,� ��, w .._.��._ ._.r� _ _ rr1,..i�J�.1�t�z�.."
<br /> _ y.-
<br /> ;u. - _
<br /> �� ''f r. � '.t,�:,�-
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<br /> �4� � � J ��
<br /> ��-;�:��lw�:�ti�-,,. - ; . 1 Q2i 40 -
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<br /> _;;�:• �s+w{y�n�A��'�1�''" a�7}�Ifcabla I�w muy specify far reinstatemenl)before sale of�hc Propeny pursuent to uny puwcr af sulc contained in lhis
<br /> _- �L�irru�rr r.Y� I �'r
<br /> •�, ,��t�'_. �i 9ecurity Insaument;or(b)entry af w judgment enforcing this Security Inelrument. Thucc cundiNon��rc�hu�Banowcr: lu) �_
<br /> �w� � pAys Lcnder all suma which then wauld be Aue under this Secu�lty las�rumcnt und thc Nu�c o� if na nccelemtlan hud —
<br /> __'� • ��k.F: - occumed;(b)cures any default of uny other covenanta or agrcemenu►;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing thiK Security
<br /> �:'��:�•-: ,.••.- � Insuument, fnciuding. but not limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees; and(d)wkes such ucUun as Lcndcr may reacanubly
<br /> �r •'�y�''''�� � � requl►e to agsure that the lien of Ihis Security Inst�ument,Lender n rights in the Property und Hormwcr x obligutian tu quy the _
<br /> ., ��'i��:����s' � � sumc secured by this Secudty Inspument ahall condnue unchunged. Upon reinstutemen� by Bartawer, thia Secu�i�y
<br /> - `�°��:'�''•'��" � InstNment and the obligationa se.cured hereby ahall rcmuin fully effective us if no acceleralian hud occumeJ. However.�his
<br /> .-��z;�;'.':'A.:;'' � right to reinswtc shnll not apply in the case of ucceleratian under purugmph 17. � _ __�
<br /> �� ���1p,{,yy,,.,�.:-. � 19. Sale ot Note;Change ot I.00n Servicer. The Note or o partiul interest in 1he Natc- (t ethcr with this 5ecurity
<br /> 'f �
<br /> ° � �s , .,;-�; •- lnstrumenq may be sold one or more times without priar nodce ta Burrower. A sale may rcwult in a chunge in the emfry
<br /> �'irir�"]t�:1i�:1.. n �
<br /> (known as the Loan Servicer')�hat collects monthty paymenls due under the Note and Ihis Security Inxlrument. There also
<br />� ,;�.,�t;�' �� .'a • may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unreluted to A sule of the Note. if there is n change of the Lom Servicer.
<br /> '' � � Borrower will be given written notice of�he chunge in accordance with pamgraph 14 ubove end npplicable luw. The natice
<br /> � � will stete the name and address of the new Loun Servicer and the address to which pnyments should be made. The notke will —�—
<br /> - ' also contain uny other informution reyuired by applicable law. �-_..
<br /> � �,,;,;•�� ; _ 20. Hazardous Subats�ees. Bortower shall not cAUSe or pem�it the presence,use,disposul,stornge.ur rekase of eny
<br />'<' - Hazardous Substances on or in the Prnperty. Barowe�shull not do,nar allow unyone else to do, anything aifec�ing the _
<br />::�,: �
<br />, ;� 't�,;.. , property�hat is in vialAdon of a�y Environmentnl Law. The preceding two sente�ces shall not apply to the presence,use,or �
<br /> Y���- � • starage on the Property of small quantities of Hazurcbus Substances that are generally recogni�ed to be appropriale tu normal
<br /> +t: ;': ' ,. . • t
<br /> rcaidential use�and to maintenance af the Property.
<br />�i�' � t � ' �'" �' Borrawer shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigution,ciaim,demand,lawsuit ar other ucdon by any
<br /> f��;; � r�� �, :,��..,�{� ; gavemmentul or regulatory agency or private party involving the Praperty and any Flazardous Substnnce or Bmironmental � __
<br /> 1•,,: : .t� .r•..;�.,:.,.,„,., �# t,i .._. __.
<br /> ;,.��,�};..Y:t:,{�k��� ' � Law of which Borrower has uctual knowledge. lf Burtower leams, or is nad6ed by Any gavernmental or regulntrny ��l�li��
<br />�:'�' •%'!°'2'�%,�'•'�'�•' authority,that any removal ar other r�media�ian of any H;unrdaus Substunce affecUng the Property is necessary.Bonawer x,,,,,,�,,,,,
<br /> � ��� �� ':>:;;";�'%;�+''�''"i1������i����``�" shall promptly�Ake all necessary remedial aciions in accordance with Enviranmental I.aw. ''/``1i --
<br /> `1'_"7.� �!� {��4.i•1�1��tr'.�',''�,'l'� µ1!''!<•:•'•.',%'J: .
<br /> ,-•';'�� M ' {alii�.y '� {�� i .-• :r�����'��..���
<br /> ., }+ .r•.• :�...: ,� � As used in tBis pnragruph 20."Haza�daus Substances'are thase�ubstances defined as toxic or hazurdous substances by ,�,�r.:.,;;�o,�_.
