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<br /> ^.° . ,, a
<br /> .�:��.�, conJemn�+tiun ur uihcr t�kin��d cmy rurl nl Ilx 1'm�ny.or lor ra�veyaocr in lieu ul co�NlentnaUun,um iKnby utitiigncd u�ul �
<br /> �"'' Khull Ix p�id tu l.�Mlcr.
<br /> e�';'�*.:� �"-�� In �he cvcnt uf u �otul iuling ul'thu Pn+�xrty, thr pr�xcrJ� ,h.�u � u�ri��a u, thr �wn. .rrurrd hy thir. ticcurity
<br /> � �� A � In�trumcm, whcther ur nut then due. with uny c�cc�,puiJ �u Horrower. In Ihc rvcn� nf u p;�niul w�in�u1'�hr Pro�ny in
<br /> • whi�•h Ihr tiiir murMci o,�luc.�f thc Pru�ny immcdiulcly Fxrli�m�hr�uline i�cyuut w ur�;ma�cr tl�un liu umnun�ul'Ihc humti
<br /> � 'a �curcd hy thir.S�rurity Intitrwn4m immediutely txrti�rc U�c �ulin�.uolc., NIIROK'Cf i1111I I.�uJc�otiwrwix u�srcr in wridnK. ��
<br /> ' • dir tiuma+rcured hy�hi.Scrurity In�trumenl �hull t+r rtilureJ hy Ihr unu�un� al�h� pr�wecd+. multiplied hy Ihe fuUuwing
<br /> ' ---� „ - fn�ctiun: lu1 the t�Nal umuunt ul'11���untti�rrurcct immcdiately Ix G�rc ih.Udine.dividrd by ibl�h.Fuir murkct vuluc of Ihr �
<br /> ' • �, , Prnpeny imnxdiutcly Ixtix� ihc �uling, Any b:iluncc .h�ll i+� puid lu BorruH•er. In thc eveol�+{ u purliul luking of�he
<br /> ' Propcny in which�in fuir market v:�luc ul'Ux� Pro�xny imnkJiatcly Ixli�rc tix�ukin�t i,le++Il�an�hc umoum uf Ihc .umx
<br /> •• �� � .. ,crureJ immcdiu�rly Ixforc ihc Ialinti. unlc.. Burcuwcr unJ Lrndrr ulhcn�i+� a�rcr in writin� ur unlrti+ upplicuhle luw
<br />�F- ' ri,�„x,.. otherwi.e pruvide+.�he p��xc edti �hall lx upplied to tlx.ums ucurcd by thi+Security In.�rumenl whrther�N n��t�Ik�ums ur�
<br /> then duc.
<br /> ` li'Ihc Pro�xrly i.ahun�i��ncd hy B�,rruwcr.ur il'.u(tcr�x�ticr By l.cndcr io Bonowcr thut�hc rond�mnor��ffcrs ta mAkc
<br /> . , �..° ' nn uward or,ctdc u cluim li�r J;�nwgr+.Borrawcr fail�to re�Fxmd to LenJrr wilhin i0 J;iy�.aper the duic Ihe noticc ix given. �_._ -_ -
<br /> Lender i�auihuriied to collect unJ upply thr pnxred,.ut i�.�►ption,ri�her tn rc.toruti�m ur rcpuir of�he Property or to the
<br /> e sumx tircured by thix Scrurity In�trument.wh�lhcr ur not ih�n dur.
<br /> � ' "' Unle.ti Lendcr and Bi�rn�wcr olhcn+i,r ugrcc in ariting, uny npplira�iim oi'pnx�tiJa to pri�xipul �hall not cxtend or
<br /> °, po.tp���e thr Jur dute of�he rnonthly p•ryment.refrRCd u�in puru�ruphs I u�xl 2 nr chan�;c�he i�muunt af tiuch puymenth.
