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' T �T ',�:! wh,;, . '`. �f ff�} �Iyy�i � id u .ad�'�'�'.I1�' ...lav-�_� <br /> -`-���Y;�.._,.. :�1•` '-�.�y'Z:._. 't:i: \'fia.n>.. , -^ .. _":i337�.-...-.�-.-.�. <br /> -_ — _._ '....q .1:,' �._ +wrNU+w� - .. <br /> ��....� ' I' _ . �'- _ <br /> '•�-'4!-M-.�W�+�.�. ;.� y <br /> .. � �� '_ �.:(.:„. <br /> ' .. � ��.,... . � ' <br /> � . �..� �. <br /> ,. . � 92- � <br /> �° � 208�1 <br /> _:��.�_�o�- - ::��`�:— 10 _�_ <br /> �,.,..:��-::��-..�. .. <br /> � -,�... .:�, .. �. � � — — <br /> ��:' � ,,,,,; • cwidcmnution ur inhcr iakin�uf uny pun of!hc Pn�prny,or ii�r runvcyuncr in liru�rl'r�mdcmn��i��n. ure hrrchy us+igncJ unJ -- <br /> .t �..a ''���'^• • . xhull Ix�puiJ k�Lrndrr. <br /> ;r�,v:.:,'h�.l�r}r!.e�i;,T,,�t.� Lr:W=='�-- <br /> , , r /., In Ihc cvrm i�t' u tuwl tuking of tl�c Propcny. �lu pr�xr�d� shull Ix upplird w �hc 5um+�ccureJ by Ihi. S�KUrity <br /> � . • , ,:;r . Ins�rument. whclhcr nr nut Ihcn dur,wilh uny cxcc+� puid�u Burr�+wcr. In�hc cvcnt nf u put eal lukin�t uf�hr Pra�xny in <br /> •� " ' whirh thc fuir m•rrkr�vuluc uf thc Pru�ny immcJi•rtrly tr•Curc thr�rkinE i�cquul w��r grcuier thun �hc anwunt of the�um� <br /> kcured hy ihiti Sccuriry In�trumrn�immcJiutcly txti�n thc takin�t.UIIII'S\ Burn�wrr und LrnJ�r o�hcrwi.r agrcc in writing, _ <br /> • . . Ihc�umx secumd by �hiti Scrurity Imtrumcnt�hall tk rcJuccd hy thr umount of�hc pnkecd, multiplird hy thc folluwing �� <br /> � ` frurtiun: lu�the ti�lal umoun<<N'�hr tium�+ccurcd immediutely lxfon tlx�aking,dividrd by Ih1 the tair murket vulue of�he <br /> : _. - .._• _ pro rt immcdiaicl t+eti►rc the tukin . An halancc shull ix �iJ tu BuRUwrr. li�ihr crent nf'u anial ialin of d►c <br /> pc Y � Y F Y p' p' g �---- ,,--.�- . . <br /> Property in which thc fuir murkct valu�af�he Property immedi•rtcly IxPorc�hc tuking i�Icasthan thc umuunt oF thc zumx <br /> _,_.;��. �• xecumd immrJia�ely bcrore the �uking, unlrxx Burrower und Lendcr otherwisc ugrec m wriiing or unlcsx applicublc luw =__-- <br />-_ � � ;,,�',� otherwitic pmvides,the prcxceds sh•rll br:�pplied to Ihe�um+secur+ed by thi.Sccurity Inglrurncnt whether or not the�ums urc Rr�:�-- <br /> ~' . ;. � then duc. �'.:::` <br /> . •.t;��. <br /> � ;',;r'i.;;%��;'l����`�;'`�';'�.". If the Pro n ix uMandoned h B��rrnwer.or if,afler noticc h Lenekr to Bnrrc�wcr thui ihe condemnor offen to make ��•.-- <br /> ;� � ;:. , Fk )' 3' Y <br /> ,:, i;,;:�d + !iti � � an uward or ulde u rlaim for Jumageti,B��rmwer t'ailx ta re.p�mJ t��l.cnder within 311 Jay�ufkr thc dale Ihe notice ix given, .� _ <br /> l'' 4 S �' '•� '£ •� � Lender is uu�harized�o callect and upply thc pmceed�,ui itx option,either ta�estarution or repair of the Pmpeny or m the � :� <br /> �� �.d::.:.�.1...,..,._ . t . � <br /> ' ''''�"' :-'-�'; 1. �'�4'�����`'% sumx secured by thi�Security Inxtrument,whe�her or no�then duc. _ <br /> •'���"�"""``• `��'''"�''��' Unle�s Lendcr nnd BuROwer rnhenvi,r a�ree in writin im u b�u�ion of rcxeedx ia rinci ul shall not extend or <br /> � ,,,_,.