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<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT5. Barmwer and l.cnder furthcr covenant andog�ec us Pallows:
<br /> .nf"_�--�.�;3,� ��. Fo��ppue Procedu�e. If Lendcrreq uirea imm�diatc payment in full under�nmgrnph 9,l.cndc�may invokc the
<br /> _;�°� --- � po wer af xalo nnd any�wher remedieopctmitted by uppHcuble IAw. Ler�kr xhall be enlilled to coliect vll expenses incurned
<br /> ----_ ip rsuin Ihe«rtKdier provid�in�his para�aph 17.Including.but nat limited ta,rcusanuble attorncys��CCA aIl(�COAIY OP
<br /> `°' titic ovidenco.
<br /> -��:_.�r � +::�Y. [tthe power o1�le I�invaked,'IYuaer shWl rernrd a nMke a�def�ult ia e�ch county In whkh nay part at tbe
<br /> s^�"��'�`�=���`� ' PropeMy fs bcated pnd sl�all mpll c°Pke olsucb aotke in Ihe nwnner prescribed by app1kmWe Isw lo Borrower ond
<br /> t- :�,�,:.� to tbe W�r perroiw prescribed by ap Ilcab{e I�w. Ader the time rcqaired by Applkabk i�w.'ituxtee sh�ll give
<br /> ,''�n + �� " '• °�:;.�•" pu b11c pq1l[!O�BYI!l0 lM!�I!'1'SOi19�1�In Ihe ms�aaer presc�ibed b applkable law 'I�ustee.without demand on _
<br /> ,y�•;
<br /> °:�, „��',��;;;, gorrower.sbdl�eu�he Propen9 at publ�Auction lo the hf.ghest b der�t the Iime w�d plACe aed under tbe tertns
<br /> +�-,�,� ._, n one or more rals rnd In any order 7Fu.gter determines. 7huste�maY P�� ��
<br /> .�� � ��„.�;� .,;., dc��wtcd in t6e aotice of+�M i pa
<br /> ��_ �?.�„',, :� ., . �ale�all or�nY p�rel ot the P�opeAy by public�nnouncement At thr lime and pl�ce uf any prevluusly scb uled -
<br /> °i�l'"; ,. ,3.: .� , wk. I.eader ar its deslgnFe may purch�e the Prapehy al ony sAle.
<br />�, .a�-'-•.'• �.•r Upoa receipt atp�vment oT the Prke bid�'I�ustee ahall deliver to Ihe purcbpser'1}ustee's deed rnnveying the
<br />�;.�. - :: �. J: p�peNy. The recitn(s lo Ih@ 71ru4tee a deed shAll be primA fACie evfdence ot truth af 1he stwlemeote mpde therein. -
<br /> Q
<br /> t.. .,�.� 7}ustee sh�ll apply the proceeds ot the safe in Ihe fdlawing urder: Is�1 to pll casts A�d expenreg of exercl n� t =-
<br /> " a��;:�,.:, •.,,;, ... --
<br /> ' �.s�t,uxiV.•J y;j: �{Iwe�of sale,and the sale.Including Ihe ppyment otthe 7Yustee's fees actuplly incurred�not lo exceed 3.0� `�
<br /> ot Ide p�incipal amount ot 1he nde at t6e lime o�Ihe declarAtion of defouif, pnd �ea�onAble attorneya feesQ as
<br /> �-:.+ .;,." pennitled by l�awi Ibl lo yll+waui secured by/his Security Instrumentt pnd lc►nny esccsg to the person or pen�otw � -� -__
<br /> , • 1�11y entUkdtoil. • ---
<br /> � � 1 8. Reco n v e y a n c e. U p o n p•r y m c n t u f a l l�u m�:�ccured b y this Secudty Inwlrumem.Lendcr shall request 7tuFtee la 2;_�_-_
<br /> •• • ��, ° ricanvey the P'roperly a�d�hull xurrender this Secu�ty Inalniment and all nacs evidcncing debt zecum d by t h i�:Securi t y ___
<br /> • ° Instrumeni la"Ihi�iao. 7Yutilee tihall recnnvey tho Propeny withaut wurranly and withuut cburgc to ihe person ar penan� _
<br /> � ,. � : :�k legally entided lo il. Such persan or persons+hull pay any recardn�ion castr. „�y__
<br />�` -�,:�;•..° 19. Substiluto 7hustee. l.ender.at its aption.may frum umc w lime nmovc 7ivtilec and uppoint a succe�yor trustee �--_-__.�,n._.
