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` `. ' k�►�F" �t51 ! ��rw °Ir�,+`.,"�: ;t.'.k.I"�' +YS'1�1 .�f t{'�.i �,lp;: . r-. � _... �-�r.•� � �1'�-s•� _�_� `` — <br /> I ,;Y � r��,• ~�t��'�' ,��� + r'�M��cr— _ . <br /> �tb" ' v. * .:.c��.{Y.l._. a--. <br /> (-'1.�. :.Kr.. ��~t . .. , •k,+�� ' - �. <br /> ..,��y��' � . _. ,.,:.,;r.,*..;LL�..._ _. ., .. _ <br /> :�•_r�.�ii,�i�� :*.. •_ _ . __— <br /> . -- _'. -..�... .S.L's. .�� ..�._ . � - ` - ,�-.- .. <br /> . .r+w�l�'I�K..L�I��r –"---- � � � �iu.� ""__ <br /> ,, ,_.;:M�, :- ;. ,:- 92� �.....T__ <br /> , �;�l_x , .,,;�.,�ra; n� —=,-_-- <br /> g%�!�'�W!�.`"�i�,��. , � ���Yi�JNrun <br /> ,�, �..+;;. paymenis,which Arc refcrred ta in Parugmph 2,or chaogc Ihc amuunt uf wrh pnyment+. Any excex�pnn d � �•�• .;__•_,. <br /> �•�'�s�►? ��o • amiwnt requi�ed to pny all outatandin�indebtcdnerY under�he Natc und�hix Securily Inxln�menl Fhall be puid 1�Ihe cnUly —__ � <br /> ,�;�.�,;:,,, legelly cnntled thereto. __-- <br /> F�°. :.. �., ;t �o:. B. Fees. l.ender may collcct fces ur�d chsugcs amhariced by Ihr Scrrc�ury. ---- - <br /> � a;r.w,...,:,�., .: .� 9. Grounds for Acceleralioa ot Debt. --- <br /> • lal Defwul� Lender may,exccpt aq limitcd by regululionz i�wcd by�hc Sccrclury in thc cux u1 puymem�kfuuhs, <br /> � ' . � ` rcyuire immediate puyment in full of ull tiums recured by thia Sccuriiy Inrirumcnt if: <br /> _. _ . � ��� li�BoROwcr dcfuulta by failing to pay in full any munthly paymrm�ryuired by�hi.Securily In+tmttu�nt prinr �...-,--_ -- --i,__-- <br /> " � • '' .",. to or an the due dute aP Ihe neat monthly payment,or �"`�-� <br /> , . . b� (ii)Borrowe�defuultx by failing,for u peri�wl nf thiny duy.r.�a�xrfbrm uny othcr.�I►ligaii��n+cun�nined in�hi� — _ _ <br /> o - Securityln�trument. '~,�-'° <br />;Q;.��� Ib1 Sale Without Credll ApprovAl. Lender shall,if pertnitteJ by appli�•rhle law und wi�h thc prior uppruval ot'ihc ,�--_"�;' <br /> ` �, • '�' - ° • Secretary.reyuire immediute pAyment in full af s�ll�he sum�+ecuRd by thi�Security Im�rument �L __�•• <br /> ' ,,.^.:,. (il All or pan of'the Property.or u beneficiul intere�t in u�ru,�awninb ull or pan uf thc Propeny. iti wld nr _ - <br /> " • otherwise trsnsferred(othe�thun by devise or de,centl by Ihe Borrowcr.�nd �__ __ <br /> . !� . (ii►The PropeRy is not occupied by the purcha�er or grantee u�hi��K hcr princip:�l Rsidence,nr�he purcha+er <br /> ' •�' ' or gruntee daes w accupy the Propeny but his nr her credi� h� n�t ixen •rppmved in acr�rcdnncc <br /> � �' with the requirements of the Secne�ary. <br /> "' lc)No Waiver. If circumstunces uccur thAt would permit l.ender to reyuire immediutc payrt�ent in full,but Lcnder �__;__. <br /> , . daes not reyuire such Payments,Lender does not wnrve its right+with resprct to�ubtieyuent event,. '"' - <br /> " •••� Id)Re�ulations of HUD Secrttary. In many circum��a�ce+regulution��stiueJ by Ihe Secretory will limit Lender� �`,,,;.:`�— <br /> • rights, in the cuse af pnymem defaulis, to rec�uire immediule puymem in full und foreclose �f notpr id. Thi� <br /> " • � d • Security lnstniment daes n��t authorir.e accclernt�on or foreclosum if nut permilted by regulatianti of Ihe Secretnry. �`_ru'� _ <br /> ,�;i°;�: . ° Ie)Mortgage Not Insu�ed. Born►wer ugreex that+hould this Securily Intitnrment und the�de secureJ thereMy not `�'�x��'.,, <br /> he eligible for insurnnce under �he Nationul Housing Act within 8 months from the �;':��' ' ::.:_=_'°-'— <br /> .. ��{, dnte hereaf,Lender may,At its opti�m unJ nolwith�lanJing unythin�!in Para�raph 9,reyuirc immediatc paymcnl in '-- _ <br /> ,;`;�%;� full of all sums�ecured by thix Securiry Inslniment. A wriuen.luicment of;uiy�whorited ngent of�hc Serrcu►ry <br /> &:�'•:�:.._ <br /> `'i•�� � dated subsequent l0 8 months fram the dale hertof,declininga� insure ihis Security � '• ' � <br /> �� Instrument nnd the note secured�hereby,shall 6e deemed conclutiivc pranf of.uch ineligibility. Notwithsiunding � - <br /> the foregaing,this opiion mAy not be exerciud by Lendcr when the un:►vailuhility of insurunce is solely clue to _,._ � ' <br /> � " - ` � LenJer�fuiluie w remit a nwrtg.