. . ���'f i �.Ni��j:�:: {�'3,.A�j., :�'��`rj'.��•'1Y�I�iil,.'��. •'� YSS{ii,�/ .i� ' �'r�•�.;n�(�)i�">il�:r:��<13� .����1f.M� �__—_.
<br /> �� �. � Ir � 1• .i �¢ ►b i�,}�M� `5.7� 54 hlf�S�`rr� 1' .1 j i M1�►t�t : •r - ���i.nldtt�� �..8
<br /> r,;.. ... '.'�.:, . �1 'yrF• -�.w - rM' �� � ' �`�g(�t„�btr. -- — _--
<br /> a �' ���;,� ��sA��f�4*1K'�4N"�� �y}�. ,r-ns.-..i, ti��{1rv.��. . ...s,.
<br /> ��. ._ _-•..�f+... p•-y'•y-�. �M�+:�:r.. . .'!.,._ _
<br /> ( �la�,- '�r,._—
<br /> 'q " • r r "
<br />_ . - — ��� ......-_,1.... , � . . - V .. .. ��� . ...._.+-.kr�- �
<br /> � � ��i .��w ---
<br /> �� . �?'-- 1�2202 �._�a-_-
<br /> ';:ti" fw�.,,.,:,�—u I. PaymeM of NrinclpAl.lMerest rnd Lule Ch�rge. Barruwcr�haU pay whcn due�hc principul i�f.und intcrctit on. H,r�,�:�:�.�--,��
<br /> , �' ,, thc dclx eviJcnccJ by thc N�Nc c+nd latc churgr,Juc undcr�hr Nwc.
<br /> , �`�'1 � " 2. Monlhly paymeMs uf Taxe�.lnsurance and(llher CharRe�+. R��m�w•rr+hull in�ludc in earh mon�hly p�yment,
<br /> ' � toge�her wi�h thr principal and imerc+� u�+ct f�mh in thc N�nr unJ un I+uc rhiirgr...�n in�i�llmem uf any lal tuxez unJ �
<br /> � �pccial utitiestimcnt+Icvied ur lu tx Icvied uguin.t Ihc I'�oFxhy.�hl ira,r���ia p;�ym.nt,or F�nunJ rrnt,un ihc ProFxny.onJ
<br /> � , Ic1 premiumti for in+uron�e nquirrJ by Purugraph 4. ��
<br /> ' F.ach monthly im�nllment fur items lu).Ibl und Irl �hull r�ual anr-�wrllth ul�the annuul umouinw us reauinubly
<br /> � , eylimu�ed by L.cnJcr. plu. an uwuum rulTici�n� t�� maincam an addilian:d h:dimcr nl n�►t mnr� �han nne-sixth of thc lE''_-•'-'"`_"^__�
<br /> � etitima�ed umount+.. '1'h� t�ull unnuul um�►unt for ruch iiem �hull Fn acrumul:urd hy l.endrr within � �xriixl endin�!une ��`
<br /> . � monlh hefnr�un itcm wuuW i+ec�xne dclinyuent. IAnder,hull hul�f the vmaunt,rollrricJ in tru�l lo pay iiems lu I.Ih l and �Y��,_--
<br /> • � „ Iclbefare�hcyhrcomcdclinyucnt. 'x"�' ��"��'
<br /> • , If ut uny timc�he�otal of thr puymrna hrld by Lender li,r i�eni.lu�.Ihi unJ �r�.u��rthcr With the I'uiurr munthly �.us�___� �
<br /> " .. • ' , puyments for ,urh ilem� p:�yable t�� l.rnder priar�o thr dur Jutc� uf.uch itemti. excecd� hy morc thun unr-,izth Ihe �r•��--,.-_- —
<br /> estimuled umount of paymemti rcyuircd iu p•ry.urh i�em+when duc,imJ if payment�un ihc Notr arc rumnl.Ihen LenJer -;;��:=;:�:r.+°�
<br /> �hull eilher�efuud thr cacc,s���rr une-tii�th of thc r,tin�u�cd paymem,i�r crcdit�hc etce„��vcr onr•.ixth ut'thc e,�imatcd �~�`- ' _
<br /> ,,, pnymentti�o sub.cyucn�puymenty hy Borruwcr.ut tbr upti�m af B�,m►wer. U'thc�utal��I'thr paymcnt,madc hy Hnrruw�r ,• -----__-__=- .