<br /> ::-,:---
<br />�� ;' ; ' _.;_'„ �o Any'Itustee appointed hercunder hy an insuument recorded in the caunty in whicb�bis Security Inslrument is recorded. .,,: - -
<br /> Withc�ut convcyunce of the Property,the succesu�r trutitee zhall xucceed to all Ihe title.power and duties conferred upon
<br /> . M��,,„_•;;� 7tustee herein and by upp�licable luw.
<br /> 2p. Request for Noticea. Borrawer reyucx�s that copies af the notirex of defuult nnd wde be sant la Borrower's
<br />�� ° ' a d d re�s which�s thc Pro p eny Addres+.
<br /><.�:: .�� .� � f��.��-.,,
<br />"''� " Riders to this Securily Inxtrumenb If onc or mom riden urc executcd by Borrowcr und recorded togcthcr wi�h �hix •- _
<br /> ' � ' Sewrity Inslrument, the covenant.uf each +ucb rider shall be incorparated imo und shull umend und tiupplement Ihe _ __-
<br /> f� ` , ' � cavenonts nnd vgrcemem�of�hir S�urily Instrument us if the riJcr(s1 were in u purl af tbix Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> . ,� �.5. , • ` �Check applic�ble box(e�11• v---
<br /> � � ,. , � �Condominium Ridcr �Gmduuted Puymcnt Rider �(7rowing Equiry Rider 1�:=--__
<br />, . ,
<br /> , ..,,, ,,
<br /> - —,..—,.���_.•_1,_ ,—,
<br /> �:.� -.�� ",.: • �Planned Unit Devclupment Rider u Olher�Sp�cify� ACKNOWLEDGmENT ____
<br /> Y ��. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrowcr uccepts uixl aFrce�to Ihc temi+ can�uined in pagcs I �hraugh 4 of'this Sctiunty --__--
<br /> .. Inslrument and in any ridcrtsl exccuicJ by Borcowcr and rerordrd with it. _-
<br /> ; � en..-.. .�.; W�II1C�iSC3: , � ��~�--.
<br /> ��i��l'y/�I'iY�Y�i;^1�`M � �..-�,� ��� ,,� :ii•��rl�:':..._
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<br /> - �'' ' .:��;�;,,.� IqONICA L. HOUSELOG ��NC. -•�•��rc�:�T
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<br /> .r �' '"' IScall ��._. __.__
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<br /> . k '�'��' HALL � . .
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<br /> , ±`•���:,:. STATEOFNEBRASKA. Count� +,:
<br /> � ,. •.�..�.,,. ,
<br /> � •�:.��i':.
<br /> ' • .,,. , On thi. 16TH �i�,y.�,�' mARCH 1992 .Ikliirr mr.thc undcr�iEtn�d,u Notury �
<br /> Public�IyICA�L.�y�HOUSELOG,���A SI�NGLE�PER50�N�r�nn:dl)'�•�m� �
<br /> ;.". . N �
<br /> �; ,r . lu Inc 60uwn la 1►r thC '
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<br /> � identiHEp�nonl.l whii�c namel��arr.uh.rnixJ�a th�tarrgoin�m,�rumcm and artinu��I�JFrd thr cxcrulion�hcrei�t tu tx
<br /> R volunt:�n•ari and dred.
<br /> �' Witnrti�my hand anJ notariul.rul a� GRAND I5LAND, NEBPGSKA ��� ����� ���un�}�. �hr
<br /> " - d•rtr aiJ. `��
<br /> +` ' ,' ����l•yl�I�,,,` r' (,'"�_/ t.G��r t",����-�G'��'�.�— _ .
<br /> , � � MY M�N( 1 1�- �,�i.�n ��n��:
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<br /> _._�—.. 1 " '`��g� RF:V�'FS'f I�t�N ItEc•c�NVt:Yn�c-i: �
<br /> I 7'O TRI�STIiC:
<br /> Thc undcr.iEnrJ i.Ihr huldrr i�l Ihr nulr ur nulr•,rcurcJ h� Uu• I)rrd�,1"Iru,l. Su�d nulr ur nulr..lu�!rtlur ���Ih.dl
<br /> � uihrr indeMednr,..ecurrJ b)•ihi�l�eed�d 'Iit�N.hu�•� Fkrn ��a�d u� l�dl. Y��u.�rr hrrch� ihrrrlCd tu�:►I�r�l �aid nul�i�t
<br /> 11ol�+and�hi.lhcdut IYu,i.�+I�ich:nrdrll�rrrdlu•rrM.:m�ll��i.•:��mr�.��ilhau� ��err.nu).ulllhrr,lw�nu�� hrldh� )�ni
<br /> undcr 1hi.IkrJ i�l�Itu.l to Ihe�ur.nn ur prr.un.Ir�::dh rntukd Iheiclu.
<br /> • U�lc:
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