I�� e1f;}:7to�x�M'��� :f., .� �?��Yr��'1..�'HN;•�i�.�+it) 'n.:..�,�., .`�.,•�:..�.7k, i �ri=.�'��� p{. .:i;Ytt�'�..i:7i i.`i i-•�1�j�t��!� �
<br /> I � "�� • ' - '�� 1 ..Y�'•sN1 `�•,���:���
<br /> � -t. �'�;,�s:,w � r.►. .;iti'sa! �!u� � ��S'�,.r,�. � ; �.
<br /> IV �� .4 _ —_.Y��f•,��\� �, IN,K :/•� 'I/S�-i-�.'a.5.f , '
<br /> It_.L :W� !!1 i �.'1dilliYll • . . � t:_L.�,..
<br /> - - �� ` ... ...,.., �aaa.rs' . . ' ,.. "+' � . ,, -.- r , .�y'�. �.., i,_
<br /> . ... .. . � � � .:i�-
<br /> ..r�r��i� '--__ ....
<br /> � _ _..`.r.�.,NYli.....r. � _�..�..+� �V{.. ,a-' _ .__
<br /> '.""...-r.�. - ',e��i$i.'•"�..�ew.a�
<br /> ��Y+(L._��_----__..
<br /> ` ` Vf�rioA/ioV �rt'... -,rt�--'�y�
<br /> '�yti�u�+t;
<br /> ��:�L�.�fl�,.
<br /> . 1. Peyment of PNnclpal�Interest And Late Chq�e. Borrowcr.rlwll puy wiun Juc thc principul af.und intcre+i on. ��:�.
<br /> ' .. ' ' the debt evfdenced by Ihe NWe and late chiuKe�due under�hc Nute. ____--
<br /> � � 2. Monlhly p�ymenls of'Ibxes,insu�nce and(�her ChwrRes. Bom�wcr+hall include i�euch momhly puymrm,
<br /> ^ � togelher wilh thc principul und imereat us.cl Fonh in thr N�Nc und uny laic chargcr, un in.r�allmcnt of uny lul�axes and _
<br /> ' Rpeciul as�sesxmemc levied or to tx Ievied uguln+t�hc Propeny,lb)Ic�+ehold paymcnlx ar ground rem.on�he 1'ropeny,und =_ _
<br /> • (c1 prcmiums for insuruncc nyuired by Prragtaph 4. -~�-`
<br /> , � ' Each monthly n�sallment for i�em�lol.tbl und Irl sholl cquul onc•iweli�h �if Ihe unnuul umuum+, +� rear�nably ���-� ���
<br /> �' estimated My Lender. plux an ;unuum rufficlent �o muintuin un udditionul halance nt' no� mi�re �hun ime-xiz�h of the
<br /> estimwted umoum�. The full unnuol amuu�i�fur ruch it�m �h•rll lx accurnulated by Lender within a periixl ending one ��� "�•`�•�--�"�—
<br /> � �� monlh before an ilem would becume Jelinyuent. L.ender shull hold the amoums c.�U��:ted in�N�t �n puy itrms lul,lbl uad r-- -• -==`�''''"�`
<br />�^ (c)before Ihey became delinyuent. °•.Y--
<br /> ' If ot any time the tatAl of the puymen�s hQIJ by Lender for itemti lul,lbl und Icl.tugether with the fWUrc mamhly ,►
<br /> paymernc for such items payable �o Lendur priur �o the duc dute+ of tiuch item�, cscceds by more �hun one-+ixlh the -�-'�-"_ . __
<br /> �..-
<br /> '' � ectimated amount ot payments rcyuired ta puy tiuch i�ems wtu:n due,and it'paymrrns�m�he Note am current,then Lender �_- —
<br /> ,, shAll either refund the excess over on�-six�b of thc e,iimated puyments or crcdu thc rxcess over une-,ixth of�he eslimated �'�;a=-�
<br /> �.f • ' • paymentr+to subscy� :r.c paymentti by Bartower, ut the option of BoROwer. If�lx t��tul of�he p•ryrncm.r madc by Sarrower _
<br /> , for ilem(a1,lb),or(c)is insuf6cient to puy the item when duc,then Bortower shull pay�o Lender uny mm�unt necessary to �'r""�'�"�`'�-=•_
<br /> � meke up the deficiency on or before�he dnte Ihe item becomes due. ��+�+5'M��?�
<br /> Ax ueed in thi�Security In�lniment,"Secretury"mes►ns the Srcretury of Hautiing und Urh•rn Developmem ur hi�or her ' .{:-�-_
<br /> designea. In•uny year in which�he Lcnder must puy a monguge in�urance Fxemium�o the Secmtury,euch monthly puymem �.�'•••±.• ����
<br /> ' � • ' shall�alsc� inalude eilher: (il an ins�nllmeot of�he unnunl mcmguge in�nrance premium to tx� p�id by Lcnder to �he --�-�----
