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<br /> !r�r,R�yc�ii.��i��.
<br /> _ ��� �+�r��•�•' aaiJemnuliun ur uihYr tuking of uny pun of�hc Prup�:rly,or for cunvcyuncc in licu�it'conJcmnuti��t,ure hcrchy u�wi�ned und
<br /> '!�:��"'�"" .,� ahall hc�ufd to Lc�xlcr.
<br /> �---�--=''=� M thc cvcnl id'u tulal luking��f Ihc Prup►ny, ihe pnxccds �huli Ix upplicd t�� Ih� +um� .ccurcd hy thfx Securlly
<br /> _:�;,��---- yt�`�" In�lrumen�.whethcr ur nut �h�n duc. wi�h uny rxrc„puid�o Borrowcr. In thc event c�l'��partiul tukin�!of thc Propcny in
<br /> :`��'�:'"�:'�..� uciurcd by�hiti Srcuniyllntilru nrm ii mc 1'wm ly beti�rc th`tuk ng.1unlc�'pnrrowcr un�l L.�n�lcrh ihcrwi c�ugrcc�ln,hwrftin�t,
<br /> ��;'"*+s=`"�.'�" � � --� Ihc •,um� ,.rurcd hy thi�Suurily In.�rumenl .hull tx�rcducrd by Uu um�►unl of thc priKred, multiplicd hy Ihc ii�ll�►wing �-
<br /> ��au,���,�
<br /> �;�:�,,.t;;.��s• . fruction. lul�hc towl umoum��f�hu,umx r�cured immaliutcly tx�fan Ihc luking.dividcJ by Ib)thc fair murkc�vuluc uf thc
<br /> �_ ,�. . _-.-�• �4 ^ Pmrrhy immcdiutcly txfnrc�hc tuking. Any hulunc�shull M: puid w Nnrri►wcr. In ihc cvcnt ol' a partiul �uking��f'Ihe - --
<br /> '—'al .���'''?�;�;��'; .-� Pru�xny in which the tuir murket vi�lue uf ihe F'�oFx:ny immediutely hclim the iukin� ir k..tbun�hc amuwu of thc sums m- --------.
<br /> "5.,.;; .._ .i:.�`-.. .�� xcund immcdiutcly f+efora Ihe uikiug. uoles. Borrower und L.enJr�i�thcrwix ugrcr in writing ur unles.r• upplicuble luw �--
<br /> "'.:, �•�" "' . u�herwi�c pruvi�k�.the pr�weeda,hull Ixr applicd io the�wm,ccurcd hy�hiti Sururity In�wment whe�hNr��r not�he sum�are�
<br /> . *�";`� :'•�`:�:�' thenduc. .e.-,..._
<br /> 's: "��° •. �• —
<br /> �,,,,;'.;_� �> If the Pn�perty i� uhunduneJ hy Borruwer,or il'.atier ixiticc hy l.cndcr t��Borrowcr�hut thc cundemnor nfferx to mak� �_
<br /> un uwurd or xtde u cluim ti►r dumu�er,.Sunowcr fuils ta re��md�u Lcndcr wiihin 3p Juy�uficr ihc duic the noUcc: i+givcn. _
<br />.- _ �„• a • •� Lendcr is au�horir.ed u�callect and upply the procecd�.ut its option. ci�her�ci re+�c�rution ur mpuir ol'�h�Pro��eny ea'tn�he __
<br /> •..�, `• ;..��,, sum�yecured by thi.Security Inst�ument.whethcr or r��l then duc. �-'--��_._�_
<br />-���,. • � <. ., '• ' a Unlexs Lender nnd Sormwer otherwise ugree in w�iting,uny applicution��I'pracecdti lo principul shull not ex�end�►r =
<br /> - . �,.�• ; ; '.". potitp��nc the duc dute c�f thc monihly puymems refcrred to in pur:�gruph� I anJ 2 ur chunge thc umount of.urh puymentx. _, _`
<br /> ;�,; .� ' 1l. Burrawcr Not Relea.sed; ForbeArance Hy Lender Nnt a Wuiver. Ex�rntii�M ��f the time ti�� puymcnt ��� @._��,._,_
<br /> �'d` ` moditication of umonizuti�m of the tiums�ecured by ihis Security Inytrument grunlcd By Lendcr ro uny�ucce�ux�n interest —_
<br /> �• � i►f Bormwer shull oat operu�e to relcusc the liubiliry of the original Borrowcr ur Bormwcr's+ucce���,rs in imcrc+t.L�nder �,.K��--
<br /> ��.__..__
<br />;_;�� � �;, � � shall not be requircd ta cammencc pnxeedinFti uguinxt uny succesx�x in intcrez� or rcfuu ta ex�erxl�imc For puymem ur ��_
<br /> �� — - -. "" othernisr m�xlify umortimtion of the xum�secured b�•�his Security Im�n�ment hy rca�on of uny demund muJc by�hc originul —nr
<br /> _,,1 � .'�� .� . Borrower or Barruwer:tiuccexsan io intere.t. Any fortx:uruncc by L.ender in rr�rcixinF uny�iFh�or remedy shull not be u 6�4?�a.�-_.�
<br /> ' '''� ..;:�" wuiver of ar pmcluJe t he exercise of any right ar rcmeJy. �'�l�
<br /> " .�;:;. ' ���� 12. Successars aad As.gigns Sound:Joint u�d Severul LiubiUty:Cn•Kisner9. Thc c�wen�m�und ugreements af�hi+ :�,akF�i�•,.
