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<br /> �;;n:�t ;�v;:, � � � ,ry�+�,}�;��� ,<i,r;is��' DEED OF TRUST �, � :'I�` ��";��_::,� '
<br />� I�u\.�,��4���5�li�,Y�! I?� � •at�Y�S.,�. .
<br /> , �•�•„t�!:��'���`� '` �' THIS DEED OR TRUST l"Security Instrument")is mude on March 18, 1992 : -`.-'.'.:
<br />;, .' .. ,. ._�-
<br /> ' �. � � ���� � Theuus�or ia Ronald E. Grexa end Terri Lynn (irexe. each in his and her own � ��v�---�---� _
<br /> ..° t ;' '� right� end es apouse of eech other �^sorrowcr"). 7'he trutitee is �.�-�.�����
<br /> ,, . . �M,... -- _
<br /> ` . ` � , ' Earl D . Ahlschwede� Attorney ,���,.�«'•�. T�n•Ikncticiury i� •,,; :y• - -
<br /> " .. The Equitable Quildinp end Loen Asoocietion. Grend Islend, Nebresi�� • � _� °�"='v
<br /> � the Stete of Nebraske •��who�u rc�+i.
<br /> wh�cU �.or�uniicd und cxi��in�,un�le�ltic luw.ul ;.,;��_.
<br /> ., „ •� � ii3-l15 North Locusti Street� tirend I�le�d� Nebreske� 68801 �;�
<br /> 1•'Lrndcr"). B��R�w�r owe.r l.cndcr ihr prinripal wm uf `
<br /> •f .t���J
<br /> _;�. x.,, Eighty Nine Thousend Six Hundred end no/100 ------------"-"""-'"-- `""y=
<br /> : :�� _.,..�____ . t�►Ilurti IU.5.S 89•800.OA 1. This drht i.rvi�lrnr��d hy Borrowcr+notc dutcd thc sumo Jutc uti�hi,Securi�y .`..�s,;�-
<br /> ' Instrumcnt l"Notc"1. which providrs for munthly puymemx, witb �hc full dcht, if nut puid eurlicr. duc �nd pAyubie �m ,. �„
<br /> , ril 1 2007 • �17us Sccuriry Inxtrument uucurcs to Lcnder: lu) Ihc rcpuyment ol' Ihc dehl .,�,�.,,.,`?.��
<br /> ��"��_� rv�den�I hy ihe�lote.with intereKt.und ulI renewulx,extenxions anc1 mcxli�cution+of�he N�ne:lh)ihc puymen�of all other e� ��;�`- �
<br /> � r
<br /> - sum�,with interest,uJvonced under pars�gruph 7 to prolec��he�ecurity of this accurity ins�rumcnt:a�nS<�i ihe�xrFormance of �
<br /> •� Borrower'x covenunts und ugrecment�. For thix purpo�c.Borrower irrevixably Frants und conveys to'li�uxtee. in trusl,with � _
<br /> . power at�s�le,the fof lowing dc�cribed property la:ated in H e l l Courny.Nebrnsku: �„a.���'�r
<br /> � Plet of a tract of la�d comprising a pert of the Northeast Quarter (NE'�) of
<br /> Section Eight (6) � Township Twelve (12) North� Range Nine (9) West of the � � �� �� ;�. �� �,�
<br /> ' ' 6th P.M. in He 11 County� Nebraeka, more perticularly described es follows: w..i ,.,_,���.
<br /> � � _ eeginning et e paint on the Westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. �. �:
<br /> .;:•,�.'.
<br /> , 281. said point being Seven Hundred Forty-Seven and Two Te�ths (747.2) feet � ��,y�_,,�a'
<br /> �, "" South and Thirty-Nine and Seventy-Five Hundredths (39.75) feet West of the - .�-�,�,._
<br /> ' Northeest corner of said Section Eight (8) ; thence Westerly parellel to the •.•-.y;�:::i
<br /> � North line of said Section Eight (S) . a distence of One Thousand One Husdred _�_�.:;�-
<br /> ' Sixty-Six end Two Hundredths (1�166.02) feet; thence def lecting left 91 25' , •�������•..
<br /> ��'1 end runnzng Southerly� a distance of Five Hundred Seventy-Two and Eight .' , .
<br /> Tenths (572.8) feet; thence Easterly parellel to the North line of seid Sec- � �;-�_.-:�
<br /> ,E..:,::�
<br /> ;•.�;; � tion Eight (8) � e distance of One T housan d One Hu n d r e d S i x t y-F o u r e n d T h i r t y- 3 ,,� :._
<br /> Nine Hundredths (1�164.39) feet� to the Westerly right-of-way line of seid ��. . .:^;
<br /> ' " U.S. Highwey No. 281, thence Northerly elong said highway right-of-way line, �•
<br /> - ' a distence of Five Hundred Seventy-Two end Eight Tenths (572.8) feet to the ';..r.,.,,.,.L_�.�-
<br /> . �� plece of beginning. ""�'�`•.
<br /> ;' T�x
<br /> :. .
<br /> t :..
<br /> � '_ � � � whirhhasllKUddr�ti.��l RR1. Box 263 Grand Islend
<br /> �t'uy�
<br /> � r���,�,�
<br /> ." " Nebrasku 68801 l•.Pru�xrty AJJrctir"1; L
<br /> . �Y.ip c'�wlr I i
<br /> 1VEBRA�KA �mplcl�.umh Fnnnic�luc�FreUdic�lnalVlF'tIR�11\�IR111M.]f ti�r�m'�1128,µ"M�.`�',�^"'1111d.u+e�•�i
<br /> �
<br /> � �tEAI t 9�5�90�2i .
<br /> . 1��1MNYLaII 1�IMN43,'11bf1.1!1:11 i V'1X1H4191•11"11 .
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