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.�1l. J� :;7."r • ,�;d�Cl,'[i7i�e' i �.: .,l Y.�It' ,i �'i:,...-. � .; , �t'i��6: �i_— <br /> - +��!.E'�l{'1I+. �1(`.y�� �i`ti 4. -1W ;L�:S. '���`?;: n f.tit��� ,ri�.�'� �i - 'S�'.''' ; ,/� � ' ..�.. :.4t1�R J� J - <br /> I � ••�I 11F� 'f-�1' . �:1 E -� •• �� .���', ;�.a.. � ;y;,,,��- 11�' I'!•. , . <br /> "��1"�;'�r•f y:�r�4��,, �'�.�a}�: .. ,N r �,�,}lci.Gj�Ur f��c�� �;6��xs r .;�,C_�if�1 ��,�.� � . � . � _, —!, <br /> � ..(�y k�,r�.dll� �6r"�•� �... n I q3. 1�t�il'i6�.1����•..�-. , ° `_ �_ <br /> .. I . • - . ,.t ' - <br /> .r ... ._....�--...' ' ' wwrr� •• w -_ .a __ � : <br /> ' �t-_;_-_ '.._~'.'._."_ <br /> �.. n .,..., i . • VL-1�2106 �� -- - <br /> I � � '".ui�:'-:yj6ai;zc <br /> � . • �c�..i��:_�_. <br /> ^ t�. � ... �sr�*�_ <br /> e!��iir'. <br /> � � payments,which ure referred to in Pcuag�uph 2,ar rhunge�he amoum of tiurh puymem+. Any cxccsti pnxred+uver an ' �����a�.�_� <br /> ' " omount required ta pny all owtitunding indebtedmsti undcr thc Nole and thiw Sccurity Inxlroment�hull be paiJ�u the entily _- _ ' - ` � � <br /> . ' le�ally entftled thereto. — - _— <br /> •. S. FeeA. L.ender may callecl fecs und ciiurgex authorized by the Secre�ury. . ----- <br /> 9. 4rounds tor Acceleratlon ot Debt • ••�'--'�'E`�="`� <br /> � (A1 DCI�AUII. LenJer muy,except ati limited by regulatiuns i.�ucd My ihr Sccretury in�he ca�e of puyment defuuliy. 4�•:.:,._.�u� <br /> �;�-_--- �� <br /> ' rcquire immediute puymem in full of all sums securcd by Ihi,Security In.trument it: :�°�.���:—.� <br /> � (i►Borrower defaults by fuiling ta p•ry in full any monthly puyment rcyuired by�bis Secunty lmtrumrm priur �I:u�a�$ .,_.,__ <br /> � . to ar on the duc Jutc uf the ncxt monthlp pa}•ment,nr _ __. -__—`-'_'r_ <br /> . . (ii1 Bonower def•rults by failing.for a period of�hiny perfom�uny uthrr��hli�utionx comainrd in this r.. .---- <br />-r Securily Instrument. u�� <br /> Ib)Sale Without Credit Approv�l. Lendcr,hall,if permitted hy upplicublr luw anJ wilh the pn�x�pproval of Ihr ����`" <br /> Sec:retary,require immcdia�e payment in full af all the xums securcd by thiti Security Instrument if: �•�--- --- <br /> (i1 All or part of the Propeny,ar�beneficial interext in r trust owning all or part of thr F'ropeny, is wld ar ��.;�__�: _____ <br /> . . � atherwi.e tran�eferred lather than My devi�e or dexentl by�he Bormwcr,and '�'� `;�'=-"•'•`•:�`="-';``�� <br /> ���_ .� (ii)The Property is nat cxcupied by�he purcha.�eer ur gruntee uc his ur her prineipul msidencr,or the purchacer � . � '•"�'�', �� <br /> �1�,;,.� .�° or g�ntee does sa occupy the Property bu� hi�c or her credit has not bren upproved in uc�o[d.�nce _�,�r.;,�. y+,r.: <br /> � ,�: • - with the m uimments of the Secret ,��,== <br /> y �Y, ...s�::..