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<br /> • APPLik CO1-60314026
<br /> MLit 0000000000
<br /> ' - �6- i��5�1
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY' �tII�ER _
<br /> A�!!!!!!r!C�R1D�l9
<br /> THiS 1-0 FAMII.Y RIDE}t is rnade this 16TH �y uf APR7L , 1996 ,� i�
<br /> iucorpor�tod ir.to and shs�ll bc d�na3 m att�d and sugpirm:.nt tisc M�tg�ge,D�oi T�uu a Securry DN:3(t,'k: -
<br /> "Socurity lnsvuinent")of the sZrue datc Qivesi by the undrrsi�nnW(�he"Borrower")to secu�e Borrowcr's rIota to
<br /> /.�s M'w^�n_Y� _
<br /> �LIKr �FiiY�a
<br /> of We samo daia aad ooveri�g the Propet�y dcscribed in the Sc�ctuity Inswment and tacated az: -
<br /> aos2 zo�+ r�nxs
<br /> r�xn is�, r�Rr+sx�a 6aeos
<br /> (PrcpertY Addtea�l
<br /> !-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. Ia addition W tbe coveoants and agt�aemeAts made ia the Socurity►!+s..••,,,,,���
<br /> Boaower and Ix.ader feuthcr oavettiant and�groe a9 folbws:
<br /> Pmpaty describod in c'se Socurity Instrume�t,the folbwing itema are added W the ProF'!'nY�P�•aad sl�ail
<br /> �Lso eonstiwte the Propeity covaed 6y the Security Insirument buildiAg matuials.aPPliaaces aod�goods of every
<br /> a�turo whatsoecer aow or daratkr bca�ed in.on,or used.or inta�ded to be usod ia oonnecdoa witb the Property.
<br /> iacludiag�but not Wnited to,thuse for the purposes of supplyiqg or disu��uria�heating,ceoling,e3ectricitY.8�•
<br /> wau7��ir and light. fire�+e�-eatioa and exdr�gui�hing a�ratus.sxuritY and access oonfrol apparaWs,plumbing.
<br /> b�th tubs,water be�ters,��mr cbsets,siNcs.rangcs�soa�es.rthi,gaacars,disttwashers,d�spossis,�'ast�ets,d�Yen,
<br /> awain�s,s�onG aiadows,sao�m doas,scree�s,W�ud.v,shade's.cutt�ins aad cnttain ro�ds.attact�ed marors.cabinets.
<br /> P��+B �ad attsc�ed tlooc coveriags tww or tknafter attached so the Property, all nf which, iacludiag
<br /> replacuna�ta�od�tians dxreto�stull be dou�sod to be wd�rmaia a pa�t of the Propaty covaed by t�e Secarity
<br /> Inmummt AIt ai t�e far.ga�iRg tog�tbrr with the Pcopnty desc�od iA iho Secw�ity Instrumeat(or tlja leaselwld
<br /> aaate if the Sec�sy Ta�umeat is oa a feasehoW) are refe�red to in tLis 1-4 rawily Rider aad tLe Security
<br /> lasuwneat�tbe'Fropaty.•
<br /> B.IISE OF PftOPEATY;CQMPLIANCE WI'i'H LAW. 8arower sbAll not saY. agree tv or make a
<br /> ef�age in tbe use of the Proputy or its zo�iqg classifcation,unkss l�eader 6as a�eed ia wriaog m the ch�o�ge.
<br />_ tfaRawer 'Ti�i cOWp'ry wao a{l iaws, tsu'itliliit�. icicu::ii�+i�s :uu :.y`u;.w..`a�:a tis` :u� �'Jva'�"w:.�.: .,�.�.�:�'
<br /> �icabie to tbe ProQa�ty.
<br /> C.SUBOftDINATE LIENS. Except as pamixed 6y federal laa.Bo�rower sl�ail aot albw aay liea iaf�sior
<br /> W tbe Socurity inuruaieru to be perfecxod agamst tbe Prapaty without l.zader's psior writtca pe�missioa.
<br /> D.itENf 1.065 INSURANCE. BaRUaa shail maintain iaumax against c�ent bss ia additioo to the atha
<br /> l�cds fa wl��is req�nd by Unifomr Covenant S.
<br /> E."BOAitOWF.ii'S itIGHT TO RFJNSTATE"DELETED. Unifo�m Coverant 18 is de3eted.
<br /> F.BOjtRO�G'ER'S OC�UF'ANCY. UNess L,erida pad Borroaer otherwise agcx iu avriting, tbe fiist
<br /> se�ence ia lln�am Covea�nt 6 coa.aniag Bacmcver's oxupaocy of the Pmpaty i� deletocl. All ranaining
<br /> covea�ots aa��ree�ments set fath ia Unifam Covenant 6 shall remaia�effect.
<br /> YULTISTATE 1-1 FAYILY RIDER-Faaal�YWFr�ddl�Yao W�(to►a�I�auum�nt Faa 3170�I�.9
<br /> Papo t a 2
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