��.;,;.. �,.,.,-..._.: b F� Y PP�' P P P -_- <br /> •,s i,�,.';;,:;;,�;,•;'.!?',•'•;;i:: pa,tpcmc the due dute of the momhly pAymerns rcferred to in p•rrugruphs I unJ�or chs�nge thc amount of xuch paymenlx. <br /> ''`�"�; !1. Barrawer Not Relcused; �orbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extemion nf�h� �ime fnr payment ar = <br /> '� ` modificu�iun of amonir.u�ion of the zums,ecured by thi�Securiry Instniment gramed by Lender�o any tiuccersar�n interc+t <br /> ��f sorcuw•cr shall not operate to nkuze th� liuhility of Ihe original Borrower i�r Bonowe�'s xuccexu�r� in intrre�t. Lender <br /> � - : - � shall nut l+e reyuircd ta rommrncr pr�x•erdin�:�:�Fuin�t any in interc�t or refuK �o cx�cnd�imc fi�r puymcm nr � _, ___.,__,___ <br /> ° uthcrwi�c m�xfil'y umunira�ion��f thc•,um,�crurcd hy thi.Seruri�y Intitrunu m by reuwn of any cicmu�xl mudc by ihc n�fuinul _.� <br />" ' ^ .. H��rrawrr ar R��m�wcr;� imerc�t. Any ti�ri+caruncc hy l.rndr�in rxcrri�+inµuny ri�slH�►r nnxdy ,hull �x�l hc u — <br /> ' wuivrr of�tt pr�cludr Ihr ezerri�►ul nny righl ur r�•ntedy. <br /> � 12. tiuccc�a�r.r and Atirlunv Huund:Jolnt und ticvcrul I.iabllityi l'o•rlKocrx. 'fhr�•ur��nuxti and u�rremcnl�ul Ihi� <br /> � � tirruril� In,vum.m .hidl hind�md Ixnrlil Ih��,uccc..nrr��nd���.iµn.ul L��nder und NurruW�r. wbjcrl a�Ihc prnvi.i�m�al' <br /> � �inr��u�ph 17. Nurru��rr',cn���n,uu,,�ud ;i�irrmrul, ,h;dl Ix�.luinl;u�d .r�•rr,d. An�• NurruHCr uh.�r„•.iµn. ihi� tirrunly <br /> , In.Uuo��rot hin d�k,nul r�rrul�•�br N�►t�: u�l i.a�•+�µoin�:Iln.ti.curily In.trumrnt�►nly N► mnrtpu�t�.�rum und rnnv�y�hul <br /> • Hrnrnw�r',io�rrr.i m ihr Purykn� unilri�hc�rnn,ut thn tir�ari�y lo.�ruoienr, ih�i,n��t�xv�un;�llynhliµnled tu pay __-- <br /> � � ,rcurrd hy tbi,tirrwn� b�,lrum��nl:;wd icl aFrrr.ih;�l Lrndrr und��ny ulhrr Hurruwrr oiay �igr�-r in exlrnd.nuKlit'y,li►rFxur �c��---_ <br /> ' nr m+i�.r a�ny ,�rcumro�afuhun. wuh re���rd �u tl�� �rrm, ut ihi, lecunty In.�rumeni or Ihr NaNe wiihou� Ihui Rorrow�r� —_ <br /> � C/11N1111. j'. . <br /> � :���_ <br /> l i. L�wn l'hurRcs. If�h. lunn .crurcd by Ihi� tircuriiy In,�nimrn� i�. .ubject io u law- which ���+ muximum luon �.� <br /> . _--- ci�urge+.,u�d iiiai iaw n iin:diy iniapl�i«i+u tl�.�t iih��r.�th�r tuan.has'�ti::cs!lirlrt3�uiahe ce�!lcrtrc!ina:nneetian --°'��� <br /> K'IIII llll'Il/i10 CXl'l'ClI(I1C�xnniu�d limit..ihrn: U�1 uny.urh luun chur�er+hull Ix rcJuced hy ihe •rmoum necc,sury �n reduce �-°- <br /> . Ihr rhar�:c tu Ihr pcnniUrd limil:und Ibl uny,um�ulreuJy r�illected 1'rum HuRUwrr whKh cxce.rJed �mtilled limi�,will be �_ <br /> � rcfundrd lu Borruwcr. l.endrr m;►y rhiK���lu mal�r Ihi.rcl'wiJ by r�ducin�;lhc principul i�wcJ unJcr thc Nutc or hy muking a <br /> dircrt puynxnt lo Norruwur. If u rrfw�J mJuce,prinripad.tlk rrducliun will Fx trcutcd ati a p�rtial prepayment without:uiy <br /> prcpuymcm charEc undrr thr Ni�lc. � <br /> I�t. NWices. Any n�Kirr �o BaRa��cr pruvi�kd li�r in ihi. Sceuriiy In.trumcnt ,ha16 �e��iven hy �kliverin� it o� by �""--- <br /> • . . muiling it h}�tir�t rla,.muil unle�.applirahlr law rryuire,uu ni an�uh�r m�thcxi."F'h�rKwir�,ha II he dircrted tc,�I�Pr�er[y """"°�'` =°— <br /> � �� � _ <br /> Addre�s ur any othrr uJdrr.,t3urci�wrr�hJ• nnticr�o Lrml�r. An} rkxwt to(.