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<br /> ` '�� N � � • perf�xl��hu�Lendcr nyuirex. '11w in�u�Ancc currlcr pmviding�hc in+uruncc�hull he chuKn by dunow�r�uhjcct io Lenderk --
<br /> ---:��..'" i�ppmval which�hull not hc unnurunuhly wilhhrld. If HuR�►wcr fuil+t�►muimuin ruvcr��gc dc,crilxd uMwc.Lcrnle�may,ut _„�.
<br /> . - , , • 1.¢nderk��ptinn,oMuin coverugc tu pri►tcct Lcndcrh�fghtr In�hc F'���cr1y in uccurduncc with paruFraph 7. �R.,;,.
<br /> ��"' ""�" All in�urunce M�Ilcley und renawulr xhull hr u�ceptuble to l.ender aml�hall include u�lundard mnnguge rluuw. Lender _
<br /> �-dd ' ..''- .�'"f�r �hall huva Ihe rlght t��huld�he��licks und renrwul.. IY Le�der mquim..BaROwer�chull promptly �ive tu l.ender ull receiptx
<br /> �;;•:"' "'w ° uf paid premium,and renewul nc�tice+. In ihe rvent��f lo,., B�xr�►wer rhall givc promp�n�itice tu the insurunce caRier and
<br /> ' Lender. Lende�may muke pnx�f af lu.ti if rxH maJe promptly hy Borcowrr. _.
<br /> �'.,�si�:Y�;�°`ti5� Unlcxti Lendcr und Harrower ixhenvitie ugr��c in wri�in�t,in.u�unce prurecdti hhull ix�applicd tn rctiu�ruliun or repair af
<br /> _ _ __ thr Propeny clumo�ed, iP �he re�torwian ar repufr i�rrone�micully feu.ihle unJ l.ender+tierurity is n�N lesticned, If the c �
<br /> . � �� .wa�°�� restorutian or repair is nw ecan��rnKUlly feuxible or LenAer's xecunry would be Ir,.cncd,the in�uranc� praceeds ,hull be
<br /> � �, upplied ta the+um� secured by this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt,whe�her ur not �hen due. with any excr�s puid �o Borrower. If _
<br />��%' � 8orrower ubandanx the Propeny, or does not unswer wiihin 3l1 duy+ a notice t'mm l.ernler thut ihe insurunce currier has
<br /> ' offered to xGtle u cluim,then l.ender mAy calkci the inxuruncc praeed,. Lender muy uFC the pr�xeeds�o repair or re�wre
<br /> � ` '�' . the Propeny or�a pay sumr�ewred by thix Securi�y lnfitrumcnt,whe�her or nat then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> • ' • � the notice ix given.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Hnrrow�r othenvisc agrce ie wriling,any npplicution of prorreds to principai shalt not extead a _
<br /> • , • '� . po,tpone the due date of�hr munthly p:+Ymrnt.refrrtrd to in par�.�gr.►ph� 1 :uid 2 or rhange the amuunt uf thr pa}+men�s. ;i __ °�
<br /> uncier p;�rugruph 21 �6r Prupeny� is xyuirrd by Lendrr.BoRawer:ri�eht to an�� in,urance pulicies and proceed� resuliing
<br /> � � � "" from damage ro�he Propeny� pnor to the acyui.i�ioo,hall puxs to Lendrr�o the extent of Ih�sumx secured by lhis Securiry v
<br /> ,� � y:�i%� .� ` �� lnstroment imm�ediaiely prior tothraryui:itian. .
