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_. �.... . �a....rr .� .�a u ':a�n�c =-_—��: �- q.r�:fi� . w'^^^ .- •______ . . _t,�r�au.._ —_ <br /> . �R. �.,•!il�M)1�`�tr,a,tWMii�, * . � _.__ . <br /> � ft:h'M'�Mf'i , .... .,.,�;,...._ ._._ .. -- <br /> . ..r.4.yb •: -° <br /> ... .�p:0�r5��'• ' --- <br /> . . 'p� -—�.`_`k=-�. <br /> __ ..:_�Wer.�_.--■ �_�_ _ _ _ _ _ �.r�+�i.r3.�.=-.:.._. <br /> , . . � 92�' 1020B�� � �.�------ <br /> ��:�.,�: . - . <br /> n ,. . 'y�.e..f'. —__ <br /> "• applicable law mny specify far reinstatememl brfure sule of ttie Property pursuant�o any power af sale contAined in Ihis <br /> ' "�� '��� Security Instrumenr or(b)entry of p Judgment enforcing this Security Inslrument. 7'hose conditions are that BoROwer: (al __ __ _ <br /> ' ;., ,.�, -�.:;-. �. <br /> , �►•��'"r, „. pays l.ender ull sums which then wauld be due under thi� Security Inslrument and the Note aa� Ii no acceleratlon had _— <br /> '"'""""''""` accurted;(b)cures nny defoult of any other covenunt�or agreements;(c)puyx aU expenses incu�red in enPorcing this Secudty <br /> f��4� � <br /> c� ..,,..,., •. . •• . Inatrument, including, but not limited to, reusonnble attorneys'fees;at�d (d) lakes such action ax L.ender may reasonably �_ <br /> : � • require lo assure that the lien af this Security Instrument,Lender's rishl.w in the Property s+nd Borrower�c abligalion to pay the �._.. <br /> � • '�.• . sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon �einstatem�nt by Borrower, thig Securiry — _.. <br /> ' ' Instrumenc and the obligations secured hcrcby shall remuin fully effectivc as if na accetcration had accuRed. Hawevcr.this <br /> ' �:��- ,:•".�•,.:� ��-. - right to reinstate tihall not apply in the casc of accelcration under parugraph 17. �-_v--�____-_ <br /> ���' • � � 19. Sak of Note:Clwage oP Loan Servker. The Note a a panial interest in the Note (together with this Security ___ <br /> �.. �;:.;�. . • —_=`_� <br /> - . • InstrumenU may be sold one or more times wi�hout prior natice to BaROwer. A sale may result in a change in the entity �;,;„� <br />'�'. � .-� (known as the'Loan Servicer")thut collects monthly payment�due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also •i�r`iti, _ <br /> . 1 •...KG�`iiie.,i�.:-.� _.—__.. <br /> •,::hs}�,:,,,`�?.„ , may be one or more changes af the 4oan Servicer unrelated ta a�le of Ihe Note. If there is a chunge of the Loan Servicer. ---._____: <br /> �`^'�''''•�•`"�"• Borrawer wiU be given written notice of the change in uccardance with paragraph 14 u6ove and npplicuble law. The naice ��� <br /> ;.�t`�.:;�1.`.•,��1•;r�,.�-;i. <br /> ��� � � ,• �•� • will state ihe name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymoniti should be made. The notice will �`f�:� <br /> :•is� <br /> - . ...,i: ulso cantain any othcr infarn�utiun requircd by applicahle law. = --_- •-� <br /> `„'Y`'U.y� q�------- <br /> i+;,,�7 20. HazArdous Substances. Barcower sh•rll noc cuuse o�permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of uny _� <br /> '�'� � ' Hazardous Suhatunces on or io the Prapeny. Bortnwer xhAll nr• �.io, nor ullow unyane else to da, unything uffecting the �-_��.