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<br /> fa � u- �a:�p:sc:.: r.�t! Ea atssY ordtr 7Ynsta tlwerwi�. 7'ru�e m�Y Pactpoae sxie ot all or any paroel ot'tbe -
<br /> ���Y bY P�� toaonuteoseat rt the time aod p�iot of aay previatr�y iChedu3ed�k. I.e�ui�r �r iis tieaq�.�8a may
<br /> p�u�cb�se ihe reo;�erty�t�y ca3e. _
<br /> Upoo recefpt af p�pmeat oi tbt pcke Dki. Tnsttee c4al1 dtl�ver to the purch�ser Trustee's dad coaveylaE the _
<br /> �PG'�Y.Tmr recttafs 1� tbe'Fruciei's dee�! cba110t prima fi�c9e evidcn�e ot tise trulb of t�e ct3tcments madt t6erdn. -
<br /> 'f�i�:ez r�::r.�p:y��.'�"�.a..-!s a�tse ssk in t5e iol�o+rLns artier:(�)to Al!c�W aad eupeas�ea at r�ccrcisia�tire po�ver of _
<br /> iPk�i1Ud i��+i�' 'u7c'�wi�+i�1G�l�+S'•:•w2 G�t::7Y.:�."''..'t���'' Y���►eOt to R�Ce'�d 3.0�� 5i�
<br /> oP the priocfpa!ancwat of't8e�aote at the tims ot t�r da-f�r�ttoa of de!'aul3.iuod�c�axbk Afto�+e�s•feea�permlited bS =
<br /> law:(b)to WI wmc tecured by t�S���Inctrumeati sad(c)aa9 eYCac co ebe per�on or per�ooc k��1ty m�ed a i�. _.
<br /> 22.Roconveyaa�x. L3poa pay�seat o. s� su.;� sa,�� hy Ghic 5�L'ity Ir.ttsr�r-mt. l,eades st�all request Truuee tn _.
<br /> rxmvey the Pm�+aty and shall wtruufer thi� SacuritY insuunsr�t �nd itlll aous evida�cing debt secural by thls Socurity
<br /> Insorumust to'Ilvsux.Snutie shall recoavay ttu�'raperiy wutwut w:rrsaty and without chvSe to the pason or pesaons IGB�l1Y -
<br /> wctbd to it SucA person or percons shall pny suty racadahon costs.
<br /> 23.SnDstitute'ilrnstee. laendes,at us opeion.m�y fcoaa dme co cime renwve Tnucoa and�ppoint a successar uuscee w any
<br /> 'ltustx apQoinsed heswnctir by m uupumrut reooi'dod a� the counry in which this Se�urlty Instrumant is n�orded. Without
<br /> oonveyat�ce�f We Pta�aty.the successor austee sball a�scooetl to all We tu1e.Powa aud dudes cmfatnd upon'Ilrustoo htrein acul
<br /> by appl�cabk law.
<br /> Z4.Requat tor Notk�es. Pio[rowa requests t�t c,opies oE ti�e mdses of defauA aad sa{t be setu to Borrower's�cldtess
<br /> vut�ic�.'�is the Propaty Addres.�.
<br /> �5.�tlders w thia Sxnsi�Iost�m�nt. If aoe or more riders are execucod by Ho+rowa and rx�arded wgeilur with tl�is
<br /> Sa..°e�s.'Y Inmumwt,@see o�vcaan2s an��retaunu of c�wch Tides shall be iacorpo�atzd iato And shall amend and suppkment _
<br /> the a�va�ants yod�t�reaaessts of this Se:+uii3 in�un�t as if the rider(s)wae a pa�t of this Secutity Iz�umaot-
<br /> [Chock aP'plicit►1"bw�(es)]
<br /> ❑Adj�tnbla Rate Ri�u ❑Condomiaium Rida 0 1-4 Fatnily Rida
<br /> p Graduuod Paymaic tti+da O pt�►zped unit Develonnxac Rida O a�wxYty paymeai xida
<br /> C7�1n�n R;aer D Rue lmwovemau Ria« 0 socoaa xome Rider
<br /> a YA� O���I�Y��aiqnMac� of R�tC
<br /> sY sIGrmvG B&tAw.Boimwer accepcs sod a,grees w d,e t�sms aad wvwancs in this securiry Iastrvmeuc aad iu
<br /> auy rider(s)euecutod by Bolroa+er a�ad rocarded witb u
<br /> Wi�esses:
<br /> , (Seal)
<br /> MAAK A VANOSI]ALL -Hac:owsr
<br /> ��)
<br /> L VAAIO •Boeroa�er
<br /> (SCiI) ���
<br /> ,g� -BonoMir
<br /> Shte 0�1VlbratTu, � C0o°t7�'
<br /> �e fo�g0iog iast[�aeai�.'an ac]�oal0d�ed befOtE n1e this 16TH �y of Ap�2.IL , 1996 �
<br />- 1�Y wu�x�►v�osau.L, �wo x.xa�► a rxsaYSaa.t�aa+ ��s aND LIBA D ��wo�1=•*•. avsau� u►ra xsn •
<br /> wr.,,..�;t,,,�,�,.,�t�c,ear;,t,r�1�c aAAatn is�,�ID, in s�ia .tbe afores�i�l.
<br /> �y��p;�; c�t wot�+r•s�ot�a�,
<br /> pEgpplW�ItMAeLE �
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