.� •:. ';a:v� S{:•,• ..�..,4 ;}iri'` Y:..;• .. � � __ �_ __
<br /> �+,i`le':....� �l :� , - `��s��r�_s.�...�...._.� ,�-..�_.-. _. .,.
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<br /> a�.a�ca��ca �9�, 10 0 44�
<br /> E. , : . �� • 92— 1021'7 5
<br /> . ' ^��,,,�;,��;,,,,,,�,.. _�R � peri�d,thut l.cnd�r nyuires, Thc intiu�unc�curricr pmviding the in�uronre,hull he clwun by Bormwcr�ubje�i to Lenderk
<br /> uppnwul wbich+hull nnt he unmu.onubly withhrld. If B�xrower t'ailti to muin�uin cuveruge de.cribed utxwe,l.enda:r muy,at
<br /> "�`�"''. .`� �"�'' �• LenJer'�o�tinn,obtain roverage to protect Lender�righiti in the Prcqxny in ucca�dwuc wi�h purugruph 7.
<br /> ' All imuruncr policiex und renewul�shull lx ucce�ublc ro l.cnJer and shull include u��andord moAgago clauu:. Lender
<br /> "`' -�''�' �hull huvc the rf ht t�►huld Ihr ►lirieti and renewulK. If Lender rryuin+,B��rrawcr shall prnmpUy givc lo Lender ull receip�s
<br /> �.,:,, ,�,_., , ` • R {x
<br /> ,, ,. . - ui paid prcmimu.und reucwul nuti�c.. In tfic r�•cm uf las�,Borrawrr xhull give prampt notice t���he i�xurunce c:urier and -_ --
<br /> � Lendcr. Lcrufer muy mukc pr�x�f af lu�ti ii'nu�mude prumptly by BoRUw�er.
<br /> " ' UIIII'titi Lendrr und Borrower nthenvix�u�srcw in writmg,in.unmce prcxeeJ,zholl be upplied�o rcato�atian or rcpuir of
<br /> -� -- • �hc Pn�peny dun�ugrJ, if ihe re,tur.uiun ur rrpair is cron�micully fru,ible nnd LenJery .cruri�y iti not lesscncd. If�he � ___ _
<br /> m+toruti��n ur repuir i.nrn rconumicul�y feu,iMe ar I.ender�,ecunty would F�e Iez.ened.�he inrur�nce proceeds shull be
<br /> �• � •• upplied to the +ums+ccureJ by thi+ Sccuriry Intitnimcnt. whelher or nut then due,with uny exce�. paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Burrower ubundonx the Propeny,nr di�e. not i+nrwer wi�hin 3U day� u notice irom Lender �hut �he inxun�ace czurier has
<br />` � .a�� i►ffered to.e�de a rluim.then l.endcr may collect the insurw�:e pr�xeed+. Lender rnuy use the pruceeda ta rep�ir or restare
<br /> " thr Propeny c►r t��pay tiums xwured by this Security Inwlrum�nt,whethcr or not then due. The 311-doy period will b�.gin wlxn
<br /> .. the notice i�givrn.
<br /> Un�e.ti Lcnder und BaROwrr otherwi.r u�sae in writing,uny applicution af praceed��o principul +�hull not extend or ___
<br /> � po�tponc ihe due dute ut'�he monthly puymems referced ta in paragraphx I und 2 or chnnge the umount af the paymcnta. If
<br /> n � under purugruph 21 ihr Propeny iti acyuired hy l.ender, Burmwer+ right w uny insur�►ucc policies and proceeds rcsulting
<br /> ' irom dumuge to the Propcny prior to the ucquitinion shull pass tu Lender 10 the extent of the xumw secured by this Security
<br /> • Instrument immediulely prior tu the ucqui.itiixi.
