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<br /> , � �2
<br /> ���Y . �_�: . ..� 92._ 14 p ����-.
<br /> R ti ;�..�,�;�"�'�� - _.�_._
<br /> ,• .`_''�''„�•.''�.'' , �xrf��ls ihut Lcndcr nquin9. 'flw inr�u�uncc cuRicr providing�hc inhuruncc tihull hc cho,cn by Nom�wcr�uhjrcl lu I.endcr+
<br /> `:,1� � '"^'�°�'': `.",`"���� ., u�n+vul which+�hu�l nut t+c unms�honuhly wfihhrW. II'Bi►m�wc�1'uilr:io m+iintuin cuvcrugu Je�criM:d uM�vr.Lcoder nwy.ut Q��::4:�s:.`
<br /> '�i ?.;,,..�._�.
<br /> „��..,��,�:��;�;,��:�° Lenderk option,obtuin cuverage u�protec� Lender+right�in�he Pr�1�xny in ucrorJunre wi�h pu�uuruph 7. �.,=.,._._-�-�=
<br /> � , AU inxurunce�licic�und renewuls tihuU he urceptable�o l.ender und shull incluJc u+tnndurd rnongi�ge cluu�c. Lende� —
<br /> � • � rchall have Ihe right tn hold�hc pc�licies unJ rcnewalx. If Lendcr reyuirc�.Sorrawer Khull pmmptly Eivc io l.endcr ull rcccip�h �'�'$�
<br /> � ' °� af puid premium+und mnewal noiicex. In Ihe event�f lo.s,Hom�wcr.hull givc prompt n�nice ta the in.u�unce cunier unci ���'•"`mm
<br /> . ,,, �ra r
<br /> ���'-°���_•• Lender. Lender may mokc proof��f lo.x if nat mude promptly by R��n��wcr. =1 N r,=-=--
<br /> ,;., �...;;•._ '._<:�--
<br /> � �C;; �� �t �=• Unlexs Lcnder und Borrower atherwise ugrec fn writing,in.uruacc pr�xced��hull t�upplicd a�re+l�r�don nr repuir of
<br /> _ �.s�.. •' thc Property damnged, if the re.iarati�+n or repair ix economicully 1'eusible unJ Len�kr. security iti nut lc�+rnc:d. If thc �.�:�_W.
<br /> „� � � '���' , r�� restoration�r repuir iy not ecanomirully ieu+ihle or L.enderl ,ecurity would be tc.sened, �he inxurunce pra�rrdy shall be ` _
<br /> '� ,. • � � "� applied to the sumh secured by �his Srcuri�y In.t►ument, whether or not then due, wilh uny exce��paid to Born�wer. If
<br /> ��_--
<br /> -- � ' Borrower abundnns the Pm�rt�•,or dnr� nut an.Nrr within 30 Juys u m�tice from Leixier th:n thr imur,�nrr carcier hu+ .��-�++iCr
<br /> �sc:�:�... .�_._..
<br /> wti •• ' offe�ed to setde u claim,then Lrnder may'c��llert Iha inwrunre pmceNds. Lender muy us4 thr pmrecd.tu rcpair or mst��n ���,,-;;r;F-�-
<br /> the Properly ar tv p•ry sumti�ecured by Ihis 5erurity Imtniment,whrther or not theo due. Ttm�ll-du riod will be in when {:r�s,:- .. ,
<br /> Y Fk S r 1��,�`-;�'--�,,,_��,.
<br /> ��.' ;`';� the notice is given. ��`=`-;.�,
<br />< = � Unless Lender und Barrower othenvisc i�gnr in wri�ing, any appliru�ion ol'pracred,���principul�;hall nnl rxtend or �;,��_ : _
<br /> • , �_Rm..�...�-°----
<br /> . pastpnne the due date of the monthly paymcros refcrred ro in purugruphs I und ..ar rhangc Ihc umoum of the payments. IP ___
<br /> `;��,•;�y under pAnigrnph 21 th� Pmperty �.ucquir�d hy l.end�r, Borrower+ nghl to any inxun►nre policKS und pmceeds resulting �,_ �.__.,_
<br /> : ',
<br /> r;�;c•.:: ' , • �` from dAmnge to Ihe Property pnor to the ucquisition shull puxx to Lender to thc e:ctent of tl�sums secured by thi�Security �4.�!
<br />� �'•�.'!�'�'�'`.'�'t•f;;k•='' Ins�rument immediAtely prior�o the ucyui�itian. —.—..—
<br /> .3;�;�
<br /> ;;,`; � . • 6. OccupAncy. Preservatiun. Muintenance and Protection af the Properlv: Borrower's Loan App8calioa; �-_���y_
<br /> � ��'``� ' ' Leaseholds. Borrawer�hnll occupy,e,�ublish,and u�c the PraFxrty us Borrower's principul residence within xixly duyx afcer �.�;
<br /> �'; �' ' ; " the execution of this Securiry In�tmment und shall continue to accupy�he Propeny ur Borrower's principal rewidence for at �:,�._:-
<br /> ' �� - leust one yaur after the dute of orcupuncy, unle.r. Len�r utherwire ugreey in writing, whicfi consent shull not be ��1�j,1.,..._,.----
<br /> • _;;;:,:;;�rY��' �• unreavonably withheld,or unless extenuuting circumstaoces exist which ure heyond Borrower'+comrol. Borrnwer shull not .:,,;�r��,:;.;.