<br /> ;..;�� � �. .�:,r.����t�•��{���r,•�,j;� I�yr:,;;:�'!?;"?�_
<br /> °', .�,y �1}.;'�.1�•,t:4�;�{i��f�j�S�{y���',:,,;. Environmental LAw and the following substances: $Atip�111C,kerasene,other flammable or�oxic petroleum products, tOxIC � ��.t�,�:lVi°}i�-=--
<br />."�I-:- . ; -1�.'�i���(�'�-:�N��:� • �'d-..�.
<br /> ,�. (,,���,r,,,;,�r{4; . peslicides and herbicides, volaiile wlvent+,materials conluining asbestos or farmaldehyde,and mdioactive mnterials. Aa ys�;r.,+.-_
<br /> :� ;. used in this pnragruph 20,"Environmentnl Law" meanx fedcrul laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre the Piroperry is Mcated aR+�,��
<br /> '''��� •�' that relate to heulth,sai'ety ar environmemal protection. � —
<br />. : - ,:•,,.-..:.:�.•.•.:. . ., , e
<br /> •'`."S""�'. •� NON-UNiFORM COVEIVANfS. Bortower and Lender funher cavenunt a�d ugrer as folSowa: �-__- ----
<br />' � .�; r:�n�.�.,"
<br />, �i::;t;.� 21. AccelerANon; Remedies. I.eader shall give nolice to sorrower prior to acceleraUon following Borrowe�'s ,...---;-.4:_
<br /> ' � breach af any covenant or agreement In Ibls Securlty Insfrument Ibut not prior ta acceleratbn under parag�aph 17 �=:`�{��'�°
<br />• unless Appl(cAble IAw provldes otherwlse). The notice shell�peciiy: (a)the default;(b11he actMn required to cure the —=-�:
<br /> defouU;lcl a dnte.not less thpn 30 dpys from Ihe dute the notice Is given to Borrower.by wblch the default must be - -_--_
<br /> � cu�ed;and Id)thpt tpHure to cure the dei'AUII on or bePore the date speciiied in the notice m�y ns�wii i�i acceieiptian of __ -
<br /> � Ihe sums secured by Ihis Security In�lrumeot und�ale oP Ihe Property. 7'he notice shAll furlher inform Bnrruwer aP ___
<br /> � ' the riRhl to reinslpte wner Accelerwtion and Ihe rlRbl tu brin�a court ucdon to uasert the nomexi!ttence uf A defauU or —__—_-
<br /> any uther dePenSe oP Bnrrower to acccler�Non and.r•ale. IP Ihe defuult iq not cured un or 6ePore the dpte specified In �: _
<br /> � Ihe nul�ce.l.ender�t Its optbm mwy require irnmedlwte payment in Pull uf ull!�ums.r•ecu�ed by Ihis tiecarity Inrtrument
<br /> wilhout further demund und mWy invoke Ihe p�wer oP!+ule und uny ather remedie4 permitted by vpplicable law. �• � ,.
<br /> • " l.ender shall be endQed tu collect aN expenges incurred in pursuinp ihe remedies provided in Ihig pAruRraph 21. �•�.�- -
<br /> Including.bul nnt Iimiled tu.rea!�nnable nllorneys'iees�nd costs ut title evidenre. �� '
<br /> , _-�__
<br /> IP the power oi'!wle ix invuked.'IFurtee �bull recMd u nntice uP dePuult M each county in which eny p�rt oP lhr " _•�+'"'
<br /> ._,y
<br /> • . • . ' properly is Iceated aad xhall mailcople�s ui�uch nutice in Ihe manner pre.ccribed by uppllcable law lo Nnrrower and to � � . � s.._
<br /> the other perxons prescribed by wpplkable law. After the tlme required by ++pplicable law.71�uslee shall Rive public �;;,;,,:,,;�"`
<br /> � notice ot sgale to the percons ond in the m�nner prescribed by�pplicable luw. 7Yu�tee.withaut demand on Borruwer. �•�,+`•'����__
<br /> shall seN the Property nt public i+uction to the hiRhest bidder ut Ihe lime und place and under Ihe terms desi�nated in • • `_�
<br /> � � the notice of sale in one or more parcels und in uny order 7lrustee determine4. 7Yustee may pustpone sale oP all or any .
<br />' � parcel of the Property by public announcemenl at the time and place of any previously srheduled wle. Lender or its r;,,�u,;_
<br /> ' deslgnee may purchasc the Property al any 4ak. ����•=='`
<br /> Upon receipt oP payment of the price bid. 'Itustee shall deliver tu the purchaser'Ibustee's deed conveying the ' ;`•�-'_-
<br /> -" Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deetl sBall be prima facie evidence uf the truth oi the statements made Iherein. � � + -�__.
<br /> 'Ilrrstee shall apply the proceeds oP the�ak in Ihe fdlowins order: Ia l lo all raWs and rxpenses uf exerclsing the power ��� , ,,., �r!"<�
<br /> '��,�'.-.._..
<br /> . - } • .. rr 'r-.;__.
<br /> � :, ;,f:.,.,
<br /> " . .` �• .�fh�.
<br /> � � .
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