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.�,� •.�=t . .. '�«t. ��p ' _ t1'"�MfTVlaerl••... . . • -' .--.r: —°_ <br />._. ., _— �. .,.. , . � ..�arla.eA'.`-'__.-�• ....r�,c�...- <br /> � RE•I�EC�RdEV Vfr'��1� lQ �...o <br /> � , .�.�:,: :: 92— io2�75 ��v: <br /> ,w,:. ;;Y: . . _� <br /> 9h oP <br /> t,;,,�,,;,;,-;,.�;:° uf�le,and Ihe aale.including Ihe paymcnt of Ihe 71�ustee'e Pecw wctusaAy incu�red,n�d tu exceed 3,�p � <br /> � the princippl amounl oP the note at Ihe Ilme af the decleralion uP defwult,�ed reas��nuble alturney� fees ux permitled �:;s«�.. <br /> ''�'`'�'+e"'��='•"�=�. •, by low:lbl lo nN ru�u►s�eeeured by Ihb Securily InslrumeMi+�ad Icl�ny excew to the persur�or petxnnK le�lly enUtled �,.,,s_ <br /> �. ; . . <br /> ,...�t.:� �'•.. ta It. <br /> �"°' � °� �� "�� 22. RecanveyAncP. Upon payrncnt��f all yumr �ccurcd by this Sc�udty Intitn�mem,�kr,hull rcyuc+t �tu+►cc��� �:.'a � <br /> �.,`�;�.;{;b�s��"•";� . , <br /> � „ ,., � rcconvey the Prop�:rty nnd�hHll �urrendcr thir Sccuri�y ln.irument un�!oll no�es eviderxing dcM �ecured by�hi+Sccuri�y �-•- <br /> ���- , • �. Instn�ment �o"Il'ufilee. 7ivuce yhull rcconvcy Ihe Pmpcny w�thou� Wurrunty und wi�how churgc �u the Iwr+an or�nons �^. <br /> ��� � ��•, <br /> '� Icgully cntidcd to it. Such pcncm or persons shull puy any recardation cc��ix. <br /> ' __�_.. 23. Substitule Trutitee. IAnJ� its opt ion.m�►y fn,m timc�a�irnc removc'itu,tcc und uppc�im u�uccc+�or tru,tce ta �,:y,_ <br /> ' ' � -- : <br /> ;y�� . ^ uny 71'ustee appainted hereunder by un intitrument recorded in ihc couNy in wbicb �hi+ Sw`r And dui e� c�onfcrred�upun --- <br /> :��. � ,. Withau�conveyance of the Propeny.thc,ucce�tior trustee ahull�ucceed to nll�hc tiUe.po �";:•_. <br /> ' ° 'livstee herein und by opplicublc luw. �"-"� <br />�'"' . 24. Request Por Noticea Borr�wer rcquests thnt copicx of the noticex of defaull and tiule be sent to Borrowerh uddress --- <br /> t • .. - � �i3�::< <br /> ' which i�the Property Addre�s. ':". <br /> - •� 25. Rlders to this Security Inslrument. If one or more riden ure execu�d by Burrowcr and rccorded u�gclher wNh 4. <br /> ,' ' " � '. "�' this Security Insuument, Ihe ciwenan�s and agreementti of cach xuch rider shull lx incorpc�raled inw und tihull amend and <br /> � � supplrment�he cavenants and agr�en�ents af this Seeuri�y lnyirumem a+ i(the ride�(s)werc u pun ot"tbi+Securily ln��rwnent. _._,_=• <br /> ' �ti���fAK- <br /> •,;;<<::<,. �Check applicabk box(es)� �'�'.'��`°;:_ <br /> •� ;. c�';il::'t� � ❑ <br /> ,;,, D I-4 Family Rider �"�i` <br /> `'�"�. '•�%;�',�: Condaminium Rider • <br /> ,, ,�;r'•r,�; '' ' Adjustuble Rate Ridcr <br /> �'�l�i "'%�''`'.;';;`:�.:�.,,. � �,�. <br /> � , .`•c�'{, �;, .�:•;'i;�'!� Biweekly Pc►ymen�Rid�r �-_ <br /> ;`<;,�y,,�(„ ';,•;:� �Plunned Unit Devcwpment Rider ----.- <br /> .... ,f���:� :a.� ;i� �Gradua�ed Payment Rider . <br /> �r ~� <br /> � f': . �Second Homc Rider = <br /> :��,+•+,� �Rs�te Improvemcnt Ridcr <br /> � �Balloan Ridcr �'°� <br /> . �Othcr(sl Isperil'YI ACIQ�ot►lledgement �i°u <br /> .`.-�- <br /> n' BY SIGNING BELOW, Hurmwcr ucrrpt+und+�Ft�c��u�Ix��^n�°nd c°vcnunlr�cumuincd in thix S��urity Inxtrument <br /> und in uny riderl+l.'xeculcJ by Hurtuwcr und rer��rded with il, •^ <br /> _. ,• , � 1 �L' - <br /> •• Wilncxkr: — <br /> . IScuU — <br /> " �. -Bumowcr — <br /> -- - S�xiD�a SY ily N r_303-IaD <br /> ' �s�ui� �:` <br /> Fd3.t11 A Obexc.J -�nrn�wer �� <br /> . Scxiu 15ecuri�y N umbcr �,�_, <br /> � STATE UF NEBRASKA. Counry tis: Eiall E"=3j <br /> +'y <br /> �� ,before me,the underxigned,u Notary Public ��� <br /> On this 17th Juyo( January� 1992 <br /> duly commissioned und quulilied for suiJ county,personully rame �asuiy K �xxq � F��'o mOekno n ro be the �"'1'. <br /> . (Husband and Wife) '�, <br /> . ;.,, , identical persons(s1 whose numels► are.ub�crihed to thr foregoing in+Irumcm und acknowledged the execution thercof to � <br /> be their valumary aci and cicc�i. in snid county,thc <br /> ' . . Witncss my hund unJ noturiul scal ut Gr'�'id Islatici,,�Nebraska <br /> . • dule nForesaid. ° �� � (� e.�q„(�s.,.�l�- �+' <br /> Nolury Whlic ,F. <br /> , • CHRIS L.KASKIE Rg(?UIiST HOR REC'()NVEYANCE <br /> E�C.Dee.29,1992 ��_. <br /> 'n �� . Thc undersigned i,ihr holder of thc nutc or mdc� tictureJ by Ihi�Dred nl''ltu�t. 5aid nutc ur notes,�ngether with •rll • <br /> � „ other indebtedness secureJ hy th ix DecJ of 9irust,huve b�cn puid in I'u 11. You are hereBy JirecteJ to cuncel suiJ notc or notex <br /> � •• and this Dced of 7i�u,t. which urc dclivcrcd hcrrby,anJ to rcran�ry.�VIIF10Ul K":1I7an1y.a���hr.�taic now hcld hy you undcr <br /> ' this Decd oP Trust to Ihe person or{xrsaNi�Ie�!ully entiAcJ Ilkrcto. � <br /> Dute: � <br /> Fbrm JU2tt 9/411 i�r,i,qr n,y n ry.e�'�i ' <br /> � v � . <br /> .. � <br /> � � <br /> — T <br /> � <br /> { <br /> � .. . _._.. .. _.. +.. . <br />