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,r4.� __ <br /> .:'�:..w a.�`�. • � ., _. <br /> _ - _ ... . - -,�..r.t ..-w y--'�»�,;- °— _. .. ...____.�.r.Y�LW�� - - -- <br /> _�.._ � -,..? , -.-. . � - <br /> . L-'-- . �-,� <br /> i <br /> —__�' '�.:�...�a_ ' r 9,G-. 102211 - <br /> --_:�:,�:�w� �' � <br /> .-••�A.•Y��1 vf�Fn'l.L. . <br /> TO(iETHER WITH ull the improvements naw or hercaPter erccted an the prc�perty, und all easements,uppurtenance�c. <br /> --T� �«.L~.:;, anci fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and addUionc shall alsRO be covered by thix Secudty ,— <br /> =��r — ��-+ Incuumenl. All of ihe foregoing is referred to m this Security Insuument as�hc"PropertY•" <br /> ��" '�?" '`�`�'¢' � BORROWER COV�NANTS that Borrower is luwfally+eired of the estute hereby conveyed and has the rfght�u grant <br /> ��_ .� _- <br /> ::�-;r,.,...•:; �. .� <br /> v-� r��'�'� '• and convey the Property and that the Prapetty is unencumbered,eacept for encumt+runces af rewrd. Bartower wnrronts und <br /> n �:•��� : will defend generally the tiUe to�he Property against ull cluima and demundx,subject to uny encumbrsu�ces of record. �___ <br /> �� - ;r - <br /> THIS SGCURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natianal use suid non•uniform covenants wilh <br /> � '"'�"��• `•�"`� ` -` limited variations by juriQdiction�o cons�itute u uniform securiry instniment covcring reol prapeny _ _ <br /> „�� ����~ ,� UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Borrower And Lender cavennm and agrce as fallowc: � — <br /> ,`,���;�%°'%, ,t� , :��.•. 1. Paymeat of Principal and Interest:Pre{wyment and I.ate Charges. Bartower shnll pmmptiy pay when due�he — <br /> �;;n:s;+5'��Y�`,;5�����i��;+ry,�, {:•. p�i n c i p a l o f a n d i n t e r e s t o n t h e d e b t e v i d e n c e d b y�he Note And an y pre payment and lata churges due under the Note. <br />;r:4fr;A}�4�:��'t{��,;iAf���`;{��� 2. Flunds tor 7bxes and ipsurance. Subject to applic�ble law or w a written waiver by Len der.B o r r o w e r s h u l l p u y t o <br /> ,�:;,{,�;r., .,.„ S� ; Lender on the day monthly paymenis sue due under the Note.until thc Nate is paid in full,u sum("Fundh')for: ln)yeorly <br /> ��;. <br /> ;,. � taxes and assessments which may altain priority over this Secu�ity Instrument w u lien an the PrapcnY:(b>yearly Icusehold <br /> r� � • � ` � ' payments or ground rents on the P�operry, if uny; (c) yenrly haznrd or pr�perty insurnncc premiums; (d1 yeudy flood ' <br />�t ' 'e "�.��� � • insurance premiums, if any: (e)yearly martgage insuronce prcmiumx, if any:und(� any sums puyable by B�rrowe�to <br />�� Lender,in accordance with the provicians af paragruph S,in lieu of the payment oP mortguge intiurunce prem�um+. Thexe <br />;, , • ' , itema sue cAlled"E.cerow Items,' Lender mAy,ut any�ime,callect und hold Funds in un amoun�no�to eaceed�he muaimum _ <br /> a` •� umount a Icnder far u federAlly relaed mortguge lonn muy rcyuirc fi�r Borrowcr's eurow uccount u��lcr Ihe fc�rul Rcul <br />;,,`:� � ;�. � � �stWe SetUement Procedures Act aP 1974 as nmended fram time to ume, 12 U.S.C. �2�111 ct sry.f'R�SPA"l,unic�ti oninher _. _ <br /> �'� -�� �, �� � luw Ihat applicw to�he Fundx s�et�a Ie��r umaunt. If sa.Lcndcr muy,at uny timc,collect and huld Fundw in un umnunt nut�o � � .�_--- <br /> � . a� •' �:;ic� - <br /> " excced ihe lesscr Amount. l.ender mny extimutc Ihe um�wnt nf Funds duc �m �hc batiiK�f currcnt du�n aod reununublc _ _ <br /> � ' . - y extimalew aP expendilurc+of futurc Excrow Item+�ur aherwise in uccurdunce with upplicable law. "';:_�� I_--. <br /> '"' " Thr Funds xhull bc held in an in�tilution wha�c depasits urc insured by u fcderul ugency, inx�rumemulity,or cn�ity ;k�;�:�..�,__ <br /> " " " lincluding L.cnder,if Lender is such un institution)or in uny Federul Hamc Loun Bnnk. Lender shull upply ihe Fund��o puy ,..,,�,�•;_ti_ <br /> � thc Escraw Item�. L.ender may not charge Bwrower for halding and �pplying the Fund,, unnuully unulyzing the cscrow :�.:'—,.___ _ <br /> � �� accnunt,or verifying the Escraw Items. unlesx Lender pny� Borrawer inlere�t �n �he Fund� und upplicable luw pe:rniits .�.,�„u,�, <br /> •. � Lender�o muke such u charge. Hawever,L�nder may reyuirc Borrowcr to pay a onc-time churge for un independcnl res�l �v_ .�i_ <br /> ' � � ' ' " estxte tu�c reporting service used by Lender in connection with this laan,unless applicuble luw provide�otherwixe. Unles�un —�-�� � ' <br /> u greement is made or upplicuble law requires interest�a be puid,Lender shall not be reyuired to pay Borrower any interest or �._l�_N_ <br /> . ..E i:.