<br /> ' 6. Occupancy. Preservation. Maintenance and Protectbn of the Property: Bor�ower•e LoAn Appllcation;
<br /> �� Leaseholds. Borrower xhull occupy,e�tvblish.and use the Propeny us Borrawer's princip�l residancs within siaty days aiter
<br /> �he execwion af this Security Instniment und ghall coMinue to occupy the Prapeny as Borrower4 principal residence for at _
<br /> � � o • leust one yeur after the date uf accupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in wridng, which consent ahstll not be -
<br /> unreasonnbly withheld,or unle++extenuuting circum�tunces exizt which are beyand Bacrawer z conual. Burrower shall not --�
<br /> �•;��''�:•� de,troy,damage or impair thc Prapeny.ullow thc Property to de[erioratc,or commit tiv�.ste an the Propeny. Barower shall
<br /> • be in defuult if any forfeiture nctian or proreeding. whethcr civil or criminal,is begun that in Lendert good f'ailh judgment __
<br /> . � ' • could re�ult in forfei�ure ot the Propeny or otherwise materinlly impuir the lien creuted by thic Securiry Inxtrumern or
<br /> �`"�'�•. Lenderk security interest. Borrawer muy cure such u drfuult and remxtute,us provided in parngraph IR,by causing the acdon
<br /> • � or proc�eding la be dirmissed wi�h u ruling Ihut,in Lender;Faod fuith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower� ___.._-
<br /> ,'��',•� - iu�nie.t in the P�operty or uthcr matcrial impairment af thc licn rreuted hy this Securiq• Invtn�ment or I.enrler s secudry —
<br /> � � � interest. Borrowcr shull ul+o be in dcfuult if Borrowcr, during thc laun applicution prore�s, guve muterially false. or �=�'`�
<br /> � �� innccurs►te infarmution or stutemeMz to Lender lor fuiled to provide Lender with uny moterial informution)in connection with =.T�=
<br /> ' �:: �: --
<br /> •� `�` ' the loan evidenced hy the Note, including, but not limited to, repreKntations canceming Bormwerti accupuncy oP�he =_-
<br /> ��'�•��{ Propeny a.+u principul residence. If thi+Security Insmiment i,on a leu,ehold.Barrower shuU eumply with al l�he provisions �c:`.�;�_
<br /> .. ., �.:�.�-__•
<br /> - __- �f the lea�:e. If 9orn+wer a�c�nim�fer�itlr�o th�PmpeAy.the Icu.ehold und tha fee litla r�hpll not merge unler:s Lender ngrecs __:_-
<br /> . - to 11�e mrrgcr in writin�. ---
<br /> . 7. ProtecHun aP l.ender's Riph1� in the Pruperty. If Hurruwrr I'uilw �u {krtorm thc covcnunt+ �nd ugrcemeMti �,.,�
<br /> � comnined in thi� Srcurity In.�rumrnt, ur Uxrc i. u k�nl pr�KreJing �hu� may tiigmfirundy uffcct L�ndcr:riKh�� in �hc ��,
<br /> Propehy lyuch a�u pr�x•erJin�e in hunkruplcy,pn�h�ur.far riaidcnuiuu�m nr li�rtcitun:�►r a�cnliNrc luw+or rcgulut ion+►.�Ixn �,�:f�__
<br /> c _
<br /> Lctxlcr muy Ju anJ puy ti�r whulrvcr iti nrre.�ary 1u pnnrcl Ihc vuhie nf Ihe f'n►�xny anJ Lendor'+ntihi. �n ihu I�n��xny. --_
<br /> l.endrr:urtiun�muy inrludr payin�:uny ,um� xrurrd hy u lirn whirh h��,priuri�y�wrr Ihir SCCUfII) III�INtlklll. up�xu�fn� � __
<br /> � in cuun.ps�yiuE nu.�muMr uuornry.'li•e.und rmrrin� �m ihr F'rn�xrty�u m+�ka repnin.Al�Fuw�th Lender muy t�ke uctf�►n --__
<br /> undrr thi.parugraph 7.Lrn�kr J�k,nu�h�i�•r�u du,�,. , °'�:
<br /> • Any am��unl,Ji,hurtirJ b�• L�nder �mdcr dii, para�r;�ph 7 ,IsJI t+craroc ud�hU�M�uI drl�t ul (iurruwcr .ccur�J hy thi. ,.,�:�c_:�-
<br /> Srrurily In.trumrnt. l�nlr.,Hnrn,wrr and Lcndcr;�}�rcr i„nthrr�rm�.ul p:iymenl. �ha�e wnnua�,.hadl ixrs�r irncrr.i Iram ihc .���=;-
<br /> ., U ,.�:.._
<br /> ' dutc��t'Jirhunrmcnl �t the No�r ra��and .h:dl Ix �ui�•uhlc.�utii imrre.l. u�Hm acn�cu trum Lendcr tn N��rruu•cr a�yucxlin� ---
<br /> puymcnl. :�'-
<br /> 8. MoMgaQe Insurene�. If L�nJrr myuired ntart�uge in+urancr a�:�rundition uf mukin�e�he Inan ,ecun:d by thi� ,,, -
<br /> Srcurity Instrument. Burr��wrr shull p•ry thr pr.mium. rcyuircd lo moint•rin �he man�:uge innur.�nrc in effecl. li',f�r any p____
<br /> rcu�on, thc murtguFc in,uranrr ri�vcragr rcyuireJ hy LrnJrr lap�r� or rcu.c+ �o he in cflect. Burrower�hull p�+y thc ,.