<br /> , ..� � '��t •' Secretury,or(ii)a munihly �hurge iostead of a martgage insur.►nce prernium if thi� Securiry Inx�rument �s held by the • 'T.�"'"`
<br /> � ;".'�'�,•; • �` 3acietary. Ench mornhly installmem af the mortgage insumnce premium tihall t�in un umount�ufficient ta ucrumulule the � „ �--
<br /> .. �:;r:;, . �-
<br /> � full annuel mortgage in�.urance premium �vith Lender one month prior to thc dute the full annuul martguFe insurunce � „ sti_:,
<br /> � �!'�� , premium is due to the Secretury;or if this Security In�trument is held b�the Secretury,cACh monthly rhurge shull 1�in nn j I �'�:
<br /> � ' amount eyual to ane-twelf�h of'one-hulf percent oP the oulstanding principal bulume Jue on the No�e. i • f�L�- _
<br /> If Borrower tcnders to Lender�he full payment of ull +umx u:cumd by this Secunry In�trurnent, Borrower+uccount . �.
<br /> shall be credited with the balunce remuining i'or all ins�ullmenh ti►r items(ul.lbl und lr)uncl :my monguge inxurunce "�p��:,
<br /> �� ' premium instnllment�hat Lender hn.ti nw tiecome obliFnted to pay to[he Secre�ury,und Lender�hall pramptly refund un� _�.
<br /> � excess funds 10 Borrow�er. Immediutely pricx to u Poreclosure sule of the Pmpeny nr ils ucyuisiiiun by Lender,B�xrower s � . .�.4.�
<br /> � account shull be credited with uny balunce remuining for ull instullment.for i�em�(nl,lhl und Icl. ;. #°:i ;_
<br /> 3. ApplieaUon oP Paymentx. All payment,under Purugruphy I und 2+hull hc upplicd by Lcndcr u�Wllows: -��
<br /> i �($$,T,to�he martguge in�urunce premium lo he puid hy LcnJcr to thc 5erretury or to the momhly rhargc by thc
<br /> . , Secrctary instead of the mon�hly monguge insurrnce prrmwm; �
<br /> . � • • i . - ON ,to any tuxe�,special u,.essrnrnta,leueehold puyments or ground rents,und fire,Ooad und ather haxnrd �
<br /> � insurunce premiums,ux requined; ' �-`�
<br /> �:��. - j THIRD.to interest due under Ihe Nole: �_ _: . _:�°.
<br /> . - � EouarH.to amortixation of the principal of�he No�c: P - ' -- � •�
<br /> � FIFI'H,to late chur�e,Jue unJrr Ihe Nale. ; ' � '
<br /> 4. Fire.Flood and Other HazArd Insarance. Borcawcr.hall in+urr ull improvcmem�on the Propeny,whetlkr n��w
<br /> � .. � in existence or subsequently ererted,aguinsi uny harurd�,ru+uultie+, and contingrncie�, including fire, for which l.ender ; y. ;
<br /> myuires in5urnnce. Thix insur�mce+hull Ix muinlumed in thc uim�unl�and far the(►erioJz thal LenJer rcyuireti. Borrower r
<br /> l;hull ulso insum all improvement.on the Prciperty,whcther now in rxiztencc��r�ubscyurntly crerted,a�!umst loss by tlixxls
<br /> . I to the extent reyuired hy the Secrelury. All insurunre shull tx curricd with cnmpanie�uppruveJ hy L�ndec 71ie insu�ance � .
<br /> policies nnd any renewul. shall tx helJ n}•Lrndcr and shull includc Ic�o payuble duuties in favur ol. und in a form i
<br /> I ucceptAblc to,Lcndcr. � , __
<br /> In thc evcnt of lass,Burrowcr tih�dl�ive l.cndcr imnmdiatc nn�icc hy mail. l.rndcr may makc prcwf of lo�x if noi
<br /> mude promptly by BuROwer. Euch imuruncc rompany concemrJ i.herrby :►uthoriied�nd direcled 10 muke payment I'or
<br /> � such los�directly to l.ender,imtruJ of to R�xrawcr:ind�o LrnJrr I��intly. All or uny pun of the insurance pnxeeJ+may be � � .