<br /> ' ''' Y .':� destrny,damuge ar impuir thc Propeny,allow thr Propeny to deterioraic,or commi� wnc�r �n�he P�vperty. Borrower xhnll ��� �,�'�-„
<br /> "��+F'••• �• be in default if nny Porfeiture�xticm or prureeding.whe�her civil or rriminul,ix hegun that in Lend�r+gocxi faith judgmen� ,'',����,`��!�:_
<br /> '� • ,r.,�:,,,
<br />��; ,:��;c;e.��;�1?!�S,`,.=,. � could rccult in Turf'eimrc of the Property or o�henvise mu�rrially impair the lien cmu�ed by this Security Instrumem or "��'�Y;?=�'�
<br /> ' " � ""'• `'''` ��•' Lender'ti security interest. Rom�wcr muy cure�uch u defuult und rein+t;ue,lix provfded in purngruph I R,by cauxing lhe uction �:�3�+'�
<br /> .,i �'} : +'i:.:. - ��.
<br /> �'•r�i� 4 �i�{•..•:,. � or rcxeedin la lxx di.missrd with a nrling thut.in Lender's Fcx�d fuhh delerminaiion,prccludes F'orfeiture of the Borrower's .�u-='.s-_�•-�
<br /> `• '� �` �� -:��'.'�'�•��'••���',k•f'•`' imere+t in the Pro rt ar olhcr miUCrial im iiirmeni nf thc lien crcu�ed by this Scwrity Inxtrumcnt o� Lcnder+ r�ecurity � •.,�c`--='�'�-'--
<br /> :,'i,t :t.�.,.�r.°'.�.r..�.,+/i• P� Y P �, ,,_s.,:.���.
<br /> •' � :•..s;,. . ,�1, ;,;-'.;,. intcrest. Borrowrr st�.dl ul,u tx iii defauh if BoRowcr, during thc laui� upplicutian pnxes,. �.�ve muleri:dly fukc ar :�:;�, :_
<br /> r, �. st�
<br /> ;; 14�.4,��;��.;Ur,�(,�.. � inaccura�e infarmatian ar xtutemenk to Lender I��r fuilEd to provide Lender with uny mu�eriul informutionl in amnection with ,. ,��J�;��,, y,,,,.2,,,;-
<br /> �,•::, :�� ,
<br /> ,�. the loao evidenced by thr Note, including, hu� na limited to, repmsent:itions concerning sorrowerti a:cupuncy of the � + :'as�;yti��
<br /> - „ ��� �,,{ •• Property ux a prinripul retiidence. If thi�Securiry Inslrumcnt iti on a Ieur.eh��ld.Bcxix�wcr�h:dl ri�mply with all thc pruvisions r�
<br /> ' "'� ..� � �t j�,� ' �.f the len.e. If Borrowcr acyuireti 1'ee title to thc Pn►�x:r1y.thc Icuhebold�un d t l�c f'ee tit le,hu l l nnt mcrge un letis Le n J e r ag�e ti �t�'; •"
<br /> � ,, r�A'��� to the merger in writin�. °'s'�""'1 '
<br /> �' 7. Protectiun of Lender'h RiRht�v in the Pr�.perty� U' [3ormwcr fail, ai prrti►mi �hc cuvenun�x and u�rcemem� �`9� `--�,
<br /> � ``"`� � contuined in �hi� Security Instrument.ur tUere i,u Icgul pr�xerding thu� muy ,igmticanlly ul'I'ect LenJer: righ�+ in the
<br /> ���:
<br /> ' , . • • , , Pro�xny l•uch us a pax�rding in hankruptcy,pr��hair. ti�r cuixlrmnulion or ti►�tciture cx to enliKre luwti ur regululionsl.lhen ��'=�'�� ---
<br /> . LenJrr muy du und puy fur whu�evrr i. necetitiury io pral�ci thr value uf thr Pru�xrty und Lender:righl.in Ihc Pruperty. �.ti••f�i-�.��_
<br /> � ' l.cndrr+uc�ii►n.mu inrludc � in� .m �um++rrurcil h a lirn��•hirh h��� riiiri� uvcr Ihi.S�curit In,�nmirnt.u urin� ` °�
<br /> Y P�Y b ; .Y > P Y Y f`P� t- �..
<br /> in roun.puying rra�onuMr auurncy, lec.an�! rmcring on Ihr I'rop�ny tu mukr rcpuir+.Althnugh l.rixlcr miry�ulc urti�N� �•=�.--'--��— .
