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��d�ll'S'�' �;��.71 ..�ip• � '..�c�°'�.':�,p.,T�•�y � ,' �'i:i�'i•`�.�"'r.,., . .., �. . . . , . _ .. .� _- <br /> �� , a.. :� � �h� I' °`� <br /> ' � -•�•.f-`•wf�s}F�?Z�J�"�',^` '� - , r - <br /> . .., - ',��f(;:r <br /> ....�:_�.1'.0 �'rL.'-��y-s_ S��.�. � � _ ._. — <br /> � ._� ��"���Ilq'��1.�. _ � __ _ __ - _ -_— "II'3:� ...��F _ .'"__ <br /> EA_'" ."____ <br /> � ., . 92— ��:�n.=--- <br /> .E..::.: . . ;.: . i n2211 �.- <br /> U LN:.�•�_...r' - 6�j:i:_ �e,.-. <br /> r�'";� . ' . . " t•d'�'n- <br /> ��. :,= . periods�hAt Lender reyuircs. The insurunce cuRier pravidin�:lhe in�urunce,hull he cho.en by Barrawer�uhject�o I.enJer; ��,.;,,`,;;.�,�:�°°`--° <br /> •='�,�a.;-;,-;,?"�j;. .:,, appraval which shall not be unreu+onuhly withhe�d. If BoROwer foil�.�o muimuin caver:�Fr�Ie�criUad:dwve,Lender muy,ul �:xt----� <br /> _ s� :. . �`_'."':::;;`.�'R- <br /> • � , Lender'sop�ion,abtnin coveruge lo protect l.ender ti righ�s in the Propeny in uccordAnce wi�h parugruph 7. ����_.-- <br /> ��F <br /> . All insurunce policies And renewul�tihall tx ucrrptublr tn Lende�und sh•rll in�lude u.tandurd monEuge rluu+r. l.ender drx:�..-_ <br /> � • zhall hAVe the right ro hold thc{►c�liciex und renewul.. If Lender reyuins,B��rrower�hall promptly�ive�u l.enJer all receip�� _ ___ <br /> , �'.' � .. of paid premium�und renew�al ncxice+. In the evem ul'lu�+.B�xruwer.hull give prampt nu�icr to Uie in.urunre curcier und ��.�;v:.�.. <br /> Lender.Lcnder muy mukc pnw�f of Ic���if not muJe pri�mptly by Borrower. <br /> l)nlr�c,Lender und RnR��wrr��thcrv�•i.r:��rcc in wrninE,intiurunce pr�xrrd..hull ix uprlicd�u rc+�ar+uiun ur rrpair of -.--v � �� <br /> • �'� - •-• - - thc Prupeny damaged. if�hc retilatution or rc�wir i. cr�HwmiraUy Cea,ihle und Lrnder',xcunry i• not Ir,.rnrd. 11 ihr �- • ' — <br /> h�; .,' rctilaruliun ur repair i� not ccon.�miraUy tca�cihlr„r Lender: .ccurity N�uuld tk Ic.�rncd.thr in.urnnce prixrcd. rhull tx� __ - <br /> . upPlied u� �he +um�,erund hy thi. Security In��rument. wiu�hrr ur not then du�. wi�h uny excr., puid �u NoRUwer. If - <br /> n ' B��RUwer ub:uukm,�hc Pra�xny.�►r �Nk, nut mi,wcr wi�hin 1�� duy+a nu�irr fn�rn l.cmkr �ha� the in,urnncr c,urirr hu+ --°�^'�1,�y;-� <br /> ' ' �, affrrcd��► xtdc u claim.dirn I.cndrr muy ruUert�Ik in.ur,mrr pnxrcJ.. Lrn�l.r nrp• u,r tlir pr� r.pair nr ro,N►rr ���.• <br /> ' . thc I'�o�ny ar�a ruy.wn.Kru�ed hy ihi.`ecunty lo,irum�m,whclhcr�ir nm�Ixn dik. 'I hr�II•d.ry�xri«I will F+r�in u•hrn _u.=-=,�—�--- <br /> ° �he nulice i,}ivcn. —- _---- -- - <br /> . � l�nlr,. Lrndrr und Nnrruwcr utlKrwiu il(lICC 111 N•flllli�;.an� ++pplir:mnn u(��r�wcrd,�u prm.•ip:d tihcdl nut r�trnd or ----_----- <br /> d �x�.l�wnk Ilk duc iliur ul�hc mumhly paym►n�,r.l�nrd�n in p,in��niph, 1 +md 3 ar chunpr�hr�miawn ut thr puynKn�,. It' �� -��._ <br /> ' . ° undcr �uri�gruph 21 thr I'ru�xrt> i. +u�piirrd h� L�ndrr. liurrowcr: right �u:�n} inwrancr�Hdiri�,.�od pnxrcd, re.ulting �°:.�,��__� <br /> � , I�rum ilumage to Ihc I'�u�xrty prior u►Ih�ucqui�Uiou.hull pu„tu l.r�ukr tu�hr ctt�m ut Ihr ,wn,.rrund hy ihi.tirrurily '?'