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'.;�'�.+ad4�P�,•�5���'�• �� .r��'�+�,, �;r. _.. ��:iff.��;' _. -�`-� _ �L:..�__ <br /> � c.c <br /> �.� - - -- -- - _,-. _'-- '--— -,.yr;=-.- <br /> �fl�! , <br /> �� � - -+'� e+ �!V�>-. ,, ... -.`_ <br /> :. - - • <br /> -- � ' �:.v'�"=lF�,'nZrn�+'__"- ... .. __�..�_ .__ __- <br /> . . ,. .., x:.�i..p . <br /> � - - -- �.:��_.T. <br /> �� Q �7 � � <br /> ��"�"���'"'s°'-� NON-UNIFURM COV�NANTS. Banowcr und l.cndcr funhcr covenunt and ugrcc a�fullow+;: "�- 102,�,O� ��� <br /> •_���� -�=s 17. F�reclosur�Prc�cedure. If Lcndcr rcqulrcy in�rudiate paymcnt in full undcr parugruph 9.Lcndcr muy invnkc�hc �u �_ �, <br /> p�►wcr af xalc nnd any othcr remediexpermiucd hy upplicublc luw. l.cndcr,hull bc enliticd tu c�llc�t All ex�xn�eti incurrcd ■�`�_.�:r>_ <br /> �'�`---��-`=� in pursuing the rcmedic.r pmvidcd in Ihi.+parugruph 17.including,hu�n�w IimUcd io,rca+�nuhlc uttorncy�'fcrs und c�n�x af <br /> �,=��-° litic evidcncc. —_ <br /> _,� . �` � 1�Ihe power of sak Is(nvoked�7lrustee shall record a nuticc uf dePauit in each rounly fn which any ps�rt of t e <br /> ���,�.� � proper1y(e IocAted And shall mnil copies of such nolice in Ihe munner rescribed b uppUcable I�w l0 8orrawer and —_- <br /> ta tIK otber pe�p���bed by ppplicable Ipw After Ihe time required by Applicyble Ivw. �IYUSICI`SIIPII give __ <br /> ��' <br /> public notke of sale tu the penso+is nnd in the mo+nner prescrfbed b applicable low 7Yustee.wllhaut demond un � <br /> '_�; - ° �. Borrower.Rhs�ll sell Ihe Property ut public uuction to Ihe hl p.l�eRt bi der ul t6e time and pls�ce And under lhe terms _--__. <br /> - desiQnated in the notice of sole in one or more parcelg and in any order'IYugtee determines. 7lrustee mey po5tpone ��::�.�=. <br /> '= �«<< ���p�l or any parcel of tde P�upeMy by pubtic announcement at lhe Ifine ond pYr�ce uf Any previausly scheduled ��a� <br /> � k:,;;., sale. Lender or i1s designee m�y purchnFe the Praperty�t woy sale. �,� � <br /> F <br /> � � • Upon recelpt o�p�yment of the Price bid.7lrustee slwll deliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the <br />�.,ry,;.q��,t:-,�t�':, Property. The recitals in tbe'Iruslee s deed shwll be prima facie evidence uP trulh oP the slatemenl�made Iherein. =.;�,�r.;;: <br /> , 'I�uslee sh�ll apply tbe proceeds oP the sale in the Pollowing order: lal to vll custx and expenses af ezerclsing the ���`J a::-, <br /> � � pnwer nf sale.and tbe sa�e.includins the ps�ymenl aP Ihe'I�uslee's fees actually incurred.not lo exceed f i ve �;� - <br />�. >;,,_ •,;-,,e • uf the princi�wl amouM of Ihe note at the time of 1he d�luratiun of deEault. und reusonable atturneys'fetw ac <br />� ",' ' ' ~ rmitted by law;1 b1 to all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument;And Icl any exc�ss to Ihe person ar persons �,�.:�...�•s <br />�� %..,�5�''- �ully emilfed to it. _ <br /> � L'"' �' 18. Reeanveyapce. Upon puyment of ull sumx secureJ by�his Security Ins�rument,Lender shull reyue+t,7tuslec w �,;,�_-.. <br /> S..}} .�'N.i�� �•�. ��. �•-m..r.a..,=. <br />� �'• � reconvey�he Propeny and shull+urrender thiti Securiry Instru,mcnt and ull noteti evidencin deht secured by�his Sccurity <br /> "`'• In.rtrumcnt ta'Ituslec. 7tustec shuU recumcy the Piropeny wuhou� wartunly und withou�c�urgc to thc pencm or pcnun� �_ <br /> �;,,;•,;,�,;,,,�' • IeguUy entiUed to i�. Such per�on or peru►m shull ps�y any recordution cosu. <br /> - :.