<br /> Il. R��rrowcr Nut Releasrd: Fur6eArance By I.ender Nol u Wulver. Ex�en�ion uf the time for paymem or
<br /> , ��` , mixlification of umonii•rtion nf the�ums.rrured by��hi,Scrurity In.�rumcnl�ranted b��Lrnder io uny succe+wr in interest
<br /> ::.;.:�: .� ' uf Borrower+hull nrn i�crute I�� mleu.c the liability ot'th�original Borrov�cr or Born�wrr's,uccesx�irs in interest.Lender _-_ ---
<br /> ;,�,;, ':. �hidl noi Ne required �o rammrnce prcxr�dings ug�inst any+urc�w.ur io int�res� or refuu:to extend time for paymem or __ �
<br /> , '; , `;,'-i:;�°;•�� oiherwise matify am��niiution i�t'ihe�um.�crurcd hy thi�Scrurit��In.trumrnt by roa+un of uny demund made by the original `;s,�.._
<br /> � '� ' 'S:'` Born�wer or Borrower:xucccssor+in interest. Any fi�rlkcuunre b)� Lendrr in ezrnising uny ri@ht or remedy shall not be a _
<br /> ' ' � ' •'�ti•.;,,.:'. .,; .';'�>; w.�iver of or prccluJc Ihc cx�rci+�ol'any right��r rcmcd�.
<br /> . � °• �"' ' ' � 12, Successars and A�.dsnc Baund:,loint and Several I.iabiNty:Co�xigners. Thc cavcnunts and ugreememti of rhis ��_,
<br /> ��:�'���'�� • ` Seruril�•bulrument shall hiiiA unJ txnetit the succrsson smd u++igm e�f Lcndrr and Bi�rtow�r,subjec� tc,�he pmvisions af --
<br /> .;,:.I. �"�y.
<br />' . . paragr�iph 17. Borrnw•cr:ciwen:im. ►md ugmemeniti �h•rll ix joint and�rverul. Any Borr����rr wh��co-signs�hix Securiry � _-
<br /> • Instrument hut diMS nut rxrrme thr N��te: 1:�►i.rn-,ignins:ibi.Seruriry Im�n�ment only�n monguge,grant und convey thut
<br /> • B�rrower+intcrc�t in thc Prci�rty undrr�hc Icnnz ot Ihi,S�rurilp Intiln�mcnl: Ibl is nut perxnn•rlly obligulcd to pay Ilir+u�n+ —_ � ---
<br /> serureJ by thi�Sccurity In.trumenl:und Ic)a�r�e.that LenJ�r unJ any other Bi�rr�►wrr may agree lu extenJ,mcxiify,forbeur ��.:�y___
<br /> 6 ���=+
<br /> ar mukr nny arcomm�xlutii�ns wiih regu�d tn Ux t�rm+ nl'ihi. Serurity Inrtrununt or thc Notc wilhout that Bnrrower: __
<br /> cunsent. �%"•-=_-=
<br /> - __- __ !i, �,���� 1'bar�!�w. 11'ihc luun +crurc�l hy thi, ticcurily hi,lnimcm i� .uhjcct lo a law w•hich ��ts muximum loun --- -
<br /> chargr,.:�nd Ihiu I.��►• i.linully in�cry�relyd,n thcu thr intcn+�ur a�h�r luan rhurgr+roUrc�c�.i i�r w ixr a�iiccicd iu c�nt�i�ciion
<br /> � uith thr luun cxce�d thr�xnnntcJ limi►..thcn: lal any.uch loan rh:v�r.hall Ix redurrd hy Ihe amaunt nrr�.�ury lu reJucc
<br /> . Ihr rhargc�i�ihr�kmiiu�d limil:and Ibl:my�um,�dreuJ� r��Ucrird 1'ruin N��rruwrr�vhich cxrrrdrd�xmiiurd limns will Fx �--
<br /> rclundcJ lu Hnrrv�µ.�r. Lrndcrmuy ch�N�.r lo mul�r�hi,rrl'�md hy rrducin�Ihr prinrip:il awrd undrr�hr N��tr ur hy mulin�a �-_--
<br /> dircct pa�•mrnt lu H�,rru��rr. II a Rt�md rrdurr.prinripal.Ilk rcduclian will txr trc+ucd:i� :i purlial prcpaymcnt wilhout uny _..
<br /> prrpayment char�e undcr Ih.�N���r. ��;-._.--
<br /> .' 1�1. NoUcc�. �\n�• na�ir� lo R��m�Nrr provi�hd (ur �n ihi, Scrurii�• In,�rumcnt .hull ix giv�n by dalivrrinN it �rc by
<br /> �---
<br /> . muilinp it hy tirtil rl;�„m+�il unl�•,.;�pplicablr lu��rryuue�u,r uf:uiuih�r methi�d.The n�Hicr.hul)tk direct�d a�the n�xrty __ -
<br /> Addre.,ur any uthrr addre„K��m►�+er dr,igna�r. h� nuiiir tu l.e�xlrr. Am no�ir� a�l.cndcr tihall Ix givrn by lir.t rluti, '.,.`,:V.'_
<br /> nluil lo I.C�td�r'�nJdrcti��I:�1cJ h�rcin or:iny uthcr:�ddn•ti� Lc�uhr dr�ign:itr,hy notice w B�Kruwcr. Any n���icc pro��idcJ 1'ur q:',rY_�_:
<br /> . in �hi. ticcurily In+i�vmrnt �hi�ll Ik Jermrd 1�� h:n� Ixen Eivrn lo H��rrawrr ur Lender when Eiven u. provided in this .,w,i-c�--.
