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<br /> --���_ ° • �=- TOUETHBR WITH ull lhe improvcmcnlK nnw un c�rcuflcr crccicd iN� thc pru�r�y.��n.l uU ruu�acnt�.uppurten�mrcv,
<br /> �:?.'�,,., > ��,,,,�_�' and fixtures now or hereufter a pun uf thc pmperty. All replucemcnlx und uddlUun+ rhall ulr��tm cuvrnd by ihi� Security
<br /> ''� inatrumem. All af the foregoing iK mfcrred t��in this 3ecu�fly Ins�tn�ment ax the"1'r�►�hy." �'�
<br /> -::..�xr.='�w�'°'Y;�Y' { ,
<br /> �%4''""'`� BORROWBR COVBNANTS Ihat Harrowcr ix luwfull �,ett,ed uf�hc extu�c hcR by convcycd und han thc right�n grum
<br /> . .:,.,%:�'}�,�?,•s:,'��: y . •.
<br /> ,� :.;r,:'�:; �_;� � and canvey the Piroperty and thal�he Propeny is unencumbered.except for enrumBranrev��f rec<�rd, Burn►wer warruntx anJ
<br /> �� " •,• � "'�� � will defend generally the tiUe to the Propeny against ull claima und dcmanJx.tiubjcc�to uny encumbrunrc.of rernrd. —._.
<br /> , �'"'"'`�,if;;� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covemint�+ far nuli�nal use und non•uniform cavenants wUh
<br /> _ � � `���" • • flmited vnrietions by jurisdiction to cnn�c�i�ute a uniform security ins�rument coveringreal praperiy. � _
<br /> y,���,, :•�.'� " •" UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boaawer und Lender covenunt and ogrce us fallowK: —
<br /> � �-=•r••:��,�.;:^ "� ' 1. Poyment o�Priacipal and laterest;P�epaymeM and LAte Chprges. Borrawcr shull promptly puy when due the
<br /> .}"``° �".','�� � . principal of und intemst on the debt evidenced by the Note und uny prepayment and late chargrrs due under the Note.
<br /> .� . • , —
<br /> -_ � � , , 2. F1ads Por Taxes and Inguraacc. Subject to applicable law or ta u wrilten wuiver by Len d e�.B o r r a w e r s h a l l p a y t u
<br />_:�;,� .� � ,; +";",`�:;` " Lender on�he duy manthty pnyments arc due undc��h�Note,umil thc Nutc ix p•rid in full, u sum 1"Funds")For:(a1 yeurly —�
<br />"'=�� '• � � iaxes tu�d assessments which may altuin priorlty over thia Securiry Instrument as�lien on ihc Piropeny:(b1 ye�ly leusehold
<br /> r�� ,� . .F �° :' paymentx or ground renis an the Propeny, if any; (cl ye:uly hazurd ar propeny insurance premiums; (dl yenrly ilaod -_ _e
<br />_ �,._•��.,i�,;�:s•' insurance premiums, if any: le) yearly mongage insurance premiam�, if any; and In�y +ums payable by Borrower to _
<br /> � . • Lender,in accoMance witfi the provisions of parugraph 8, in liau af ihe pAyment of mortgage iosu�unce premiums. These =
<br /> .," ' ,, � items are called"Escrow Ilems.' Lender muy,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not ta exceed�he maximum —_ _
<br /> �'% ' �'' " f umount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower�escraw account under Ihe fedeml ReAI �
<br /> � Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from time ta time,12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey("RESPA"),unless unother ����
<br /> •. '�� •r� �� :,•.. I law that applies to the Wnds sels u lesser amount. If sa,Lender may.at uny time.cdlect und hold Funds in an amount not to �•
<br /> �:,��: ; � eaceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimate the amouM of Funds due on the basis oP curtent dota and rea4onabte .c;:;__
<br /> ; ' ,r.E eslimates of expendilures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordunce with uppl icAble law. !. ���
<br /> �j ';'„.,�,� ;'. c E4��`` The Funds shall be held in an instiwtion whose deposits are insured by a federal ugcncy, instrumentulity, ar entity
<br /> �<<:�; �5,��,;,�;�!"•r `' (including Lender, if l.ender is xuch un institution)or in uny Feder�l Home Loun Bank. Lencier xhall apply the Funds to pay "����^
<br /> . �,4 �'Y�(7;.,, 1�T'
<br /> ,' +•:4':"'ti/�� • � �he Escrow Items. Lender ma na char e Borrower for holdin und u 1 in ihe Funds, nnnuull unul zm Ihe escrow �<<t !
