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My noUco to Londer sMdl b�piven by firsl clesa mall to LendePs addrea�stated hordn or any �+ `"o^,r.�.-.4� -, <br /> , • " other�ddms Under ds�lpn�tes by nolbe to Bortower, My notice prwid�d lor In Ihls 9ecuriry Inslnxnqnt shaN be daemed to h�ra bean ' � <br /> � , qtvan to 8orrow�r or L�ndu when yiven�s providad In thls p�nyr�ph. � � <br /> iS. �OV�It111f� Law; 8ovor�billty. Thls Seeuriry Instrument �h�N be yoverned by lederal law snd ihe law ol the Judtdiclion in k = <br /> .• whlah th�Rrop�rty b loorit�d. (n the�venl lh�t�ny prqvlaion or c4�u��of ihis Securily Inatrument or tl�e Note conlNcta with opplicable � �- <br /> law,aueh eonAlq �h�p not�fleat other proN�lon�ol thls 3ecurity Inttnwnent or tho Nate which can be piven efloet w�lhaut Ihe eonfUcUnp ` . .:,^,�:.`.~ <br /> provlalon. To ihls end th�provblon�d thl�Securlly Instrument ond ihe Noto aro declared lo ba sovcrablo. � <br /> � 16. Borrowor'i COpy. Bortower�h�Y be yiven one conlortned copy ol the Note end ol lhls Security Inatrument. � A <br /> ' '' 17. Transtar oi tha Propa�ty ar a Ba�eftcipl Intaro�t in Borrpwer. II all or any part ol Ihe PropeAy or any Inleresl _ <br /> . In U is wld or transfarced(or H�benallcial Intere�l In Borrowor is�oid or Uanaferted and Borrower is not a natural peraon)without 4end• � <br /> er's prlor wrilNn consent,Lander may,�t N�optlon,require immedlate paymenl In IuM ol oll sums secured by thla 3Qeu�ity I�strument• : <br /> •� However,this opllon slwp not be axerdaed by Lenddr i1 exerclse Ia prohiblled by laderal law as of the date ol Ihls Secu�(y Instrumont. � <br /> . 11 Lender axerdses thle oppon,Lender ahall give 8orrower notice o1 accetamtion. The nottea shatl provide a period ol nol less than 30 - <br /> daya Irom the date Ihe notiee is delivered or maNed wilhin which Borrower muat pay all aums secwed by Ihis Security Inatrument If � . � <br /> Borrower laila to pay theae suma prior to ihe explration ot this perbd,Lender mey invoke Any remedies permitted by Ihis 3ecuriry tnshu- - . ? �': <br /> ' ment without 1uAher notiee or demand on 8orcower. �' •�,.r�• ��� • � ` ' <br /> 1 8. Borrower's R i�h t t o R e i n s t a t e. i l BoR Ow e r m e e l s ce A a i n c o n d i t i o n s,B o r r o w e r s h a A h a v e l h e d g h t l o h a v e ent x c emeat �.'�•° .�;•,:;•;,�,ti;'�•��,�,.�;•`��; <br /> ot Ihla Sewdty InsUumenl�RaconUnued pt eny time p�ior to the ea�ier ot: (a)5 deys(or such other period es epplicaWe law may specify �`':• :,,,: . ', .���•.__-. <br /> ;�,h.:,,st•,; <br /> ' � for reinatatement) belore tale al tM PropeAy purouent to any powtt o1 sale contalned in Ihta Se�cudty Instrumenl;or ro) entry of� judgmene ;t �.�i�;.`!:.;�,.�.�•. , . , <br /> � • � enbrcinp this Seewily Inalrument. Those conditions are ihal BoROwer.(a)poys Lender eM sums whlch then would ha due under this ; '�``'1 r ; '''•" <br /> 3ecudty Instniment�nd the Nole es il no aaceleretion had occurred; ro) eures any delault ol any other covenanta or eyreemente:(c)peys au ' . J ''���" <br /> expenses Incurted in enfardnq thl�Security Inatrumenl,inc�udmg, but not Ilmited to,reasonable attomeys'loes;and (� tokea sueh action � ����;�+•'�1.�':. `}� ���1;; <br /> es Lender may reasonabty requke to ossure that Ihe Nen oi thls Secudty Insirument,Lendor's�ights in the PropeRy and Bortowe�'s obllya• � , : <br /> tion to pey ihe suma seeured by ihis Securlry Inatrument shell conllnue unchenyed. Upon rdnstatement by Bortower,this Securlty , <br /> Instrument and ihe obllgelions secured hereby shaH remain fully eHectNe as il no acceleralbn had occuned. However, thia rlpht lo reinslate .;sr,�y. <br /> shell not�pply In the caae o1 acceterellon under paragraph 17. � � �' _ <br /> �� 19. Sal6 of Note; Change of Loa� ServlCer. The Note or a paAiel intereat in the Note pogothor with thls Secudty ; ;.. .k' <br /> Instrumenl)may be aold one or mo�e dmea wlthout prbr notice to BoROwer. A sele may result in e change in ihe entity(known as the � � <br /> 'Loan Servieer')thet collecta monthly payments due under the Nole and this Securiry Insirument. There elso mey be one or more chenges oi ' . <br /> ; 1he Loan Servker unrelated to a sele ol the Note. It lhere Is a chenqe ol ihe Loan 3ervicer.Bonower wAI bo ylvon writlan notke of lhe chanye l <br /> E� '. ��'. <br /> , �j� •• in accordanee with paregraph i4 ebove end appGcabiu law. 7ba rwiice wip state iha nama and addrass af iha new L�an Serficer and the ? - _� , <br /> address to wh�h paymenle should be mode. The notice wiq olso eontain any olher Inlormallon raqulred Oy applicable�aw. �} , <br /> 20. Hazardous Substancea. BoROwer sheM not cause or permit the presence, use,dispoael,storego, a relaasa ot any Hatardous <br /> substenoes on or in the PropeAy. Barower shaN nol