihe puwcr of sale is invaked.71�uslee �;Iwll record a nntice ui deiault in each county in whlch uny part nf the � _
<br /> ' �^"`' Pruperty is localed and shall maU copks of such notke in Ihe manner prescribed by uppNcoble law to Borrower and to
<br /> � • the other persons prcwcribed by applicuble law. ARer the time requirrd by applicuble law 7Yustee xhall give public �,°�,.
<br /> , , nu8ce of sale to the pecsuns nnd in the manner prescribed bv s�pplicublr lu��•. 'Iti'urter.without demand un liunower. . �:,,___
<br /> �',,� shall sell the Property ut publir suctiun to the 4i�hest bidder ut the lime und place und under the terms desi�nAted in ':�:•.�ti�;;::
<br /> ;��a;. .• the notice of sale io ane or m�Me p�rcels und in anv order Trurtee determines. 7lrustee ma��postpone sale oP s�ll or anv - Y
<br /> ,.. ...�,�',•:;�,; •
<br /> r � . ,.r.��, parcel�ii'the Pruperty b�•public s�nnuuncemenl at the lime und pluce oi'anv previously scheduled ss�te. l.ende�ur it�
<br /> •'''���''' designee may purchuse the PropeHy al uny s�le. :•'`��
<br /> � ' r+;';.:;�,�,. , ,
<br /> �� �,I,;�;,�t�.,1,,,; Upon receipt oP puymeM of the price bid,7Yuster.r•hull deli�•er tu the punhatier'I�ustce's deed cunveyln�the , ;.
<br /> �':,,�,. , Property. The recitals in thr Tru�lee�deed shall be primu fucie r�•idence of the truth oP lhe stutements mude Iherein.
<br /> ;•.;�:.ti.' 71�ustee shall applv the proceeds ot the xale M the Pollowinµorder: 1u110 all cu+t.uad expenses ot'exrrci+ina t he pu�ser =_
<br /> �r,�. �;
<br /> •:�';;+•
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