<br /> it ,• •l�;;:.;:"r:.:�.c;I�ri;s:•.� r
<br /> ,,�<i';:;.,•��,{„�,,, ,�.;'..,.,... Security Instrument,hidl bind und t+enrtit Ihe xuccessars und a►s+iFm�►f L.cnder und Barr��wer, subject to the pn�visions i�f �;�Fa����
<br /> + = s,,'�t•�i'���1� � puragr.►ph 17. Boaowcr's cmcnums and agreement�shtdl Ix joint unJ .evcral. Any Borrow�r wha rn-sigm thi�Security ���F�T,� �`_
<br />� •�f��'���ail�" ;. ,� '•�� «r••f;�t: � -:.
<br /> . �r� � �� Instrument but does nol exerutc the Note: (u)is rn-tiiFning thiti Security Inx�rumem only to nx:rtgugc,gr:mt und cunvey�hat �`''lG�'��`�1'ni���
<br /> r�. <�'i ,:;,'� �,,.,i;'r�,:.•. -
<br /> ;. <i,V,.;,ds�� ,;,�._,; Borrower�intcrest in the Pr�perty under thc tcrm�of�his Srrurity In+trumcm; (hl i.no�personully ahlig:ucd to pay the xumti �,�;„��__•,:���'
<br /> �.��} � ,pt..�;;�►.,,��4��t.r4;�-:.-,::<<�
<br /> -,ti ' �?�,'as•�•,+•:;�+'•`,ti,r:•;:,.... secured by thiti Security Instrumenr,imd(cl u�.��ee+th��t Lcndcr and any other 8orro�vrr mny ngrre u,exi.•nd,m�xlify.i'or6ear �,_,_a..
<br /> ' � i;�.`;�'e;�'!`:'i'��it'.tf''•�tr.`•• or muke an uccommadatians wilh regurd to the tem�ti of this Securhy Inslnimenl or �he Note wi�hc+ut Ihut Borrower. �
<br /> �-�.� .,::,�,,,:.��:;.;,„�,<<,.,H ;•r. Y -=--.
<br /> •�.',`,,:::i;::,..r``:x�,'� ' C003CI11. _=�-
<br /> • ��'�t�'�`' � 13. Loan Charqes. If thc I�iun secureJ b� thix Security Inztrument ix subject tu u luw which se�� mnzirnum loun ��__
<br /> �:.:i .� . :1, churgex,und thut law in finully interprcted so that the intere,t or other k►an chury;ex collect�d ur to txe c�iUcc�ed in conneciian �--R_F�- _
<br /> .- - — with thc loan exceed the pertn�ned limi�ti.then: �u►uny,ucl�luuu churg�.haU Ix:rcdurcd hy the anxwnt nece,tinry���n•�M+�� — _
<br /> . thc churge to the permiiued limit:ancl Ihl uny tium.ulreudy rollec�ed frc�m Bom►wer which exrerded�xrniiurd Ilinii+will tx „
<br /> rcfunded to Borrciwcr. l.cnder m+ry ch�xi,r io nu�kc thi�rclund Ny rcducinti ihr principul uwcJ undcr Ihc N�nr��r by makin�!u �
<br /> ' .,, "nci ul �hr reJurtion will Ix�r.ulyd u�u puhi�d prcruymem w iihuul nny �=•�y.�x,.� " ,.�:
<br /> dircct puymcn����eorruwcr. II'u mtund r¢Ju« pri p . —
<br /> • . ,� pn:puymcni rhur�tc undcr thr Nu�r. �-=.- -
<br /> � 14. Nodcez� Any nuUrr lo Horrnw�r pruvi�led I���r in Ihi,ti�curily In�lrumcnt +hull 1►e �ivrn hy drlivrrin� it ��r hy
<br /> . muiling it hy lir.t clii.,muil unlr„upplicui�r lu��rr��uirc,u.r ul:m�dhrr mrih�Kl.'I'hr nnticr,ludl tx dircr�ed w�hc I'r���rty .v;;;:!i!.'!?'_•:1�
<br /> .. � � Addr�..or cmy ud�cr inklre++ B��noHer de�i�nulr� h} n��lire w l.cnder. Any nutirr ro LcnJcr,bull Ix gi�•rn hy lir.�rluti. : .