<br /> . . ^ for ilem lul.lbl,ar Ic 1 i.m,uificient to pay ihc itcm w�hcn Jur.lhen Nurnw►�r.hall pay tn�rndcr uny umuum necessury tu ���M1_
<br /> ° make up the deficiency un ur t+efore thc dute the item hrr��mr+duc. �.��twr�.�
<br /> • � As u+ed in�hi+Srcurity In,trumrn�."Serrotury"mcun,�he Srcrcwry of Huu�ing anJ Urban lhvelupmcnl or hi�un c�r ������.�,�;�;
<br /> ' detiignec. In:u�y ycar in which�he Lender mu+t pay u mor��age imurance premium�u th�Srcrewry.eucb munthly paymrnl " _�w,.y�Y1�
<br /> � �, r:hull also inrlud� eithcr. lil un im�allmcn� ��I thr annuul mortgugr inwrancr pramium lo t+r paiJ h�� Lcndcr ti��hr - ;::'�r;.,;,,:a,__:_.
<br /> �� • Secretury,or liil u monthly churgr in.teuil uf u mongaEc in.urunce premium if d��. S�curity In.trum�m i,he1J by Ihe - -.
<br /> Srrrclury. Euch monthly imtallment of ihr muhgngr in.urunce prrmium.hull Ix in an um��urn wt'ticicnt��+accu�nulute�he = _
<br /> full unnual mangugc in.uruncc premium wilh I.cnJcr�mr munth prior tu thc dutc th�full annuul murtgugc in�u�;u�cr i ���% �,,:�;,_.
<br /> �xd�'-�_._.`
<br /> premium iti due to the Serrelary:ur�f thi.Srcunty Imwmt•n�i+hrlJ hy the ticcreiury,rach munthly churFc�h:►II he in un � �.�.,.. .; }
<br /> umount cyuul to one-twclt'th of anc-hulf�xrc�nt of�hr out�tanJin�e princ�pal haluncr dur un�hc N��t�.
<br /> If Barrowcr�endrn to(.enJer ihr full paymcm of ull.um+.ecurcJ hy Uii.ticruriq• Intiirum�m, Bormwcr:arci�unt • , ' i �•:: �=
<br /> .hull lx: eredited with�he baluncc remaining tor all im�uUment� liir ilem��al.Ib1 anJ icl :uid uny monga�c intiurance _�°w_`�
<br /> � ' premium instullment thut Lender hu.n�H hccome��bliFutrJ to p•ry tn thc Serrcrrry. tmd I.ender�hull prompdy rc(und uny �� �•--•-
<br /> .. � exces+funds to Bnrrower. Immedia��ly prior tn a ti�rcclo.urr tiule oi thc Pa��xny ur il.acyui.i�iun hy Lendcr.13an�wer+ � ._,,....,��
<br /> uccount�hAll t+e creJited wi�h any balunce rcmuinin�!tiir all in�tallmenl+I'or i�ems lu►.Ih)and�rl. �—�
<br /> , - 3. Ap lics�linn of Paymenfsi. All puymentti undcr Parugr.�ph,I unJ 2,hall tk upplicd by l.rn�r a,follow.: � ?_;.; -,
<br /> . Fj$��o�he morlgage in�urance prrmwm to ix pa�d by l.cnder to ihr Srrreian•ur i��thc ra��nthly char�e hy thc � �
<br /> Sccretary in,�eud of thc monthly mortgugc mwramc pr�mium;
<br /> ^ �Qj�„p,ta uny taxe,.speciul u.,c„men�+.Icu+eholJ puymeM+or gr��und rcntti.und tirc,llood und inher hui.nrJ �
<br /> ----_- in.umncc premiumx.as reuwred: �'...� '�:
<br /> �T.;�' ".`�;n_
<br /> THIRD,to intere+t duc unde�the Not�: �:j•.-��:` :� -
<br /> FOURTH,to umonii�►lion of�he prinripal of the Note: '�r= ' ' .
<br /> FIFTH,w latc churgcs du4 undcr the Nulr. �;•'�
<br /> • ��" a. Hire.Fload and Otbcr Huzard Insurance. Borrowcr+hall inwrc all imprc�vcnxnt.on thc Pro{xrty.H�heihrr nuw , •`�.�«•
<br /> in exitilence o�subxeyuently crected.uguin.t any haturd.,ra+ualtic.. and �untingcncir.,i�irluding hre,lor w•hich l.endrr • ,
<br /> reyuircs insurance. Thi+insuruncr�hull Fx muintuinrd in tFnr anr�unt.and li�r the�xri��l+thut Lendcr rcquires. Norrowrr
<br /> xhull ulso insure ull improvcmcnt,un Ihc Nrnperty.wh�lhrr now in exi+lencc ur.uhticyucnQy crrrt�d.against lo..by tlixxl� i _
<br /> � to the extent mquimJ hy the Secretary. All intiurance+hall ix carri�d �tiilh rompanic�upproved by LenJer. Thr in�urancc
<br /> �licies und any renewuls .hull he held by l.cndrr unJ .hall include I��.ti puyahle rinu,r. in favor ol'- anJ in u lorni F � ;�� �
<br /> � ' ucccptublc to.Lrndrr. •
<br /> In �he event uf lo+�. Borc�iwcr,hall givr Lrndrr immedi:Ue no�irr hy muil. l.rn�kr may m:d:r pra►f ui la,� i(not .
