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<br /> �, ' `� . ^ .. UNIFORM COVENANT$. BorrowK md Lmder eovanant and ayrw�a bQowa: �•�=__
<br /> � t. P�ym�nt of P�inclpd �nd Int�r��t; Pnpaym�n! �nd Lat� Ch�rq�s. eoROwer sh�ll promplly p�y whm d�w Ih�
<br /> • . � " principal of�nd(ntert�t on Ih�dsbt wideneed by Iht Noto and�ny prep�yment�nd lat�ehuqee due undor Ihe Noto. �F,�._M.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxas and In�u►anea. SubJec!to �ppllcUbis law or to�w►illen wAlver by Lendor, bortoww aheA pay to Lender on _
<br /> • �� �ha d�y monthly p�ym�nt�u�du�unde►th�Nota,un1Y tho Noto Is pdd In tuN,a tum('funds')lor: (a)yearly t��oa�nd atso��ments whbh
<br /> may tltaln prlorly over lhl�Socurity In�Wment aa a Ilen on Iha Property; (b1 Ye�rIY le�eehotd p�ymenls or ground ranls on the PropeAy, c ��
<br /> . ,, p�ny;(o)yeady hu�rd a propeAy Intunnc�prwnlums; (d)yearly Oood imunnco pranluma.II any: (a)yoady morig�yo Insuranco premiums, _ -
<br /> If any;rnd(Q�ny sums p�yabl�by Bortower to Lender,in accordanc�wUh tha provlsions ol paragraph B.In Nou ol thr paymenl ol mortyega �__
<br /> ' inaurance praniums. Thes�Bans u�c�Aed'Escrow Ilema'. Lender m�y,�t my tkne.colleet ond hold funda in an amount not to excaed
<br /> the m�ximum omount�londw fa�fed�►Ay retated moApeye lovn m�y raqulro for Borrowar't esc►ow accounl under Ihe lederal Re�l
<br /> Est�te S�tllement P►ocadures Act of 1074�s amended ham qme lo pma,12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq.('RE8PA'),untees anothx law thpl applics to �
<br /> the Funds sals�lesa�r�mount, II ao,Lender may, at�ny Ume,coNect and hold Funds In an emounl not to exeeed the le�ser�mount. Landor �,,,�
<br /> may atlm�te ihs�mount ot Funda due on tha basls ot cuReM data and ra�sonable esqmetea of oxpandllures ol(uture Escrow Items a olheiwlae :•��--
<br /> a
<br /> •;�,;,�:�i'�,"'�
<br /> ° h�ccordence wilh appUc�Wa law. .�. ._.. _•- "`S`
<br /> The Funda shaU b�held In�n Inalitullon whose depostls ere insured by a lederal agancy,inalrumenlelity,or enlily Qnciudlnq Lender If Lender
<br /> is such an(neptutfon)or in wny Federal Home Loen 8ank. Lender ahall apply the Funds to pay the Eacrow Itema. lendar mey not cherge �v,_
<br /> 9oROwer lor holdiny�nd�pptying iho Funds,ennuaUy pnal}ainq the eacrow account or ve�ilying the Escrow Ilems,unlase 4ende�peys Borrower --;••- ; __ _
<br /> • intereat on the funds�nd applicable law permits Lendar to meka sucb e charqe. Howevor.Lender may roquire Bonower to pay a one�Ume charqe �:;;;_;=:?
<br /> . . . ,� Iw an Independant red est�ta iax reporllnp eervica uaed by Lender in eonnocllon vdth this loan, unless appNca6le law provldoa olheiwlse. Unless . ___ -
<br /> en agreement la made or appNeable law requires Interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required lo p�y Bonower any inleresl or eaminge on iha .'�_=y°�-
<br /> � Fundn. Bonoww and Lende►may oyree in writing,howevor,thet interest shell be pold on the Funds. Lender shoN give to Bortower,wUhqul �>.... �� •-
<br /> � charge,an annual aCCOUnqng o1 the Funds ahowing uedits and debits to Iha Funds and Ihe purpoae lor which eoch debit to the Funda 't.�"'�,�:
<br /> . was mede. Tho Funda are pledged as addhlonal secudty lor aA suma aecured by thia Security Instrument. Y="-�•�"
<br /> II the Funda hetd by Lender axceed the amounts pnrmllled lo be hetd by applicahle law,Lender ahell account lo Borrower for the excosa ��'.n���='=:
<br /> t ..