<br /> nwil lu l.endrr:uJdr�..tilm�d I�rrcin ur any uthrr addrc�,Leodrr dr,iEn:11C�h� INNICC lu lium►wrr. M» nulire pr��vidrJ t'ut
<br /> . �- . in �hi+ Srcuri�y Inti�rumcnt�hull Ix dernmd �o huve Ixrn �ivcn 1�► Hanuwrr ur I.rndrr whrn �iven a. pr�wi�led in ihi. �,-a�-,,�
<br /> • ,; . purugn�ph. ��.' _
<br /> • 15. Governin� Lnw�:tieverubNil��. Thi.tirrurity In.truroenl ,h+�ll Ix guvcrned I�y I'rderul law und �hr luw uf thr E;"-��,
<br /> � . jurisdiction in which tlk Nn,�xny i,kKatcd. In thr rvcnt thut nny pr�wi,iun ur cluu,c uf�hi.Sccurity In,uumcm��r Ihr Nutc �- ' �
<br /> .. conflicts with upplicablc luw.,uch c�m t l ir l.h a l l n u t�d'I'c c�o t h c r p r o v i.i u n,o l'�h i,S c c u r i t y I n.trumrn�ur tlx Noir which run �.,�___ ..�
<br /> � . b�:Fiven effec� wiih�.m d�e cuntlic�in� pr�wi.iiHi. 'fi�Ihi.enJ the pruvi+ium of thi. Sccuriry Imtrumrnt anJ ihc Note are :�,�;:.T��_�
<br /> . declared tn he+rveruhle. �'
<br /> ,•���_
<br /> . 16. Borrower'ti Copy. Hurruwrr,h;dl Ix givrn onc cunl��rmrd rupy ol'thr Natc and of ihi.r 5rcurily In�lrumcnt. y �-.�
<br /> � . � l7. 'I�ansPer of the Properlp or u Heneiiciul Inleresl in Horro«•er. II'ull ur mry pz�n i�t�thc Pro�xny ur um• imcrcx� in ,�_,;:, -
<br /> .. ' il i+�uW�ir Irun,f�rrcd lor il'a tx�nriiciul intrre.t in Hurru�vrr is�old or�r.m.tirr•:J and Hurrowrr is niH u nalur.�l pcnonl , , _ _ _ _,
<br /> ����'''. wilhuut Lender s pri��r wriuen coment. Lender muy.al itti optiun.rcyuire immcdiaw paynxnt in I'ull of ull�um, ,ecured b� �L� .
<br /> . ? ...:. ' ' Ihi�Securiry Imlrumcnl. Huwcvcr.thi+optiim�hull nut Ix rxcrci.rJ hy Lemkr iT exrnisr i+prohihi�ed hy t'cdercd luw u�of ,:.;��':•�_ "�
<br /> ' ' the dute of[his Security Inyuunxnt. • --
<br /> If I.ender rxcrcis�x thi�opliun.l.�nikr shull give Horruwcr nutire ul'acc�k rati�m. Th�nolicc�h:�ll pt�rvide a�xriixl uf ._
<br /> � niK Iess thun i0 duy� from Ihr dulc thr notkc i�dclivrrcd ur miiilcd within�vhirh Nnrruwcr mu,l p��y;dl�um���cur�J hy Ihi+ - n;..
<br /> , Sccurity Ins�rument. If Burrowcr t'ail� w ray ihc,c.um, prior lu thc rtpira�iun �,1'�hi.prri�xl. Lender mny invokc:my
<br /> remcJicx�xmiiucJ By thi,Sccuriiy In.trumcm e•ithoui 1'unhcr n�Nirr ur dcmanJ an Bortu��•�r
<br /> IS. Borrower'ti Riuht to Reinstute. If H�,rruwrr mcr�.rcnain rundni„n.. fiurruarr ,hall huvc thc ri�ht tu huvc
<br /> � cnfurcemrnt of'Ihi�Sccurily Inslrumcnt di,roniinu�d at am limc�iriur w�hr.anc�r uL• �al 5 day.wr,urli ulh�r�kri�xl a, ,
<br /> i
<br /> . ' • Sin�kl•:und� Fnnnic�Ini��M'ridAlv�luel\Ife►k�tl\�1'RI�II{\1' Ind�mnl'mrnam. Y�911 rp,i�.•a.dr��w�trv �.
<br /> . � � .
<br /> i
<br /> t .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,. - -- • 1
<br /> �___1 '
<br />