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<br /> ' • • *�•• • appliwble law may Rpccify far rein�tatemcnt) hefcxc xulc of�hc Propeny pursuant tu uny p�wcr ol'sulc cuntuincd in thiti
<br /> f.:..:.,„rk��'.`��`.��'. . � Securlty Ins�rurnent:or(b)emry of u Judgmcn�cnfarcing�hi�Sccurity Inxtnimcnt. Thocc conditianr orc�hat BoROwcr: la)
<br /> ' • ��'�;; pays L.encler all cums which then would he due under Ihis Securily Instn�ment und 1'ne Note ox If nu uccelera�lon had
<br /> , .•�,x �• ac.urred;lb►cures any defuult of any nther covenunt„or agreementz;lcl pAy�all ex�ntie+inrurred in enf��rcing thix Security
<br /> � Instrument,including. hul m�t limited to. reuumable ullomcys'fee.:and Idl takes xuch uclion uti Lendcr may rc�+anably � �
<br /> " '. rcyuire ta usxure that thc lien af�his Securily Inswment,Lendcr's ri�hts in Ihc Propcny unJ Borruwer's ob�igution ta puy�hc �-- --
<br /> � _..• . ' Kumc secumd by thi� Securiry Inxuument shall cantinue u�uhunged. Upnn reinstulement by Borrawer, thi� Sccurily
<br /> - � .� -_, In�trumem und�he oMligutians secured hereby shall remain fully effective u.r•if no accelerotion hud�xcurred. However,this
<br /> .. . � � _, .T�_ ..
<br /> •. - �iQht to reintlutc�hull nnt apply in thc cuse of u�ccicrution undcr purugruph 17. -
<br /> .,' � � l9. Sate of Note=Ch�age oP I.oan Servker. The Notc ar a partiul imere+t in thc Nate (logether with Ihis Security
<br /> , . Insuumenll mny be wld ane or mare times withau�prior nairc ta BaROwcr. A xole muy rctiult in u chungc in thc entiiy
<br />�!+P ' '• lknown as�hc"Losm Servicer7 Ihat colMcts momhly pnymcnts duc under the Note und thi+Securiry Intitrument. There also
<br /> may be ane or more chunger of the l.oun Servicer unrelated tu u sule of the No�e. If there is n chnnge of�he Loan Scrvicer,
<br /> • '. Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance wi�h parugruph 14 ubove und upplicable law. The notice _
<br /> will state�he name nnd uddresx of the new Loan Servirer�u►d�he addresx to which puyments shoulJ be mude. The notice will _ _
<br /> also contain nny other iniarma�iun reyuired by applicnble luw. -
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substancea Barrower xhall not cause or permi�the presence,usc,dixpoxul,storage,or relcase of any
<br /> Hazardoux Substances on or in the Prapedy. Borrower xhAll not do,nor ullow unyonc cl,e to do, unylhing uffec�ing the
<br /> • Propeny that is in viola�ion of any Envimnmentul I.uw. The precedisig twa sentenccs+hul)not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> � :. :.
<br /> storage on the Propeny of smnll quamities of Hazurdous Subsiunces[hat are generrlly recognized to 6e appropriute to normal
<br /> •'�`�;�' ; � �, :. ., residential uses and to mointenunce af the Propeny.
<br /> ' ;!' ' ',:.':.'�,% .• ,: Borrower shall rom tl givc Lender�vritten naticc of un investi atian,claim,demand.I�wsuit a�othc�ac�ion by an
<br /> . . . P P Y Y g y
<br /> ' • ' `�•�� ,- " ' gavernmental ar rcgulutary agency or priv�tc pany im�alving the Propeny and uny Harurdais Suhtitance or�nvironmentnl
<br /> • ;, . , ., , . —. __ ____.
<br /> ' '"��� �'� '�' Law of which Bonower has actuul knowledgc. If Horrower Iearn,, or is notified by uny govemmemal or regulatory =
<br /> �t••: -• �� � authority,�hat Any removal or other remediation of any Huzurdous SubstAnce affectinF the Propeny is nece,vury, Bormwer
<br /> � '� nhall promptly take all necessury remediul acliom in arrordunee with Environmenl�l Luw.