�ge in.urance prcmium ta the Secretary. �'�`�'�-• _ . <br /> �y'�`�`� � 10. Reinsttdement. Bortuwer hus a ri�ht to he rem,tvted if Lrnder hu�reyuired i�nmediatc p�ymem in full hccuuse '��:��_ � <br /> ��.,,,, • <br /> •'1� �'" of Borrower's failure to pay an umount due under the Notc or �hi. Securiry Imtrumenl. This nght upplie. cven nfter = �����1"'��•x <br /> ,�,: <br /> •- foreclosure proceedingc orc ins�itu�ed. 7ii reintita�c the Security In.trument, Borrowcr�hull IcnJcr in a lump sum ull :r••.:-:', �'��ii <br /> -_-'= •.::,r';y:: atitiounts iequ�red to bring Sarrowcr':account current the rsleat they am��hlig��linn�of'Rorr��wer under this ----'�_?�e�. <br /> � .•'�,r:' Security Instrument,foreclosure costs u�d reuwnubk und cuslumAry ultorneys'fee.and expen,eti properly usuxiuted wilh ,h.. <br /> . the foreclasure proceeding. Upon reinstutement by Burmwrr,thix Sccurity Intivumem und the abhgations that it+ecure+ �' <br /> . . �� shall remain in effect us if l.ender had not re�uirrd immediute puymcnt in full. Hwvever,Lender is not reyuired to Qrmiit �, <br /> . � reinstutement iF. (i) Lender hu+ uccepted rc�nstatemen�ufter the commencemcm �il'tiirecloKUre pmceeJing.r with�n two •--�•�••• • _ <br /> years immediately preceding the rommencement af u rurrent forcclotiurc priwecdinF, liil minsiatrment w�ll prcclude ��� <br /> � foreclosure on diiferent rounds in the fulure,or 1 iiil rrinsta�cment will adver.rly uffect the priority of�he lien rmuted by `'•��� <br /> S .��'.r r?::�' <br /> • thiti Security Instrument. ; ;�•t�.C•,`'..rr-,: - <br /> � � ' il. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance by I.ender Not a Waiver. �xlenxion of the time uf paymem or •,r,.,; ,��, <br /> • , modiftcntion of amortitutian of Ihe.unn+erurcd by Ihi�Securily In,truntrnt E�antcd hy Lender�o uny tiucccs+or m inlcrest . <br /> of Borrawer+hull not operutr w rcleu�c Ihc liabilily of tlx�xiginal BuRi�wcr��r B���rc�wcr�tiu�c��wr �n interest. Lcndrr a <br /> • �, shull not be required w commence pra:reding+agmn.t any wcrr+�ur in intere,l or rel'usc to extend time for puymrm or f - <br /> " � atherwise modify amortizution af the +um, tiecureJ hy Ihi� Srcuriry In+lnimrnl by rca�on of:uiy demand m•rde by Ihe - <br /> original Borruwcr ur Borcowcr��ucccsson in intemst. Any tittF�earancr b)• Lender in excrcising any rigM ur mmedy tihul) --- -� <br /> ' not he a wuiver of or prerludc Ihc rxerci��uf any righl ur remcJ}�. '-_- <br /> 12. Successors and AwsiRns Bound;Joint and tie�•erul l.iubility: Co-tii�ncr�. Thc cavenant�and agrcemcnt,of • _--- <br /> �• • this Security Inatrument.hull binJ anJ benelit Ih�,u�c�++nr+und a.�i�n.ol'LcnJcr anJ Burn�wer,wbject w thc prnvisions ` -_,;�.-:=.. <br /> ' .��.;� ' of Paragrnph 9.h. Borrowrr: covrnant. und agiccmrnl� .hull Ix juim anJ +c��rrul. Any Borrow�r who co-ti�gns this ,,u�-��.,: <br /> , . ��� Security Instrument but Jcx,not rxecu�e thr Nute: li�l,igninE�hi.Seruri�y In+trumcnt only to mnnFage,grrnt and �'-.��'_-� <br /> . � comey Ihut Borrower s imrre�t in Ihr F'roprny undcr Ihr�em»of thi,Sccurity In�trumenr lM)ix not per,anully oblignted to � • _ <br /> ' . . �•�,. puy thc sums�ecureJ by Ihi�Srcurity In,�rum�nt: �nJ 1c1 agrceti�ha� l.cnJrr unJ any uther Borruwer ntuy agrce to estend. . <br />