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<br /> ' RE•RECORQ�p
<br /> - ,.'rtl,,��;.: , . _ 92- 1021'75 92- 1U0444 ---
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<br /> ,:.�.�.�• TO(iETN�R WITH ull thc improvrmrnt�:now or ficrcuftcr crcr�cd un�hc prupeny,und ull c•rsrmcntti,uppunenuncc�. �.,r_ _
<br /> �' ;'� �' and fixwrcs naw on c�rcaftcr u pa�t af thc pmpchy. All mplaccment�ond aJdilianr�shull Alw be covered by this Securfry _
<br /> . ,,r ���^,4� Instrument. All of Ihe foreguing is refeRCd�u in Ihia Security Instnimenl aK Ihe"Properly." �
<br /> ' • ' " HORROW�R COVENANTS�hat Borrowcr is Inwfully�eixed af Ihe cstulc hereby convcycJ und haK lhe right w g�unt
<br /> _ �.^._ ' nnd convey the Propeny nnd that the Prapeny is unencumbered,except f�r encumhrnnce�of record. Borrower wurrantc and �- .--=_- -�-
<br /> ,• � �� .,,�y� �• will defend generally the tiUe ta the Property Against all clAims�nd demandr,subject�o any encumbrunces of record. _
<br /> • - ,�°� - ..° THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT rnmbiner uniform covenantti f��r nu�ional use and non-uniform covenants with G_
<br /> :-��;__ .. . . _ __ ,_.._
<br /> + �; limiced variations by jurisdiclion to can`litute u uniform secudty instrument covering real propeny. - - '
<br /> :_ UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer and Lender covenunt nnd agree as fallows: _
<br /> ,:. 1. PAyment oP Princippl and Intereslt Prepayment and l,ale Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the �__
<br />'� r,;�:, � ^ ^ principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment nnd late churges due under the Nate. _
<br /> � 2. Funda for 7l�xes and Insurance. Subject to upplicable law or�o a wriuen wniver by l.ender.Borrower shall pay to --
<br /> � ` Lender on the day montbly payments urc due under the Notc,untii�hc Note i,paid in full.�sum 1"Funds")for:(a) yearly ��
<br /> � , taxes and assessments which may anuin priarity aver this Security Instrument u�a lien on the Property;(b►yeurly leusehold - •--
<br /> � Qnyments or ground rcnls on the Piropeny, if any; (c> yesuly hAZnrd or propeny insurAnce premiums: (d) yearly fluod �-
<br /> • . ' `�" , � msurance remiums, if un : (el eurl mon a e insurence remium�,if un : and (n un sums u able b Borcower to � .
<br /> P Y Y Y SB P Y Y PY Y
<br /> • Lender,in uccordence with the provisionx af purugraph R,in licu of the payment of matgage insurnnce premiums. These —
<br /> .., �
<br /> ` � ..: . items t+re cnlled"Escrow Items:' l.ender muy,ot any time,collect ond hold Funds in nn nrnount not to exceed the maximum —:�,,_:
<br /> . umount u lender for u federully related mortgage loan muy require for Borrowers escrow nccount under the feder�l Renl
<br /> .,._._
<br /> ' ° � �� Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to lime,I 2 U.S.C.�2601 c1 seq.("RFSPA"),unless Another �,�.
<br /> ;�c ., � ' _ .. � law thnt applies ta the Funds sets u lesser amount. If so,Lender muy,ut uny time,collect and hold Funds in un amount not to '^-;,�.