<br /> undcr ihiti paru�ruph 7.L.�nd�r diK�nul ht�v�tu d��tin. ��"�`";
<br /> Any am��um.di.hurrd hy Lciukr undcr �hi,puragra��li 7 �h:dl tkrumr :uklitianal iicht uf Fiurruwrr ururcJ hy Ihi, . :c,•;.
<br /> Scruri�y Im�runxnt. Unlr..Harruacr�md Lendrr,�Errc w udirr�rrm.ul'puymrnt.thr,c umountti.h:�ll Ikar intrrc.�1'rum thr r �t���-.�:�..
<br /> - s -.-_
<br /> dutc iit�di�hur.cmrnl;N Ihr Nutr ra�r un�l �hsdl ix pi�yahlr.K IIII Illll'R�I. u�x�n ix�urc t'ri�rn l.crnMr t��13urrowrr rryueti�ing s�•:,a:.i='
<br /> .�`i.:r,;_'_-
<br /> ^ puymrnl. • -�-
<br /> . 8. MorlQaRe In+uranre. II L�ndrr nyuircd mun�uge inwrunre u.a ruudiliun ui'making thr lunn,erurcd My thi,
<br /> Security Intilrumrnl. Ilurn►��er �hall pay Ihc prcmiun�.rcyuirrd 1�� nwints►in �hc mung+igr in.urance in rflrr�. II: ti�r uny
<br /> • nu�on. the mongage in.urancr covrnigc rryuircJ hy Lendrr lap,r, ur ceu.r. tu hc in eflrrt. Hixru�vrr ,haill pay thc k .
<br /> pRmiums reyuircJ to oM•rin r�weruge .uh.lanli:dly �qui��ulent lo U�r mi►rlgugr in.ur:mre previ��u.ly in �I'frrl. ut a ci��t �. .
<br /> n .ubstuntiully cyuivulrnt to�hc cu.t tu H�►rrnNCr ul�he nwnEugr in,ur:mrc prcvioutily in rflcri. Inmi an :dtrrnul�ntongagr
<br /> . . in.urer upproved by Lrndrr. If,uh.tumially ryui�-;denl nwn�ugr inwranre r�n•er���:c i.not availahlr.Nurru��cr+hull pay u� • :p. :,:,;.':
<br /> " • Lendrr e•rrh mimth:��um cyual w��ne-I�vrltih uf�hr yearly m��rlgagr in.urimrc prcmium Ixin� paid hy� liurruucr�vhrn thc ..`#;�—.
<br /> in�ur.�ncc cuvcruEc Ia�p.rd�x cca.ed w In• in rll'ert. Lendcr�rill:irrrpi.u,�anJ ntuin�hrtic p:�ymenl.a.a lo.�rr.rrv�in I icu . ...• _ -:- -
<br /> i►t'mortgu�r imur�ncr. La,.rrxrvr p,��mrm. ma�• n��lungrr Ix rcyuircd. su �hr up�iun of LcnJrr. il murt�agc imurun�r ,�`'-
<br /> � covrrugc(in Ihr i�m��unl and liir Ihr {xnud thal LcuJ�r rryuirc.l pru�idrd M�an in.urer a��pr�►��cd I.y Lcndcr ug;iin ixrumc. „ .
<br /> • uvuiluhlr und i.obtuinrd.Burn►��•cr.hall p:i�•Ihc prcmium,rci�uirrd w mainl;iin mortguge in.ur.inrc in rl'1'crt.ur�u pruvidr u j�
<br /> p � lo..�t�crvc.unlil 1hr rryuiremrn�liir mortEagr in.ur:uue rnd.in arcnrdanrc��ilh am ��•riticn agrcrn►cnt Ikl��ern li�irco��rr �
<br /> 3 und LrnJcr ur applic:ihlr la���.
<br /> k 9. Inspertion. l.rnder or it� ugcnt may makc rca�unahlr rmric.u��,n:md�n.�xr�iun�nl�hr 1'runrrly. Lrndrr,h;dl �,
<br /> . givc Borro��rr noticr:u thr lint���f�n•pri��r tu an in��xrliun,�xril�ing rc:i.anahl�r:ui..t��r Ihr in•prrtiun. �
<br /> 10. Condemnution. The pnk�rd, .�I am :ia:u.l ur claim I��r J:un:igr,.Jircrl��r r�m�ryurnual.in<<nmrcti�nt��•ilh:my i
<br /> tiinEl.�l.unilt �F'onnlv�luc FnKldk�fuc 1 \IF/►RN I\tilRl�IF.\1 1 mlunu l'���.•n.mn 4•411 ���,�¢r+,�1��l���ur•�
<br /> �a.d I.i�•HuW�w..F��nM lix � .
<br /> 6��n��•i i�ll Nxn:tu+�.rr1 '4►\��Ini��l lltl
<br /> � .
<br />� V
<br /> ! .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � � ._. _ . . . .. ... . � . _ . . . ...
<br />