<br /> �• funds In accordanca wlih the requiremenls o1 appAeable law. II the amount ol ihe Funds hcld by Londer at any time Is not sufAclent lo pay Ihe � ��
<br /> � Eacrow Ilems when due,Lender may ao nollty Bortowe�In writing,end. In euch ceae Bortowor shall pay lo Lender the amount neceaeery lo maka a. —�--
<br /> �� ' up the deAclency. Bortower shaN make up Ihe de0ciency in no more than twelve monlhly peyments,al Landcr'a solo disaelion. � �
<br /> Upon payment in fuU ol aM nums secured by Ihia 3ecu�ity Inatrument,Lender shell promplly relund l0 6orrower any Funds held by Lender. II
<br /> I �
<br /> under parayraph 21,Lender ahell pcqulra or eell Ihe Property. Lendm,prlor to ihe ecquisllion or salo ol Ihe PropeAy,shaN apply any funds held � -�—- •
<br /> by Lender et ihe time of acqulsition or nale es a crodit eflalnsl Ihe sums securud by ihis Security Inslrumant. � • �j�.
<br /> !„ ' . . _�
<br /> 3. Appltoatlon of Paymenta. Unlesa appliceble Iaw provides olnerwise,aif paym�.hda iv�eivai by Lende�undcr paragtsphs t ar.d 2 � ., �
<br /> ahatl be appllad: Orat,to eny prepeyment charges due undor the Note: second,to amounls paya6le under parayreph 2: Ihird,to interesl due; j�y. ' .•`.�U:..r;.
<br /> louhh,to princlpal due; and laet,to eny leta charqos due undor iho Note. � �'� �
<br /> f� � :
<br /> A. Charges; Liens. Bortower ahatl pay aM lwces,essessments,chargea.Ikiea and Nnposilbne atlributeble to the Property which mey .
<br /> etlain p�iodty over ihis Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.II any. 8orrower shall pay Ihose obNqations In fhe manncr
<br /> provlded in poreyraph 2,w il not pald in thal mennor,Borrower shell pey ihem on tlme direclly to the person owed peymont. Borrower ahell
<br /> promplly fumish to Lender aq notices ol amounts to be paid under thls parayreph. II Borrower makes those paymonts dlrectly,Bonowor '�
<br /> ahad promptly tumish to Lender receipls evidencing the paymanls. �
<br /> Bonower thaU prompUy dlacharge eny Qen wh�h has prforpy over lhis Security Insirumenl unless Borcowor: (s) agroes M wriling to thu pay- •
<br /> monl of ihe obllgatlon aecured by ihe Ilen In e manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contosis in good Iaith thu Ilen by, or delends eqalns!enlorcement
<br /> ol ihe Uen In,lepal proceedinqs which In ihe Landor's opinion operate to prevent tho enforcement ol the Ilan:or(c) secures Irom the holder ol the • ,,,-
<br /> Ilen en aqreement aalis(ectory to Lender subordinating iho Ilen Io ihis Securily Instrumont. II Londor doterminos Ihat any part o(ihe Properly is ;'; .
<br /> aub�oct ta o Men whieh may attain prlotlry over Ihls Security Inslrument, Lendar may gfve 8orrower a notice IdunUlying the Ilen. Bonower shaA � �
<br /> � . aatialy the Ifen or take one or more oi lhe ecllona sot(orlh abovc wlthin 10 days ol Ihe giving ol notico. •
<br /> 5. Hazard or Proporty Insurance. Bortower shnll koop the Improvemenis now exisling or hereafler eroctod on Ihe Property�nsured .