<br /> applied by Lender,ut it�op�ion,cithcr I:il to the mduction uf Ihc indrhtcdnc��unJcr�hr Nutc and Ihi�Security Inxttvment. �
<br /> ., first to uny delinyueni umounts appli�d in Ihc ��rdcr in P.�riigru�h 3, and ihen lo pr�paymeM ul'prirwip�l.or(bl �o tlx� � .. „
<br /> " restorution�N repa�r of�he dumngrd pruperty. Any arplirutian��t ihr pr�xreJ�u�thr pnnripid�hull not extend or�+IEx�rx� • ��
<br /> � , � the due dule oi the monthly paymcn�� which arc retenrJ tu in 1'arngraph 2.c�r rhun�r thc.munmt of wch paymenh. Any
<br /> �,� excesti insurunce prorecds over un umount reyuircd to pa�• aU uulstandin�indeMrdnr�s under the Nute unJ thir Srcurity
<br /> .' Instrutnent xhall hc puid lo thr cntitY Icgully cnUded dtcrelu.
<br /> ��,;'; In the evem uf foreclo.urc��I thi.>rcurity 6t+lrument ur u�hrr tran�ler af tillr tu Ihr Property that rxiinguitihe�thc , :•�..+�:�:�:.-
<br /> indebtedncs+.all right.titic and interr.t„f lium��ecr in and 1�,imur��nrr pnlicir�in ti�rcc,hall pa,ti w�hc purchuxr. � `'�
<br /> , 5. Occupwncy. Preservatfon, M�iirnens�ncc und Nrotrrtiun nP the Prnperly; Kurrower's Loan ApplicaUon; ; �=°-11"' �-
<br /> ,;;;.' I.easeholds. Borrc�wer �hall�KCUpy. c,iahli+h. and u.c ihc Pr�,�xny a, fi��rn►��cr, princiral rr,iJrncr within,ixl}•duy� :
<br /> • aftcr thc exccution of Ihis 5ccuri�y Imlrumcnt :md,hall rontinur�u��rruny thr I'ruperty:�� Horcuwcr;prinripal rc�iJcncr
<br /> ' . for at I�u�t�me ycar ufler thr dalr ul�wrupurk�•,imlrs.lhc 5�rrcian Jriennine�ihi.rryuirrmm�t wiU rau�r unduc huniship
<br /> , �I for Bi�rcowcr. or unlcsx cxtcnu.►ting circum,�anrr, csi,l ��hirh arn c�yund Hurr����rr'� rumr�,l. t3i�rrua•rr ,hall notify ,
<br /> ,'' ' . l.cnden ul'any cxtenuating rircum�tunre.. Bi.rrowrr�h:dl iNH rommi��va�te ur de.tru�•.dam;��c ur +ub,�antially rhun�:e
<br /> � Ihc Pro�Ay��r nllow Ih�1'm�ny lu dc�cri��r.i�e.rra.unaMr �vrar and�rar r�rr�cd. L��nJrr mai� impccl Ihc Pro�xrty il'thr
<br /> � pmperty i+varant or abandoned�x thr lu:ui i� in drt;►uU. I.rnder m:�� �al.c rca,onahlc.irtiun t�i protcr�anJ pre+ervc�urh
<br /> vucunt ��r s�hundcxt�d F'r�►�ny. Rnrn,ucr �hall al�u hr in Jclaul� it�Barrm��•r.Jurin� Ihr Inan appliralion prixc".guvr
<br /> mutcrially fal,c ar inarcurulc int��nnauatt ur .�a�cmcnt. w l.rndrr i��r t;►ilcd tn pru�idc LcnJcr �cnh any matcnal
<br /> intiirtn•rtionl in c�mneclii,n wi�h tlx I�►an r�i�k nrr�l h� �hr 'V���r.in.•ludin�,hui nui IimitrJ tu.rcprcunt:nium amrcming
<br /> Bc�rtowcr:ocrupuncy of Ihr I'ro�xrlr a,a��rinripal re.idrn�•r. II Ihi.Srruri��•In.tnmirnt i,nn a Ic:urhalJ. H��ROwrr.hall .
