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<br /> ' ._�..0. ; ' T(XI�TH�R WITH oU thc impruvcmcmti n��w un c�rcad'irr rrccicd un�hc prnEnrty.und ii0 cu+cmcntti.uppuncouncc�. --°----
<br /> , , . ,, . ., :.
<br /> . •,. ,. unJ lixwrcr aow u�hrrcuflcr n puh of�hc prn�xny. All rcpluccmcrns unJ udJilinn.+h�dl�►I���Fk covemd hy Ihis Scrurity °°----
<br /> .�r:...� y, ..,., .•.. , ,. ��':'--��..`-�-
<br /> , • . ,--• �.;' � ;.; Ins�rument. AU af�hc ti►regoing is rcl'crrcd to in�hix Srcurity Insirumcnl u�Ihc"F"ropeny." ..:._...
<br /> ,_.a .. ;., ..
<br /> , ` -� ' > RORRUWER COV�NAf�il'S tho�t Rnrcowcr ix luwl'ully,�i�cd uf thr c+lulc h�reby conveycJ und hu�Ihr right Ii�grunl �`r%�'_`-`-
<br /> �•�"'�•..f.�±.. .. � ^ , unJ cnnvcy thc ProFxny und Uw��hc F'ro�xny ir,uncncumtkrc�l.ezrepi for rmwnhrunrcr of rerord. Horrowcr warrumx und ---
<br /> ' � will dclend ener�dl �he ti�k to Ihe Pro n u,uin.�ull cluim�aixl dcmund+.�uh'ccl tu un encumhruncc.��I'recurd. ��'�
<br /> 6 Y P�' Y R I Y ,,-r.�L�•�-
<br /> ' � . TNIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT c�►mbinc+ uniliirm rovenum. ti�r naiii�nul utic und n��n-unifc►mi eovenanta wilh
<br /> . _: lirnitcd v;uiations by juriscliciion to run,tilutc a uniti�rm+��curily in,irumrm r�wcrinE reul pnhxny. �`-
<br /> -_ . • UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrowrr und Lcndcr cavcnunt und ugr�c u.ful law�: c_ �
<br />�,:,— �. 1. Payment of Nrinc{pal and Interext;P�epayment And Late ChArseri. Borrowcr�hull prompUy puy when duc th� -�._-•—
<br /> , � principal nf und intcrcxt on�hc deht cviJcnced by thc Notc und uny prepuymem anJ lu�e churgcs duc undcr thc N�NC. �_--``"`°"
<br /> � ° 2. F�nds for'Ibxes and InsurAnce. SubXrl t�upplicublc luw nr to u wriucn wnivrr by Lendcr,Borrawer shall puy to �—�
<br /> � � I.cnder on the day munthly paymemr urc due under�hc Note,until the No�c iti puid in full,u sum("Fundti"1 for:(u)yearly �'� _.--_�.
<br /> � �uxes und atisetisments whicb may nituin priority ovcr thi,r•Security Intiln�ment us a licn on�hc Property;lbl yes+rly leusehold � °��'���' =-�-
<br /> . . �uymcnts or ground rentti on �hc Property, if uny: lr) yrurly hu�urJ a� pn�pert} insuraixc premiums; 1d1 ycarly flood _
<br /> insurarxe pmmiums, if nny: le) ycurly mon�Age insur.�nce pnmiums, it any; and lll aoy �um� puya6le by �orrower to �'•:',""';�°�Y;�y--^--".
<br /> . . LenJer,in uccaniance with the pruvi�i�ms of purugraph S,in lieu of thc paymen�ot'monFuge in.uran�e premiums. Thetie '"
<br /> '' items are called"Escrow ltem.." Lender may.at any time,collect and hold Fund,in an amount not m exceed the maximum '-
<br /> . �rnount a I�nder Co�a federally related mongage Inan muy require fnr BoROwers escraw uccoum under the federul Real �''=`�".�.�-'"�� �_
<br /> �state S�tUement Procedures Act of 1�7d as umendNd fram timr to time, I?U.S.0 Z 2601 er xry.1"RESPA").unlcas anah�r .:<<'�.f":��,;.
<br /> J�..�
<br /> �•� law�hAt npplies to the Funds se�s u IetixNr amaunt. If sa,Lender muy,ut Any time,callect and hald Funds in an umount not to ,::,.,�,_,
<br /> ��� exceed ihe lesser amount. Leade�may estimpte the umauM oi Fundt due on ihe bASi�of currem dA1a und reasonabte , 'r,.,��H�,�,r;:�;;
<br /> ��11'��` � � etiiimAtes of expendi�ures of fu�ure Esc�aw�ltems o�othenvise in uccordance with applicuble I�w•. ��==��==�=-�_
<br /> � ;5;,.2�, ..� ,litso;ir,�,::
<br /> :'� � ''•;1..:M1i;.;,;;l;,,',P,�,+ . The Funds whall be hetd in an inxti�u�ion whoce de�+osi�s are insured by u fede�ul agenr�. ins�rumentAli�y, or entity '•'��;P�,{ae�:;_r..��r�-=--
<br /> . ':� i ,; r�. �;rt., , ,� :. . PP Y Pa. .,�,.,.,;1,
<br /> .,,,1.,,�;;.,,;, , ._, limcluding l.eader,if Lender is su�h un imtitulionl or in any Federal Hame Loan Bank. LenJer.hall u I ihe Fundti tu � Y"�'"'�7
<br /> � • ;:•'•, •4 ••� ihe Esrroµ Item.. Lender ma� noi churge B��nrntirr for holding und upplying �hr Funds,unnuully unulyring the rscro�� ��-'�
<br /> ��• c,t ; • .;;';i ;:�.�„•
<br /> ,�:is ! � '�1 ., ��r:'•1. ; ACCOUIII, or vcrifying the Escmw ltcros, unksx Lender p�ys Borrower iMerest on the Funds und upplicnblc luw pertnits � --_
<br /> • :� � Lender 10 muke surh a charge. Howevcr. Lcndcr muy rcquire Borrower ta puy u one-limc churgc fnr un independent reul ���''" _
<br /> etiwte tax rcponing tiervice used by LenJer in connection with thir�loun,unles.upplicuble law providc���therwise. Unlesr c�n �"`'�'_"��
<br /> agrcement is madc ur vpplicablc luw rcyuirex intere+t to hc paid,Lender shull nut Ix rcyuireJ�o puy Borrower uny interc�t ur �~���!'::
<br />