�..e.s---.-:. <br /> ' � Iel No WAivec If circumstancex cxcur that would permit Lender tu rcyuire immediare payment in full,but l.ender �.rr� <br /> dces not reyuim�uchp.�yment�,l.�nder docs aot waive itv righ�r with rc.pecl ta subtieyuent event�. �;-1_'�.'���- <br /> • Id1 Regulalion4 ot HUQ Seeretstry. In many circumstancey rrgulntionti i.sued by�he Secretnry will limit Lender's ��,��•�,�_j <br /> righ��, in [he cn� uf puyment defaul[�, to reyuire immediate paymem in full and Forecla�e d not paid. This �.�� _ _ ' <br /> •• Security Instrument dces not uuthorize acceltratwn ar forecicr.iure if nrn permi�ted by rcgulations oY the Secretary. .F;,�_; <br /> �:--,-- <br /> (el Martgwse Not Insured. liorrower agrces that should this Security ln.trument and the note�ecured�hercMy nnt _-�__ <br /> be cligible for iosuruncc under the Nutionul Houxin$Act w ithin from Ihe i��""'�' <br /> datc hercof', Lender muy,at itx option•rnJ notwith.ianJing anything in Purugruph 9.require immediat�puyment in _ _ _ <br /> full of ull sums secured by thi.Securiry Intilrument. A written s�utcmrnt of uny authorired ugem of Ihe Secre�ary - <br /> duled subsequent to from the du�e hereof,Jeclining tu insum thiti Security ;•.�'-;�'-'. <br /> Inwtn�mem:uid thc n��te,ecured�hereby,shall t+e deem�d conclu,ive pnx�f of.urh ineligibiliry. NMwith�IUnding "�� ; '.i'==—_ <br /> Ihc foregoing,Ihis option muy nut hr exercived by LenJcr when the unuvuiluhility of inzurunce i.solely due to ;,,i:,��� <br /> ' Lender.fuilurc to remit u munpage insurunce premium�o thr Secre�ary. ,+i�J�r . <br /> �� 10. Reinstatement. Borr�iwer hu.u n�ht a�Ix rem+tated il'Lendrr hu,required immediate payment in ful)I►ccause <br /> of Borrower: fuilurc to pay un amount Jue under thc Note or ihiy Securiry Instrumenl. Thi. nght vpplics rvcn uQer � , <br /> forecloxure pra:ccding, ure in+tituteJ. Tir rein.tule thc Security In.lrumcnt. Barrower zhull �cnJrr in u lump tium ull �r��x''g�"�r t <br /> umounts re uired�o brin� Borrowcr's arrount currcnt includin �o the rxtcnt thc um obli a�ion.r• �►f Bonower under thi� �='•""�'���" <br /> W �. �• , Y F' . . '+�5�:;.•- <br /> = Sccuiity lu,��ua��rui.f��r«futiur�coys.r•and rca�:�mable and cu,tc�mary att:�meyy lee�und eY�m�c,�+r����rly i����x•�:�trd with -�.y•��:.�, <br /> the toreclnsure proceeJing. Upun rrinstutcment hy Rorrower, �hi, Security In.trumcnt �md!he ohliga�iixi+�hut it xecuros �" �""'� <br /> "�.` . shull remuin in cflect as il'l.enJcr hud no�rc�uircd immcJiutc pa�•mrnt in fulL Howcvcr,l.cndcr is not rcyuircd to perrmit ` <br /> ' .r em if: i Lender ha,ucce ted rem.tatemen� uf�cr the rommcncement ot�tiirecluxurc pnxeedin�!