<br /> �� '`?'' "' 6. Occupanrti; Presercatiaa, Maime�ance aad Protectian oi the Prapert��: B�oa�e�'s l:oaa a►pp�icatbn;
<br /> ,;, �t ' , '-.�,` •,., ' Leasehalds. Barr��s•er shall accup�,eKtat�li3h.und usr�he Propeny us Harrowerk pnrvaipai residence within sixry duys uiter ��_,
<br /> ::;•�.�,,,._ 1�'�t`,�, �i�,�,>t. .;t.s•.:;���' �. ---
<br />•�•,,,�•; 'r���t;�nS,�.':?::c•'r��':�:����; ,:, � the execwian af'thiti Security Instrument And shall c�minue la accu�y�he Progrct}'as Saaower�i principal residence for ut �
<br /> 11
<br /> � 1 ti ;;�,:•'.'. ;'�u�,'a f�� Ie�.,T one yeur aflcr thr �ate af oc:uFa;►:r. un?r�.c Lender o/her..•iK ugrees in wridnC. which consent shall not be � __ _
<br /> ,,,�,�;' ! ,y,111;?1?.:;t�,:,,.,i.'^^' unreationably wilhheld,oc uniesti exitnuu�ing circurnctaaees exixt which are beyond BoROwer's contral. Borrower shall not ���
<br /> . � �•''' ' • dcstroy,damuge ar impair t h e P copertY.a l low t h e P ro p e rt y to dcteriorute,o�commit w a,te an the P�upeny. Borrower shall — —
<br /> � ' bc in dcfuult iP any Porfertur�xtiun or prcxceding, whethcr civil or criminal,iti begun�hot in Lcnder s good fnilh judgmem �
<br /> . could rcsult in fort'eirore af the Propeny or o�herwisc muterially impuir thc lien created by this Security In+trument ar �„;::..• -
<br /> °� Lenders+cruriry interc.�. Bartnwer muy run+uch u drfvult und reinstute,uti provided in paragruph IR.by ruusing the uction �q:c•,.-
<br /> nr prucceding w he dixmiszcd wi�h a niling Ihut,in l.cnder:gaxi I'uilh dctrrminu�ion,precludes fixfeiture uf thc Bormwer�
<br /> . . � interest in the Pm�hy or��Iher mucrial impuimum af thr lirn cnutrd by �hi.r Scrurity loti�rumcnt or l.ender� sccurily �v�_:"y`,--
<br /> intcrc��. Bnmiwcr ,hall ul,o lk in del'uult il'BuROwcr. during the loun upplicu�ion prcxcr..guve mu�eriully ful�{e or �'�_.
<br /> inurcurute infonnat i�m ar+tutcmrn��w Lcnder lur 1'uiled I�►provide l.rn�kr with any mulcriul informutiunl in cunneetion wilh _ __
<br /> �hc loun rvidenccd by thr Nulr. incluJin�t. bui niK limi�rd �u, rrpn,entu�i�m� conceming ��RUwcrw �xcupancy of ihe ��.m
<br /> . Ro�xny u,u prinripul rr.iJcncc. I(ihi.Srcurity In,ln�mcm i,un u Iruuhuld.HuROw�r.hull romply with ull thc pravi�ionx ��•;,;�.;,,•—
<br /> > of thc Ira.r. If H��rrower arquim�fcc ti�k w thr I'n� n ,the Icuurlx�IJ und Ihc f'ee iitle shall not nxvge unleti�Lender uYreex �• �-
<br /> r� y �^;;�.
<br /> - -- - �a tl»mcrgcr in writinu. __ -�
<br /> � 7. PrMeclM�n oP l.ender's RiRhlti in the Pruperly. II' Bonuwc� f•rilti to perfortn �he cavenuntx und a�rccment. �„n�r.
<br /> conwined in thi.Sccurity Inurument, or therc i. a Iegal pnxcrdin�! �hut may �ignificantly affect Lender's rights in Ihe �
<br /> • ; • ' I'mpeny I�uch u�a pnxeeJing in iunknip�ry.�n�t+ut�.fi�r concicmna�ian or 1'ortcuure or to enWrre luwx or rcgulations).then '�.��;.�.
<br /> • Lender may do uncf pay for whatcver is n�ce.+ury to protecl Ih� vrluc uf thc Pnipeny and Lenderk rights in the Praperty.