<br /> ., t:�;�l;.±:�.:, . 1x Y � 8 PP Y F Y Y � fi �%:,,;�� - =
<br /> :•;'���! • ?��+'1��"� ''' account, or verifying the Escraw Items, unless Lender pays Borcower interest un ihe Funds und upplicuble !aw permits `z�_i'�;ry,;;=
<br /> •,��., .;
<br /> ��'%"�.`'��� Lender ro make such u charge. However,Lender may rcquire Borrower to pay u ane-time churge for an independent reAl •�•�3�-�
<br /> �.: '�`- •....},,;;,;;�„ � �r—•----
<br /> . {,..�1 i estate tax repoAing xcrvicc used by l.ender in wnnection with this loun,unless applics�ble Inw pn�vides otherwisc. Un less un ,��}��::
<br /> ,.,�;+.� �.•' agreement is madc or applirable luw rcquires interest ta be puid,Lender shall nni lx reyuired �o pny Borrower any in�erest or � �
<br /> � •�`•�� ' eamings on the FLnds. Borrawer and l.endcr muy ugree in wnting,however,ihat imerest yhull bc paid on Ihc Funds. Lcnder ,". -.'
<br /> c ;;' ' �� � shall give to Borrower,withaut eliarge,an Annual uccouming of�he Fund�, showing credits und debits to the Funds und the �,c�•
<br /> , �. , .�, r:j�,�:;,:• ' • .:
<br />, •..��.;. ;';�.,,,a,�,�;� ,� purpose for which eucf�debit to the Funds was mude. The Funds are pledged as t►dditional security for All sums securcd by . , �=4„_;
<br /> , �.: :�� � this Security lnstrumcnt. '��`st" ,
<br /> If the Fundc held bv Lender exceed the Amoums pertnilted to be held by upplicable law, LenJer shall accoun� to { • �ttidM'-
<br /> � '� Borrower for the exce�s�unds in accordnnce w•ith the requircments of upplicable Inw. It the umount oi�he�unds heid by ��,y,.._,:��:;= `_
<br /> ,�i ::'�'�� ` ' LenJer at any tim�is not suf�cient to pay the Escmw Ucmx when duc.LcnJcr may co notify Bortower in writing,und, in t�F:»-µ'°'=
<br /> ' s • Borrower xhull a to l.c n d e r t h c n m o u n t n�ti e s+ury t o m u k a up�h e d e f c i e nr y. Bomowcr shull muke u p thc ��r.�i°��+-
<br /> uc.h cuse p y �--�—�
<br /> �� . deticicncy in no moro than twclvc mnnthly puymcnt+,ut LcnJcr's solc Ji+cretion, — —.--
<br /> , "� Upon payment in Full of nll sumn securcd by thix Security Inc:trument,Lendtr shall promptly rcfund tu Borrower uny �`�L==
<br /> Fund�held by Lender. If,under Nurngraph 21.LenJrr.hull uryuir�n�xll ihc Prq►erty.L�ndcr,priur ta thc acyuisitiun or �,��._=._.-.