� within twu � ' . . <br /> rem latem 1 1 p . <br /> yeun immediulely prcceJinp the ramm�nc�m�m nf a curren� 12►rrrlu.ure pn�ceedin�:, lii► reintitatemem will precludr � <br /> .. - foreclosure on dif'fer+�nt gmunJ,in the futurc,ur 1 iiiJ reinrta�rnunl will uJvenrly uF1'ect thr priority uf the Iwn created by <br /> lhix Securi!y Intitrumem. �. �X � <br /> 11. Horrower Not Relear�ed; Norbrurunce bv I.ender Not a Wuiver. Exten,iun ��f thc tinx of payment ur 9�y. '' ���''� , <br /> modificulion i�f amani�uliun uf thc�um�scrumJ t+y�hi.Sccurily Imlrumrnt�ranteJ By Lcnikr In un�•+urcc+sor in intcrcst , .;� <br /> of Borrowcr shull nut iiperm� k�rcicatic the liahiliry ul d���uri}!inul Rorrowcr ur Burrowcr',,ucrcx.ur in imerrti�. LenJer • . <br /> . shull no�Fx rcyuired to cummrncr priK�eJin�.a�:uut,t amy,urce„ur in interr.rt ur rrfu+r u��xlrnJ timr lirr puymcnt or ' .�., <br /> nthcrwisc malify :�nwniiulion of ttx ,unu .rrurrd hy �hi,ti�curiry In.�rumrnt ny rcu+�m of any �kmand maJc hy Ihc _ <br /> originul Iiorrowcr or NoRUw•er',wccc���x.m inlrr�+t. Any I�irtxarancr hy L�ndcr in�xrrri.inE any riFhl or rrmedy ,hall �� <br /> nut be u wuivir ul ur prccludr�hc rxcrciu ul any right or rcnudy. , .: <br /> 12. tiuccersors und AwtiiRnx Hnund:Joint und tie�•crul I.iuhilitv: l'n-Si{�ners. lli�covcnant�and agrc�mcnt�of ,;v <br /> thix Security In�trumem,hull bind unJ Ixnrlit 11x,urcr+tiur.iu�d u,�ignti ol I.rnJrr anJ Borrow•rr..uhjcrt tu thr provi,ions <br /> ��f Puru�;raph 9.h. Horruwcr'. rovrnant, and �i�rccmen�n tihull Ik .juint and ,c�cral. flny Rorri,wrr whu ru-,ign� Ihi, � <br /> Srcurity In�lrumcnt hu1 J�k.nut c�rciuc ihc Nutr: �:u u ca-�i�nin�Ihi.tirruri�} In,trumrnt unly to mun�;ugr,grant ancl <br /> convcy Ihat Rorrowrr;inlcrctit in Ihc I'ru�xny undrr thr irrni���f ihi,ti�curin In+trum�m:�h�i.nut�xn�mully uhliEat�J ai , . . . . <br /> pay �hc�um,.rrurrJ hy�Ihi+Srcurih�Intilnunrnt: and �r)+�Ercr.�hut L.•ndrr:�nd:m� ��ihrr Horruwrr maJ ugrcc lu cztrnJ, � <br />�rlx:�r ur makr any uccnmrooda�i�m.w nh rc�ard a�ihr Irmn�,f thi, Scruril�• In�trument ur Ih�Nolc w�ithout that - <br /> Borrowcr'.a,mrnt. <br /> i 13. Nolices. Any nolicr w B�Kruw•rr pravidcd t„r in ihi.Srrurit� h�,lrumrnl .h:dl hc �!ivcn hy dclivcring il ��r hy . <br /> mailing it hy fir.� rla+� mail unlc.. :�rri�.:ihlr la�� nquur+ u.r i,l anu�h�•i nulh�xl. 'll�r n�mrc ,hall Ix Jirrc�ed lu Ihr <br /> a` Pro�xrty Addrc�.or am•uthrr addl'i ti� Rornnrcr dc+ignair.hy onu��lu Lrnii�l. Am �N�li�'� In I.cnder+h:dl hc��IVa Il h). <br /> . ,�, tint clu.+ mail to Lendrr'ti :iJdrr,. ,u�►rJ hrrein ��r :�m addre.. Lrndrr d.•,i�n;iir, I,� u��u.•e t�� Rurru��rr. An} n�Hic� <br /> �. rroviJcd t�or in thi.ticcurny hi+uumrnt,h:dl Fx dcrmrJ�a h:n•n c�cn�i�cn tu R�,rn,��rr ur Lrndrr��h�n gi��•n:�+pruvidcd <br /> +; m thi�para�r:�ph. <br /> 14. (.ovcrnin}!I.u���:tir��crubflit��. I�hi. tirrurit� h�,trumrm ,hall 1.,� t„�rmrd I,� 1•�•�kr:il I:�a and ihr I:��� �►f ihr <br /> juri�dictiun :n ��hich Ihr I'ru�xil� i.lur.