�-_,m�'';-'.�` <br /> ��:..; 'r^'$.o.�� <br /> In�lru�ncnt nnmediulcly prinr tu Ihc a�cyuiritiun. <br /> •� �'" 6, lkcup�ncy. P�ese�vulion. 1�luintenunce und Protectbn ��t Ihe Pruperty: Norrower'+ L��un Appliratlon: �-��`.�'�� �� <br /> �= — <br /> ' IRYtiBIlOIdY. Burrowcr,hull ixcupy.c�tahlirh.und u.c dx Pru4xrty u�8orrowcr;rrroripul rr.idrnccµiihin,ixty�rr �•:.�� <br /> " �he rxecu[i�m of ihi.Sccuriiy 6�.u•uuient unJ.haU c�xuinuc tu�xcupy the !'n�prny us Horrnwer; r��„����:d r.•,idrnrr f'��r ut .:'�'•'-, _---_..,_ <br /> � , I�tuhl .� yeor aticr thr dute af �xrupancy. unlr,ti Lender uthrrwi�e •rgrrc. in wriling. whirh r��mrnl +hull nui tx : •�..a Yy.- <br /> ' unreunnpubly withhclJ.�►r unlc.,rxtcnua�inH circumswnccs exist which urc ikyi�nJ Burrawcr�rim�rol. B�►rr��wrr.hull�x�t ' ' ,�- <br /> . � de.Iroy.Jumage�x impuir Ihc Nra�xny, uUow�hr Pru�ny lo deteriura��. i�r r��nmiit��� un ihr 1'm�xr1)•. Hixruwer tihal) , � : '- ' <br /> � '. tx in ckfuult if any faMci�ure uc�ion or prnceedinE,whethcr civil or c�iminul,iti Ix�un�hut in l.ender;g�Hxl ti�i�h judgment ;�••:.:'.'�' <br /> � roulJ rexuh in forlcilurc i�f �hc Pra�xrty or �Nhcrwi+c malcriully impuir thc IKn crc:ucJ by �hi, Srruri�y In+�ruimn� or . �+� <br /> S::.0 <br /> � Lend�rt.ecurity imer��t. R��rrawer niuy cure.uch a defuuU and rein�tat�.as pruvidcd in purugruph I the actiun , �,�»_ <br /> .. ' or prcxceding lo he di,missed with��ruling thut. in l.rndcr i E�x�d 1'aith dcterminali�m.�rcclude,ii►rtciture of thc Burcou•er's „ �;,,�.' <br /> � intervr��in tlx Prn�•ny nr c►thcr mutcriul imp•rirnirnt of ihr lien cnukJ by thi+ Scrunty In,lrumrnl or l.cnder; �ecurity . ..i� <br /> , :.•� r . . . int�resi, HoROwcr shull ul,�� tk in del'uul� if BoROwrr. during �he loun upplic:nion pnxc,,. �;;rvr ma�rriall�• I'ul+c u� , <br /> ' inucrur+te inti�rmution or�wtrments tn l.rnJcr lor failed to provide Len�k�r wiih any matcriul inti�miu�icnu in conncction wi�h <br /> � the loan evidenred hy �he Notc. including. hut no� limitrd to. reprcsen�uiion�cunrrrning Hurruw�r. �kcupanry of ihe '�• `.=•,+ <br /> � � Prapc:ny t�,n principul rc.idcnrc. If thi,Securiry bi��rumcnt iti on u Ic:i,�hokl. H�Krowcr.hull rumply wi�h ull thr pravisian. , - .';�'`"`� . <br /> • -- ---—= uf Ihc Icu.c. If Borrnwcr acyuirc�frr uU��o�hc 1'iri�xrty.ihe ien�choid und ihr fcc ti�lr+hall uut wr��:c unk.,L�nJcr a�rtcti X <br /> � , , to thc mcrgcr in writin�. "�-, ` • <br /> 7. Protectiun of I.ender's Rightn in Ihe Pruperly. U BoROwcr fail.i�� �rti�rni thr r�rv�nunt. and u�rcenunts . . .���?�'. <br /> •� „' comuined in Ihi, S�curity Im�rwnent. ��r th�rc i� u Ie�al pnxrrding�hut muy.�gmfirantly :�i'1'�r� LenJcr: righ�+ in �hr .� i <br /> • .. Pruprrty(+uch nx�i pr�xreding in hunkrupicy,pr.ihnlr.lur aNiJemnu�i��n��r Ibriciiur�or u�rnti�rce law,or rrguluuim,l.Ihrn . _ '' <br /> • • , Leixlcr muy Jn und puy li�r whutcvcr iti nccc.tiary iu pruirct �hr valuc ol'dk F'ra�xny imd Lrndrr� ri�hl, in Ihr Pru�xrty. �:�` <br /> Lenda:r±action+miiy inrludc puyin�:xiy�um�.ecurrd Ny a lirn w•hich hu.pri��riry uvrr�hi� Scrurit�• Imtrununt..