<br /> egelnst loss by Ore,hexuda Included wilhin ihe term'extended coverage'and any other hazards.Includinfl Ooods o� tlooding, lar which Lender ,,.
<br /> � � roqulres Insurance. This Insu�nce shaN be malnlalnod In the nmounis and lor 1he periods Iht+t lender requires. The Insurence cartler providing ,, .
<br /> ihe Insurence shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approvul which shall not be umcasonably wilhhald. II Bonower lails to malntain
<br /> coverage described�bove, lender may,et Lender's optlon,obtein coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property M accadance wllh
<br /> paragraph 7.
<br /> ( ' All fnauranee poNclea and renewels ahall be accQpleblo to Ihe Lender and shail Include a standard mongaga clause. Lender shall have tho .
<br /> :S Z. �ight to hold 1he pollcles and renowals. II Lender requkes.Borrower shell promplly gtva to Lender a�l receipts ol pald premlums and renewal � ,
<br /> ., nolices. In the event ol lose,8onower shall give prompt nolica to Iho it�suronce carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof ol loss II nol mado
<br /> '� prompty by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lende�and BoROwer othervvise agree In wrlting. Insuranca proceeds shau be applied to restoration or repair of Iho PropEtrty damagod.II
<br /> the restoretlon or repair Is economiCelly leasible and Lcnder's securily Is not Icssened. II Ihe resloralian or repair is not economically feasiblc
<br /> or Londer's sacurity would be Iesaened,ihe insuranco proceeds shail be applled lo tho sums socured by Ihis Securily Instrument,whether or not
<br /> Ihen due,wilh any excess pald to Borrower. II 8orrower abandons Ihe Property.or does not ans�ver within 30 days e notfco lrom Lender ihat ihe
<br /> insurence cerder has oflered to seltlo a claim,then Lender may Collect iha insuranca proceeJs. Lender may usa ihe proCCeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums securod by this Security Insirument. whether or not then due. The 30-day periad will begin when ihe noticQ Is 9ivcn.
<br /> Unlass Lender and BoROwer othervvise agree fn �vriling,any applicalion ol proceeds to p�incipal sha�l not extend or postpone Ihe due detQ
<br /> 01 the monthy paymenla re(erted to in paragraph 1 and 2 or change lhc amount ol tlie payments. II widcr paragrnph 21 thQ Property Is
<br /> aequtrc3d by Lender,BoROwers�Ight to any Insuronca policles and proceeds rasultinc�Irom damage to the Propeny prior to the acquls�llon
<br /> shall pass to Lender to the exlent ol IhQ sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument iinmeclia�ely pnor to tlie acquisition
<br /> � r._____. �e�.. ���� ►.. ww anr! D�nfonli�n nf 4ha arnnArty: eorrowar's Loan Aaalfaation;
<br /> O. i�ccupani:y� r�vav�vB�w�p r....r.�....8 .......
<br /> L@88@hOIdS. Bortower shell occupy, esteblish, and use Ihe Property os Borrower'S princ�pal re5�dcnce wfthm sixly day3 aHCr IhR execuUon o�
<br />� I this Security Instrument and shall conllnue to occupy Ihe pioperty as Borrower's princ�pal ies�dence 1or at Ieast cne year after Ihe date o�
<br /> oCCUpaney, unless Lender alhetwlse egrees In wriling,wliich consenl shall noI be unrcasonably w�thheld. or unless extenuatmg c�rcumslances c.�st
<br /> whlch ere bt2yond 8orrower'S control. Borrower shall not dr.stroy. damagc or impaii thc�roperty. allo�v the P�operty Io dctr�iorate, or commd
<br /> waste on the PropcKty. Borrower sha�l be In delault d any lo�le�lure acUOn or piocredmg,n��rthc� Ci.d J1 Cnmm;11, iS bryun lhal in Lender s��ood
<br /> ?02ai i�m�)/9�) a�ae:o�5 Fo��n 302d�.'.10
<br /> I
<br /> f � .
<br /> ' I _ __ _
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