do, na allow anyo�e else lo do,enylhlny aHecting Iha PropeAy thet is in vIOla�lon ol � <br /> any Environmentel Law. The precodtnq two sentencea shall nol appty to the presonce,use,or staage on lho Properry of smatl quanlilloa ol � <br /> Hazerdoua substances thet are genQraly recognized to be appropdata lo normal resldenlial usos and to maintenenco of tho Propeny, , <br /> Borrower shall promplly qive Lender w�itten notice ol any Inves�igalbn,claim,damand.Inwsult or olher action by any flornrnmentat or <br /> rogulatory aqency or privole perty InvoNing ihe Proporty and any Hezardous 3u6stance or EnvlronmQntel Law ol which 8orrawer hes actual <br /> � knowledye. If BoROwer leams,or is notified by any go•�emmental or regulatory authodty,that any removal or other remedialbn ol any Hazardous ' <br /> � Substance atleclMg Ihe Property Is necessery, 8ortowar shel promptly lake all necessary remedial actlons In accordanca with Environmental Lew. <br /> � Aa used In thia paraqraph 20,'Hezardous Substances'are those subulances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Envkonmenlel <br /> Law and the Iollowinp substences: gesoline,kerosene,othe►Ilemmebla or toxic petroleum products, toxic peslfcides end herhicides,volaGlo •- <br /> sotvents,malertals contalning esbestoa or lortnaldehyde, and radioactive metedals. As used in ihis paragraph 20. "Environmental Law' <br /> , ' meana lederal lawa end awa ol lhe Jurisdlcllon where ihQ Prope�iy is bcated that relato to heallh,salaly or envlronmentet protectbn. V <br /> ' NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender(urther covenant and agroe as lollows: <br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. lender ahall gtve notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following � <br /> Bo►rower's breach of any covenant or ag�eement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratfon <br /> under peragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall speci(y: (a)the detault; (b) . <br /> � .. the action required to cure the deiault; (c) a date, not less than 30 days irom the date the notice is given to <br /> � '• , ' Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default an o�befo�e the date <br /> �:�� , spectiied in the notico may reault In acceleration of the sums secu�ed by this Security Inat�ument and sale <br /> : �, of the Property. The notice shall 4urther info�m Borrower of the right to reinstate aiter accele�ation and <br /> • the right to bring a court action to asse►t the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower . <br /> to acceleratlon and sale. 11!he default is not cured an or before the date specified in the notice, Lender <br /> at its optlon may require immediate payment in full of a�l sums secured by thts Securtty Instrument without <br /> funher demand and may invoke the power of sale and any othe� remedies permitted by applicable <br /> law. Lender shell be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this <br /> paragraph 21, tncluding, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' iees and costs of title evidence. <br /> ' If the power of sale is Invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in eACh county In which any part <br /> of the Property is tocated and shall mail copies of such notice in the man�er prescribed by applicable law <br /> , to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by applicable <br /> law. Trustee shall give public notice oi sale to the persnns and in the manner presc�ibed by applicable law. <br /> Truatee,without demand on Borrowe�, shall sell 1he Property at public auction to the highest 6idder at the <br /> time and place and unde�the terms designnted in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order <br /> Tr��e�vo /IO�Offf►IHOC. T►IIQ�AA mav nnclnenA RAI9 Of all or anv oarcel of the Prouel'tv bV DubliC announcement <br /> ..—°-- ----•••••••--• ------- • <br /> at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property <br /> at any sato. <br /> Upon recsipt of payment oi the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveying the Prope�ty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prfma tacie evidence of the truth <br /> of the s►atements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: <br /> (a) to all costs and expenses oi exercising ihe p�wer of sale, and the sale, including the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actually incurred, �ot to exceed 3.000°0 oi the principal ;�mount oi the note at the ttme <br /> of the declaration oi default, and �easonable attorneys' iees as permitted by �aw; (b) to all sums secured <br /> by thfs Socurity Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally enlitled to It. <br /> , .w1o)hm 15Nt� c»�,y o�y F ornt 3028 9 2.� <br /> . l� ' <br />