�ppcuring .. • - - <br /> in cuun. puying rca.oncihlc:�ttumry� t�rti amd rmerin�!un the Proprny lu mukc r��ir�. Alth�xigh L�ndcr may lu6r actiim . . <br /> under ihi�pur:lgr'dph 7.LcnJcr�i�k�nul h:rvr lu d�i.o. , ..,�- <br /> , Any umaunts Ji,hun�d by Lr�i�kr undar thi� puraEraph 7 .hull Ikrunu uJJ��i�a�al dcht uf Hurr���vcr.ccurrJ hy Ihi. ,_.�= ` <br /> ' .. Securily I nstrumem. Unlrs.H��rmwrr and l.cndrr:��!rec lo uihcr t�nn,ul'�iaymrni. Ux,�amuum.,h:►II Ixar in�rrc.t 1'rom the __�4_•� <br /> �, . ° Jutc uf Ji�hunrmenl at thc N���c rn�r;uid.hull Ix pay:ihlr.��•ilh inlrrc+t. u�xm M�ticc frum LenJ�r to Hi�rruwcr rcqur.ting �"-- <br /> ,�`:�. <br /> , , , payinem. �v-- <br /> ' . � S. Mort�ake Insurance. If Lender rcyuimd murtgapr in�uraner ati a c�xidiliun uf malin�ihr laan scrurcd b�•�hi� '�— <br /> • Sccuri�y h��lrumtnl, Bi�m►�vrr ,hi�ll pi�y �hr prrmiunn rrywrcd w mainluin �hc mun�uge in,ur.mcr in�ffcrt, If. ti�r an}• � ;`�;K,;_,-. <br /> , reuum.the murl�uge insua�nrr ro�•er.�gr rcyuir�d h�• LrnJcr lapsc�ur ccu,e, to b� in cltcrt. 13urr���ver +hall pay Ihe :.'� - <br /> � • prcmium� rcyuircd to oMain rovrrapc wh.tuntially rquivaknl lu Ihc mun�:�gc in.uranrc prc�•iuutil}• in cl't'crt. at :� cu,t . . � <br /> �''' ,uNztumii�lly cyuioulcnt to ihr cutit tu Fiurru��•rr ot'�hc mnnEa�r in�urancr pr��•iuu.l� in ritcrt.I'rum :m alirrna�r mur�gugr � ,1-..� '' <br /> „ . in�uroraPprovrd Ny Lrnder. If�uh.tanliullv eyui��;denl nwrl�.agc imur.mi�ri���cragc i�nut a�•ail:�hle. Rurrowcr�hall p:ry tu ; . :�''"��- <br /> Lrndrrc:�ch mimth a�um c��u.�!In��nc-t�vrll'th��1 Ihr�r:irl� m��rtgugr in.urancr prrmiwn hring p�iid h�•Hurrow�r��hrn th� ! <br /> ` insuran..ciwrri�ge I:ipxed�rr rr:ued lo hr in rtlrri. Lrndrr��ill urcrpt.u.e;uul reiain thr,e��uymrnt+a.a lu„nur�•e in licu • . <br /> . : �._ uf nxxi�uNc inwraixr. Le�.s rc�rn•c puymcni. ma) no Innger hr reyuircd.;u d�r �ry,iiun uf LrnJcr. il murtgugr in�urunrr f :.,.,�;;,:,,� <br /> t co�•rragr lin Ilx:unounl anJ f��r Ihe �xriud thai L�ndrr requirc,� �,m�•iJc�l h� :m in•urrr appro�•rd hy Lrndcr ii�!,iin Ixrromr. � ....� <br /> uvailablr and iti��htainrd.Rurrrn�rr,hall pa� Ihr premiwu.r�yuircJ w maine�in m��ri�a�r m•w:mre in ellrrl.ur In pruvidr a <br /> • :s lo,. res.rve,unlil Ihc rcyuirrmrni t��rnwng:�gc in.uranrr acc��rJ:�nrc��iih :m� ��rinrn agrrrmrn�Ixl��crn li�xrm�cr . <br /> . anJ Lcn�lrr ur��ppliraM�la��•. <br /> ;� 9. Inspeclion. l.cnder�tt il� aEcm ma� maAr rra.un:ihlr ��nu�ie.u�,un aixl �n.prr�iun�ul Ihr I'ru�xrl�•. I.rnder�hall <br /> gi�•� Fi��rru���cr noticr a1 Ihr lim�ul'�x prior lu:u►in+���cli�ro,perifyin�n�:�.unahlr r:iu,r lur thr in.��rrt�„n. <br /> IB. Cundemnution. l�hr prurrrd.�d:m� aa�:ud�n rl:uin I�n�.lum:i�.••.�lu.•rt ��r r�m�ryu.•nu:d. iii c�mnrclian wilh an� <br /> timelrL�nul� Fauuk\Iued�rcAdk\It�el\IFIIRIII\tilRl �IF.\? 1 udniwt�n.•uaui. 4��N1 ry,d��•+,qnl�,�¢�••� � <br /> � �ar.0 I.d.��nn._Im � • <br /> 1.��ndrr��tll 1-14M�•�m'�9'rt I 1\blh 7461I 11 <br /> � <br /> i — __',' " <br /> I <br /> . � <br /> M <br /> • ' � — - , _ __ <br />