--• <br /> ;. . �=,a��,a.- <br /> , �,•.,, �• Propeny�hat i�io violution of any Environmemul Law. The preceding two senlencec s4all na upply ta�he pretiencr,use,or —_,_. <br /> �� � � ti�aruge on rhe Propeny of,mall Hazardour Suba�uncex tlu�l ure generully recagniud to tk upprnpriule ta normal ���� <br /> '• m�iJcntiul uses und to muimenanre��f Ihc PiraExny. i--— <br /> .. Borcuwcr�hull promplly givc Lrndrr w�ittcn�xnicc uf uny invc+iigu�ion,rluim,demund,luwxui��x�►�hcr ucdan by uny _s,�.,. a <br /> � �SOVCrnmcntul ur rcgululory uRcncy�,r privuir puny im�dvinp Ihe Pn,�x:ny und uny Huzurd��ux Suh+tuncc or�nvin�nmcnwl `.;�_`,._ _�� <br /> � " I.u�v ul' whi.h Horrawer h+�, uriuul knuwlyd�;r. U Hunuw�r Ieum,. or �� noliiicd t►y uny guve��u��enlu) or regulutnq• ° _ - ,�. <br /> �.—t..,r----.. <br /> � aiulhurily.ihui uny removul or othc��ti�urdiu�iun u(uny Ilui,irduu. tiuh,tuncc ul'Irr�in�I hc F'ro�xny i,neccssury. Ho r ro wc r �,,,�� ,- <br /> .. .hull prumptly i+�l�c ull ncrc•,ury mmediul�iclionr in s�raadanr�wilh finvirunmcnlul I.uw. �_,_ <br /> A+u.rd m Ihi�p+u�i�sn�ph.11,..Hu/u�du1��S1�htilut�re�",�r.•�huti��.uh.lnnrc,driincd n.toxir ur hui��rdou+,ub,�unrc.hy ;.�.-_:,,;° <br /> ' Nnvirunnicmul Luw unJ�h� foUuwinµ �uh�iuncr.: �u��diiic. bcru,�ix, ulhrr tlummublr ur wxic �xt�olcum pr�xluct.. iuxic ''""`'""�� <br /> �•.�1�-�-- <br /> �x+tieidr. und hcrhieidr+. volutilr ,i►Ivcnl,. nm�rri+dti r�mluininp n,lk.�o�ur li�rniul�lchydr.and radivac�ive nwtrriulti. A+ r�,- <br /> u�rd in thi,puru�ruph 211,"�nvironmrn�ul l.i�H•„mr+in,Icdcr�d luw.aml luw,�►f the juriadicli�x�wFkre�hc Roperty i+I��c�ucd ..�.V..`a.. = <br /> �hu�nlutc�u hcuUh.sufcty or envirumncnlul proirrliun. '��"`� - <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Harruw�r and l.end�r tunh�rrovcnuni und u�rcc u+fullow�: ��'•"r*'�' � <br /> 21. Accelerullon; Remedfe�. Lender shull uive noticr lo Bnrrower prior to acceleratian followink liorrower's <br /> ' breach of any co�•enaM or u��eement in thic SecurHy In!�trameot Ibut not prior tu uccele�utinn under perogruph 17 r.�,• • <br /> ;,...,. <br /> unlecs appllcwble law provides utherwisel. The notke xhall xpeciPy: lal the default;lbl lhe acliun requlred to cure the ..Z ,:.:�; ,�,;,n��.;� <br /> -- dcfau!!:tc!�dale,no!less th�t��days Prom the date the autice i!��iven tu gorrower,by whkh the dePuult must be s;;{�tt';},r:;����,- <br /> T cured;and Idl thul failu�e lo cure the det'uult on or bePore the date specii'ied in Ihe oatice may result in urceleratlon of .t;i�),;;;r� ---�----•: <br /> ' � ' Ihe 4ums secured by thi�Sc�u�ity Instrument und �ak oP the Pruperl}�. The nWice shu0 Purthe�inPorm Borrower of �.��,i.