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<br /> � " � ��' I�Uh Judpmenl aouW rawlt b forfNtun o}th�Roperty or olhawls�m�t�ri�lly Imp�k tho Iien crwted by thl�Secudry Inetrumem a Lande►Y - - --
<br /> a:.�;_:.:—
<br /> .. ��cudly Int�at, gorrawa m�y eun suah�dMauN and rainau�t�,�s provid�d in p�ayr�ph 16,by caudnq the�ation or proeadlnq to b� �;,,___
<br /> • cu
<br /> � dumis��d wqh R NYn�th�t,(n L�ndw's yood f�ith detertn►nallon,praelude� forleNure ot the Bortowor's Inlereat In the Property or olher rrNlerlal
<br /> t bnpakmen! ol lh�qen arMt�d by 1hU Sacurfly Instrumsnl a Lende�'s aaxity intereat. Borrower tlwll dao be in delaull il Bortower,duriny iha �:::,�
<br /> { � . ,, Iwn�ppYcalion proaes�,p�v�mabrl�Ay lalss or In�ccurate inlomwpon a statementa lo Len der(or la t l e d lo provida Lender with�n y material
<br /> ^ Inlormatlon) tn conneation wilh tho lan evidenced by th�Note. Mcludinp,but not Iimlted to,representatlone conceminp Borrower's oceupancy ol =-
<br /> , • the Property u�prindpW rosidence. II Ihta Secudty Insirument Is on a leasehold. Bortower ahell comply wllh ell ihe provlsiont ol ihe lea�e. � - _�,,,.:
<br /> � � 118orrower�cquire�iw titl�to ihe Property,tha leaaehotd end the foo tllle ahaW not mer�e unless Lender egrees to the merger In wrlllnq. _._
<br />"' ���� " 7. Protootion of Lendor'a Rights In the PropaHy. Ii Borrower lails to perlorm Ihe covenanta end agreemenl�cont�inod �•���--
<br /> ' In this Sacudty In�Wm�nt, or thero 1�a leqd prouedlnq that may slynllluntly o8ect Lender'a►ighta In Ihe PropeAy (auch�s a procaedlnp ��•`; -_ __
<br /> .� •. • In bankruptey,prob�te,la condernnapon or fodeiture or to entorce law�or reputetlons►,then lender mey do�nd pay tor wheterer la necesa�ry ,�•,�,�.�,
<br /> � " to pratoct th�voluo o11he Property ond Lender's dqhta In the PropeAy. LendePe actbna may Include peying any aums secured by a Ilen which „ _'*'�_�:-
<br /> hps piiodty over thls 3xudry Instrumenl,appearing in court, peying reaaonable atlomeya'leea and eMarinp on the Properry to maka rapaks. �:,�;,�, _ _ �� -''
<br /> . ANhauyh Lender m�y laka aatlon under this paraymph 7,Lendar does not have to do ao. ��`�t�`"�
<br /> �� •��_•--
<br /> � My omounts disbureed by lender under thls paragroph 7 ahetl become addipanal de6t ol Borrower securod by lhis Secu�iry InswmeM. .�p*
<br /> ' • • Unless Borrower md Lender Aq�ee to olhe►terma of payrtwnt,theae eroounta shall bear inlareet Irom the dete o1 dlabursement�t tha .��—��,
<br /> �• ' Note rale end shW be pay�bte,wph Intereat,upon nolke Irom Lende►to Bortower requesUnp payment. • L'-
<br /> ` ., � 8. Mo�ipape Insurana4. U Lender required morlgeye insurance as a condilion ol making the loen secured by thls 3ecurUy Inatrum6nt, �:,;.,n_ ' �_
<br /> "'•,_..�.'"",�.-
<br /> , Borrowe►aheM pay the premlums required to maintein the moAgagc Insurance In eHect. II,lor ony reason,the moAqape Inauranca coverape •,;.,�.,;., M� _��,
<br /> • . .�'�,� ' requked by Lender lapaea or ceasea to be M►eftect. Borrower shall pay the premiuma required to obtaln covorago substenpally equlvalent lo Ihe ....'�',tk•'' ..�•���,;°