<br /> t.-:.�:;�
<br /> puru�eruph. ', . -
<br /> IS. Go�•ernina I.uw: tievervhilith•. 'fhi. tircurii� In,trumrrn �hall hr Eovrrnrd by I'ederal law and thc law uf thr . -
<br /> juri�Jictiun in which�he Pn��n�•i. I�xa�ed. In thc cr•cn�Ihat am �,ruvi.iun ur rluutir uf ihiy Srrurily b�.lroment or the Note •
<br /> run(li�t���•i�h upplirahk la�v..urh r��ntlirt�h:dl n�►t.ifl'rr� o�h�r�ru�•i,ium ul'�hi.tierurily hi.�runtrnt ur Ihc Notr�vhinc�an 4�.
<br /> . Ix �iven clTcrt withuut �hr cunflirting pro�•i.iun. li,th�. end �hr pr��vi,i�m.i�f thi. ticrurily Imlrumrnt and thr N�c ure :• �N,�:�-_- �
<br /> declared to tx,c�•crahl�. :e�
<br /> 16. Korro��cr's('upc. B�,rn,��rr.h:dl hr�i�•rn„n<<�ml��rm.J r„p��„t�he Nrnr;mJ�,f�hi.Scrurit}•Inslrumcnt. .. ..;��
<br /> 17. 'IYunxfcr oP the Proprrh•or u Bencficial lntcresl M Rurro��er. II':dl��r am•pan��f thr 1'ru�xny or am•intrrc�t in �,��;i`
<br /> it i,�uld ur Ir:in.lcnrd 1ur il a henrfircd imer��,� in Nnrrrn�rr i,,��IJ ��r uan.frrreJ :mJ Burn,w�rr i, not� naturul �xr,onl . -;� --.
<br /> withuut L.•nJrr'.priur��riucn�on+rm.l.rndcr n�cn.at u. upii„n.rc�µiirc imm�di:nc pa)�mcnt in full ut'aU �um�urund h)• `'
<br /> �hi,Scrurit�-Imtrununt. I luar��er. Ihi���pliun,hal{nut Ik cxrrci.ed hy L�nilrr it r��rri.r i�pruhihilyd h��IiJcrul law a.af . .-. _--
<br /> ' Ihe da�r af Ihi,Serurin•In.trumrni. ..
<br /> r '
<br /> • If LrnJrr rxerriu�Ihi+u��liun.Lcndrr�hall ihr N�►rru��rr nulirc nl'arrrlri:ilion. 'fh�nulicr�h:�ll pruviJc u�xritKl uf ,
<br /> S not Ic•+tham?(1 day.fr�,m thc d:uc�hr n��urr i,Jcli�crrJ ur m:�ilyd��i�hin ahirh R„rru��cr mu.�p:�� :dl,um�,crured hy thi+ �
<br /> Srcuriry In,�rumcn�. I( H��rtn��rr I;�il. tu pa� ihr,� .unn priur �u ihr r�pir:in�m �,I ihi. prrind. L.rnkr may invi�l.r uny
<br /> � rrrnrdic+�xnniurJ hy Uii.tirru��ii� In,n�unuml��ith��ut lurthrr nulic.ur drm:�nJ�m Rurr���+rr.
<br /> 18. Borro��cr'ti Ri�;ht to Rcimlutc. It li„n„��rr mrrl, rrit:�in cunihli�rn.. I;��rn�arr •hall h:nr �hr ri�hl tu hav.
<br /> rnl'orcrmrm al du.tiecurit�In.tnunrnt�Ii,r�miinurJ c�i.�m umr��ri��r i„ihr r:irlirr��L• �:u 5 d:i�. iur,uch uthrr�xriikl a. ,
<br /> • lmelr lain�l� 1•unuM•�Iaa hreddic�L•�e 1�IFUN�II��IN1�11•.11 I nil�xm l���cu.wi. 4�411 �����cr J�q���a�rr�� .
<br /> � �
<br /> � I
<br /> • �1 � 1
<br />