<br /> .i� � ms�de pmmpdy hy Horrower. �urh insuranrr cumpany runcrnied i+ hcrrh}• :�uthorin�l and Jin�ted to m•rkc puymenl ti�r :
<br /> surh los+direcUy to LenJcr.intileaJ ui'tu Burrci�rrr anJ t��Lcndrr juintly. AU ur an�•pan ui'the in�urunce pnxcrds maY tx � �,'-'
<br /> � upplicd by Lcndcr.ut i�s optiun.cithrr 1�1 to ihr rcJuc�iun al ihr indcb�cJnr..undrr�h�•N��t�anJ this Secunty Inslrumrm. , � .
<br /> �', finl to any dclinyuent atm�unts applirJ in thc nrdcr in �'ar.��raph;. and ihcn �n prepaymrnt of principul.ar (h) to thc i .�•.
<br /> rextoration ur r�pair uf thc Jumu�cd pa�p�rly. Any appliration ul'thr prikrrJ,to the prmr�pul�hall not rxlrnJ ur�x�sipunr .{ ,�
<br /> the Juc Jute of thc mm�thly paymrnt.which arc rrtcrccd ti�in Paragraph?,or rhanEr thc:inxront uf,uch p:►ymcn�s. Any , . .; '
<br /> . . excess insuruncc pnxcrd.over an umuunt rcyuirrd iu pa)• all ouutanJin�indrM�Jnr.�unJcr thr Nute:�nd thiti Sewriry .• ,� '�t�'v::,
<br /> Instrument,hull tx puid t�►�hc cmitY I�galh cntidrd ihrRtu. � �"}�'.'r`
<br /> � . ' �Y��%..;.
<br /> In the cvem�►t lorcclosure��t thi+Srrurity In,trumrnl ur uthcr �ran.fcr uf litlr ic,ihc Pmpcn)� �hal rrtin�.ui+hc.thc ,. ,�,;;
<br /> ' indehtedne+,.•rll right,title:md imrre,t ot'Burcu�+rr in and w imuran�c poli�ir�m I„rrr�hall pa+.lu thr{�urrh;i.�r. . , •,:• .
<br /> • S. Occupancy, Preservutiun. Muinlenuncc sind ProtectNm of thc Nrupe�l��: Norrowcr'ti Loun �lpplication; '`•�' - ^�-`-r
<br /> � =� :., �:.�.
<br /> :�� .
<br /> Lcascholdx. B��rcowcr tihall ucrupy.c,tabli.h.:md u+c ihr 1'r�,pem a. RorcuNCr� �r��,��ral rr.idcncr withm .ixt�•Jay. i , : -�,
<br /> � ufter the exerution uf ihi,Serurily In�lruntcnt und,hcdl rominur d,uccup) ihe Pnipert}a, liarri����er�prinripal rcti�dencr -'��'
<br /> for ut Icast one year atirr the J:UC uf�xcup��nr�•.unlr�.�hr S�rretary•dc�emm�r,thi,reyuircment�viU cau,r unduc harJyhip
<br /> � for Born�wcr. ��r unles, rxtenuutinE rircuni.taa�c, eti.t whi.•h :irr tk•�und Hurruucr: r�mtnd. Hortnwer �hall n�nif}•
<br /> �� LenJrr�uf uny extrnuating circunntunrr,. Born�wrr+hull nul cumnm��a,tr„r.1r,�ru>, damapc or tiuh.t:►nlially chunEe
<br /> ; the f'ropeny or ullow�hc Pro�xny tu dctcrioratc.rea.unuhlc wcur and Icar exrr�,�cd. LruJrr ma�� in.prrt Ihr Propeny it'�hc
<br /> •: pr�iperty is vacam ur uhundonrd i►r the luun i. m drl'ault. Lendrr m:n tal.e rra�„nahlr arti�m tu rrutrri and prc,cn•c.urh
<br /> vucunt �ir ubmxlonrJ I'�o�xny. Burru«•rr�h:tll altia Ix in Jrl:uil� if�H��rr„��rr.dui inL�hr lu:m :��ri�.�;����,�,���,•�••.�u�•.