<br /> premium� rcyuired a� ot►�ain cuvrr.i�r .uh.taniiully c��uivalent a► �hc nu►n�:age in.urancr pRViuu,ly in et'fe�t, at u c�►.t .
<br /> xubstantiully equivulent ti�Ihe co�t�ii Borrowcr uf the monE:�g� in�urancr previuu�ly in effecl. 1'rum an alt�mut�mortgage . _.
<br /> . insurcr upproveJ by LcnJcr. If tiuh.taniially cyuivukm mungagr in�uranrr ruv�ra�c i�nut�rvuilahlc.Borniµcr.hull puy tc� •. •_
<br /> Lrnder cach momh a.um ryual �a cme•tti►�clllh��f thr�rarl�•mungngc in,uranre�rcmiwu Iming paid by Borrower when thc .-^,,,. .
<br /> � in.urunce ci�veruge lap.cd ur ceu.ed w Ix in et't'cct. l.end.r e•ill:�crrpl.u��and rel:iin ih�K puymenl+n�u I���.m.crvr in liru •• =_
<br /> ot'mongagr inwrancc. Lo., rc.ervr p�}mcnt.ma� m,I�m�cr ix rcyuircd.:u Ih�upti�Ni ut'LinJer.if murtgagr insurancr _._
<br /> crncragc lin Ihc am��unt und ti►r Ihc�xriad that l.endcr rcyuirr.l pravidcd hy�am inyurcr•rppruved by l.endcr a�tain bcciimes
<br /> .,� i availahlc und iti��taincd.Borrnwrr�h:dl p:n•lh�prcmium. nyuirtd tu maintain m�mrauu in+ur�ncc in rffrrt.ur tu provide� .
<br /> f lo,+rr.crv�.urtil the rc uiirmen�ti,r murt�:��c in.uranrc�nJ.in•rrrurJance w•iih any wntt�n u�nrmrnt I►ctwecn Barrowcr
<br /> � � .,� und Lrnder or upplirablc laa�. � � �:
<br /> ��:.:. '' 9. InsperUnn. L�nJer or it.:�grn� m;i�• m;d.�rra,�mahlr cn�rir.upun .md inti�cti�m,nf Uk PruExrty. l.�ndrr shall '
<br /> " Nivc Barmw�r nuiirc a��hr timr of�tt priur ti,ail Itl��hi'llall ,�x��•illill�!Il'ariqUlhlc�:wu(�n'thQ Inr��ll��tt.
<br /> 10. Cundemoatlon. The pnnr�d��d,im ea:uJ nr i Lum tnr.I:un:��;r,.�fir<<•t ur��m,r��uemi:d.m cunne�li��n with any
<br /> tim�;lz l•amd> Fannle�fue�Freddie�fau 1 VFt1R�11\�fNl�IF:�1 t nd��rmt'���rn,mn 4-9R qv¢r±n/njai¢r�� �.
<br /> �.uv!I�dt.Nu•:nr..r f�on.Ia �
<br /> In��dn�dl I W��M1.ID9:Nq� F�\�t�1F7t11•11:1) .
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