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<br /> :>-+r �
<br /> • _ ; �..�R.c�:..,:
<br /> �_ _. ______
<br /> �.�..s.,=�.uw�er� - - - -- ��r�r�►wiY�A�+wi�rwa- -.u.r---- — -- -- - —-- .—_,1 -
<br /> 36-1���
<br /> G.ASSIGNMlEIVT OF L�ASES. Upoa�L,.ndcr'S YCQuCSt,HOR'OW�S1WIl 3SYIQR LO LCfIdC�dl kW�C9 Of lhC
<br /> P�uncrtv�sd al!socuritv �tQOSits n�t3c ia cqntiocti�n wilh Icases of the Pr�a'ty.iJpot�lh:,zscigam��l�end�r _
<br /> st�ll have ttx righi tn mudify,cxt:.nd ur t�-misutc the exisdng leases u�d to cxncutc acw{cyses,in lxrKlei'y soio
<br /> discrcdon.Ar usod ia this par�roph G,thc rrord"kas:"st�U►t�ean 'sublease" J r,`w Socuriiy Instn�►cut is cus a -
<br /> {ca�stho3d
<br /> Aorrowa absolucely ynd uaconditionally esslgns aad tPw�sfers to t�dcr ail tho ren�s and reveaues("Rent�")of�he
<br /> Pro�ty.re8ard�css ot'to whom nc�Raus of We Property are payabla HoRawa auttwrizts Lend�r or Lutidu's
<br /> agenW W colloct the Reats.aad�ras that each teaaat of the Prapaty shall pay the Rwts to I.ende.r or L�der's
<br /> �ge�nts,Howevv.Borrow�r sLaU rcaive tbee Reats unt11(i)lu�der das giva�Barower notice af defauIt pursuani w
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Security Insuument aad(il)L�sdei Aas�ivea twdce W the tmant(s)that tho Reuts tue to bc
<br /> paid to I.e�ulex or I.eiufer's agen� This as�signmmt of Rears coastipius aa absolute ascignment aad aot aa
<br /> �ssi�tuaeas for additios�l security anly.
<br /> If I.eader gives aotice of breach to Barrowcr:(i)all Reats received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as
<br /> uustee for the benetit of L.eader oaly�tn be�ppliod W tbe swns securod by the Security Insuume�u:(o)Lecuie*shall
<br /> be e:uit3ed W collect and receiva all of the Reats of the Propaty: (i�) Eorrowu�grees that each teaant of the
<br /> �Y�PoY all Reats due and uapaid W l.ender or I.ender's s�eats upon l.endes's writcea demand to the
<br /> tenan4 (iv) tu�iess sipplicabla law grovkks ot�eiwisa.stll Rents col{octed by Ltndes or I�uter's agents sAall be
<br /> apptied firsi to tbe costs of talcing control of aad maoagiag the Pmputy and collocilag the Reats.iacluditlg�but aot
<br /> limiec�i m.atmrncys'foes,roeeiva's fees,�minmc ou rccciv�,i��i,i.:�aa�:�.:�.c:.�s,iasusrss;,:.
<br /> pte�uns,tsu�es,ass�naits aad othu cAarges on the Property. and thm to the sums securod by tbe Security
<br /> Insuumr�(v)I,eacier,I.encki's ageats ar aa3!�Y��ted ncava shatl be liabie to account for only Wose
<br /> Re�acu�lly rxeived; aad (vi)I.eader shall be eatitled to havo a rxeiver appointod to t�lce possessioa of and
<br /> �aga tlse Praprrty and colloct the Reats and prnfits daived from tl�a Ympatiy without any showiae as to tae
<br /> ��4�Y of the ProQaty as socurity.
<br /> If the Rents of the Propaty aro uot sufficimt to cover the cous of talcing control of aa1 manqging tbe
<br /> Propaty aad of collocdng tbe Rents any fuads exprax3ed by I.ender fa wcL putposes shall become:��+*„�+•,•��of
<br /> Barower to l.ei�da soc�und by We Security Iasuummt pursuant W Uniforw Coveamt 7.
<br /> Bocrowa represa�ts aad waerants tt�t Bomowu das nat eaecuted anY prior assignineat of the ReaLS and has
<br /> na soci wiu noc pafam�ay aa t3�t wo�la prevau Leuda fiam ex«r.isins its righu nnari tbis pa��ph.
<br /> L,endar.or I,mder's�geats or a jtxliciallY appointed reoei�t�r.slull not be requirod to enter upon.tal�e concrol
<br /> of or aa�iataia the Pcoperty before a at�er giving notice of defauIt to Scxroveer.However,I.enda,or l.escder's
<br /> ageott or a judiciaiI�r�ppoiatod roceiver,may do so at any dme w6ea a c�t occurs.My applicatioa af Itmts
<br /> '���5..�.:Zi.."'L.^�..«�:w Mv d�Fn�h�r'n�wi+rlsM wwv Nh'r rio1M nr erllMtlV f1f 1 Mfll!_�I�IiC ACCirQf11Ml1t OE Rl�L4 AE _
<br /> �� �-'� -v---—---•---�
<br /> 1�IC�[O�tL�►S�Ld7G311iIC W�C�.T�111C 5711Z1S SCtil31'CY��1y t�10.'�CCIIII�I�A�CiI��C p�lp r{l�.
<br /> l.CiiOSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Barowrl'c defwlt a breach aader any note or sigroemeai iu
<br /> which I,ender h�sw inurest st�ll be a brcach twdet tLo Socwity Instrumeat aad Lead�r may iavoice any of tbo
<br /> ICa1C�1C9�1�by�C.�'�L�I�Y incrn,n,.nr
<br /> BY SIGIr'IIdG BfiLOW.Bamnwer iocepts and agcas to tbe te�m�sod povisioas cootainod in thi91-4 Family
<br /> liic3er.
<br /> X !�lu�� s (Seal) / � Seal)
<br /> lrLiRb� A vAeii)b1wY,Y. .�q�wru�r.�iy v.+:wa.�:.Li, � -Bwiow�er
<br /> _ ($C2]� f$C�I)
<br /> -Botrowu -Barorer
<br /> ��57 �oaos�.oi Pao.s a s Fora�3170 Slss
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