<br /> matcriully faltic �,r in.�rcuralr inliimialion ur ,i:urincnt. i�� Lrndrr ��►r t:uled tn �,rm idr Lend�•r ��•ith �ny ma�enal
<br /> informationl in runncrtion wnh ihe luan rvidrnrrd h��thc ti��ir. mrluJin}:. I�u�n�,i linuir�l iu.rrprr,.niati��n+ c�x�rcmmg
<br /> .. gorrowcr.ixcupuncy ul'thr Pro�rtr a.a pnnrip:il rc.idrn�•c. If thi�tircunt� In,lrurornt i.�m a Irauhnld. B��rrw�•�r,hull
<br /> � ' cumply with�hr pn»•i�u,n.of ihr Irau. II Nurro��rr acyuu�• �rr hUr t�� Uir Pruprty��.ihr Ira+rh�,ld unJ tir�itlr�h:dl nut
<br /> Ix:mcrgcd unl��,l.cndrr:iEr�r,l��Ihr mrr�.rr m��nung.
<br /> 6. Char�es tn Borrower und Protection uP Lcndc�r'.Riy�hlx in Ihc Property. Hurr�,��rr,h.dl pa} all��►.rmmental
<br /> or muni�ipul rhargr,.tin�,und im�x�.ilium th:d:�rr nut in�lu�frd m !:ir;i�!r:iph �. li�n ruurr,hall pay thr����hligaUun,�ro
<br /> timc dirccd�� lu thr rmity ���hich i. ��urd Ihr pa�•mcnl. II I:iilu�r►�,p;i� �•��uld .�J�ci�.l� :dlr�1 Lcn�kr'. nnrrc,t in thc
<br /> Property,u�x�n Lcndrr'.rryur.t fiuir�ncrr,h:dl prampll� lumi.h lu Lcndrr rc.��ipl.r�ulrnr�n�ihr,.pa�mrnl+.
<br /> It Horriiwcr t:iil. 1�►maF.r Ihr,r pa�mcnt. ur �hc ra�n►rnl. r�yuirrd 1.�� 14ua�ra�li �. ur I:ul. iu�xrtrm� an) uthrr
<br /> rovrnunl�unJ a¢rcemcnt�rantatnrd u�thi.5rrunt� In,lnnnrnl.ur thrn• i,.i Ir�al pi�.ccr�linL Iha�ma<.i�nilir:mll� ;dT�ct
<br /> . . ..�.
<br /> Lcndcr�right.r in�hr 1'r���xrt� I�uih :i� a�murrdm� in h:uuruplt). tor runiirmn:num�n i„ciii.��Ct �.�::. .:�r:F,...:;t::r•.;.
<br /> Ihen l.cndrr nwy du and pay ��h:uc�rr i,arcr.•:u� t��pru�cr� thr�aluc al ihr Pm�,rm anJ I.ndrr'.ri�:h�. in ihr Pr�qxnr.
<br /> including paymrnl uf laxr�.hai:�rd in.uranrc:md ullirr itrm,mrnuunrJ in P:n;�pr;iph�
<br /> Any amuunt+Ji.hunrJ h� Lrndrr unJ�r Ih�. P:u.�Er:iph �h.�U hr.�,nu:m.idd�unn,d Jchi ul R�nrrn�rr.md Ik .rrur�J
<br /> h� thi�tircurity In�trumrnl. '1'I�c�r:miount,+hall hrar inlrrr,l trom Ih. il:u�ul J�.huncin�•nl.at tl�i �utr rat�. .ind at thc
<br /> up�iun uf l.rnJrr.,hall Ix�mmcdiatcl�duc;md p:n:�hlr.
<br /> 7. l'ondemnation. �I�hr prucrrJ.ul uny a��;vJ ar rlann I��r dama�r..Ju��.� ur:�xi.r��urnual.in innnrru.+n��nh:m�
<br /> cun lcmnution ur uthcr tul,in�ul:m}�part ut thr 1'ru�xn�,ur t�ir cumc�:�n�r �n pl,i�r�•I�nnilcnmuliun..ur hrirh�,i,.i}�n�d
<br /> and+hull lx paid u,I.rn�lrr lu Ihr r�.lrnt ul thc tull:on��unt ut thr mdclnr.lnr..th;N rc�n,un.unp:uJ miJcr thr N��IC and Ihi.
<br /> Sl'l'�1l1[)'IO�INilll'�ll. I.CIriICf�II:III drrl� �urh��rurcrd.i��thr rrJuru„n�N thr inJilard�x•�unJcr thr Nuir:ind thi�tierunl�
<br /> In�t�umr�i�. fir�t lu :m�• drhnyurnt :mun�nl. .q,phr�l in ih�� ��nlri �,imulyd m I'.ira�raph i. .�nJ Ihi•n �u prr��a�mcnt nt
<br /> � pnnci�!ul. Any upplirauon ut thr pnkreJ. w ihr prmiipal ,h.dl nni r�iruJ u� �x,.ip�mr ih. Jur Jatr ul �hc inun�hl�
<br /> 1
<br /> ���.��� ..,r t r•,�,�.�
<br /> -
<br /> � _ _
<br /> . r � �J
<br />