<br /> . I.endcr;artiom m:+y inrlucic�ying uny.ums.�rurcd by�Iwn whirh hu.priori�y aver[hiv Securiry Instrumcnt,appeurmg f;� _
<br /> , in rourt,puying rca�onuMe auorneyx'fce.unJ entcrinK on the Prapeny w mvke repuir�.Although l.ender m•ry tuke action �-_"_-
<br /> undcr thi,purugruph 7,Lend�r dcx�nut hav�t��do,o• * :�- '_Y'-
<br /> Any •rmuuniti di�bur+cd hy L�ndrr undcr ihi�purugruph 7 sh:dl Ixc�imc ��ddi�ionel debt of Bi�rrowcr sccured hy this �• -�'-, .,._
<br /> ' '' Security Inwtrument. Unlc+.Bnrruurr and l.emkr a�tre�tu uthcr Icrnis uf puymcnt,ihcsc am��unts,hul!bcur interetit from the �,•.r_
<br /> '-, date uf di�hunement at the NM� r�lc and shull hc puyahle, with in�crest, up�m no�ice fram Lcnd�r to Borcower reques�ing • •i,,_-
<br /> , � Payment.
<br /> •.��'� 8. Murtguge In�urance� If Len�ier rcyuirrd mungagc in,uranre u�a c�mJiti�m of muking�he loun+ccured by thix -•,,� . .�L�_�`"
<br /> � .,;::'�'� Security Intitruntent. Borrowrr shall puy ihe pRmium, reWuired lu muintuin the mi�rtguge insurunce in effect. If,for uny .�•.,,,,.,�.__
<br /> ' rcution, the mortgu�te in�uraixe cnvcra�!c r�ywrcd by Lrnder Ic�p.eti or rca,cy tu he in e(fect. Bormwer shull pay the ,• �, –
<br /> „ . prcmiumx reyuimd Ici uhtain covcrrgr ,ub.laniiully cyuiv:d�m tu Ihc murtgagc in,uranrr previoutily in rffcct. ut a co�t •'_ _
<br /> ,ub,t�ntiully cyuivalcm to�he cus�a� Burr��w�r of the m��hga�tc in,urancc prrvi�iu.ly in cl'tcrl. 1'rnm an ulternalc morl�tage ^�a<L
<br /> inmurcr upproveJ by Lcnder. If xuMlunliidly cyuivalcnt m��nguEr insurancc c�wcragc iti no� available. Borrowcr shull puy to . ,�.
<br /> . Lender euch momh u+um cyual t��nnr-iwclf�h of thc yr+irly monga�c in.uranrr prcmium bcinE paid By Borci�wer when�he �-
<br /> . insurancr roveraEe I:ip+rd��r cea.eJ�o hr in el7ect. Lrn�kr will uccep�.u,r und rctain thetie paymcnl�a+�loti.re,erve in lieu _
<br /> . ,. nf moAgugr in,ur.�nrc. Losx re�crvc pnyment+nury no IunEcr Ix requirrd.ul thr i�ption uf Lrrnkr, if mortgagr insur:u►cc ""_-•
<br /> covcruEr lin ihe urn�wnl und for thc peri��d thu�L�nJrr nquirc.l pruviJed My,m in.urcr up�rovrJ hy Lcnder aguin txcome� ��`��
<br /> uvuilublc und i+ubtuined.Borrowrr�hull psiy the premium.requircd k�muint:un nwngagr in�urance in effec�.�,r���pruvidr u • . ,
<br /> , 4° loxs rcxerve,until thr rcyuirement for nx�rtgugr in�uruncc rnd.in.ucarJancc wilh any wriltrn agrcenuN between Borrower
<br /> � rnd Lcnder ur a�l irahl�law.
<br /> t 9. Inspecliun. LcnJrr or ii+ugrnt may muF.r rra.unnhle cnu•ir.upnn and in+�xr�ion�uf Ilk 1'ro�xrly. LenJcr shull
<br /> givc B�xn�wcr nntecc al thr timc ufar pri��r tu un nt,�xrliun�peril��ing rca.unuhle rnusc titt tlx im�xrli�ut.
<br /> 10. Cundcmnutinn. Thc�nkrcdr ut um a�vard ur rl:um lur J�una���,.direri ur run.�qucntial. in r�,nnrrliun with any
<br /> timflc t�.umy�..F►mnM�1�r/M'rcddfe�luc l 11FOR�I INti 1'RI UN�I ��wnnu t1��.nant. 4P111 ryr,��,•?n�n�r,i�r�� ,
<br /> �.Km i.iAw Wi.imr F'me. iM ■
<br /> . � I��Ibd�'I IJ: IIIIYI�III'1.1'1'1 f'\\411e�111�1111 ,
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