<br /> �.. excced the lesser amount. Lender muy estimate the umount uf Funds due on the basis of current duta and reasonable ��•�_-
<br /> , estimates of expendiwres of future Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. �"�
<br /> ' :1;,';';� The Funds shall be held in an instilution whose depasits are insured by a fcderal agency, inslrumenlality,or entity !'"�—
<br /> .S�° .{� -..,�
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Losu�Bnnk. Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay ,•�•:-}v;�•--
<br /> ,�����„ �he Escrow Items. Lender muy not charge Barrower for halding and applying the Funds, annually unalyzing�he escrow ��i,,.,="•-`-
<br /> '1'��:;,,,,t:__,
<br /> ,. uccount,or ve�fying the Escrow Uems, unless l.ender pays Borrower interest an the Funds und applicable Inw permits ;1�,:��..;;.c•_-
<br /> � Lender to meke such a charge. However,L.ender mny �equire Bonower to pay a one-time charge far un independent real , s,'•,;�.,'_-
<br /> . . • e:tate tax reporting sen�ice used by l.ender in tonnection with this laan,unless upplicuble IAw provides alherwise. Unless an •��;;:i�'�
<br /> , , � agreement is made or applicable luw requires interesi ta be paid,Lender shull not be required to pay Bortower any interest or _�.�:��?"'�
<br /> , I eurnings on the Fundx. Borrowcr and Lender muy agrec in writing,hawcver,that interest shall be pnid un the Funds. Lcnder �,..;_._
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without chur�e,An unnual uccouming oi the Fundti,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the ��'-••
<br /> '� ' purpose for which each debit to Ihe Funds wns mude. The Funds ure pledged as addilionul securiry for all sums secured by f.���
<br /> � '��`°--
<br /> ._ -- ______ - this Sect�rity lnstrumcnt. �='':•z.: _
<br /> " + If the Funds held by Lender ezceed Ihe umounts permitted to hc held by upplicublc luw. Lender sholl account to "�=a`-`?�-
<br /> E:���
<br /> � BoROwe�for the excess FunJF in ucwrdnnce with the requirementx of upplicable Inw. If the umount of the Fundti held by ----_
<br /> Lender ai uny time i,not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when due,Lender may su niitify Borrower in writing,und,in ��•.�-
<br /> such cc�se Borrower shull pay to Lender the amount neres,ury �o muke up the deiiciency. Borcower shall rr�ke up the �'-=��'-
<br /> i dcGcicncy in no morc�han�wclvc monthly payments,ut Lrndcrk tiolc dixcrr�i�n. -�;Y
<br /> Upon puymen� in 1'ull of all .rum,�ccured by�hiz Sccuriry In+�rument,Lcnder�hall promptly refund to SoROwrr uny ����: '�
<br /> Y P' B P 4 P� Y• P 4 �`-==�-._
<br /> Funds hcld b LcnJer. If,under rra ra h 2i.Lcndcr shall ur uirr�►r,cll Ihe Pro h Lendrr, rior la Ihc uc uitiition ur �_--_-
<br /> „ +ulc ot'ihr Nro�xny. .hull upply uny Furxls hcld by I.cnJcr at �hc iimc��f uryuisitiun nr �ulc us u credil aguimt�hc +um+ ,;.-
<br /> secureJ by thi.Sccuriry Mvirumrnt. 'A �•
<br /> �,��:_ ,
<br /> � i. Applfeatlon nf PAyment.r. Unlr.� upplic•rMr Is�w pn�vides uthcrwi+e. ull puymenls �eceived by Lend�r undcr r �+.-
<br /> puragruphx I und�,hull lxx upplird:tirst,to uny pn�payment ch�rgrx Jue under ihr Notr;+econd,to umountx puyuble under �-.--_ - "-
<br /> ara ru h 2;�hird,io im�rcxi Jue;tiwnh,ta nnci .�I due:and 1u+1,to an late char es duc under thr Note. �'�`=:;s
<br /> . , P S P P P' Y 6 • ,�-:.�-
<br /> .." 4. Charges; Liens. Burrowcr�hall pay oll taxes, asxc��mcnts,churgc�, fineti and imposi�ion, �ttribuwblc tu the �t';�:_-
<br /> Property which muy uuain prionry i�vcr thi+Securiry M,trumrnt,and le•rsrhold paymcnts ur ground rents, if any. Borrower •.. �''`
<br /> shall pay thexe obliRutions in�hc manner pravided in purugruph �.�x if not paid in thai m�nner,Borrowcr shall pay them on - ��`
<br />