<br /> ri�mply with the pruvi,iun���f thr le:��e. If Nnrtu��rr a.yinrc. Irr utlr h� thr 1'ru��rtty.Ihr lai�rhuld und Irr t��k�hall not
<br /> tx�mrrgcd unlr,+Lrndrr�igrcr�a,Ih.nur�.rr ni anun�.
<br /> 6. Charue+to Norrower und Protcctiun of'Lender',Ri�!hls in Ihr I'ruperl�. I�orr�,����r �hall pa} all�±u�rmmrn�:d
<br /> or munirip:d chargc,.finr+anJ impo,i�iom�hat:irr nw mrludrd m P.va�:r�ph 2. Rurr��arr.hall p:iy ihc,r�ihlik:uion.un
<br /> �imc dirccd}• t�i thr rntny ��h�rh i, �,��cJ thc r:iy�m.nt. II Gulurc t�� p.�� ��uuld .id�cr.rl� attr�•i LrnJrr'. inlcrc.t in th�•
<br /> � � F'roEx:rty.u�m LrnJrr'+rryuc.t liurri,��rr.hall pramp�l. furni,h w Lrnd�r rcrrip�.r�idrncm�ih�u pc►�mrnt�.
<br /> It' Borrowrr t:�ils t��maMe Ihr.r p:��nxnt,��r Ihe p;i�m.nl. rry�nmal I,� P:ira�:raph �.��r t:ul. to pertunn :my u�hrr
<br /> �. covrnanh anJ agrrcmcnh�unlainrd m thi�tic�•unl�•In.lrumrnt.��r Ihrrc i,:i Irgul pr�x•�e.lin�:lhai ma� .iEniti.:oitl� :dlr�t
<br /> LcnJrrti rieht+in thc Nrotxrt� I�uch :i. a{mkrcJin� in hanl�ruplc�. lur iundrmn;uwu ur iu c��lur.•r I,n�. i�r rcgul:Hiun,i.
<br /> , � th�n Lrndcr m:ry du anJ pa� ��h:uc�rr i.n�i�.,an tu��ialrci ihr�.�luc nl Ihr I'mp�rt��:ind I rnilrr.n}�n�. �n nic tT���xrt).
<br /> includin�paymcnt uf taxc�.haiard in.urani r:inJ o�hrr���m.mrnu��nrd ii�I':�ra�;rap!�'.
<br /> � Any:unuunt�di�hur.rd hv I.rnJer un.kr thi. Par.iEr.q�h.h:dl hrrunir:m;�ddiu�m:�l�Irhl��I Rnrroaci :m�l Ix .rrurrJ
<br /> hy thi.ticrurity In,trunu�u. 1'lir,r unwunl.,h:dl Ixar m�rrc.l h�nn thr �Liir ��1�h.hurununl..�t Ihr \�ue r:ur..md:n 1hr
<br /> upUun��i�LcnJcr.�hall Fx ilnntediatrl) Jue and pa)ahlr.
<br /> 7. ('ondemnatfun. �I'hc pmrcrd,„1 au� :re:rrd�,r cluun t�,r�I;u�i:i�:�,.�I�rcrl��i .nn.e��urm�:d.m runnrrhun��ith am
<br /> runJcmnation or�uhrr t:ikinE��t um part ot ihc I'r���xn�.ur lor.nmr�aiirc in pl:�rr ut.�,ndrmnau�m..uc li.rch� :��.i�:nrd
<br /> anJ�hall tx paiJ t��Lendrr to thr rvrm ot �hr tull:mwunt u�thr uulrhtraln�..tha�rrro:un,unpaiJ und.•r thr tiulr:u�d�lu.
<br /> S�curit}•loi,ttvtncnl. I.rnJrr�hall appl� •urh rr�k•rrd.t��1hr�r�lu.•him nt Ihr �nJ�•htrdnr„unJrr thr\ntr.inJ thi.tirrunl�
<br /> Imlrumrnt. (�r+l tu ;my drlinyu�nt am�,urn. apphrJ in thr urdrr �,nnialeJ in Itue�i:y,h �. .ind Ih.•n lu pmp:i�mrut ot
<br /> pnnripal. Am•appliration ��f the pnkted�ta►Ihr pnnripal .h.dl nul �•�irnd �u �x�,l�wne thr Jur Jatr ��t thr munlhh
<br /> . �����r, _••rJ��,,.�,�
<br />