• �� 19. Subslqute'I�ustee. Lender,at ils aption,muy from time to timr remove'I�ustee und nppuint a succesuK trustce _ <br /> �::�w_-•.,a*-��,' <br /> ,- ;�- R.--- • to:u�y 7i'u�tee appoim��l hereunder hy an imtrument recorded in ihe caunly in which Ihis Securily In�ln+ment is rccorded. -__ <br /> ° .r���. Without conveyunce of the�wccetisor�ru,�ce slwll wccceJ to uU the tiQc, power:mJ dutie.confcrrcd upon � <br /> • �;;,4��....-.,, 7Yustee herein und by npplicable luw. �. <br /> � .. 20. Requcgt for Natices. Borrawer reque,�s ths+t c.�pieti ot' the nwices of det'uult and sale be sent �a Barrowert <br />` �= :� address which is thc Property Addrexs. �_ <br />:�:;, • .. _ , <br /> . a , ,. <br /> d_.,,,�: ._ '�^ Riders to Ihis Security Instrument. If�►nc or morc riJcrti ure rxecuicd by BaROw�r und recurJcd togcthcr wi�h[his — �� <br />�'- �, . <br /> • '^ �" Security Instrument.Ihe covenanls of cuch +uch rider �hull be incorporuteJ imo und shull umend und supplem�nt the <br />,��;�� . �:�r�: covenunts und agreemen�.of�hix Securiiy In+lrument us if the rider(s1 were in u pnn af tbis Security Instrument. _ v__ <br />� ., - • ' - (Ch�:k appli�ublc buA(cs)�. - <br /> Afi.i', _ <br />;;.� Y , �Condominium Ridcr �Grnduulcd P�ymcnl Ridcr �Growing Equity Rider __ _ <br /> : �...: . -- <br /> r --- <br /> ! � " ' " �PlAnned Unit Devclopmem Rider �Other�Specify� �--- <br /> �� BY SIGNING BELOW, Burmwcr accept.and ugree,�o the term.contui��ed in puges I tbrough 4 oi'this Security ��=-�� <br /> � '' Instrument and in a�y rider(s1 cKCCUted by Borrower und recorded with it. <br /> . h .. W sses: '� __�.. <br /> � �.� <br /> , � '.e,� i)�,�_ � IScull _ ..._ . <br /> �. ---- -- - -- �► SEC eomc�w�r �==. <br /> ;j:�, • � . � � , ��-,-_ <br /> IScup �. <br />- . � ' ERI K SECHTF.M nm.wer !�l-�_- <br /> ' 6:. -_ <br /> :r `� � ISeal) �:7i <br /> ����,:j. <br /> i. � � — dum�w.r E�;,,,-��...:-'_.__ <br /> '•��.� � .t•`�� - . _ <br /> ' .. �� � _ __ ($l'il�� �;t-.:�,'z`.: <br /> " ., Bumiwcr -- -=- <br /> . "_' .., Q:. - <br /> P�==:_..�---. <br /> `y.n <br /> 1' " - <br /> STATE OF NEBItASKA. HALL C'�wn�y,,: �"�- <br /> a ;� ��";ar�:'-' <br /> . .' � On�his 18th Jay ol' Merch, 1992 . �x���n mc. �hr undcnigncJ,u Notaty . <br /> • Puhlic duly rommiti.icmcd andyualitirJ fur.aid ruum�.�xnun:►II� r:mir `'�''� <br /> ;,;';;,;,:�; .. � . WADE A SECNTEM AND CHERI K SECHTEM HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> . lu mr known w ik Ihr . . <br /> s . ' idcntiral�xrx��nlsl whoxc nrmc���arr.uh�rnixd��,ihr i�,rr�!�,ing in.trumrm and arhn�,��Icdgcd ihc rxrcuu�m theRO1 t��hc � . <br /> ., ;d , � �� their vuluntary act and J�rJ. <br /> han�l aad nu�arial,ral ai GRAND I SLAND in ,uid cuunly. Ihr � <br /> dutc uforesuid. � <br /> : . �� ,` :.. <br /> MyCommi..ianrKpirc.r: .C�CI(i•,� . �/�� � <br /> - . ,JULY �34�• 1994 . .. _ <br /> ROBE�TA L REED ����•��� �'��n�" <br /> • � RU9ERTA L REEJ <br /> . , I�My Canm.E�p.lmy 30.t9�o + R!:(�l�F:1'f Hc)It Itk:('c)�VF:I"r�hC'1: . <br /> ' • TO TRUSTEi�: <br /> 'I'hc undcrtii�:ncd i,lhc huldcr uf thr nutr or nuteti•rrurc�l h� th��1)c�d uf lru�t. 5a�d IlalC�tt nut�+.tu�.rlhcr��uh all <br /> �+ ., alh�r indet+t�Jnr�� ,�rured h�•thi. lh.d ��I lru�t. ha�� txen ��:ud in lull. l��� hrrch� dirrrted tu ranrrl wid nutr or <br /> n��l��anJ thi.lkrd ul lhu�i.��hirh:irc drli�•cnd hir�h�•.:utd lu r�rt+mr)'.��ilhuul��:�rcnn�).all thr��I:�Ie nu�� hrld b) wu . <br /> � • mxirr Ihi.lked��F ltu�l U�Ihr�xr„n ar�xn��m Irgally rnlid�rd Ihrn•tn. <br /> Uale: -- - - . .- -- <br /> • ., ,�,,,e,�,.��,�.,��,� <br /> ( <br />