<br /> �� As uxed in this paragruph 20."Huxurd��us Substunccs'are Ihose xub.tunces detlned us�oxic or hazardous.ubxtances by "-=-��-
<br /> Environmental l.aw and thr following suN.rtunces: gusoline,kerosrrn,��ther flammuble cx taxic petroleum prcxlucts,tnxic --
<br /> pcsticidcx und hcrbicides, volutilc tiolvcnlx, makrials contuining uslx.to, or formuldchydc,and rudiouctivc mutcrialti. A+ �_;�.,�
<br /> used in Ihix purugrAph 2(1."Environmcntul Luw"mcun.federul I�ws and luwx of�hc juritidiction where the Pro{xny is locnlcd �_
<br /> , . . �hut rcla�c iu hcaph.�ufcty ur cnvironmcntul p�uicciiou. ��-�-
<br /> • N�)N•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Ron•owcr aixl l.cndrr 1'unhrr ri►vrnunt and ugrec uti lidk►w.: �:�.:-_-
<br /> - �� . 21. Accekralk�ni Remedies. I.ender!chall give nodce to Bnrrower prNir to�cceleruNun tollowins Borrower's —
<br /> � brewch of any covens�nt nr uKreemenl in tblx Srcurhy InslrumeM Ibut not prlur to ucceleruNon unde�pprs�q��ph 17 �'"_'___
<br /> u�ler;�t�ppllcAble Ipw provide�otherwlxrl. The nolire�hall speciPy: ILI!he defuull:lbl thc t�rtion reyuired to cure Ihe _ __ -
<br /> —_= det'ault:lcl A dote.not iexg Ibun iii duy.r irom tiie daie ihe nuiicc i.r kivru io ii.0 ruwri',i�y �b3ch thc detSUii musi!fe ��__ -
<br /> � • ' rured;and Id1 thut fi�llure lo cure Ihe deFuult nn or before Ihe dute!�pecified In lhc noUce mr�y rerull in uccelrrution uf �_°-
<br /> the xum�secured by Ihls S�uritv Inxlrurnent und tiule of thr P�operlv. '1'he notfce�hall farlher MPorm Hurrnwer of �' "-
<br /> the ri�ht lo reinsts�le�ner uccelerution und tbe riahllo brinu u courl uction h��cv�rt Ihe non•existence of a defuult or �'°'_"j�r+
<br /> uny other dei'ense uf Borrower lo uccelerali�M and Kul�. 1�'Ihe defuult is nM cured on or befi►re Ihe date specified in � ,. .
<br /> the notke.l.ender At Us oplM�n muy reyuire immediute puy�ment M Pull uf all.rums secured bv this tiecurity Inslrument ������-�.'
<br /> . withoul i'urther demand and muy inwrke the pnwer oP cale and uny other remedlcs permitled by upplicoble I�w. �.�,.�
<br /> - • Lender shall be entitled to collecl ull ezpen�er incurred in pur�uin� the remedies provided in t6is para�raph 21. ,��'y_'.,,,�, �
<br /> Mcludin��but aot Iimfted to,reu+nnablr utlorney.r•'feex und coxts af tille evidence. ;� �`���:_
<br /> If the power ol'sule iz invoked.'frustee tihull record a noticr of dePaull in euch cuunty in N•hirh ony part oP the ._-
<br /> • Property Is located and shall mail coples oPxuch notice in the munner prescrfbed by uppUcuble lu�v lo B��rrower und to , •���}T �~
<br /> , the other persons prescribed by uppHcable la��•. After the time required by upplicable law,71�uslee shall�ive public ��,;i±��; ',�•-:
<br /> ' notice of sale to the persons and in the munner prescrlbed by applicuble law. '11�utitre.without demand on Borruwer. � -��'`
<br /> . ahall sell the Property ul public auction t��thc highert bidder ul the time und place and under Ihe terms desi�nated in
<br /> � the notice of sale in one or more parcels and In any order Trutiter drtermine.r•. 'll�uslee mav pastpone!zale of oll or any
<br /> pgrcel of the Property by publk unnauncement al the time und pluce of anv pre�•inu�lv scheduled sak. l.ender or its ��-�.-�--=
<br /> ' F'1S
<br /> desi�nee may purchase the Properly at uny sale. � • .
<br /> Upon receipt of puvment of Ihe price bid.Truslee xhull dr8�•er In the purchnser'1'rust�'g deed cunveyin�the
<br /> Properly. The recitals in the 7Yustce 4 deed shull br primu fucie e�•idence��P thr truth��f Ihe stulements made therein. �
<br /> 7lrustee shall�pply the pruceeds uP the�wle in the PolN�wing urder: lul to all cutils and expenses oPexercising tbe power ---- -
<br /> - ::�_
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