<br /> •� . �wle af the Property, shall upply uny FunJr. held hy Lendrr at �hc time ot'acyuisiiion ur�ule a4 a crcdit uguin,t the xum� �"�"'`1J`
<br /> rap�-- �
<br /> �� , xccured by Ihis Scrurity Instrumenl. "
<br /> , J. Appllcatlon of Payments. Unlr+, •rpplirs�hlc luw pruvidc� othrrwi�c.�11 paymcnt, rcrriveJ By l.�ncicr undcr �;
<br /> . ' " .> purvgraph�I uixf 2+hull ixr upplieJ:lir.�,k�uny prcpuymen�churgr�duc un�kr�hc Noa;x�unJ,to umoum.puyable mxlcr r.._� •- •
<br /> �-:.—._;
<br /> � p�uugruph 2;third,io intcrcxt due:ti�urth,to prinripul dur:anJ I:��t,u�any lu�r rhurgc�duc undcr thc Notc. .-,..
<br /> •, � 4. Cb�rge�: I.lens. Borr�iwcr shall pay aU �axcs. a..r,.m�nl,.chargc,. fineti und imFx�.itiun,anributublc to thc , '�...
<br /> Property whi�h muy uttain�rioriry ovrr ihi�5crurity Inxtrumrnt.und Icuxhuld paymcrnti nr grounJ rem+.if uny. eorniwcr ''{J'-'
<br /> ° shall pay thexe obligutions m thc munnrr proviJed in nu�ugruph ?.��r il'no� paid in ihu� manner,B��rcowcr.hull pay them�m ,. .,,�,a � -t``
<br /> ' .. time dirccdy to thc penon oweJ puymrm. Borro�ver.hall pmmpUy t'urni.h �u l.rnder u ll notire+oi amount+�o lx paiJ under �._ :;�:•-�
<br />� �his purogrnph. If Borrower mukes�hrse p�yments direclly.Born►wer�hull prom�tly fumi.h to l.�ndcr recrip�s evidencing = __
<br />- Ihe payment�. • --
<br />� Barrowcr shull prompUy disrh;ugc any licn which har priori�y uvcr�hi.kcuriiy I�uwmcnt unlc.+Borrowcr:lu1 agre�� _
<br /> . . �� in writing to thc p�ymrnt of thr abligation.rcurcJ hy thc licn in u manrnr acccp�ublc lu LcnJcr,(B)cunte,l,in g�wd fnilh thc .�:�
<br /> � . lien by,or defend,a�ain.t enforcemcm of thr licn in.Icg�l pnk«tlingx whirh in �he l.rndcr�upiniun operate ia prcven�thc • __..
<br /> enforcement uf thr licn;or 1c)securc.r t'mm tlx�holJrr i�f the lien an agrcetrnnt�atisfacloq•u�l.rnJ�r sub��rdinuting the lien ,�. �. �
<br /> f � �a thi+Security Inatrument. !f LrnJer detern�inc+Ihat any paA i�t'Ihr Property i. +uhj�rt to a licn which muy uttain pnority T_
<br /> . ovcr this Serurity Inxtrumrnt,l.endcr may give B�►rmwrr u natice identifying thr li��n. Barruwer sh•rll zaii.t'y tl� licn ur tukr ,
<br /> . ,; onc or more c�f ihc uctiom.rt fonh ulwve within Ill day.of thc giving��I'nutic�. '
<br /> S. Hazard or Properh•Insurance. Borcawer.hall kcrp ihr improvemrnt.n��w rxi,tin�;ur hrrrrftcr crccted on thc
<br /> 't Property inxured againxt loss hy tirc.ha�urJ�inrluded within�hc t�rni"cxl�n�kd co�•cr.�gr"and any olher harards, inrluding -
<br /> � , tloods or flooding.for which Lender reyuires inwix►nce. Thi� inwrsmer �hull ix maintuirxJ in thr umuunh and 1'or the
<br /> Furm W2B 9;Y0 �pu�r=��Jnlwx�•�� .
<br /> 1
<br /> �.
<br /> . �
<br />