�t�d. In Ihr�����nl th:u .im pnn i,i�m �n �I.�u,���d thi�tir.uru� ht.irumenl�,r thr <br /> Notc cuntlirh�tiilh applir:iMr I:n�. ,unc�unlh��i .hall n��i .dlr:i �uhr� �arn i.i��n.��t ihi. ticrurit� In.tnmi.nt nr tl�r Nu�r <br /> ah�ch ran Ix�!i�•rn rll'rrl ��Uhuui�hr cunlhcnn� ��r„� I�,du.rn�l ihr��nn i.inn.��t �hi,tie.•unt� Ihr . <br /> v�►IC��re dcrldr�d lu M•.c�rrahlc. <br /> 1 IS. Borrn��cr'�l'up�. Iturn,��rr,h.dl hr�i��•u unr��mt�nmr�l.�,�,� ul thi.`rrunt� In.trumrnl. <br /> 16. A+tii�;nmenl ul'Kcnl.. li��rm���•i�mr�m.hlu�n.Jl� .n.iem and u.iml�• I rnJ��i .ill Ihr rrnt.:ind n•<<•nui�a,t Ih� <br /> F'n►(xrrty Iiurm��rr:lU1�1��IVi'��.CIII�Cft�l �.i`IIt�Cf��.l,i'�'lll.l.�i�����'ill�li't�l�l���ll��l�'\�'l1UC�.111i��1Cli•1�\��1�Ciht'ili�llCU.flllu� <br /> l�ll' ��11(ll'll\'IP �LI� (�IC Il'lll� 1�1 �.l'llt�l'I UI �Cll��t'1�..IL`�'lll, ������C�t'I. ��tl��t It� � i'll���'f��III�IIC:I�l �{Uff��Nl'f��) ��I�fh�Ni'f�� <br /> hnach��I any r���rn:un��r:i�rrrmrtN m thr tirrwil� In•uumrnl.I{�,+m��ri •h:�ll.nik•.�.�nJ ir::nr .dl rrni.+ina1��•�ruur.ul <br /> Ihr Pn��x•rt� :i�qu.trc I�n U�r hrnrtu ut I rndri ,�n�l li„nn��ri Ih�•,�..r_niurn���t irn1.r�m.t�lutr�:nt ah.��lut.•.�..i�:nm�nt <br /> � and nut an a„i�!nn►rn1 I���;idditi��n:�l .�•ruiil� ui�l� <br /> I� I.l'll�l'f}!1\i'�IIIHIii•UI I�II':Iilll��I���II���l�9 i.1�.�1I h'�i'I�i'�I I�\ I{��II�����I �II.III I4'Ilt'I�I I�\ I{��Ilu\\�'I .1�11'IIHiC <br /> .._ �.....::. ..� ...�._ ...�. .., w.. .....i....� ... ��... ....... ....�.�....1 I.. �I... �...�������. b�.����n, �h�t�•n.l.•� .h�II Ir� .•nlitlrJ t�i .. <br /> Ilil IRIIII�� •rl �.a�����i ..����.�.. ..� •��.�..�... ... ...� ...... .��...�.. . .... ..�...... ... .. ....�.... .... ... . <br /> ruUerl cmd rrrri�r ell nl Ihe�rnh ul Ihr Ih,��,rii�. .ui�l rt��.i.h Irn.inl�H ihr 11.,�,,•i�� •h.�ll ��.�� .dl i�•nt.Jue:u�d unp:uJ tu <br /> Lrndrr nr I.rndrr'�:iErnl nn I-rndrr".��nurn�irm.u�d 1�,ihr <br /> Ruir��arr ha• oul r�riuii•�I ,in� ��nrn .�..ienmrnl „1 Ihr tru�. .in�l h.n �u�i .m�l ���II ii��t pr�t�mn en� .�:t ��nul.l <br /> prr�cnt Lendrr truinr�riu.�nc�i•ii±�ht.undri tlin p.n.i�i.��,h I��_ <br /> Lrn�lcr.h;dl n��� Ik• iri�wrrd lu rnlri u��nn. t.�Ar .�mtinl �,I ��i m.uni.un Ihc I'����+.•n� Iti•t�n: ��� .�tt.•i ,a�m�t m�li.r��1 <br /> hrraih I�� 13un����r�. Ilu��r�ct. I.rttdri ��r.� lu�li��.dl� .qq�uint�•d tr�ii�ri in.i� J�� .�� .0 .ui� tmii Ihrti i• .i \n� <br /> :1(���III:IUuII nl tCllt� .Iltlll tlUl iU1C u�N.II�a'.111� �Irldult n� nl�.�l�d.�l�•.ul\ �qhrt ��•'ht �q ��•np•�I� ,�f I �'n,li� Ihl..I,•�rtl0ii�tt <br /> u�IClll��d I�li'��f���h•tl\ .�l:lll 1CfIt1111:1IC���1CII IIIC�1r1�1��Yllli•d 1�\ Ilk'ti�•.Illlt� I�I�hulni•nl �.�•.�n1 m lUll <br /> � ..,,, .� �• �,, - <br /> � <br />