<br /> ^ moAyepe inturenca prevbualy In eilect,wt a cost aubstantially equivelenl to the cost to Borrower ol the mortgage Inaura�ce prevlousty in eHed, '�;"'```
<br /> . ' (rom�n altemeta mortpape Inaurer approved by Lander. II aubstaMially equivalent moAgage Insurence covcrage le oot eveYeble,Borrower shal pay � .`•l��r,i.,,•--
<br /> ,;lJ7�S:'=
<br /> to Lender eseh month�sum aqual to onedwelflh ot Ihe yeady mortgage lnsurance premlum being paid by Borrower when ihe Insurance coverage , • �_
<br /> � • apsed o►ceued to b�in eHect. Lender wiN aacept,uee and retain these paymenta�s a losa reserve in Iieu ol mongege Insurence. Loas reeerve �we�
<br /> � paymenls m�y no bnyer bo required,at lhe option ot Lender,It moAqaga inaurance coverege(In the amounl end lor Ihe period thal Lender .� ' ;��e:
<br /> requirea)provided by en Inaurer approved by Lender apein becomea ava0abte end is obtained. Borrower ahall pey the premiuma requtred to � • • •_
<br /> mainteln mortpsye Inaunnca In elfect,or to provide a bas reaerve,un18 the requirement lar mortyayo Inaurance ends in accordance with �ny ��
<br /> �� K�Itten ogreement betwaen Bortower and Lender or appYcab te law, �- , :
<br /> ,. 9. In�poCtlOn. Lender or fls agent may make reasonable ent�les upon and Inspeclione of Ihe Property. Londer aha11 yHe Bonower �' :•
<br /> , j noUce W the Ume oi or pNa to an Inapecllon epeci/ying roasoneWe cause tor lhe inspectlon. — ���
<br /> :' ��:
<br /> f-- i0. Condemr+at0an. The proceads a! any a:��ard or ctelm!or demeges,dir!rt or r,.nnspquwnllaf.In connection wllh eny condemnation �_ __ _,_,'��,.�.
<br /> or other taWnp of eny pert ot ihe P►operly,or lor conveyance in Neu ol condemnallon,are hereby assipned and shall be peid to Lender. � �' �i�;
<br /> In the event oi a totat Wkinp of fhe PropeAy,Ihe proceeds :hell be epplled to the sums aecured by Ihis Security InstrumenL whethor w not � .jr�,
<br /> then due, wlth any excess peld to Bonower. In Ihe event of a paAlal takiny ol Ihe Property in which ihe tair merket value ol Iha Property t� �� �'
<br /> Nnmediately betore tha akin9 ta equal to or greater then the amounl ol the suma securod by this Secwily Inslrumont knmedfately belore the takng, N� �,,:,
<br /> unlesa 8ortower Ynd Lw►der olhervvise agree in wdting,the sums socured by ihis Securily Inslrument shall be reducad by the amounl o(Ihe 4�� �';� �
<br /> proceed�mulUplled by the Iollowin9 frecUon:(a) Ihe totel amounl ol suma secured Immedietely belore Ihe taking,d(vldod by (b)the lair merkel �•
<br /> velue of the Propeily Mnmedlatety before the teking, My balance shall be pald to Bortower. In Ihe ovent ol a paAtal lokfnq ol ihe Propehy in �
<br /> which ihe iak market nlue of lhe Properry knmedlately 6elore the taking is loss Ihan Ihe amount of the sums saured immedataly bofore the � • _
<br /> � toking,unlest Borrower and Lender otherwlse agroe in writing or unless applicable law otharv+ise providos,iho proceeds ahell6e applled •
<br />