�..._.__�_.._. caminga nn�he Fundc R�rmwer und Lender may aRree i�writing,however,that interest tihall be pai d on thc Funds. Lendcr __�_ <br />' ' shall give to Borrower,wi�hout charge,an onnuul accounting of�hc Funds,showing credus and debits�o�he Funds and the =.r...r;.,�� <br /> ���.;...a�,.- <br /> � , purpose ior which each debit to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addilional tiecurity for ull sums secured by �'� '"�� l <br /> �hia Securiry Instrumem. � <br /> .;;_,,.. S�� j,._ <br /> � ;;_., <br /> _ � !f the Funsis held by l.pnder ezceed the amuuntx permit�ed to be held by applicable luw, Lender �hall uccaunt to �..4����:;.�_ <br /> - 'ti;..'. ! ' Borrower for the excess Funds In accordance with the requirementc of applicable law. If the umuunt uf thz fuods hcld by� _r_,,_—�;: _ <br /> ' �' Lender at any time is nat sufficient to puy the Eticraw Items when due,Lender rnay so t►otify Borrower in writing,und,in ,, .�^ ,.� <br /> � :,�`.. ��::�;:,'.,,• <br /> •' such cnse Borrower shull pay to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bortower tihall make up the ,.��,+` <br /> � deflciency in no more thnn twelve manthly puyments,ut Lender+sole discretion. .' a�,,;:.:;_ <br /> "•%: Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower uny � <br /> k��- <br /> � Fands held by Lender. If,under pumgraph 21.Lender rhall ucyuire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to the ucyuisition or �•.�yT�,_,__ <br /> . s�k of Ihe Property, shnll upply any Fundx held by Lender at�he time of acquisidon or xele as a credit aguinst the sums K;�.�,:-- <br /> � securedby this Security Instrument. �y.- � .����:_ <br /> � .��"� - <br /> a. Application of Payments. Unlezti upplicablc luw provides otherwise, all payments rcceivcd by Lender under �, � ,��^_ <br /> . .; pnragraph� 1 nnd 2 shall he i�pplied:first,ta any prepayment charges Jue under the Note:second,to amounts payable under .;f.�r <br /> � ; paragraph 2;third,to intercst due; principal due;and uny late churgex due under the Note. __ '_ <br /> ' � � 4. Charges; Liens. BaROwcr xhull pay ull �axe., ussesxment�, charges. fnex and impositions ultributable to thc <br /> s ,, . � ' Property which muy nuain priority over this Serurity Instrument,and leuxehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower _ <br /> �;,�'„ ., ;,�. � shall pny these obligation.r in thc manner provided in purugruph 2,or if no�puid in that manncr.Borrower shall puy them on <br /> '�;'�;�' time dimctly to the person owed puyment. Borrower shull prumpNy fumish to LenJer ull nutice,of amounts ta be p•rid under �` <br /> � . .. this pa�agraph. Ii Borrower makcs thexc puyments direcUy, Borrower shull promptly fLmish to Lender receipu evidencing .'y,,:..r :,._- <br /> ' ' the puymcnts. •`.,�'``., � <br /> ,,�"; " ° „ Barcower shull promptly dischurge imy licn which hati priurity ovcr this Scrurity Instrument unlexti Bomiwer:(a)agrces �;;.�,+ ::.; <br /> ' �• in writing to the payment of the obligution sccured hy thc lien m u munner ucccptable io Lcnder:(b)rontests in ga�d fAith the ,�..�,a <br /> � lien by,or defends s►gainst cnforccment uf thc licn in,Icgal pr�xceding+Which in Ihe Lender�opinion operAtc to prevent the , .�.'��! . <br /> • ,�, enfarcemem of the lien: �x(rl wcuren(rom thc holJcr uf thc lien an rgrccmrnt sa�isfuct�x y ro Lcndcr sulx►rdinating�hc lien : .: • .F_Y- <br /> ' �•ti to this Security Instrument. If Lcnder detenniixti thut any pan of thc Propeny i�.ubjert io a licn which muy attain priority � ;�• ._---- <br /> ' . r , �.i_ •.. <br /> over this Security Instrument,l.cnder muy give Borr�iwcr a notirc identifyinF thc licn. Borrowcr�hull x•rtitify thc lien or tuke ;` � �,�_. <br /> t <br /> one or more of the nctions set forth abovc within 10 days nf the giving of nolice. , :, �'�'= <br /> +. . . 5. Hpzard or Property Insurance. Borcower shull keep thr improvrmcnls miw exi.ling ur hercafter crected on�hc ., <br /> �.�A � Property insured aguinsc loss by fire,ha�arJs included wi�hin thc�erni"extended cuvera�e"unJ any othrr hur.urds,including <br /> floods or flooding, for which Lc.nJc�rcyuirr� imurancc. Thi� insurunrc�hall Ix maim:►ined in �hc amount. und for the p <br /> F�Mm JII3K 9/9Y �/wrRe:n�n ry�Kes� i <br /> + <br /> � � <br /> ! <br /> s <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> • � ' - - <br />