°;';:.:� <br /> � the right to reinslute a�ter pcce�erallon and the ri�ht lo bring a cuurt yction to uxcerl the nan-exislence nP u defuuU or k,;;�i5�1;"''; <br /> j, ;���..;.�;: , ;�'• p ,;��> t,.i .� •. <br /> ,.,�,. , �„ . ,,. anv ather defense nP Rurru�er to accelerutiun and�ule. li'the dePault is not cured on or bePore Ihe dute s eciFied in i;��1��� '} ` <br /> .�:�,;:,;,:��{:�:;j!;�•'• the natice.Leader al its optian m•ry reyuire immediute pn�ment in Pull of uU�ums secured by Ihix Security Intitrumenl .��,,.. ,r., _ <br /> ,.,.,,, !., . . . , ,,, ; {. <br /> "� ";�s' �•.::� •��'.. • without further demand and mav invokr the pm�•er of sak and any other remedies permitted by upplicable lu«�. <br /> ' %` ;���'���:���`?�� Lender shall be entitled to callect ull expensez incurred in pursuinR Ihe rrmediec provWrd in this puruRruph 21, •., �;', ' �' <br /> '~ c 7;'t��c`1�-__ . ' 1. �.•. ' : w . <br /> . i includin�.bul na!limited ta,reasnnablr atlorne}��'fee+und costs oP title ecidence. :t,�;;r,�;,.. <br /> • :�;�;1,;�{,,;: , �` IP the po�.r�oP�le i�in�•uked."1'rurlee�ball r�ord u nolice uP default in each cuunt�• in wfiich uny purt uf the , . . .: �,.. <br /> •�ti;,• . ,;c., ;.�r,.,..s.,, <br /> ,,,, � Propert�•is la�uled and yhull mail copies oP�ucb nuUce in thr munner prexribed b}upplkuble luw to Borrow•er und to .,;y;:;'- <br /> ;... ,.�-it�.,,,,,,..0 u <br /> ��> >�•����-� .•:"• Ihe other persom prrxribed b� upplicuBle luw. Afler thr Ilme reyuired b�• upplirahle lu�v�Truslee shall�qi�•r public ...,� .�x,�,.'� <br /> ,�,n•.,: _ �• . <br /> � � .;�:��.�� notice uf�le lo the persons und in thr munner pre�cribrd b}•upplicablc Iva. Trustrr,a•ithout demand on Borrow�er. � ;��__ <br /> •,�����:_:`'� ,. shall sell the P�operty at public puction to the hy;hrsl Mdder ut the lime un�l place und u�der the termti desi�nnted in ,� � ,y;«x_.- <br /> � lhe notice of sa{e in one or mnre parcels und in um•�Kdcr Truxtrr determinex. Trustce mu�•porlpone zulr of ull or an� �:.�, fl� ,_ <br /> ' ' purcel uf the Propert��bc publir unnuunremrnt ut the time und plarr of um prc�•iousl�•.r•rhedulcd rnlc. I.ender�M its �' �. �.,�;,��,�t---. <br /> • .'' dexi nee ma� urchase the Pruprr�y ut un�•wlr. �, y: .. .''''� ''�`,j`:�-, <br /> ; ,,,. R p ' .z'., .�:� . <br /> Upon receipt oF p•r�•m��nt of Ihe prire bid,Trwter sh•rll dcli�cr tu the purchuxer'I'rustee'.r•deed com•e}inp the � ., <br /> `!•' � � � Properlr. The recituls in the'll�utitce's decd tihull Ix prima facir e�idencr nP the truth oP 1he stutements mode Iherein. . �_.��: <br /> �.; 71�uKtee sh:�U applv the prceerd+of Ihe wlr M Ihe fidMwin��Kder: �u1 to ull co�ts und expen.r•ex nf exrrcixinu the puwer � ____ - <br /> � � �IP118 T� <br /> r s4`-i-.'°.,°�`.._- <br /> . ;,�i�� �. � • •��w`,.+ <br /> + r', .� . .. <br /> t � <br /> , � � <br /> . V <br /> � Form M12N 9i411 yti�pr t,�����ti�¢�•�i � <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> t ' � <br /> j <br /> " � � — --1 <br />