�ndcr �haN hr gi�cn b} fint cla+. a�,�F�^�. <br /> , � mail tu l.ender;udJrr+.,tiucd hcrcin ar any ullxr aJJrc+,Lrndrr�k,i;=natc,by nutirc k,B��rtna.rr. Any n�iiice pn,��ided ior �:�'- :���'��:� <br /> � in this Sccurily In�lrumrnl �hall Ix Jrrmcd tu havr Ikrn �ivrn iu t3oROwcr or l.endcr �vhcn given a� providcd in this "" T <br /> ,. y, <br /> '� p•rrugroph. ���.'-y`''j;,�� -- <br /> . IS. (:ovcrnin}; I.uµ•: tieverubililv. '1'hi. tirruri�y In,irumem +h:dl Ik ••utiern�d by kJ�ral la« anJ Ihc law uf thc �`� `, �.;`'r.`'rii^�;�-- <br /> � •,�::di1r:-;; <br /> .. juri.dirtion in w•hirh thc I'ro�xrty i,I�xa�rJ. In ihr cvrnt�hat uny pruvi.ion or�lau�e of�hin Se�-uriiy Inxlrumrm nr Ihe�iate ''',+�:',y•:: <br /> .- � . conllic�,with upplirahlr I:►w.�u�h conllirl�hall nut affcrl ii1ficr pro�•i�iun,��I thi+Suunn In�ruimnt�rr�he N��te.shi�h�un � ' �.:r,. <br /> Ix givcn et7ect �vithout Ih�rontlir►ing pruvi,iun. Ti� thi��nd Ihe pruvi,ion, uf thi. S��.urit} lm�rurtt�nt•rnd Uk \otr :�n ' . �^",, <br /> declurrJ tu Ik,�vrraMr. -----_- <br /> 16. Borrowcr•�('opv. H��rma�cr,hnll Ix giv�n unr runlimnrd cupy uf Ihr`�x�.u�d«f ihi�Serunr. in�trumcn�. ,. . -__•°� <br /> 17. Trunxfer oP fhe Prapertp or u Benelkiul Interest in Borruwcr. II'all��r.u,. �n ahiic Pru�xnp or any imrre�t in -�;,,,� <br /> it i.,uld�►r�runsl'rncd lor if a Ixnclicial intrn.t in Horr„wcr i�.uld „r tran�l'rrcrd �s�xi R�xn��aer i,nut :� nalurul�xrxunl :`f;". <br /> wi�huut LcnJrr'.priur wrincn c��meni. Lendrr ma��.a1 ih uruun.rci�uire immrJi:u��a;m�rn i�i ful l ul all+um+.rrurrd hy � .,; <br /> • ,� � Ihi�Srcurity Imtrumrnt. How�vcr.lhi.��ptiun�hull not hc rscrci,cd hy Lendcr if�rcrri>e is�ruhibi�cJ My f�dcrul law:i.�if t •��;��`:`- <br /> 3��, . 11n dulc ut'thi.kcurily In,irumcni. � •.�F:... <br /> �; ` • � If Lcndcr�xcrri,r.Ihi,u�ition.I.rndrr,h;dl �!ive liurru��.r nntirr of acrrl�r:nion. Th�n�t icc tihall pruvidc a (xriixl af <br /> . `i , n��t Ir�.lh.ut.;0 Jayti 1'rom Ihr d:uc Ihr nulir�•i.drlivrred�n•mailcd��ilhin�+hirli liunvaer rnu�l pa�� all+um.ucurrJ hy this <br /> Srcurity In.lrument. If BuRnHrr I:iil� to pay �hr.r wm. pnur iu Ihr r�pir:uiun „f Ihi, �xnexl.�kr muy invokc am• <br /> ' � remedir��x�rniincJ hy Ihi.tirruril� In,tn�mrm�vitlwui lunhrr n��tice ur drm:md�m B��rn,��rr. ' <br /> � 18. linrruwcr', Ri�ht lo Reinsf�te. II F3��rrawcr nttrl. r.�nain rundili��o�. R��rro���cr�hall havr Ihr righl lu havr <br /> �nfurrcmrni��I ihi.Scrurii�• In.�rununt�li.c�,minurd al.ui� Innr pn�n•�u ihr r:uhrr ul`. �.i�S�fa" cur.urh ��Ihcr �xrioJ:i, <br /> . ti�uFlr Panuh �Fonnic\1ne�FYaldk 11nc 1 VIFIIR�I I�tifNl'�IF.�'1'..1 ndn���:u�n 4/WI ip,i�,•J n�n��,ipru <br /> i � <br /> • � . . <br /> � 1. <br /> � <br /> . ' <br /> � <br />